Signal Processing, Communications & Networks Courses
EE 200 SIGNALS, SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS Continuous and discrete time signals; Fourier series, Fourier, Laplace and Z tr\ansform techniques; DFT. Sampling Theorem. LTI systems: I/O description, impulse response and system functions, pole/ zero plots, FIR and IIR systems. Analog and digital filters. Networks: topological description, network theorems,Two port analysis.
EE 301 DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Review of discrete time signals and systems. Sampling of CT signals: aliasing, prefiltering, decimation and interpolation, A/D and D/A conversion, quantization noise. Filter design techniques. DFT Computation. Fourier analysis of signals using DFT. Finite register length effects. DSP hardware. Applications. .
EE 320 PRINCIPLES OF COMMUNICATION Communication problem and system models. Representation of deterministic and stochastic signals. Analog and digital modulation systems, Receiver structures, SNR and error probability calculations, Frequency and time division multiplexing. Digital encoding of analog signals. Elements of information theory, Multiple access techniques and ISDN.
EE 321 COMMUNICATION SYSTEMS Information measures. Source coding. ISI & channel equalization, partial response signalling. M-ary modulation systems, error probability calculations. PLLs and FM threshold extension. Error control coding, block and convolution codes. Combined modulation and coding, trellis coded modulation. Spread spectrum systems.
EE 403 ADVANCED DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING Review of linear algebra; functional analysis, time-frequency representation; frequency scale and resolution; uncertainity principle, short-time Fourier transform, Multi-resolution concept and analysis, Wavelet transforms. Wigner-ville distributions. Multi-rate signal processing; discrete-time bases and filter banks; 2D signals and systems, 2D sampling in arbitrary lattices, 2D-linear transforms, 1D/2D signal compression; introduction to DSP architecture.
EE 422 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ENGINEERING Baseband signal characterisation-telegraphy, telephony, television and data; message channel objective; voice frequency transmission, radio wave propagation methods: random noise characterization in communication systems, intermodulation distortion : line of sight systems description and design; troposcattrer systems.
EE 600 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES OF SIGNALS & SYSTEMS Nature of definitions; Theory of measurement and scales; Symmetry, invariance and groups; Groups in signals and systems; Algebraic and relational structures of signal spaces and convolutional systems; Representation theory of groups, harmonic analysis and spectral theory for convolutional systems.
EE 601 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Generalized inverses, regularization of ill-posed problems. Eigen and singular value decompositions, generalized problems. Interpolation and approximation by least squares and minimax error criteria. Optimization techniques for linear and nonlinear problems. Applications in various areas of signal processing.
EE 602 STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING I Power Spectrum Estimation-Parametric and Maximum Entropy Methods, Wiener, Kalman Filtering, Levinson-Durban Algorithms Least Square Method, Adaptive Filtering, Nonstationary Signal Analysis, Wigner-Ville Distribution, Wavelet Analysis.
EE 603 ADVANCED TOPICS IN DIGITAL FILTERING Multirate Processing of discrete Time Signals; Orthogonal Digital Filter Systems. Two-Dimensional Discrete Time Filters. VLSI Computing structures for Signal Processing.
EE 604 IMAGE PROCESSING Human visual system and image perception, monochrome & colour vision models, colour representation ; image sampling & quantization; 2-D systems; image transforms; image coding; stochastic models for image representation; image enhancement, restoration & reconstruction. Image analysis using multiresolution techniques.
EE 605 INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL ANALYSIS Discrete and Continuous time signals and systems, LTI systems, Convolution, Difference equations. Frequency domain representation: Fourier transform and its properties. Random discrete signals. Sampling and reconstruction: Change of sampling rate. Normed vector spaces, basis, linear independence, orthogonality. Linear systems of equations. Over- and Underdetermined systems. Row- and Column spaces, Null spaces. Least square and minimum norm solutions. Inverse and pseudo inverse, Symmetry transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Hilbert transforms, band pass representations and complex envelope. Base band pulse transmission, matched filtering, ISI, equalization. Coherent and noncoherent detection.
EE 606 ARCHITECTURE AND APPLICATIONS OF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSORS Review of DSP fundamentals. Issues involved in DSP processor design - speed, cost, accuracy, pipelining, parallelism, quantization error, etc. Key DSP hardware elements - Multiplier, ALU, Shifter, Address Generator, etc. TMS 320C55 X and TM 320C6X and 21000 family architecture and instruction set. Software development tools - assembler, linker and simulator. Applications using DSP Processor - spectral analysis, FIR/IIR filter, linear-predictive coding, etc.
EE 607 WAVELET TRANSFORMS FOR SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Basics of functional Analysis; Basics of Fourier Analysis; Spectral Theory; Time- Frequency representations; Nonstationary Processes; Continuous Wavelet Transforms; Discrete Time-Frequency Transforms; Multi resolution Analysis; Time-Frequency Localization; Signal Processing Applications; Image Processing Applications
EE 609 BASICS OF BIOMEDICAL SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Speech and pathology of vocal tract/ cords, Perpetual coding of audio signal and data compression, Spatio-temporal nature of bioelectric signals, cardiac generator and its models, Specific digital technique for bioelectric signals, Modes of medical imaging.
