Maurya H.L.;Singh P.;Yogi S.C.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Adaptive Neural Network Based Fractional Order Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 1006 LNEE, 2023.
Guha B.;Mohapatra A.;Sahoo S.R., "Impact of the Designed Electricity Trading Price Function using Cournot Model on the Cost Benefit Analysis in Local Market inside a Microgrid", 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies, GlobConHT 2023, , 2023.
Tiwari A.;Mohapatra A.;Sahoo S.R., "Recovery of Feasible Solution from Convex Relaxation of AC Optimal Power Flow", 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies, GlobConHT 2023, , 2023.
Tiwari A.;Mohapatra A.;Sahoo S.R., "Robust Short-term Operation of AC Power Network with Injection Uncertainties", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, , 2023.
Guha B.;Mohapatra A.;Sahoo S.R., "Design of Electricity Trading Price Function in Local Market of Electricity inside a Microgrid using the Cournot model", 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies, GlobConET 2023, , 2023.
Sharma T.;Verma N.K.;Masood S., "Mixed fuzzy pooling in convolutional neural networks for image classification", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 2023.
Singh V.;Agrawal P.;Sharma T.;Verma N.K., "Improved adaptive type-2 fuzzy filter with exclusively two fuzzy membership function for filtering salt and pepper noise", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 82, 2023.
Maurya S.;Verma N.K., "Intelligent Hybrid Scheme for Health Monitoring of Degrading Rotary Machines: An Adaptive Fuzzy <italic>c</italic>-Means Coupled with 1-D CNN", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, , 2023.
Agrawal I.;Sharma T.;Verma N.K., "Low-Light Image Restoration Using Dehazing-Based Inverted Illumination Map Enhancement", Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, 413, 2023.
Chen H.;Luo H.;Verma N.;Jiang B., "Guest Editorial: Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence Methods for Maintenance and Safety of Automation Systems", IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 4, 2023.
Tripathi V.K.;Kamath A.K.;Behera L.;Verma N.K.;Nahavandi S., "An Adaptive Fast Terminal Sliding-Mode Controller With Power Rate Proportional Reaching Law for Quadrotor Position and Altitude Tracking", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 52, 2022.
Singh P.;Nandanwar A.;Behera L.;Verma N.K.;Nahavandi S., "Uncertainty Compensator and Fault Estimator-Based Exponential Supertwisting Sliding-Mode Controller for a Mobile Robot", IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 52, 2022.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Gupta V.;Biswas R.;Behera L., "EEG-Based Drowsiness Detection with Fuzzy Independent Phase-Locking Value Representations Using Lagrangian-Based Deep Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, 52, 2022.
Maurya H.L.;Singh P.;Yogi S.C.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Quaternion Based Twisting and Backstepping Control Design of Quadrotor", IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA, 2022-June, 2022.
Singh P.;Behera L.;Verma N.K.;Lal Maurya H., "Path Tracking of Quadrotor Using Backstepping Controller in Presence of Uncertainties and Packet Dropouts", IEEE International Conference on Control and Automation, ICCA, 2022-June, 2022.
Shrinate A.;Tripathy T.;Behera L., "Nonlinear Opinion Dynamics using Disagreement Laplacian Flows in Antagonistic Networks", 2022 8th Indian Control Conference, ICC 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Haijian Sun ., Chris Ng ., Yiming Huo ., Rose Qingyang Hu ., Ning Wang ., Chi-Ming Chen ., Kasturi Vasudevan ., Jin Yang ., Webert Montlouis ., Dauda Ayanda ., Kumar Vijay Mishra ., Kürşat Tekbıyık ., Nasir Hussain ., Harish Kumar Sahoo ., Yang Miao ., "Massive MIMO", Proceedings - 2022 IEEE Future Networks World Forum, FNWF 2022, 2022.
Som S.;Dutta R.;Gholami A.;Srivastava A.K.;Chakrabarti S.;Sahoo S.R., "DPMU-based multiple event detection in a microgrid considering measurement anomalies", Applied Energy, 308, 2022.
Som S.;Dutta R.;Mitra A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sahoo S.R., "DPMU-based Event Classification in Microgrids Using Time Domain and Spectral Features of Limited Measurements", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2022-July, 2022.
Guha B.;Mohapatra A.;Sahoo S.R., "Design of Transactive Control Strategies in the Electricity Market: The Leader-Follower Game Approaches", 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2022, 2022.
Tripathy T.;Sinha A., "Boundary Surveillance Using a Unicycle: A Limited Information Approach", AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022, 2022.
Shrivastava P.;Tripathy T.;Sinha A., "Boundary Surveillance Using a Novel Target Switching Technique", IFAC-PapersOnLine, 55, 2022.
Sharma T.;Verma N.K., "Estimating Depth and Global Atmospheric Light for Image Dehazing Using Type-2 Fuzzy Approach", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 6, 2022.
Singh V.;Verma N.K., "Gene Expression Data Analysis Using Feature Weighted Robust Fuzzy c-Means Clustering", IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2022.
Singh D.J.;Verma N.K.;Ghosh A.K.;Malagaudanavar A., "An application of interval type-2 fuzzy model based control system for generic aircraft", Applied Soft Computing, 121, 2022.
Mishra P.K.;Verma N.K., "On Controller Design for Nonlinear Systems with Pure State Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 69, 2022.
Singh D.J.;Verma N.K., "Design of Fuzzy Control System for Generic Aircraft/UAVs", ICPC2T 2022 - 2nd International Conference on Power, Control and Computing Technologies, Proceedings, 2022.
Sharma A.K.;Verma N.K., "Quick Learning Mechanism with Cross-Domain Adaptation for Intelligent Fault Diagnosis", IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 3, 2022.
Singh P.;Agrawal P.;Nandanwar A.;Behera L.;Verma N.K.;Nahavandi S.;Jamshidi M., "Multivariable Event-Triggered Generalized Super-Twisting Controller for Safe Navigation of Nonholonomic Mobile Robot", IEEE Systems Journal, 15, 2021.
Singh P.;Gupta S.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Sum of Square based Event-triggered Control of Nano-quadrotor in Presence of Packet Dropouts", 2021 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2021, 2021.
Singh P.;Yogi S.C.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Path Tracking of Non-holonomic Mobile Robot Using Event-triggered Control in Presence of Time and State-Dependent Uncertainties", 2021 SICE International Symposium on Control Systems, SICE ISCS 2021, 2021.
Maurya H.L.;Singh P.;Yogi S.C.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Fractional order tracking control of unmanned aerial vehicle in presence of model uncertainties and disturbances", Proceedings of the 18th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO 2021, 2021.
Singh P.;Yogi S.C.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Disturbance rejection based control strategies for mobile robot", 2021 29th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2021, 2021.
Singh P.;Yogi S.C.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Singularity free stabilizing controller for non-holonomic mobile robot using novel sliding manifold", 2021 14th IEEE International Conference on Industry Applications, INDUSCON 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
Maurya H.L.;Singh P.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Control Design for Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Using Fractional order Backstepping Control and Extended Homogenous Control", 2021 International Symposium of Asian Control Association on Intelligent Robotics and Industrial Automation, IRIA 2021, 2021.
