Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Engineering Mathematics

The contents are relevant for engineering post-graduate students as well as interested undergraduate level students (with instructor permission). This course would cover (a) Micro- system technology to realize various biologically inspired systems and materials (b) Micro- fluidic systems (c)Various aspects of processes and methods derived from the microelectronic industry to realize micro-systems (d)Lab-on-chip technology (e) Biological and medical sensors. The course would also cover some introductory cell biology concepts and protein/ DNA chemistry etc. (Please also refer to an abstract highlighting the relevance and objectives).

I. Introduction to BioMEMS and Microsystems technology: (5 Lecture)

  • Basics of sensors. (1 Lecture)
  • Biochip Sensors & Microarrays (1 Lecture)
  • Introduction to device Fabrication. (2 Lecture)
  • Microfluidics (1 Lecture)

II. Sensing Technologies: (10 Lecture)

  • Potentiometric and Amperometric sensors (7 Lecture)
    Electrochemistry basics, Nersnt Equation, Referencing of electrodes, Nicolskii Eisenmann method of evaluation of electrode potential, Debye Huckel Theory, Zeta Potential on electrode surfaces, Cyclic Voltametry, Ion selectivity analysis.
  • Impedometric sensing, Optical Sensing (Fluorescence, phosphorescence, FRET, Visible range and IR sensing), Mechanical sensing etc. (2 Lecture)
  • Introduction to Microfluidic Sensor design. (1 Lecture)

III. Microfluidics (10 Lectures)

  • Fundamentals of fluid flow (1 lecture)
  • Continuum mechanics at small scales, Derivation of Conservation of Mass and Conservation of Momentum equations, Scaling laws. (2 lectures)
  • Low Reynold's no. flows, Entrance effects in micro-fluidic devices, Surface tension driven flows. (1 lecture)
  • Electro-kinetic flows (3 lecture)
    Electrophoresis, Electro-osmosis, Dielectrophoresis, Streaming potential and Sedimentation potential,
  • Micro-fluidics for internal flow control (micro-pumps and micro-valves, device building and characterization) (1 Lectures)
  • Micromixer design and characterization, Micro-fluidics for life sciences and chemistry. (2 Lectures)

IV. Introduction to Cell biology, DNA & Proteins for diagnostics: (10 Lectures)

  • Basics of the cell, DNA and proteins (1 Lecture)
  • Introduction to Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) (1 Lecture)
  • Microchip PCR (1 Lecture)
  • Design of micro-reactors (1 Lecture)
  • Space domain and time domain PCR reactors (1 Lecture)
  • Design of DNA microarrays (1 Lecture)
  • DNA and protein sensing (1 Lecture)
  • Protein structure (1 Lecture)
  • Protein transcription and translation (Protein structure coding) (2Lecture)

V. Microelectronic-fabrication processes: (05 Lectures)

  • Review of basic silicon processes (3 Lectures)
    Introduction to microelectronic fabrication, Optical lithography, photo-resists, Non optical lithography techniques, LIGA processes, Design Considerations, Vacuum science and plasmas, Etching techniques, Physical vapor deposition (evaporation and sputtering), Chemical vapor deposition.
  • Review of basic fabrication processes for polymers: (2 Lectures)
    Polymer materials for micro-systems, Polymeric micromachining technology like softlithography, Bulk and surface micromachining, replication technologies, laser machining, micro-stereo lithography, micro-molding, Assembly and packaging of micro-systems, Biocompatibility of materials and processes.
  1. Fundamentals of Microfabrication (Second Edition), Marc J. Madou, CRC press Taylor and Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL33487-2724, 2002.
  2. BioMEMS Technologies and Applications, Edited by Wanjun Wang, Steven A. Soper, CRC press Taylor and Francis Group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL33487-2724, 2006.
  3. Biomolecular sensing, processing and analysis, Rashid Bashir, Steve T. Werely, Mauro Ferrari, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 233 Spring Street, New York, NY10013, USA, 2006.
  4. Fundamentals and applications of Microfluidics, Nam-Trung Nguyen, Steve T. Werely, Artech house Inc., 685 Canton Street, Norwood, MA02062, 2002.
  5. The Science and Engineering of Microelectronic Fabrication (Second Edition), Stephen A. Cambell, Oxford University Press, 198, Madison Avenue, New York 10016, 2001.
  6. Molecular Biology of the Cell (fourth edition), Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis, Martin Raff, Kate Roberts, Peter Walter, Garland Sand, Taylor and Francis group, 6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300, Boca Raton, FL33487-2724, 2002.