EE 621 REPRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RANDOM SIGNALS Review of probability, random variables, random processes; representation of narrow band signals. Transmission of signals through LTI systems; Estimation and detection with random sequences; BAYES, MMSE, MAP, ML schemes. KL and sampling theorem representations, matched filter, ambiguity functions, Markov sequences, linear stochastic dynamical systems.
EE 622 COMMUNICATION THEORY Rate Distortion Theory, Channel Coding Theorems, Digital Modulation Schemes, Trellis Coded Modulation, Digital Transmission over Bandlimited Channels, Fading Multipath Channels, Synchronization. Analog Modulation Schemes, Optimum/ Suboptimum Receivers; Diversity Combining; Cellular Mobile Communciation; Equalization.
EE 623 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION THEORY Classical Detection and Estimation Theory, Signal Representation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Waveform estimation, Linear estimation problems, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
EE 624 INFORMATION AND CODING THEORY Entropy and mutual information, rate distortion function, source coding, variable length coding, discrete memoryless channels, capacity cost functions, channel coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes. Convolutional codes, sequential and probabilistic decoding, majority logic decoding, burst error-correcting codes.
EE 625 SATELLITE COMMUNICATION Introduction. Historical background and overall perspective; Satellite network modeling ; Link calculations; FM analysis; TV Transmission; Digital modulation; Error control; Multiple access; FDMA, TDMA, CDMA. Orbital considerations; Launching; Atmospheric effects; Transponders; Earth Stations; VSATs.
EE 627 SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING Spectral and non-spectral analysis techniques; Model-based coding techniques; Noise reduction and echo cancellation; Synthetic and coded speech quality assessment; Selection of recognition unit; Model-based recognition; Language modelling; Speaker Identification; Text analysis and text-to-speech synthesis.
EE 628 TOPICS IN CRYPTOGRAPY AND CODING Cryptography and error control coding in communication and computing systems. Stream and block ciphers; DES; public-key cryptosystems; key management, authentication and digital signatures. Codes as ideals in finite commutative rings and group algebras. Joint coding and cryptography.
EE 629 DIGITAL SWITCHING Network Architecture; time division multiplexing; digital switching; space & time division switching, cross point and memory requirements; blocking probabilities. traffic Analysis, models for circuit and packet switched systems, performance comparison; ISDN.
EE 658 FUZZYSET,LOGIC & SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Introduction, Uncertainity, Imprecision and Vagueness, Fuzzy systems, Brief history of Fuzzy logic, Foundation of Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Systems in Commercial Products, Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory, Classical sets and Fuzzy sets, Classical Relations, Fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy to crisp conversions, Fuzzy arithmetic, Numbers, Vectors and the extension principle, Classical logic and Fuzzy logic, Mathematical background of Fuzzy Systems, Classical (Crisp) vs, Fuzzy sets, Representation of Fuzzy sets, Types of Membership Functions, Basic Concepts (support, singleton, height, a-cut projections), Fuzzy set operations, S-and T- Norms, Properties of Fuzzy sets, Sets as Points in Hypercube, Cartesian Product, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, Examples, Liguistic variables and hedges, Membership function design. Basic Principles of Inference in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules, Canonical Form, Fuzzy Systems and Algorithms, Approximate Reasoning, Forms of Fuzzy Implication, Fuzzy Inference Engines, Graphical Techniques of Inference, Fuzzyifications/ DeFuzzification, Fuzzy System Design and its Elements, Design options. Fuzzy Events, Fuzzy Measures, Possibility Distributions as Fuzzy Sets, Possibility vs, Probability, Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators, Additive Fuzzy Systems (standard additive model).
EE 671 NEURAL NETWORKS Theory of representation; Two computational paradigms; Multi-layer networks; Auto-associative and hetero-associative nets; Learning in neural nets: Supervised and unsupervised learning; Application of neural nets; Neural network simulators.
EE 672 COMPUTER VISION AND DOCUMENT PROCESSING Human and computer vision, Image representation and modelling, Line and edge detection, Labeling, Image segmentation, Pattern recognition, Statistical, structural neural and hybrid techniques, Training & classification, Document analysis and optical character recognition, object recognition, Scene matching & analysis, Robotic version, Role of knowledge.
EE 673 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS OSI model, queueing theory, physical layer, error detection and correction, data link layer, ARQ strategies, framing, media access layer, modelling and analysis of important media access control protocols, FDDI and DQDB MAC protocols for LANs and MANs, network layer, flow control & routing, TCP/IP protocols, ATM.
EE 676 DIGITAL MOBILE RADIO SYSTEM Introduction to Mobile Radio networks, channel description and analysis, Propagation Effects, Technologies, TDMA/CDMA Techniques, Architectures, Cellular Systems, GSM Systems, Mobile Satellite Communication, Wireless ATM, Third Generation Cellular, Universal Mobile Telecommunication Systems (UMTS).