Singh P.;Gupta S.;Behera L.;Verma N.K.;Nahavandi S., "Perching of Nano-Quadrotor Using Self-Trigger Finite-Time Second-Order Continuous Control", IEEE Systems Journal, 15, 2021.
Singh P.;Yogi S.C.;Behera L.;Verma N.K., "Kinematic and Dynamic Tracking of Mobile robot Using Fractional Order Control", CCTA 2021 - 5th IEEE Conference on Control Technology and Applications, 2021.
Chawla A.;Singh R.K.;Patel A.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Distributed Detection for Centralized and Decentralized Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70, 2021.
Tiwari A.;Mohapatra A.;Sahoo S.R., "Feasible Point Pursuit Based Sequential Convex Approximation of Optimal Power Flow", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2021-July, 2021.
Dovrat D.;Tripathy T.;Bruckstein A.M., "On Tracking and Capture in Proportional-Control Bearing-Only Unicycle Pursuit", IEEE Control Systems Letters, 2021.
Sharma T.;Agrawal I.;Verma N.K., "Transmission Map Estimation Function to Prevent Over-Saturation in Single Image Dehazing", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 175, 2021.
Bhola A.;Sharma T.;Verma N.K., "DCNet: Dark Channel Network for single-image dehazing", Machine Vision and Applications, 32, 2021.
Singh D.;Verma N.K.;Ghosh A.K.;Malagaudanavar A.K., "An Approach Towards the Design of Interval Type-3 T-S Fuzzy System", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 2021.
Pandey M.;Agarwal R.;Shukla S.K.;Verma N.K., "Security of healthcare data using blockchains", Blockchain in Digital Healthcare, 2021.
Sharma T.;Verma N.K., "Single Image Dehazing and Non-uniform Illumination Enhancement: A Z-Score Approach", SN Computer Science, 2, 2021.
Kumar S.;Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L., "Formulating Divergence Framework for Multiclass Motor Imagery EEG Brain Computer Interface", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2020-May, 2020.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L., "HJB-Equation-Based Optimal Learning Scheme for Neural Networks with Applications in Brain-Computer Interface", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 4, 2020.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L.;Wang Y.K.;Lin C.T., "Fuzzy divergence based analysis for eeg drowsiness detection brain computer interfaces", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2020-July, 2020.
Tripathi V.K.;Kamath A.K.;Behera L.;Verma N.K.;Nahavandi S., "Finite-time super twisting sliding mode controller based on higher-order sliding mode observer for real-time trajectory tracking of a quadrotor", IET Control Theory and Applications, 14, 2020.
Dhar N.K.;Verma N.K.;Behera L., "An Online Event-Triggered Near-Optimal Controller for Nash Solution in Interconnected System", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 31, 2020.
Chawla A.;Singh R.K.;Patel A.;Jagannatham A.K., "Distributed Detection in Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks", SPCOM 2020 - International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2020.
Das A.;Anand S.;Sahoo S.R., "Availability based load harmonic compensation using PV inverter", 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2020, 2020.
Deshmukh N.;Prabhakar S.;Sahoo S.R.;Anand S., "Conductance emulation based control for series stacked energy buffer", 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2020, 2020.
Agrawal P.;Sharma T.;Verma N.K., "Supervised approach for object identification using speeded up robust features", International Journal of Advanced Intelligence Paradigms, 15, 2020.
Sharma T.;Agrawal I.;Verma N.K., "CSIDNet: Compact single image dehazing network for outdoor scene enhancement", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 79, 2020.
Sharma T.;Shah T.;Verma N.K.;Vasikarla S., "A review on image dehazing algorithms for vision based applications in outdoor environment", Proceedings - Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2020-October, 2020.
Aquib Mustafa ., Narendra K. Dhar ., Nishchal K. Verma ., "Event-Triggered sliding mode control for trajectory tracking of nonlinear systems", IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica, 7, 2020.
Singh, Arun Kant;Potluri, Ramprasad, "Can-based networked path-tracking control of a 4WS4WD electric vehicle: Selection of sampling period and hardware-in-the-loop simulation", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L.;Wang Y.K.;Lin C.T., "Multiclass Fuzzy Time-Delay Common Spatio-Spectral Patterns with Fuzzy Information Theoretic Optimization for EEG-Based Regression Problems in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 27, 2019.
Tripathi V.K.;Kamath A.K.;Verma N.K.;Behera L., "Fast terminal sliding mode super twisting controller for position and altitude tracking of the quadrotor", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019-May, 2019.
Sharma R.S.;Shukla S.;Karki H.;Shukla A.;Behera L.;Venkatesh K.S., "DMP based trajectory tracking for a nonholonomic mobile robot with automatic goal adaptation and obstacle avoidance", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019-May, 2019.
Singh P.;Agrawal P.;Karki H.;Shukla A.;Verma N.;Behera L., "Vision-Based Guidance and Switching-Based Sliding Mode Controller for a Mobile Robot in the Cyber Physical Framework", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15, 2019.
Maurya H.;Behera L.;Verma N., "Trajectory tracking of quad-rotor UAV using fractional order piμDλ controller", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Maurya H.L.;Kamath A.K.;Verma N.K.;Behera L., "Vision-based Fractional Order Sliding Mode Control for Autonomous Vehicle Tracking by a Quadrotor UAV", 2019 28th IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication, RO-MAN 2019, 2019.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Kumar S.;Behera L.;Wang Y.K.;Lin C.T., "Electroencephalogram Based Reaction Time Prediction with Differential Phase Synchrony Representations Using Co-Operative Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 3, 2019.
Chawla A.;Patel A.;Jagannatham A.;Varshney P., "Distributed Detection in Massive MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks under Perfect and Imperfect CSI", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67, 2019.
Varshney N.;Patel A.;Haselmayr W.;Jagannatham A.K.;Varshney P.K.;Nallanathan A., "Impact of intermediate nanomachines in multiple cooperative nanomachine-assisted diffusion advection mobile molecular communication", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, 2019.
Varshney N.;Patel A.;Haselmayr W.;Jagannatham A.K.;Varshney P.K.;Guo W., "Impact of Cooperation in Flow-Induced Diffusive Mobile Molecular Communication", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2018-October, 2019.
Adhikary, Moitreya;Sahoo, Sunil Kumar;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "SIW-Based self-oscillating concurrent dual-frequency active integrated antenna", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 18, 2019.
Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan, "Active Control of Geometrically Nonlinear Vibrations of Laminated Composite Beams Using Piezoelectric Composites by Element-Free Galerkin Method", International Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering Science and Mechanics, 20, 2019.
Sahoo, S. R.;Ray, M. C., "Active damping of geometrically nonlinear vibrations of smart composite plates using elliptical SCLD treatment with fractional derivative viscoelastic layer", European Journal of Mechanics, A/Solids, 78, 2019.
