Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Undergraduate research has grown to levels of sophistication today. Virtually, every university that is active in research has grown to understand the importance of research to be inculcated from the early days. In Mechanical Engineering department, besides teaching our experienced faculty members actively participate in undergraduate research program. Undergraduate research is a pedagogical tool that helps channelize the energy and enthusiasm of students into conceptual-based education, thereby igniting their minds to explore with curiosity the world around them. It can help students to

  1. Abridge the gap between class-room education and real world challenges, and learning the relevance of the curriculum that they undergo at the Institute, and
  2. Internalize and take ownership of the process of learning and education.

Thus, undergraduate research is seen as a vehicle to bring about a change in the approach of addressing the holistic development of undergraduate students at this Institute. It offers valuable experiences and benefits to all sections of the academic environment - students, mentors as well as the Institute.

SURGE Program

Under the Summer Undergraduate Research Grant for Excellence (SURGE) program, undergraduate students from IITK and other participating institutions undertake short duration, but focused research projects and push their intellectual abilities beyond those driven by the classroom.

A quantitative deliverable at the end of the 10 week program is the technical paper written by the student in association with the mentor(s). The acceptance of this paper by a refereed journal is one measure of the success of the undergraduate research. More valuable outcome, but difficult to quantify, is the personal and professional development of student. They also develop specific laboratory skills and research methodology. The impact of participation in undergraduate research will become obvious at a subsequent occasion, e.g., when the student chooses to go for graduate studies. Students will find themselves better prepared and equipped to make conscious career choices, because self-discovery during undergraduate research helps students realize one's strengths and choices.

SURGE overseas program for IITK students:

In this program, IITK students are given a unique opportunity to spend eight weeks of the summer at a prestigious overseas university. Interested students need to complete an online application form. In addition, two letters of recommendation are needed. For more details, follow the url:

SURGE program for IITK students at IIT Kanpur:

In this program, IITK students are given an opportunity to work with a chosen mentor at IITK. In order to complete the application, it is necessary for the student to identify a professor who agrees to be his/her mentor during the summer period, and a suitable project to pursue for the eight weeks in summer.