EE 678 NEURAL SYSTEMS AND NETWORKS Memory: Eric Kandel's memory and its physiological basis, Explicit and Implicit memories, Short Term and Long Term potentiation (STP and LTP), Hopfield's Model of Associative Memories, its comparison with Kandel's model, Stability of Hopefield net, its use as CAM, Hamming's Model and comparision of number of weights, Learning: Supervised and Unsupervised nets, Learning Methods, Neural systems: Different types of neurons, dendrites, axons, role of Na+ K+ AT Pase and resting potentials, synaptic junctions and transmission of action potentials, Consciousness and its correlation with respiratory sinus arrythmia, a bioinstrumentation scheme for its measurement; Neural nets for technical applications: Bidirectional Associative Memories, (SAMs), Radial Basic, Function nets. Boltzmann machine, Wavelet nets, Cellular Neural Nets and Fuzzy nets.
Courses Offered to PG Students
EE 601 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Generalized inverses, regularization of ill-posed problems. Eigen and singular value decompositions, generalized problems. Interpolation and approximation by least squares and minimax error criteria. Optimization techniques for linear and nonlinear problems. Applications in various areas of signal processing.
EE 604 IMAGE PROCESSING Human visual system and image perception, monochrome & colour vision models, colour representation ; image sampling & quantization; 2-D systems; image transforms; image coding; stochastic models for image representation; image enhancement, restoration & reconstruction. Image analysis using multiresolution techniques.
EE 605 INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL ANALYSIS Discrete and Continuous time signals and systems, LTI systems, Convolution, Difference equations. Frequency domain representation: Fourier transform and its properties. Random discrete signals. Sampling and reconstruction: Change of sampling rate. Normed vector spaces, basis, linear independence, orthogonality. Linear systems of equations. Over- and Underdetermined systems. Row- and Column spaces, Null spaces. Least square and minimum norm solutions. Inverse and pseudo inverse, Symmetry transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Hilbert transforms, band pass representations and complex envelope. Base band pulse transmission, matched filtering, ISI, equalization. Coherent and noncoherent detection.
EE 621 REPRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RANDOM SIGNALS Review of probability, random variables, random processes; representation of narrow band signals. Transmission of signals through LTI systems; Estimation and detection with random sequences; BAYES, MMSE, MAP, ML schemes. KL and sampling theorem representations, matched filter, ambiguity functions, Markov sequences, linear stochastic dynamical systems.
EE 627 SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING Spectral and non-spectral analysis techniques; Model-based coding techniques; Noise reduction and echo cancellation; Synthetic and coded speech quality assessment; Selection of recognition unit; Model-based recognition; Language modelling; Speaker Identification; Text analysis and text-to-speech synthesis.
EE 673 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS OSI model, queueing theory, physical layer, error detection and correction, data link layer, ARQ strategies, framing, media access layer, modelling and analysis of important media access control protocols, FDDI and DQDB MAC protocols for LANs and MANs, network layer, flow control & routing, TCP/IP protocols, ATM.
EE 600 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES OF SIGNALS & SYSTEMS Nature of definitions; Theory of measurement and scales; Symmetry, invariance and groups; Groups in signals and systems; Algebraic and relational structures of signal spaces and convolutional systems; Representation theory of groups, harmonic analysis and spectral theory for convolutional systems.
EE 602 STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING I Power Spectrum Estimation-Parametric and Maximum Entropy Methods, Wiener, Kalman Filtering, Levinson-Durban Algorithms Least Square Method, Adaptive Filtering, Nonstationary Signal Analysis, Wigner-Ville Distribution, Wavelet Analysis.
EE 622 COMMUNICATION THEORY Rate Distortion Theory, Channel Coding Theorems, Digital Modulation Schemes, Trellis Coded Modulation, Digital Transmission over Bandlimited Channels, Fading Multipath Channels, Synchronization. Analog Modulation Schemes, Optimum/ Suboptimum Receivers; Diversity Combining; Cellular Mobile Communciation; Equalization.
EE 623 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION THEORY Classical Detection and Estimation Theory, Signal Representation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Waveform estimation, Linear estimation problems, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
EE 628 TOPICS IN CRYPTOGRAPY AND CODING Cryptography and error control coding in communication and computing systems. Stream and block ciphers; DES; public-key cryptosystems; key management, authentication and digital signatures. Codes as ideals in finite commutative rings and group algebras. Joint coding and cryptography.
EE 629 DIGITAL SWITCHING Network Architecture; time division multiplexing; digital switching; space & time division switching, cross point and memory requirements; blocking probabilities. traffic Analysis, models for circuit and packet switched systems, performance comparison; ISDN.
EE 658 FUZZYSET,LOGIC & SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Introduction, Uncertainity, Imprecision and Vagueness, Fuzzy systems, Brief history of Fuzzy logic, Foundation of Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Systems in Commercial Products, Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory, Classical sets and Fuzzy sets, Classical Relations, Fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy to crisp conversions, Fuzzy arithmetic, Numbers, Vectors and the extension principle, Classical logic and Fuzzy logic, Mathematical background of Fuzzy Systems, Classical (Crisp) vs, Fuzzy sets, Representation of Fuzzy sets, Types of Membership Functions, Basic Concepts (support, singleton, height, a-cut projections), Fuzzy set operations, S-and T- Norms, Properties of Fuzzy sets, Sets as Points in Hypercube, Cartesian Product, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, Examples, Liguistic variables and hedges, Membership function design. Basic Principles of Inference in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules, Canonical Form, Fuzzy Systems and Algorithms, Approximate Reasoning, Forms of Fuzzy Implication, Fuzzy Inference Engines, Graphical Techniques of Inference, Fuzzyifications/ DeFuzzification, Fuzzy System Design and its Elements, Design options. Fuzzy Events, Fuzzy Measures, Possibility Distributions as Fuzzy Sets, Possibility vs, Probability, Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators, Additive Fuzzy Systems (standard additive model).