Anamika Tiwari ., Abheejeet Mohapatra ., Soumya Ranjan Sahoo ., "Artificial Dynamic Theory based Optimal Power Flow", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019.
Sahoo S.;Sharma A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sahoo S.R., "Optimal Residential Battery Scheduling using Short-term Forecasts", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019.
Rajneesh Kumar Yadav ., Souradip De ., Soumya Ranjan Sahoo ., Saikat Chakrabarti ., "Droop Based Secondary Controller for Islanded DC Microgrid with Line Loss Minimization", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019.
Bhargavapuri, Mahathi;Shastry, Animesh Kumar;Sinha, Harsh;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Kothari, Mangal, "Vision-based autonomous tracking and landing of a fully-actuated rotorcraft", Control Engineering Practice, 89, 2019.
Sahoo, S. R.;Ray, M. C., "Active control of doubly curved laminated composite shells using elliptical smart constrained layer damping treatment", Thin-Walled Structures, 140, 2019.
Sen, Arijit;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Kothari, Mangal, "A discontinuous consensus algorithm with neighbor counting", 2019 18th European Control Conference, ECC 2019, 2019.
Sahoo, S. R.;Ray, M. C., "Active control of laminated composite plates using elliptical smart constrained layer damping treatment", Composite Structures, 211, 2019.
Negi, Nandini;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Chakrabarti, Saikat, "Distributed control based power sharing strategy for an islanded AC microgrid", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, 2019.
Nahak, Narayan;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Mallick, Ranjan Kumar, "Small signal stability enhancement of power system by modified GWO-optimized UPFC-based PI-lead-lag controller", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 817, 2019.
Malav, Ramavtar;Kim, Ayoung;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Pandey, Gaurav, "DHSGAN: An End to End Dehazing Network for Fog and Smoke", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11365 LNCS, 2019.
Sahoo P.;Sharma T.;Agrawal P.;Verma N.K., "Rotation-Invariant Descriptor for Disparate Images Using Line Segments", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Adhikary M.;Sarkar A.;Kumar Sahoo S.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Half-mode SIW based active integrated circularly polarized leaky wave antenna for automated beam scanning applications", 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2019, 2019.
Sahoo S.K., "GCPW to SIW transition for planar excitation of ku-band substrate integrated end-fire antennas", 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2019, 2019.
Singh V.;Sharma T.;Verma N.K.;Cui Y., "Feature Ranking using Robust Fuzzy Score Function for Gene Expression Data", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2019-June, 2019.
Sharma T.;Singh V.;Sudhakaran S.;Verma N.K., "Fuzzy based Pooling in Convolutional Neural Network for Image Classification", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2019-June, 2019.
Sharma T.;Agrawal P.;Verma N.K., "Detection of Dust Deposition Using Convolutional Neural Network for Heritage Images", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Dua H.;Sharma T.;Agrawal P.;Verma N.K., "An Efficient Algorithm for Image Haze Removal in Outdoor Environment", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Sharma T.;Rajurkar S.D.;Molangur N.;Verma N.K.;Salour A., "Multi-faced Object Recognition in an Image for Inventory Counting", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Sharma T.;Jain A.;Verma N.K.;Vasikarla S., "Object Counting using KAZE Features under Different Lighting Conditions for Inventory Management", Proceedings - Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2019-October, 2019.
Kumar A.;Sharma T.;Verma N.K.;Sircar P.;Vasikarla S., "Detection and Removal of Salt and Pepper Noise by Gaussian Membership Function and Guided Filter", Proceedings - Applied Imagery Pattern Recognition Workshop, 2019-October, 2019.
Singh, Dhan Jeet;Verma, Nishchal K.;Ghosh, A. K.;Sanwale, Jitu;Malagaudanavar, Appasaheb, "Aerodynamic parameter modeling using TS fuzzy systems from flight data", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Sevakula, Rahul Kumar;Singh, Vikas;Verma, Nishchal K.;Kumar, Chandan;Cui, Yan, "Transfer Learning for Molecular Cancer Classification Using Deep Neural Networks", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, 16, 2019.
Singh, Vikas;Verma, Nishchal K.;Cui, Yan, "Type-2 Fuzzy PCA Approach in Extracting Salient Features for Molecular Cancer Diagnostics and Prognostics", IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 18, 2019.
Sharma, Arun K.;Singh, Vikas;Verma, Nishchal K.;Liu, Jie, "Condition Based Monitoring of Machine Using Mamdani Fuzzy Network", Proceedings - 2018 Prognostics and System Health Management Conference, PHM-Chongqing 2018, 2019.
Singh, Vikas;Swaminathan, Anirudh;Verma, Nishchal K., "Convolutional Neural Network with Stacked Autoencoder for Kernel Initialization", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Bharadhwaj, Homanga;Singh, Vikas;Verma, Nishchal K., "A type-2 fuzzy systems approach for clustering-based identification of a T-S regression model", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Maurya, Seetaram;Singh, Vikas;Dhar, Narendra Kumar;Verma, Nishchal K., "Improved EMD Local Energy with SVM for Fault Diagnosis in Air Compressor", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Verma, Nishchal K.;Singh, Vikas;Rajurkar, Shreedharkumar;Aqib, Mohd, "Fuzzy inference network with mamdani fuzzy inference system", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Singh, Vikas;Verma, Nishchal K.;Ul Islam, Zeeshan;Cui, Yan, "Feature learning using stacked autoencoder for shared and multimodal fusion of medical images", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Kar, Aniket K.;Dhar, Narendra Kumar;Verma, Nishchal K., "Event-Triggered Adaptive Neural Network Controller in a Cyber-Physical Framework", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15, 2019.
Verma, Nishchal K.;Dixit, Sonal;Sevakula, Rahul K.;Salour, Al, "Computational Framework for Machine Fault Diagnosis with Autoencoder Variants", Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Control, SDPC 2018, 2019.
Dev, Raghav;Verma, Nishchal K., "Robust noisiness measure based improved generalized fuzzy peer group for removal of mixed noise from color image", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 26, 2019.
Sevakula, Rahul Kumar;Verma, Nishchal K., "Hausdorff Distance-Based Binary Search Tree Multiclass Decomposition Algorithm", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Saraswat, Gaurav;Maurya, Seetaram;Verma, Nishchal K., "Health monitoring of main battle tank engine using mamdani-type fuzzy model", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Kar, Aniket K.;Dhar, Narendra Kumar;Verma, Nishchal K., "Event-triggered sliding mode control based trajectory tracking in a cyber-physical space", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Kamboj, Ankur;Dhar, Narendra Kumar;Verma, Nishchal K., "Event-triggered control for trajectory tracking by robotic manipulator", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
Verma, Nishchal K.;Mustafa, Aquib;Dhar, Narendra Kumar;Sarraf, Vibhav, "SURF–MSER Based 3D Mapping Using RGB-D Camera on Automated Vehicle", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Mishra, Pankaj Kumar;Agrawal, Pooja;Dhar, Narendra Kumar;Verma, Nishchal K., "On Adaptive Control for AGV with Vision Sensor as an Unknown Nonlinear System", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Raj, Akhilesh;Gandhi, Kanishk;Nalla, Bhanu Teja;Verma, Nishchal K., "Object Detection and Recognition Using Small Labeled Datasets", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 799, 2019.
