Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Nature and Properties of Materials

2L-0T-1P-0A (7 Credits)

Course Content:

History of engineering materials, Engineering materials, Materials property chart, Crystal structure, Imperfections of solids, Mechanism of strengthening in metals, Hall-Petch effect, X-ray diffraction, Fracture: Ductile, brittle, fatigue. Griffith criterion, S-N curve, Creep, Phase diagram (binary), Iron-carbon system, Heat treatment of metals, Electrical properties, Thermal properties, Magnetic properties, Optical properties, Corrosion, Oxidation, Thermal stability , Wear, abrasion, friction of materials, Characterization techniques: Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy, Polymer and its characterization, Viscoelasticity, Nanomaterials and its important properties at nanoscale, Composites: Characterization of composites, Ionic polymer matrix composites, Shape memory alloy, Intelligent Multifunctional materials, Economics, Environment, and Sustainability.

Lecturewise Breakup
  1. Introduction to course and history of engineering materials: (1 Lecture)
  2. Engineering materials: Materials property chart: (1 Lecture)
  3. Crystal structure: Unit cell, metallic crystal structure, crystal systems: (1 Lecture)
  4. Crystallographic direction and planes, miller indices: (2 Lectures)
  5. Imperfections of solids: Point defects (Vacancies and self interstitial, impurities; miscellaneous imperfections (dislocations, interfacial defect, bulk/volume defects) : (1 Lecture)
  6. Mechanism of strengthening in metals, Hall-Petch effect: (1 Lecture)
  7. X-ray diffraction: Determination of crystal structure: (1 Lecture)
  8. Fracture: Ductile, brittle, fatigue. Griffith criterion. S-N curve: (1 Lecture)
  9. Creep: Power law creep, Norton’s law, Mechanisms of creep deformation: (1 Lecture)
  10. Phase diagram (binary): Concept, solubility limit, microstructure, Iron-carbon system, heat treatment of metals: (3 Lectures)
  11. Electrical properties: Electrical conductivity, electronic and ionic conduction, dielectric strength, piezoelectricity: (1 Lecture)
  12. Thermal properties: Heat capacity, thermal expansion, thermal conductivity, thermal stress: (1 Lecture)
  13. Magnetic properties: Diamagnetism, paramagnetism, ferromagnetism: (1 Lecture)
  14. Optical properties of materials: Refraction, reflection, absorption, transmission, colour: (1 Lecture)
  15. Corrosion, Oxidation, Thermal stability and Phase transition of materials: Thermogravimetric analysis and differential thermal analyzer: (1 Lecture)
  16. Wear, abrasion, friction of materials: (1 Lecture)
  17. Characterization techniques: Optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy, atomic force microscopy: (1 Lecture)
  18. Polymer and its characterization: Molecular weight, viscosity, various modes of stress relaxation: (1 Lecture)
  19. Viscoelasticity: Dynamic mechanical analysis (Storage modulus, loss modulus, complex modulus, damping: (1 Lecture)
  20. Nanomaterials and its important properties at nanoscale: (1 Lecture)
  21. Composites: Classifications and processing of polymer matrix, ceramic matrix, metal matrix: (1 Lecture)
  22. Characterization of composites: volume fraction of fibers, fracture  strength, mechanical properties: (1 Lecture)
  23. Ionic polymer matrix composites,  Shape memory alloy, Intelligent Multifunctional materials: (1 Lecture)
  24. Economics, Environment, and Sustainability: (1 Lecture)
Laboratory Sessions:
  1. Studies of strain-strain behavior of steel, aluminium, plastic and elastomer (stress-strain, true stress-true strain, elastic limit, modulus, strain energy, hysteresis loss, elastic deformation and plastic deformation, yield strength).
  2. Studies of hardness of steel, aluminium, composite, plastic and elastomer by Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers , Shore A and Shore D and its relationship with tensile strength.
  3. Fatigue behavior of steel, aluminium and elastomers.
  4. Tribological studies of different materials.
  5. Crack detection by magnetic particles.
  6. Izod and Drop tower Impact test of materials.

Total number of laboratory sessions: (06)

  1. Materials Science and Engineering: An introduction, William D. Callister, John Wiley and Sons.
  2. Mechanical Metallurgy, George Ellwood Dieter, McGraw-Hill.
  3. Engineering Materials 1: An Introduction to Properties, Applications and Design Michael F. Ashby, Elsevier.
  4. Materials Science and Engineering, V. Raghavan, Prentice Hall.