EE 671 NEURAL NETWORKS Theory of representation; Two computational paradigms; Multi-layer networks; Auto-associative and hetero-associative nets; Learning in neural nets: Supervised and unsupervised learning; Application of neural nets; Neural network simulators.
EE 601 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Generalized inverses, regularization of ill-posed problems. Eigen and singular value decompositions, generalized problems. Interpolation and approximation by least squares and minimax error criteria. Optimization techniques for linear and nonlinear problems. Applications in various areas of signal processing
EE 604 IMAGE PROCESSING Human visual system and image perception, monochrome & colour vision models, colour representation ; image sampling & quantization; 2-D systems; image transforms; image coding; stochastic models for image representation; image enhancement, restoration & reconstruction. Image analysis using multiresolution techniques.
EE 605 INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL ANALYSIS Discrete and Continuous time signals and systems, LTI systems, Convolution, Difference equations. Frequency domain representation: Fourier transform and its properties. Random discrete signals. Sampling and reconstruction: Change of sampling rate. Normed vector spaces, basis, linear independence, orthogonality. Linear systems of equations. Over- and Underdetermined systems. Row- and Column spaces, Null spaces. Least square and minimum norm solutions. Inverse and pseudo inverse, Symmetry transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Hilbert transforms, band pass representations and complex envelope. Base band pulse transmission, matched filtering, ISI, equalization. Coherent and noncoherent detection.
EE 621 REPRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RANDOM SIGNALS Review of probability, random variables, random processes; representation of narrow band signals. Transmission of signals through LTI systems; Estimation and detection with random sequences; BAYES, MMSE, MAP, ML schemes. KL and sampling theorem representations, matched filter, ambiguity functions, Markov sequences, linear stochastic dynamical systems.
EE 624 INFORMATION AND CODING THEORY Entropy and mutual information, rate distortion function, source coding, variable length coding, discrete memoryless channels, capacity cost functions, channel coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes. Convolutional codes, sequential and probabilistic decoding, majority logic decoding, burst error-correcting codes.
EE 627 SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING Spectral and non-spectral analysis techniques; Model-based coding techniques; Noise reduction and echo cancellation; Synthetic and coded speech quality assessment; Selection of recognition unit; Model-based recognition; Language modelling; Speaker Identification; Text analysis and text-to-speech synthesis.
EE 658 FUZZYSET,LOGIC & SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Introduction, Uncertainity, Imprecision and Vagueness, Fuzzy systems, Brief history of Fuzzy logic, Foundation of Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Systems in Commercial Products, Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory, Classical sets and Fuzzy sets, Classical Relations, Fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy to crisp conversions, Fuzzy arithmetic, Numbers, Vectors and the extension principle, Classical logic and Fuzzy logic, Mathematical background of Fuzzy Systems, Classical (Crisp) vs, Fuzzy sets, Representation of Fuzzy sets, Types of Membership Functions, Basic Concepts (support, singleton, height, a-cut projections), Fuzzy set operations, S-and T- Norms, Properties of Fuzzy sets, Sets as Points in Hypercube, Cartesian Product, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, Examples, Liguistic variables and hedges, Membership function design. Basic Principles of Inference in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules, Canonical Form, Fuzzy Systems and Algorithms, Approximate Reasoning, Forms of Fuzzy Implication, Fuzzy Inference Engines, Graphical Techniques of Inference, Fuzzyifications/ DeFuzzification, Fuzzy System Design and its Elements, Design options. Fuzzy Events, Fuzzy Measures, Possibility Distributions as Fuzzy Sets, Possibility vs, Probability, Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators, Additive Fuzzy Systems (standard additive model).
EE 673 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS OSI model, queueing theory, physical layer, error detection and correction, data link layer, ARQ strategies, framing, media access layer, modelling and analysis of important media access control protocols, FDDI and DQDB MAC protocols for LANs and MANs, network layer, flow control & routing, TCP/IP protocols, ATM.
EE 622 COMMUNICATION THEORY Rate Distortion Theory, Channel Coding Theorems, Digital Modulation Schemes, Trellis Coded Modulation, Digital Transmission over Bandlimited Channels, Fading Multipath Channels, Synchronization. Analog Modulation Schemes, Optimum/ Suboptimum Receivers; Diversity Combining; Cellular Mobile Communciation; Equalization.
EE 623 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION THEORY Classical Detection and Estimation Theory, Signal Representation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Waveform estimation, Linear estimation problems, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
EE 671 NEURAL NETWORKS Theory of representation; Two computational paradigms; Multi-layer networks; Auto-associative and hetero-associative nets; Learning in neural nets: Supervised and unsupervised learning; Application of neural nets; Neural network simulators.