Verma, Nishchal K.;Dev, Raghav;Maurya, Seetaram;Dhar, Narendra Kumar;Agrawal, Pooja, "People counting with overhead camera using fuzzy-based detector", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 798, 2019.
He, Haibo;Hirose, Akira;Micheli, Alessio;d'Avila Garcez, Artur S.;Ki Ahn, Choon;Pan, Gang;Karimi, Hamid Reza;Shen, Jianbing;de Jesus Rubio, Jose;Zhang, Lei;Liu, Lingjia;Livi, Lorenzo;Zhang, Nian;Verma, Nishchal K.;Gutierrez, Pedro Antonio;Tian, Qi;Wei, Qinglai;Ozawa, Seiichi;Rubin, Stuart H.;Li, Xi;Chen, Wei Neng;Liao, Xiaofeng;Zhang, Youmin;Ni, Zhen, "Editorial: Booming of Neural Networks and Learning Systems", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 30, 2019.
Sharma, Arun K.;Singh, Dhanjeet;Verma, Nishchal K., "Data Driven Aerodynamic Modeling Using Mamdani Fuzzy Inference Systems", Proceedings - 2018 International Conference on Sensing, Diagnostics, Prognostics, and Control, SDPC 2018, 2019.
Singh, Arun Kant;Potluri, Ramprasad, "CAN-based networked path-tracking control of a 4WS4WD electric vehicle: Minimum sampling period", 2018 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Singh, Arun Kant;Potluri, Ramprasad, "CAN-based networked path-tracking control of a 4WS4WD electric vehicle: Maximum sampling period", 2018 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Garg M.M.;Hote Y.V.;Pathak M.K.;Behera L., "An Approach for Buck Converter PI Controller Design Using Stability Boundary Locus", Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, 2018-April, 2018.
Garg M.M.;Pathak M.K.;Behera L., "Dynamic modeling of a non-ideal DC-DC positive output elementary super-lift Luo converter", Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy: Exploring Energy Solutions for an Intelligent Power Grid, TAP Energy 2017, 2018.
Dhar N.;Verma N.;Behera L.;Jamshidi M., "On an Integrated Approach to Networked Climate Control of a Smart Home", IEEE Systems Journal, 12, 2018.
Arora V.;Behera L., "Observations: The building blocks of the world", Cosmos and History, 14, 2018.
Dhar N.;Verma N.;Behera L., "Evolutionary algorithm tuned fuzzy PI controller for a networked HVAC system", Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing, 361, 2018.
Dhar N.;Verma N.;Behera L., "Adaptive Critic-Based Event-Triggered Control for HVAC System", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 14, 2018.
Chawla A.;Patel A.;Jagannatham A.;Varshney P., "Robust Distributed Detection in Massive MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks under CSI Uncertainty", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2018-August, 2018.
Patel A.;Ram H.;Jagannatham A.;Varshney P., "Robust Cooperative Spectrum Sensing for MIMO Cognitive Radio Networks under CSI Uncertainty", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66, 2018.
Sahoo, Sunil Kumar;Sharma, Abhishek;Adhikary, Moitreya;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. J., "Radiation Characteristic Improvement of Ku-Band SIW Horn Antenna using Probe-Feeding Technique", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Adhikary M.;Sahoo S.K.;Sarkar A.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Jaleel Akhtar M., "Active Integrated Empty SIW Cavity Backed Slot Antenna for Increased EIRP", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Sahoo, Sunil Kumar;Katare, Kranti Kumar;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, Mohammed Jaleel, "Matching improvement of thin substrate SIW horn antenna using dielectric transitions", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Katare, Kranti Kumar;Sahoo, Sunil Kumar;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. J., "Modulation of electromagnetic waves by transparent gradient metasurfaces", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Som, Shreyasi;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan, "Wavelet Transform Based PQ Event Localization Scheme for Benchmark LVAC Microgrid", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Dhua, Debasish;Shyam, A. B.;Anand, Sandeep;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan, "Dynamic Overcurrent Saturation of Distributed Sources in a DC Microgrid System", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Islam, Shirazul;De, Souradip;Anand, Sandeep;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan, "An Improved Droop Control Method to Enhance Dynamic Performance of AC Microgrid", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Nalla B.T.;Sharma T.;Verma N.K.;Sahoo S.R., "Image Dehazing for Object Recognition using Faster RCNN", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2018-July, 2018.
Shyam, A. B.;Ingle, Anoop;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Anand, Sandeep, "Performance Analysis of Reduced Communication Network in DC Microgrid", International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT Asia 2018, 2018.
Sahoo, S. R.;Ray, M. C., "Analysis of smart damping of laminated composite beams using mesh free method", International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 14, 2018.
Ingle, Anoop;Shyam, A. B.;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Anand, Sandeep, "Quality-Index Based Distributed Secondary Controller for a Low-Voltage DC Microgrid", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 65, 2018.
Bhargavapuri, Mahathi;Patrikar, Jay;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Kothari, Mangal, "A Low-Cost Tilt-Augmented Quadrotor Helicopter : Modeling and Control", 2018 International Conference on Unmanned Aircraft Systems, ICUAS 2018, 2018.
Sen, Arijit;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Kothari, Mangal, "A Novel Distributed Algorithm for Consensus under Digraph Topology with Uncertain Target Information", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2018-June, 2018.
Islam, Shirazul;Agarwal, Shyam;Shyam, A. B.;Ingle, Anoop;Thomas, Soumya;Anand, Sandeep;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan, "Ideal current-based distributed control to compensate line impedance in DC microgrid", IET Power Electronics, 11, 2018.
Thomas, Soumya;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Anand, Sandeep, "Reduced communication based local averaging method for low voltage DC microgrid", 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems, ICPS 2017, 2018.
Nahak, Narayan;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Mallick, Ranjan Kumar, "Design of dual optimal UPFC based PI controller to damp low frequency oscillation in power system", International Conference on Technologies for Smart City Energy Security and Power: Smart Solutions for Smart Cities, ICSESP 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Sen, Arijit;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Kothari, Mangal, "Nonlinear formation control strategies for agents without relative measurements under heterogeneous networks", International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 28, 2018.
Malhotra, Shiv;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Anand, Sandeep, "CLPSO based droop optimization technique for DC Microgrid", 2018 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Sen, Arijit;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan;Kothari, Mangal, "Double integrator consensus in fixed time: A novel distributed algorithm for generalised networks", 2018 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Shastry, Animesh Kumar;Bhargavapuri, Mahathi T.;Kothari, Mangal;Sahoo, Soumya Ranjan, "Quaternion based adaptive control for package delivery using variable-pitch quadrotors", 2018 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Sen A.;Sahoo S.R.;Kothari M., "Cooperative formation control strategy to maximize target information", AIAA Information Systems-AIAA Infotech at Aerospace, 2018, 2018.
