Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Piezo-based micro pump

Research is focused on the following key areas: manufacturing systems, manufacturing processes, advanced machining processes, micro/nano fabrication and finishing, nanotechnology, bioengineering, nano-composites, MEMS, laser/plasma surface coating technologies, large deformation systems, CAM of advanced engineering materials, polymer processing and rheology, lab on chip, vibration control of machine tools, adaptive control system, unconventional machining, solid-liquid phase change (melting/solidification).

The entire research in Manufacturing stream is divided into the following five tracks.

Participating Faculty

Research Laboratories

Advanced Nano-engineering Materials Laboratory AFM, SEM, Raman, DSC, TGA, DMA, UTM, PECVD, etc
Computational Manufacturing Systems Laboratory (New Lab) Individual desktop computers
Manufacturing Lab
  • Pathak milling machine 600 X 180 X 200
  • Addison tool & cutter grinder m/c
  • Maximate Compact-600 (Bed Size)
  • Fluid Power Hydraulic Press-10Ton
  • HMT Radial Drill M/c - RM-61
  • HMT LB-25 Centre Lathe
  • HMT LB-17 Centre Lathe -02Nos
Micro systems Fabrication Laboratory Wire Bonder, Desk Top Mask Aligner, DI water system, Chemical Balance, Fume Hood, Gravity Convection Oven, Optical Table, Spin Coater, Air cooled Chiller, Sputtering / PECVD Dual System, Oxidation Furnace, Dicing Saw
Solidification Laboratory (New Lab) Coming up
Tribology and Surface Engineering Lab Tribometers, 3D Optical Profiler, Oven, Dip-coater