EE 601 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Generalized inverses, regularization of ill-posed problems. Eigen and singular value decompositions, generalized problems. Interpolation and approximation by least squares and minimax error criteria. Optimization techniques for linear and nonlinear problems. Applications in various areas of signal processing
EE 604 IMAGE PROCESSING Human visual system and image perception, monochrome & colour vision models, colour representation ; image sampling & quantization; 2-D systems; image transforms; image coding; stochastic models for image representation; image enhancement, restoration & reconstruction. Image analysis using multiresolution techniques.
EE 605 INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL ANALYSIS Discrete and Continuous time signals and systems, LTI systems, Convolution, Difference equations. Frequency domain representation: Fourier transform and its properties. Random discrete signals. Sampling and reconstruction: Change of sampling rate. Normed vector spaces, basis, linear independence, orthogonality. Linear systems of equations. Over- and Underdetermined systems. Row- and Column spaces, Null spaces. Least square and minimum norm solutions. Inverse and pseudo inverse, Symmetry transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Hilbert transforms, band pass representations and complex envelope. Base band pulse transmission, matched filtering, ISI, equalization. Coherent and noncoherent detection.
EE 607 WAVELET TRANSFORMS FOR SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Basics of functional Analysis; Basics of Fourier Analysis; Spectral Theory; Time- Frequency representations; Nonstationary Processes; Continuous Wavelet Transforms; Discrete Time-Frequency Transforms; Multi resolution Analysis; Time-Frequency Localization; Signal Processing Applications; Image Processing Applications
EE 621 REPRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RANDOM SIGNALS Review of probability, random variables, random processes; representation of narrow band signals. Transmission of signals through LTI systems; Estimation and detection with random sequences; BAYES, MMSE, MAP, ML schemes. KL and sampling theorem representations, matched filter, ambiguity functions, Markov sequences, linear stochastic dynamical systems.
EE 624 INFORMATION AND CODING THEORY Entropy and mutual information, rate distortion function, source coding, variable length coding, discrete memoryless channels, capacity cost functions, channel coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes. Convolutional codes, sequential and probabilistic decoding, majority logic decoding, burst error-correcting codes.
EE 627 SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING Spectral and non-spectral analysis techniques; Model-based coding techniques; Noise reduction and echo cancellation; Synthetic and coded speech quality assessment; Selection of recognition unit; Model-based recognition; Language modelling; Speaker Identification; Text analysis and text-to-speech synthesis.
EE 629 DIGITAL SWITCHING Network Architecture; time division multiplexing; digital switching; space & time division switching, cross point and memory requirements; blocking probabilities. traffic Analysis, models for circuit and packet switched systems, performance comparison; ISDN.
EE 658 FUZZYSET,LOGIC & SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Introduction, Uncertainity, Imprecision and Vagueness, Fuzzy systems, Brief history of Fuzzy logic, Foundation of Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Systems in Commercial Products, Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory, Classical sets and Fuzzy sets, Classical Relations, Fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy to crisp conversions, Fuzzy arithmetic, Numbers, Vectors and the extension principle, Classical logic and Fuzzy logic, Mathematical background of Fuzzy Systems, Classical (Crisp) vs, Fuzzy sets, Representation of Fuzzy sets, Types of Membership Functions, Basic Concepts (support, singleton, height, a-cut projections), Fuzzy set operations, S-and T- Norms, Properties of Fuzzy sets, Sets as Points in Hypercube, Cartesian Product, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, Examples, Liguistic variables and hedges, Membership function design. Basic Principles of Inference in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules, Canonical Form, Fuzzy Systems and Algorithms, Approximate Reasoning, Forms of Fuzzy Implication, Fuzzy Inference Engines, Graphical Techniques of Inference, Fuzzyifications/ DeFuzzification, Fuzzy System Design and its Elements, Design options. Fuzzy Events, Fuzzy Measures, Possibility Distributions as Fuzzy Sets, Possibility vs, Probability, Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators, Additive Fuzzy Systems (standard additive model).
EE 673 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS OSI model, queueing theory, physical layer, error detection and correction, data link layer, ARQ strategies, framing, media access layer, modelling and analysis of important media access control protocols, FDDI and DQDB MAC protocols for LANs and MANs, network layer, flow control & routing, TCP/IP protocols, ATM.
EE 600 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES OF SIGNALS & SYSTEMS Nature of definitions; Theory of measurement and scales; Symmetry, invariance and groups; Groups in signals and systems; Algebraic and relational structures of signal spaces and convolutional systems; Representation theory of groups, harmonic analysis and spectral theory for convolutional systems.
EE 622 COMMUNICATION THEORY Rate Distortion Theory, Channel Coding Theorems, Digital Modulation Schemes, Trellis Coded Modulation, Digital Transmission over Bandlimited Channels, Fading Multipath Channels, Synchronization. Analog Modulation Schemes, Optimum/ Suboptimum Receivers; Diversity Combining; Cellular Mobile Communciation; Equalization.