Singh, Dhan Jeet;Verma, Nishchal K.;Ghosh, A. K.;Malagaudanvar, Appasaheb, "Fuzzy systems practices for aerodynamic parameter modeling of the aircraft", 2017 6th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances, CERA 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Singh, Dhan Jeet;Agrawal, Pooja;Verma, Nishchal K.;Ghosh, A. K.;Malagaudanavar, Appasaheb, "Interval type-2 TS fuzzy model for angle of attack sensor of the aircraft", Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 34, 2018.
Singh, Vikas;Vardhan, Harsh;Verma, Nishchal K.;Cui, Yan, "Optimal feature selection using fuzzy combination of feature subset for transcriptome data", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2018-July, 2018.
Singh, Vikas;Dev, Raghav;Dhar, Narendra K.;Agrawal, Pooja;Verma, Nishchal K., "Adaptive Type-2 Fuzzy Approach for Filtering Salt and Pepper Noise in Grayscale Images", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26, 2018.
Saraswat, Gaurav;Singh, Vikas;Verma, Nishchal K.;Salour, Al;Liu, Jie, "Prognosis of Diesel Engine (MBT) Using Feature Extraction Techniques: A Comparative Study", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, ICPHM 2018, 2018.
Maurya, Seetaram;Singh, Vikas;Dixit, Sonal;Verma, Nishchal K.;Salour, Al;Liu, Jie, "Fusion of Low-level Features with Stacked Autoencoder for Condition based Monitoring of Machines", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Prognostics and Health Management, ICPHM 2018, 2018.
Singh, Vikas;Verma, Nishchal K., "Deep learning architecture for high-level feature generation using stacked auto encoder for business intelligence", Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, 125, 2018.
Dev, Raghav;Verma, Nishchal K., "Generalized fuzzy peer group for removal of mixed noise from color image", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 25, 2018.
Power Engineering Publications
Ravi Kumar B.;Mohapatra A.;Chakrabarti S.;Kumar A., "High-speed sub-cycle algorithm for estimation of decaying DC component in current measurements", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 151, 2023.
Ghosh S.;Mitra A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "Decomposition-Transformation Assisted Optimized Heterogeneous Classification Strategy in NILM", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2023.
Bansal Y.;Sodhi R.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "A Novel Two-stage Partitioning based Reconfiguration Method for Active Distribution Networks", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 2023.
Ghosh S.;Mitra A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "Data-Driven Strategy for Appliance Identification Using Phase-Space Reconstruction", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2023.
Vijayan V.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N.;Dewangan C.L., "An Efficient Modular Optimization Scheme for Unbalanced Active Distribution Networks with uncertain EV and PV Penetrations", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9, 2023.
Kapoor A.;Patel V.S.;Sharma A.;Mohapatra A., "Optimal Planning of Fast EV Charging Stations in a Coupled Transportation and Electrical Power Distribution Network", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 93955, 2023.
Sharma P.A.;Mohapatra A.;Sharma A., "A Novel Interior-Exterior Approach for the TSO-DSO based Bilevel Optimal Power Flow", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2023.
Yadav A.;Singh S.N.;Das S.P., "Symmetrical Multi-pole MMC-HVDC with DC Fault Ride Through Capability Using HBSM", Electric Power Components and Systems, 3, 2023.
Jamatia A.;Sensarma P., "A New Grid connected Doubly Grounded PV Micro-inverter with Power Decoupling Capability", 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies, GlobConHT 2023, 2023-on Renewable EnevVmbobal, 2023.
Rajoriya A.;Sharma A.;Budhiraja R., "Covariance-Free Variational Bayesian Learning For Correlated Block Sparse Signals", IEEE Communications Letters, 2023.
Heera B.S.;Sharma A.;Akansha K.;Singh Y.N., "Intelligent RMCSA Algorithm for Space Division Multiplexed Elastic Optical Network (SDM-EON)", 2023 15th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS, COMSNETS 2023, 2023-onference on COMmvDmbational Conference, 2023.
Sharma A.;Goel R.;Chauhan Y.S., "Analysis and Modeling of OFF-State Capacitance in LDD MOSFETs", 7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023, 2023-evices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collabovambn, 2023.
Heera B.S.;Sharma A.;Lohani V.;Singh Y.N., "Fragmentation-Aware RCSA Algorithm for Fair Spectrum Allocation in SDM-EON", 2nd Edition of IEEE Delhi Section Owned Conference, DELCON 2023 - Proceedings, 2023-of v mbEEE Delhi, 2023.
Heera B.S.;Singh Y.N.;Sharma A., "Congestion-Aware Dynamic RMCSA Algorithm for Spatially Multiplexed Elastic Optical Networks", Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Optical Network Design and Modeling, ONDM 2023, 513, 2023.
Ghosh S.;Singh A.K.;Singh R.;Maurya R.;Singh S.N.;Yang G., "Intelligent control of integrated on-board charger with improved power quality and reduced charging transients", ISA Transactions, 135, 2023.
Srivastava A.K.;Tiwari A.N.;Singh S.N.;Pampana V.;Kuhada R.B.;Rajpurohit B.S., "Deployment of MEMO-ESPRIT Python Tool at GIFT City Testbed for Harmonic/Interharmonic Analysis", 2023 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Renewable Energy and Hydrogen Technologies, GlobConHT 2023, 2023-August, 2023.
Srivastava A.K.;Tiwari A.N.;Singh S.N., "Harmonic and Interharmonic Estimation using Poincar&#x00E9; Filtering Assisted ESPRIT Method", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2023.
Verma A.K.;Tripathi P.;Dubey A.;Vishwakarma N.K.;Sinha A.S.K.;Singh S., "Visible Light-Promoted Enhanced Photocatalytic Hydrogen Generation by the CeF<inf>3</inf>:Ho<sup>3+</sup>-Incorporated TiO<inf>2</inf> Nanosystem", ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2023-August, 2023.
Ankit Kumar Srivastava ., Sri Niwas Singh ., Praveen Prakash Singh ., A.N. Tiwari ., "Harmonic/inter-harmonics detection using modified exact model order-based ESPRIT", International Journal of Power Electronics, 17, 2023.
Geetha S.J.;Meghwani A.;Chakrabarti S.;Rajawat K.;Terzija V., "Spoofing attack on synchrophasor GPS clock: Impact and detection in power system state estimation", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 134, 2022.
Alam M.N.;Chakrabarti S.;Pradhan A.K., "Protection of Networked Microgrids Using Relays with Multiple Setting Groups", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 18, 2022.
Dutta R.;Geetha S.J.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "An L-1 Regularized Forecasting-Aided State Estimator for Active Distribution Networks", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 13, 2022.
