Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Concise Syllabus:

Overview of smart materials, Piezoelectric Ceramics, Piezo-polymers, Magnetostrictive Materials, Electroactive Polymers, Shape Memory Alloys, Electro and Magneto Rheological Fluids, Modelling of smart materials, introduction to composite smart materials, Mechanics of smart composite materials, Smart sensors based on high bandwidth low strain smart materials, Low-bandwidth high strain smart actuators, Micro-electro mechanical Smart Systems, Intelligent devices based on smart materials, Applications of Smart Actuators: Active and Hybrid Vibration Control, Active Shape Control, Distributed Sensing and Control of Smart Beams.

Lecture Wise Break Up

I. Overview of Smart Materials

  • Introduction to Smart Materials, Principles of Piezoelectricty, Perovskyte Piezoceramic Materials,   Single Crystals vs Polycrystalline Systems, Piezoelectric Polymers, Principles of Magnetostriction, Rare earth Magnetostrictive materials, Giant Magnetostriction and Magneto-resistance Effect, Introduction to Electro-active Materials, Electronic Materials, Electro-active Polymers, Ionic Polymer Matrix Composite (IPMC), Shape Memory Effect, Shape Memory Alloys, Shape Memory Polymers, Electro-rheological Fluids, Magneto Rhelological Fluids [12]

II. High-Band Width, Low Strain Smart Sensors

  • Piezeoelctric Strain Sensors, In-plane and Out-of Plane Sensing, Shear Sensing, Accelerometers, Effect of Electrode Pattern, Active Fibre Sensing, Magnetostrictive Sensing, Villari Effect, Matteuci Effect and Nagoka-Honda Effect, Magnetic Delay Line Sensing, Application of Smart Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), System Identification using Smart Sensors [8]

III. Smart Actuators

  • Modelling Piezoelectric Actuators, Amplified Piezo Actuation – Internal and External Amplifications, Magnetostrictive Actuation, Joule Effect, Wiedemann Effect, Magnetovolume Effect, Magnetostrictive Mini Actuators, IPMC and Polymeric Actuators, Shape Memory Actuators, Active Vibration Control, Active Shape Control, Passive Vibration Control, Hybrid Vibration Control [8]

IV. Smart Composites

  • Review of Composite Materials, Micro and Macro-mechanics, Modelling Laminated Composites based on Classical Laminated Plate Theory, Effect of Shear Deformation, Dynamics of Smart Composite Beam, Governing Equation of Motion, Finite Element Modelling of Smart Composite Beams [8]

V. Advances in Smart Structures & Materials

  • Self-Sensing Piezoelectric Transducers, Energy Harvesting Materials, Autophagous Materials, Self-Healing Polymers, Intelligent System Design, Emergent System Design [6]
  1. Brian Culshaw, Smart Structures and Materials, Artech House, 2000
  2. Gauenzi, P., Smart Structures, Wiley, 2009
  3. Cady, W. G., Piezoelectricity, Dover Publication