EE 623 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION THEORY Classical Detection and Estimation Theory, Signal Representation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Waveform estimation, Linear estimation problems, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
EE 628 TOPICS IN CRYPTOGRAPY AND CODING Cryptography and error control coding in communication and computing systems. Stream and block ciphers; DES; public-key cryptosystems; key management, authentication and digital signatures. Codes as ideals in finite commutative rings and group algebras. Joint coding and cryptography.
EE 658 FUZZYSET,LOGIC & SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Introduction, Uncertainity, Imprecision and Vagueness, Fuzzy systems, Brief history of Fuzzy logic, Foundation of Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Systems in Commercial Products, Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory, Classical sets and Fuzzy sets, Classical Relations, Fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy to crisp conversions, Fuzzy arithmetic, Numbers, Vectors and the extension principle, Classical logic and Fuzzy logic, Mathematical background of Fuzzy Systems, Classical (Crisp) vs, Fuzzy sets, Representation of Fuzzy sets, Types of Membership Functions, Basic Concepts (support, singleton, height, a-cut projections), Fuzzy set operations, S-and T- Norms, Properties of Fuzzy sets, Sets as Points in Hypercube, Cartesian Product, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, Examples, Liguistic variables and hedges, Membership function design. Basic Principles of Inference in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules, Canonical Form, Fuzzy Systems and Algorithms, Approximate Reasoning, Forms of Fuzzy Implication, Fuzzy Inference Engines, Graphical Techniques of Inference, Fuzzyifications/ DeFuzzification, Fuzzy System Design and its Elements, Design options. Fuzzy Events, Fuzzy Measures, Possibility Distributions as Fuzzy Sets, Possibility vs, Probability, Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators, Additive Fuzzy Systems (standard additive model).
EE 671 NEURAL NETWORKS Theory of representation; Two computational paradigms; Multi-layer networks; Auto-associative and hetero-associative nets; Learning in neural nets: Supervised and unsupervised learning; Application of neural nets; Neural network simulators.
EE 602 STATISTICAL SIGNAL PROCESSING I Power Spectrum Estimation-Parametric and Maximum Entropy Methods, Wiener, Kalman Filtering, Levinson-Durban Algorithms Least Square Method, Adaptive Filtering, Nonstationary Signal Analysis, Wigner-Ville Distribution, Wavelet Analysis.
EE 604 IMAGE PROCESSING Human visual system and image perception, monochrome & colour vision models, colour representation ; image sampling & quantization; 2-D systems; image transforms; image coding; stochastic models for image representation; image enhancement, restoration & reconstruction. Image analysis using multiresolution techniques.
EE 605 INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL ANALYSIS Discrete and Continuous time signals and systems, LTI systems, Convolution, Difference equations. Frequency domain representation: Fourier transform and its properties. Random discrete signals. Sampling and reconstruction: Change of sampling rate. Normed vector spaces, basis, linear independence, orthogonality. Linear systems of equations. Over- and Underdetermined systems. Row- and Column spaces, Null spaces. Least square and minimum norm solutions. Inverse and pseudo inverse, Symmetry transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Hilbert transforms, band pass representations and complex envelope. Base band pulse transmission, matched filtering, ISI, equalization. Coherent and noncoherent detection.
EE 621 REPRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RANDOM SIGNALS Review of probability, random variables, random processes; representation of narrow band signals. Transmission of signals through LTI systems; Estimation and detection with random sequences; BAYES, MMSE, MAP, ML schemes. KL and sampling theorem representations, matched filter, ambiguity functions, Markov sequences, linear stochastic dynamical systems.
EE 624 INFORMATION AND CODING THEORY Entropy and mutual information, rate distortion function, source coding, variable length coding, discrete memoryless channels, capacity cost functions, channel coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes. Convolutional codes, sequential and probabilistic decoding, majority logic decoding, burst error-correcting codes.
EE 627 SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING Spectral and non-spectral analysis techniques; Model-based coding techniques; Noise reduction and echo cancellation; Synthetic and coded speech quality assessment; Selection of recognition unit; Model-based recognition; Language modelling; Speaker Identification; Text analysis and text-to-speech synthesis.
EE 658 FUZZYSET,LOGIC & SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Introduction, Uncertainity, Imprecision and Vagueness, Fuzzy systems, Brief history of Fuzzy logic, Foundation of Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Systems in Commercial Products, Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory, Classical sets and Fuzzy sets, Classical Relations, Fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy to crisp conversions, Fuzzy arithmetic, Numbers, Vectors and the extension principle, Classical logic and Fuzzy logic, Mathematical background of Fuzzy Systems, Classical (Crisp) vs, Fuzzy sets, Representation of Fuzzy sets, Types of Membership Functions, Basic Concepts (support, singleton, height, a-cut projections), Fuzzy set operations, S-and T- Norms, Properties of Fuzzy sets, Sets as Points in Hypercube, Cartesian Product, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, Examples, Liguistic variables and hedges, Membership function design. Basic Principles of Inference in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules, Canonical Form, Fuzzy Systems and Algorithms, Approximate Reasoning, Forms of Fuzzy Implication, Fuzzy Inference Engines, Graphical Techniques of Inference, Fuzzyifications/ DeFuzzification, Fuzzy System Design and its Elements, Design options. Fuzzy Events, Fuzzy Measures, Possibility Distributions as Fuzzy Sets, Possibility vs, Probability, Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators, Additive Fuzzy Systems (standard additive model).