Kumar B.R.;Mohapatra A.;Gokaraju R.;Chakrabarti S., "Phase Angle-based Sub-Cycle Algorithm for High-Speed Digital Relaying of Transmission Lines", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 158146, 2022.
Srivastava A.;Chakrabarti S.;Soares J.;Singh S.N., "An Optimization-Based Topology Error Detection Method for Power System State Estimation", Electric Power Systems Research, 209, 2022.
Dewangan C.L.;Singh S.N.;Chakrabarti S.;Singh K., "Peak-to-average ratio incentive scheme to tackle the peak-rebound challenge in TOU pricing", Electric Power Systems Research, 210, 2022.
Shabbir M.N.S.K.;Liang X.;Chakrabarti S., "A Hierarchical Voltage Control Scheme for Wind Power Plants through Enhanced Reactive Power Support", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022.
Patel V.S.;Kapoor A.;Sharma A.;Chakrabarti S., "Locating Faulty Section in Tie-line Using Classification Based Methods", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT-Asia 2022, 3.2022, 2022.
Singh N.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "Real Time Detection and Control of Loss of Synchronism using Energy Function Criterion and Phase Sequence Exchange Technique", Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia, ISGT-Asia 2022, 9, 2022.
Dewangan C.L.;Satapathy M.;Singh S.N.;Chakrabarti S., "An Impact Study of Time of Use Pricing on Voltage Control Devices", 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2022, 2022.
Sharma N.K.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "State Estimation of the Transmission System in the Presence of Unbalanced Load at the Transmission Distribution Boundary", 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2022, 9, 2022.
Kumar B.R.;Mohapatra A.;Chakrabarti S., "Key Insights on Methods for Estimation of Decaying DC Component in Fault Currents", 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2022, 2022.
Kapoor A.;Patel V.;Sharma A.;Mohapatra A., "Centralized and Decentralized Pricing Strategies for Optimal Scheduling of Electric Vehicles", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 2022.
Piyush Sharma ., Abheejeet Mohapatra ., Ankush Sharma ., "Power circle diagrams and aggregate flexibility curves for active distribution networks", Electric Power Systems Research, 206, 2022.
Gupta A.P.;Mitra A.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S., "A Multi-Machine Equivalent Model of a Wind Farm Considering LVRT Characteristic and Wake Effect", IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, 59307, 2022.
Vijayan V.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N., "A Topology Assisted Optimal CVR Strategy for Unbalanced EDNs Having Spatio-Temporal Loads", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 58, 2022.
Kumar A.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N.;Panda R.K., "Space Vector Rotation Based Controlled Decaying Current Injection for Islanding Detection of Inverter-Interfaced DG", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9, 2022.
Puvvada N.Y.;Mohapatra A.;Srivastava S.C., "Robust AC Transmission Expansion Planning Using a Novel Dual-Based Bi-Level Approach", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 37, 2022.
Soni A.K.;Panda R.K.;Kumar A.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N.;Srivastava S.C., "Impact of Control Parameters on Short-Circuit Capacity of Inverter Based Sources", 2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies, GlobConET 2022, 2022-August, 2022.
Vijayan V.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N.;Tiwari A., "A Blended Approach to Improve Reliability and Efficiency of Active EDN via Dynamic Feeder Reconfiguration, Demand Response, and VVO", IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, 20523, 2022.
Maurya S.K.;Panda R.K.;Mohapatra A.;Sharma A., "<inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$\Delta V-\Delta I$</tex-math></inline-formula> Plane-Based Line Faults Detection and Classification in DC Microgrid", IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery, 9, 2022.
Soni A.K.;Kumar A.;Panda R.K.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N., "Adaptive Coordination of Relays in AC Microgrid Considering Operational and Topological Changes", IEEE Systems Journal, 2022.
Sharma P.A.;Mohapatra A.;Sharma A.;Pannala S.;Schulz N.;Srivastava A.;Gibson S.;Hieb J., "Real Time Adjustment to Mitigate the SPV Forecasting Errors with BESS and EV - An Utility Case Study", 2022 IEEE 10th Power India International Conference, PIICON 2022, 2022-August, 2022.
Khare G.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N., "Identifying the Attack Probability of Measurements in Nonlinear State Estimator", 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2022, 2022.
Maurya S.K.;Mohapatra A.;Sharma A., "Local parameter based Islanding Detection in DC Microgrid with zero Non-Detection Zone", 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2022, 2022.
Das S.;Banerjee A.;Liu Z., "New Family of Cross Z-Complementary Sequences With Large ZCZ Width", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 2022-June, 2022.
Dash P.S.;Das S.P., "A Five-Level Inverter with Multiple DC Sources for Grid-Connected Systems", Proceedings - 3rd IEEE India Council International Subsections Conference: Impactful Innovations for Benefits of Society and Industry, INDISCON 2022, 2022-Nndia Council International Subsections Conference: Impactful Innovations for Bev mbd IEEE, 2022.
Dash P.S.;Das S.P., "Switched-Capacitor Multi-Input Seven-Level Inverter for HFAC Applications", 2022 IEEE 2nd International Conference on Sustainable Energy and Future Electric Transportation, SeFeT 2022, 2022-onference on Sustainable Energy avembternational, 2022.
Dash P.S.;Das S.P., "An Enhanced Soft Charging Switched-Capacitor Multi-Level Inverter for HFAC Applications", 2022 IEEE Global Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GlobConPT 2022, 2022-on Computing, Power avamb Conference, 2022.
Das S.;Gopal Benerjee K.;Banerjee A., "On DNA Codes over the Non-Chain Ring <inf>4</inf>+u<inf>4</inf>+u<sup>2</sup><inf>4</inf>with u<sup>3</sup>=1", 2022 IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2022, 9, 2022.
Ghosh S.;Das S.;Singh A.K.;Singh S.N., "Optimal Scheduling of Electric Vehicles in a Solar Rooftop Parking Lot with V2V Power Transfer", 9th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2022, 9, 2022.
Bharat D.;Das S.P., "Multiple Feedforward with Feedback Based Control of Shunt Hybrid Active Filter for Fast Dynamic Performance", 2022 IEEE 10th Power India International Conference, PIICON 2022, 9, 2022.
Govind G.;Das S.P.;Akhtar M.J., "Switchable CSRR Sensor Array for Microwave Nondestructive Testing of Structures", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022, 2022.
Dash P.S.;Das S.P., "A Single DC Source Switched-Capacitor Multilevel Inverter for High-Frequency AC System", 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2022, 2022-onference on Power ElectvMmbational, 2022.
Singh M.;Das S.P.;Samanta S., "An On-Board Integrated Fast Charger Based on Multiphase Machine", 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2022, 2022-onference on Power Electvsmbational, 2022.
Joshi S.;Tolani S.;Sensarma P., "Hybrid controller for mid-range mid-power audio application", ISA Transactions, 2022.
Banerjee R.;Sensarma P., "Digital Peak Current Program Mode Controller for Switched Reluctance Machines", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 2022.
