Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Pre-requisite: Instructor's permission
Aimed at:
Postgraduates and advanced undergraduates
Other Departments:

Materials Science and Engineering Aerospace Engineering, Materials Science Programme, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Design Programme.

Course Description:

Additive Manufacturing ( AM) is a process of joining materials to make objects from 3D model data, usual y layer up on layer, as opposed to subtractive manufacturing methodologies, such as traditional machining. The basic principle of AM is that a model, initially generated using a three-dimensional Computer Aided Design (3D CAD) system, can be fabricated directly. AM technologies have significantly evolved over the last decade. Because of their potential to extensively transform the nature of manufacturing processes, e.g ., by enabling "Freedom of Design" several industries have been attracted by these technologies. Using AM, manufacturing of highly complex parts can be an economically viable alternative to convention al manufacturing technologies. AM processes can be categorized by the type of material used, the deposition technique or by the way the material is fused or solidified. Over the years, many AM processes have emerged which have their own advantages and limitations. This course is an elective subject for PG/UG students who intend to study additive manufacturing. The main objective of this course is to acquaint students with the concept of AM, various AM technologies, selection of materials for AM, modeling of AM processes, and their applications in various fields. Towards modelling in AM, relevant case studies have been included to introduce the students to the mathematical models for AM to describe the transport phenomena such as heat/mass transfer and fluid flow. The course will also cover AM process plan including building strategies and post-processing.

Course Content:
Module Topic No. of hours
I: Introduction to Additive Manufacturing (AM) General overview
Introduction to reverse engineering Traditional manufacturing vis AM
Computer aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM) and AM Different AM processes and relevant process physics AM process chain
Application level: Direct
processes - Rapid
  Prototyping, Rapid Tooling. Rapid Manufacturing; Indirect Processes - Indirect Prototyping. Indirect Tooling, Indirect Manufacturing  
2: Materials science for AM Discussion on different materials used Use of multiple materials, multifunctional and graded materials in AM
Role of solidification rate Evolution of non-equilibrium structure Structure property
Grain structure and microstructure
3: AM technologies Powder-based AM processes involving sintering and melting (selective laser sintering, shaping, electron beam melting. involvement).
Printing processes (drop!et based 3D
Solid-based AM processes - extrusion based fused
deposition modeling
object Stereolitho graphy
Micro- and nano-additive


4: Mathematical models for AM Transport phenomena models: 03
  temperature, fluid flow
and composition, buoyancy driven
tension driven free surface flow pool)
Case studies: Numerical Modeling of
AM process, Powder bed melting based process,
  Droplet based printing process Residual stress, part fabrication time,
cost, optimal orientation and optimal Defect in AM and role of transport
Simulations (choice of parameter, Mo de! validation for different
5: Process selection, planning, control for AM Selection of AM technologies using decision methods 02
  Additive manufacturing process plan: 01
  strategies and post processing. Monitoring and control of defects, transformation 03
    Total= 40
Reference Texts:
  1. Ian Gibson, David W. Rosen, Brent Stucker, Additive manufacturing technologies: rapid prototyping to direct digital manufacturing Springer, 2010.
  2. Andreas Gebhardt, Understanding additive manufacturing: rapid prototyping, rapid tooling, rapid manufacturing, Hanser Publishers, 2011.
  3. J.D. Majumdar and I. Manna,  Laser-assisted  fabrication of materials, Springer Series in Material Science, e-ISBN: 978-3-642- 28359-8.
  4. L. Lu, J. Fuh and Y.-S. Wong, Laser-induced materials and processes for rapid prototyping, Kluwer Academic Press, 20 0 I.
  5. 5. Zhiqiang  Fan and Frank Liou, Numerical modeling  of the additive manufacturing (AM) processes  of titanium alloy, lnTech, 2012.
  6. C.K.  Chua,  K.F.  Leong  and  C.S.  Lim,  Rapid  prototyping: principles  and applications,  3rd Edition, World Scientific, 20 10.