EE 673 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS OSI model, queueing theory, physical layer, error detection and correction, data link layer, ARQ strategies, framing, media access layer, modelling and analysis of important media access control protocols, FDDI and DQDB MAC protocols for LANs and MANs, network layer, flow control & routing, TCP/IP protocols, ATM.
EE 600 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES OF SIGNALS SYSTEMS Nature of definitions; Theory of measurement and scales; Symmetry, invariance and groups; Groups in signals and systems; Algebraic and relational structures of signal spaces and convolutional systems; Representation theory of groups, harmonic analysis and spectral theory for convolutional systems.
EE 622 COMMUNICATION THEORY Rate Distortion Theory, Channel Coding Theorems, Digital Modulation Schemes, Trellis Coded Modulation, Digital Transmission over Band limited Channels, Fading Multipath Channels, Synchronization. Analog Modulation Schemes, Optimum/ Suboptimum Receivers; Diversity Combining; Cellular Mobile Communication; Equalization.
EE 623 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION THEORY Classical Detection and Estimation Theory, Signal Representation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Waveform estimation, Linear estimation problems, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
EE 628 TOPICS IN CRYPTOGRAPY AND CODING Cryptography and error control coding in communication and computing systems. Stream and block ciphers; DES; public-key cryptosystems; key management, authentication and digital signatures. Codes as ideals in finite commutative rings and group algebras. Joint coding and cryptography.
EE 658 FUZZYSET,LOGIC & SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS Introduction, Uncertainty, Imprecision and Vagueness, Fuzzy systems, Brief history of Fuzzy logic, Foundation of Fuzzy Theory, Fuzzy Sets and Systems, Fuzzy Systems in Commercial Products, Research Fields in Fuzzy Theory, Classical sets and Fuzzy sets, Classical Relations, Fuzzy relations, Membership Functions, Fuzzy to crisp conversions, Fuzzy arithmetic, Numbers, Vectors and the extension principle, Classical logic and Fuzzy logic, Mathematical background of Fuzzy Systems, Classical (Crisp) vs, Fuzzy sets, Representation of Fuzzy sets, Types of Membership Functions, Basic Concepts (support, singleton, height, a-cut projections), Fuzzy set operations, S-and T- Norms, Properties of Fuzzy sets, Sets as Points in Hypercube, Cartesian Product, Crisp and Fuzzy Relations, Examples, Liguistic variables and hedges, Membership function design. Basic Principles of Inference in Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy IF-THEN Rules, Canonical Form, Fuzzy Systems and Algorithms, Approximate Reasoning, Forms of Fuzzy Implication, Fuzzy Inference Engines, Graphical Techniques of Inference, Fuzzyifications/ DeFuzzification, Fuzzy System Design and its Elements, Design options. Fuzzy Events, Fuzzy Measures, Possibility Distributions as Fuzzy Sets, Possibility vs, Probability, Fuzzy Systems as Universal Approximators, Additive Fuzzy Systems (standard additive model).
EE 601 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Generalized inverses, regularization of ill-posed problems. Eigen and singular value decompositions, generalized problems. Interpolation and approximation by least squares and minimax error criteria. Optimization techniques for linear and nonlinear problems. Applications in various areas of signal processing.
EE 604 IMAGE PROCESSING Human visual system and image perception, monochrome & colour vision models, colour representation ; image sampling & quantization; 2-D systems; image transforms; image coding; stochastic models for image representation; image enhancement, restoration & reconstruction. Image analysis using multiresolution techniques.
EE 605 INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL ANALYSIS Discrete and Continuous time signals and systems, LTI systems, Convolution, Difference equations. Frequency domain representation: Fourier transform and its properties. Random discrete signals. Sampling and reconstruction: Change of sampling rate. Normed vector spaces, basis, linear independence, orthogonality. Linear systems of equations. Over- and Underdetermined systems. Row- and Column spaces, Null spaces. Least square and minimum norm solutions. Inverse and pseudo inverse, Symmetry transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Hilbert transforms, band pass representations and complex envelope. Base band pulse transmission, matched filtering, ISI, equalization. Coherent and noncoherent detection.
EE 607 WAVELET TRANSFORMS FOR SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Basics of functional Analysis; Basics of Fourier Analysis; Spectral Theory; Time- Frequency representations; Nonstationary Processes; Continuous Wavelet Transforms; Discrete Time-Frequency Transforms; Multi resolution Analysis; Time-Frequency Localization; Signal Processing Applications; Image Processing Applications.
EE 621 REPRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RANDOM SIGNALS Review of probability, random variables, random processes; representation of narrow band signals. Transmission of signals through LTI systems; Estimation and detection with random sequences; BAYES, MMSE, MAP, ML schemes. KL and sampling theorem representations, matched filter, ambiguity functions, Markov sequences, linear stochastic dynamical systems.
EE 624 INFORMATION AND CODING THEORY Entropy and mutual information, rate distortion function, source coding, variable length coding, discrete memoryless channels, capacity cost functions, channel coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes. Convolutional codes, sequential and probabilistic decoding, majority logic decoding, burst error-correcting codes.