Sharma A.;Heera B.S.;Lohani V.;Singh Y.N., "Fragmentation-Aware Routing, Core and Spectrum Assignment in Multi-Core Fiber based SDM-EON", 2022 Workshop on Recent Advances in Photonics, WRAP 2022, 2022.
Pahwa G.;Sharma A.;Goel R.;Gill G.;Agarwal H.;Chauhan Y.S.;Hu C., "Robust Compact Model of High Voltage MOSFET&#x2019;s Drift Region", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2022-August, 2022.
Patinavalasa M.S.;Banoth L.;Sharma A.;Srivastava K.V.;Ghosh S., "A frequency-selective rasorber with wideband absorption and in-band transmission using resistive ink", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 64, 2022.
Sharma A.;Lohani V.;Singh Y.N., "A vectored fragmentation metric for elastic optical networks", Photonic Network Communications, 2, 2022.
Sharma A.;Heera B.S.;Lohani V.;Singh Y.N., "Adaptive Weights-based Dynamic Resource Provisioning in Space Division Multiplexed-Elastic Optical Networks (SDM-EONs)", 2022 30th International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks, SoftCOM 2022, 19, 2022.
Sharma A.;Saikia M.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A Rasorber with a Selective in-Band Transmission Response between Wide Absorption Bands", 2022 52nd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2022, 22, 2022.
Mishra P.;Singh M.P.;Sharma A.;Srivastava K.V.;Ghosh S., "A Dual-Band Millimeter Wave SRR Loaded Printed Monopole with Annular Slot MIMO Antenna for 5G Applications", 2022 52nd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2022, 2022.
Lohani V.;Sharma A.;Singh Y.N., "Sub-graph p-Cycle Formation for Span Failures in All-Optical Networks", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 929, 2022.
Lohani V.;Sharma A.;Singh Y.N., "Dynamic Routing and Spectrum Assignment based on the Consecutive Sub-channels in Flexible-grid Optical Networks", IEEE Access, 9, 2022.
Kumar Nigam A.;Sharma A.;Bhattacharya S.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "Rasorber With Wide Absorption Band Before Transmission Band (A-T Type FSR)", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Maharana P.K.;Sharma A.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A Polarization-Insensitive Dual-Transmission Band Frequency Selective Rasorber", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Pannala S.;Khan A.;Schulz N.;Srivastava A.;Sharma A.;Srivastava S.C., "Cooperative Framework for Mitigation of Voltage Limit Violations in a Rural Distribution System with Electric Vehicles Fleet", 2022 22nd National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2022, 2022-August, 2022.
Dileep A.;Sharma A.;Saikia M.;Paul S.;Chaudhary R.K.;Srivastava K.V., "Design of Two layer Frequency Selective Rasorber for Dual Band Absorption and In Band Transmission", 2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science, USRI-RCRS 2022, 2022-August, 2022.
Sharma A.;Zarkob Y.H.;Goel R.;Dabhi C.K.;Pahwa G.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y.S., "Recent Enhancements in the Standard BSIM-BULK MOSFET Model", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2022, 2022-August, 2022.
Singh S.K.;Penke Y.K.;Ramkumar J.;Akhtar M.J.;Kar K.K., "Facile synthesis of Al substituted Cu-ferrite infused reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanohybrid for improving microwave absorption at gigahertz frequencies", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 901, 2022.
Kumari A.;Singh S.P.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Design of a Differential Spoof Surface Plasmon Sensor for Dielectric Sensing and Defect Detection", IEEE Sensors Journal, 9, 2022.
Agarwal U.;Jain N.;Kumawat M.;Singh S.N., "An Assessment Procedure for Distribution Network Reliability Considering Load Growth", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 812, 2022.
Singh B.;Dubey P.K.;Singh S.N., "Recent Optimization Techniques for Coordinated Control of Electric Vehicles in Super Smart Power Grids Network: A State of the Art", 9th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2022, 22, 2022.
Ghosh S.;Singh A.K.;Negi R.;Singh S.N., "Battery Degradation Aware Power Exchange in Grid-Integrated PV- Battery Assisted EV Charging Station", 10th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2022, 2022-onference on Power Electvgmbational, 2022.
Prasad R.;Gururaj M.V.;Padhy N.P., "Frequency Regulation of PMSG Based Wind Turbine Considering Location Identification Technique in High Penetration of Renewable Generation System", PESGRE 2022 - IEEE International Conference on "Power Electronics, Smart Grid, and Renewable Energy", 2022, 2022.
Panigrahi R.;Mishra S.K.;Srivastava S.C.;Enjeti P., "Microgrid Integration in Smart Low-Voltage Distribution Systems", IEEE Power Electronics Magazine, 9, 2022.
Dutta S.;Gangavarapu S.;Rathore A.K.;Singh R.;Mishra S.;Khadkikar V., "Novel Single-Phase Cuk-derived Bridgeless PFC Converter for On-Board EV Charger with Reduced Number of Components", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2022-August, 2022.
Soumyabrata Das ., Padmanabh Thakur ., Asheesh K. Singh ., S.N. Singh ., "Optimal management of vehicle-to-grid and grid-to-vehicle strategies for load profile improvement in distribution system", Journal of Energy Storage, 49, 2022.
Ankit Kumar Srivastava ., A. N. Tiwari ., Niwas Singh ., "Harmonic and Interharmonic Estimation using Poincaré Filtering Assisted ESPRIT Method", 2022 IEEE IAS Global Conference on Emerging Technologies, GlobConET 2022, 49.2022, 2022.
Panigrahi R.;Mishra S.K.;Joshi A.;Ngo K.D.T., "Synthesis of PWM Converters from Conversion Ratios using Flux- or Charge-Balance Equations", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2022-NmervrmbEmerging and, 2022.
Rajkishor Kumar ., Arvind Kumar ., Avinash Chandra ., Naveen Mishra ., Kundan Kumar ., Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary ., "Dual Triangular-shaped DRA Excited with Asymmetric Slot Coupled for Wideband Circular Polarization Applications", APCC 2022 - 27th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications: Creating Innovative Communication Technologies for Post-Pandemic Era, 2022-acific Conference on Communications: Creating Innovative Comvhmb Asia, 2022.
Dutta R.;Patel V.S.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A.;Das R.K.;Mondal S., "Parameter Estimation of Distribution Lines Using SCADA Measurements", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, 2021.
Geetha S.J.;Chakrabarti S.;Rajawat K., "Asynchronous Hierarchical Forecasting-Aided State Estimator with Sub-Area Data Validation for Power Systems", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, 2021.
Dutta R.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "Topology Tracking for Active Distribution Networks", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36, 2021.
B Rathore, S Chakrabarti, L Srivastava, "ARI and ARID control of virtual synchronous generator for frequency response improvement", IET Renewable Power Generation, 15, 2021.
Dutta R.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "Robust Topology Detection of Distribution Network", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 36, 2021.
