Mechanical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Featured Research

Droplet Hydrodynamics during Lysozyme Protein Crystallization
Chromium Etching by Laser
Energy optimal walk of an 8 DOF compliant biped robot
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Research activities in the Department of Mechanical Engineering are at the forefront of innovation, advancing knowledge and technological developments in the multifaceted disciplines of mechanical engineering, as well as in several cognate areas.

We conduct fundamental and applied research in broad areas of Mechanical Engineering, reaching well beyond traditionally identified domains. Current projects have an impact both locally and abroad, and cross disciplinary boundaries. With its signature research programs of national and international distinction, the department aims to make a positive contribution towards securing environmental, industrial, and societal sustainability. The diversity of research projects undertaken by our faculties is a measure of the strong track record of research. It is the result of the great synergy between the fundamental research and applied research done at our department.

Diverse Research Areas

Researchers are engaged in extremely diverse, and often inter-disciplinary projects that include probing the mysteries of a tiny cell to deciphering the Earth's geophysics; designing microfluidic sensors to developing the next-generation gas turbines; optimizing fuel cells to controlling nuclear plasmas to meet the nations' energy demands; estimating the strength of tangled polymer chains to employing sturdy composites for aerospace structures; harnessing the solar power to designing cleaner combustion devices for a pollution-free environment; understanding human origins to building humanoid robots. The opportunities and challenges are endless!

Research Environment

Research at our department is usually done by small individual led research groups and there are also large interdisciplinary project teams across several departments. The research environment supports highly creative work done by a small group. The department promotes research opportunities for undergraduate and postgraduate students by fostering an environment of discovery and creativity through resource allocation, mentoring, and recognition.
Faculty and students at IITK respect the fact that to do path-breaking research, in addition to knowledge about an area; one requires creativity, self-belief, courage and persistence. Great research requires risk taking ability. The IITK culture offers support and encouragement to take on challenging work. This enables researchers to work on the important problems in their field. The strong institutional support enables the researchers to ask tough questions knowing that finding the answers will take time and effort.

Strong Research Collaboration

Due to the vibrant research environment at IITK, there is regular exposure to new ideas, which helps young researchers to identify the current research thrust areas. Faculties often collaborate with other academic disciplines, Indian and foreign universities, research centres, and industry.

Independent Research

Quality research happens more often in a culture where free thinking is encouraged and that is very true for most of the departments at IITK. The researcher is supported by a dynamic research administration that has a non-bureaucratic work culture. The drive and commitment for research are sustained because at IITK, a researcher can enjoy the research work to the fullest.

Interdisciplinary Research

The department's initiatives are highly collaborative and multidisciplinary, involving researchers from most of the engineering streams, the physical and life sciences. There are inter-disciplinary academic programmes and inter-disciplinary research centres & facilities at IITK. These lead to great interdisciplinary interaction at IITK and facilitate collaboration for interdisciplinary research.

Teaching & Research

The teaching done by faculty helps the faculty grow. The faculty is encouraged to develop new courses based on their research. The faculty also have the freedom to modify existing courses to include content related to their research. The faculty benefit from the dedicated PhD students of IITK, who is a key to the success of research at IITK. At IITK, young faculty can start teaching early in their career, and this enhances their ability to do challenging research.