EE 673 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS OSI model, queueing theory, physical layer, error detection and correction, data link layer, ARQ strategies, framing, media access layer, modelling and analysis of important media access control protocols, FDDI and DQDB MAC protocols for LANs and MANs, network layer, flow control & routing, TCP/IP protocols, ATM.
EE 600 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES OF SIGNALS SYSTEMS Nature of definitions; Theory of measurement and scales; Symmetry, invariance and groups; Groups in signals and systems; Algebraic and relational structures of signal spaces and convolutional systems; Representation theory of groups, harmonic analysis and spectral theory for convolutional systems.
EE 622 COMMUNICATION THEORY Rate Distortion Theory, Channel Coding Theorems, Digital Modulation Schemes, Trellis Coded Modulation, Digital Transmission over Band limited Channels, Fading Multipath Channels, Synchronization. Analog Modulation Schemes, Optimum/ Suboptimum Receivers; Diversity Combining; Cellular Mobile Communication; Equalization.
EE 623 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION THEORY Classical Detection and Estimation Theory, Signal Representation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Waveform estimation, Linear estimation problems, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
EE 601 MATHEMATICAL METHODS IN SIGNAL PROCESSING Generalized inverses, regularization of ill-posed problems. Eigen and singular value decompositions, generalized problems. Interpolation and approximation by least squares and minimax error criteria. Optimization techniques for linear and nonlinear problems. Applications in various areas of signal processing.
EE 604 IMAGE PROCESSING Human visual system and image perception, monochrome & colour vision models, colour representation ; image sampling & quantization; 2-D systems; image transforms; image coding; stochastic models for image representation; image enhancement, restoration & reconstruction. Image analysis using multiresolution techniques.
EE 605 INTRODUCTION TO SIGNAL ANALYSIS Discrete and Continuous time signals and systems, LTI systems, Convolution, Difference equations. Frequency domain representation: Fourier transform and its properties. Random discrete signals. Sampling and reconstruction: Change of sampling rate. Normed vector spaces, basis, linear independence, orthogonality. Linear systems of equations. Over- and Underdetermined systems. Row- and Column spaces, Null spaces. Least square and minimum norm solutions. Inverse and pseudo inverse, Symmetry transformations. Eigenvectors and eigenvalues. Hilbert transforms, band pass representations and complex envelope. Base band pulse transmission, matched filtering, ISI, equalization. Coherent and noncoherent detection.
EE 607 WAVELET TRANSFORMS FOR SIGNAL AND IMAGE PROCESSING Basics of functional Analysis; Basics of Fourier Analysis; Spectral Theory; Time- Frequency representations; Nonstationary Processes; Continuous Wavelet Transforms; Discrete Time-Frequency Transforms; Multi resolution Analysis; Time-Frequency Localization; Signal Processing Applications; Image Processing Applications.
EE 621 REPRESENTATION AND ANALYSIS OF RANDOM SIGNALS Review of probability, random variables, random processes; representation of narrow band signals. Transmission of signals through LTI systems; Estimation and detection with random sequences; BAYES, MMSE, MAP, ML schemes. KL and sampling theorem representations, matched filter, ambiguity functions, Markov sequences, linear stochastic dynamical systems.
EE 624 INFORMATION AND CODING THEORY Entropy and mutual information, rate distortion function, source coding, variable length coding, discrete memoryless channels, capacity cost functions, channel coding, linear block codes, cyclic codes. Convolutional codes, sequential and probabilistic decoding, majority logic decoding, burst error-correcting codes.
EE 673 DIGITAL COMMUNICATION NETWORKS OSI model, queueing theory, physical layer, error detection and correction, data link layer, ARQ strategies, framing, media access layer, modelling and analysis of important media access control protocols, FDDI and DQDB MAC protocols for LANs and MANs, network layer, flow control & routing, TCP/IP protocols, ATM.
EE 600 MATHEMATICAL STRUCTURES OF SIGNALS SYSTEMS Nature of definitions; Theory of measurement and scales; Symmetry, invariance and groups; Groups in signals and systems; Algebraic and relational structures of signal spaces and convolutional systems; Representation theory of groups, harmonic analysis and spectral theory for convolutional systems.
EE 622 COMMUNICATION THEORY Rate Distortion Theory, Channel Coding Theorems, Digital Modulation Schemes, Trellis Coded Modulation, Digital Transmission over Band limited Channels, Fading Multipath Channels, Synchronization. Analog Modulation Schemes, Optimum/ Suboptimum Receivers; Diversity Combining; Cellular Mobile Communication; Equalization.
EE 623 DETECTION AND ESTIMATION THEORY Classical Detection and Estimation Theory, Signal Representation, Detection of signals in Gaussian noise, Waveform estimation, Linear estimation problems, Wiener filtering, Kalman filtering.
EE 627 SPEECH SIGNAL PROCESSING Spectral and non-spectral analysis techniques; Model-based coding techniques; Noise reduction and echo cancellation; Synthetic and coded speech quality assessment; Selection of recognition unit; Model-based recognition; Language modelling; Speaker Identification; Text analysis and text-to-speech synthesis.