Kumar B.R.;Mohapatra A.;Chakrabarti S., "A Novel Sub-Cycle-Based Method for Estimation of Decaying DC Component and Fundamental Phasor", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2021.
Mitra A.;Dutta R.;Gupta A.P.;Mohapatra A.;Chakrabarti S., "A Robust Data-Driven Approach for Adaptive Dynamic Load Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 2021.
Pawar B.;Chakrabarti S.;Batzelis E.I.;Pal B.C., "Grid-Forming Control for Solar PV Systems with Real-Time MPP Estimation", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2021-July, 2021.
Kumar B.R.;Mohapatra A.;Chakrabarti S., "Phasor Estimation and Disturbance Detection in Power Systems by Ramanujan Sum", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2021-July, 2021.
Dewangan C.L.;Chakrabarti S.;Singh S.N.;Panda R.K., "An Improved Automatic Power Factor Controller in the RES-Integrated Distribution System", Proceedings - 2021 International Conference on Control, Automation, Power and Signal Processing, CAPS 2021, 2021-Nonference on Control, Automvtmb21 International Conference, 2021.
Vijayan V.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N., "Demand Response with Volt/Var Optimization for unbalanced active distribution systems", Applied Energy, 300, 2021.
Kumar A.;Panda R.K.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N.;Srivastava S.C., "Mode of oscillation based islanding detection of inverter interfaced DG using ESPRIT", Electric Power Systems Research, 200, 2021.
Kumar A.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N., "Sequence Measurement-Based Islanding Detection of DGs in Microgrid with Enhanced Power Quality", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, 2021.
Kesherwani S.;Mohapatra A.;Srivastava S.C., "A Synchrophasor Measurement based Approach for Dynamic Available Transfer Capability Evaluation", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2021-July, 2021.
Gupta A.P.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N., "DFIG Equivalence of a Wind Farm by Extended Kalman Filter based Parameters Estimation", ICPS 2021 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems: Developments towards Inclusive Growth for Sustainable and Resilient Grid, 21, 2021.
Vijayan V.;Mohapatra A.;Singh S.N., "A Coordinated Strategy for Optimal Operation of Unbalanced EDN via BESS, VVO and DSM", ICPS 2021 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems: Developments towards Inclusive Growth for Sustainable and Resilient Grid, 2021-Nonference on Power Systems: Developments towards InclusvrmbIEEE, 2021.
Meher T.P.;Singh S.N.;Mohapatra A., "Condition Monitoring of Power Electronic Converters: Present Status and Key Challenges", Proceedings of 2021 5th International Conference on Condition Assessment Techniques in Electrical Systems, CATCON 2021, 2021, 2021.
Paul S.K.;Mohapatra A.;Yasasvi P.N., "A New Convex Relaxation based OPF for Mutually Coupled Unbalanced Active Distribution Network", ICPS 2021 - 9th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems: Developments towards Inclusive Growth for Sustainable and Resilient Grid, 21, 2021.
Panda R.K.;Patel V.S.;Mohapatra A.;Mishra S.K.;Padhy N.P., "Propagation Delay Calculation in Power Hardware in Loop Simulation", 2021 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference, ITEC-India 2021, 2, 2021.
Yadav A.;Singh S.N.;Das S.P., "Design and Analysis of Multi-pole MMC-HVDC", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2021-July, 2021.
Singh M.;Samanta S.;Das S.P., "A Generalized Method of Determining Coil and Compensation Circuit Parameters of Basic WPT Topologies", 2021 National Power Electronics Conference, NPEC 2021, 2021.
Zafar R.;Gupta N., "Estimation of interface properties in epoxy-based barium titanate nanocomposites", Journal of Physics Communications, 5, 2021.
Sharma A.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A polarization-insensitive band-notched absorber for radar cross section reduction", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 20, 2021.
Sharma A.;Malik S.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A miniaturized band-notched absorber for wideband RCS reduction", 2020 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, ISAP 2020, 21, 2021.
Sharma A.;Ali S.;Lohani V.;Singh Y.N., "A penalty-based routing and spectrum assignment in fragmented elastic optical network spectrum", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 1, 2021.
Sharma A.K.;Saxena K.R.;Arora V., "Frequency-anchored deep networks for polyphonic melody extraction", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 1, 2021.
Malik S.;Saikia M.;Sharma A.;Singh G.;Ramkumar J.;Mishra P.K.;Srivastava K.V., "Design and analysis of polarization-insensitive broadband microwave absorber for perfect absorption", Progress In Electromagnetics Research M, 104, 2021.
Sharma A.;Malik S.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A Miniaturized Frequency Selective Rasorber with Independently Regulated Selective Dual-Transmission Response", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 27106, 2021.
Sharma A.;Malik S.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A Dual-Transmission Band Rasorber with Miniaturized Unit Cell Geometry", Proceedings of CONECCT 2021: 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, 0.2021, 2021.
Singh S.K.;Sharma A.;Mishra S.;Srivastava S.C.;Mukherjee D.;Srivastava A.;Schulz N., "A Rural Microgrid Field Pilot in India Ensuring Reliable Electricity Supply and Social Upliftment", 2021 11th IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference, GHTC 2021, 2021-August, 2021.
Sharma A.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A Dual-Polarized Broadband Switchable Frequency Selective Rasorber/ Absorber", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021-NSvFmbInternational, 2021.
Meena S.;Sharma A.;Srivastava K.V.;Ghosh S., "A Dual-Polarized Dual-Band Frequency Selective Rasorber with Selective Transmission Windows", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 21, 2021.
Malik S.;Sharma A.;Srivastava K.V., "Resistive Ink Based Microwave Absorber for S and C-Band with 99% Absorption", 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2021, 2021-Nav mb Conference, 2021.
Kumar Y.;Sharma A.;Saikia M.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "Polarization Insensitive Broadband Switchable Frequency Selective Rasorber/ Absorber", 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2021, 2021-Navtmb Conference, 2021.
Venkataramana Naik N.;Singh S.P., "A Novel Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Based Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Drive Using Five-Level Diode-Clamped Inverter", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 68, 2021.
Tomar K.K.S.;Srinath N.V.;Ramkumar J.;Singh S.N., "Level-one house agent-based decentralized resilient energy management", Electrical Engineering, 103, 2021.
Narain A.;Srivastava S.K.;Singh S.N., "An ATCDF approach for ATC enhancement using charging/discharging of wind-battery system considering wind direction and wake effect of WTs", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 86, 2021.
Firoz N.;Singh S.;Mazhari B., "Estimation of contact resistance in four terminal amorphous IGZO thin film transistor", Proceedings of the International Semiconductor Conference, CAS, 2021-October, 2021.
Singh S.;Singh P.;Sahu S.;Vasudevan K.;Mishra H.B., "Uplink Transmission in MU Multi-Cell Massive MIMO-FBMC Systems over Ricean Fading", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2021-September, 2021.
Ghosh S.;Singh A.K.;Paul A.K.;Singh S.N., "Disturbance Observer-based Sliding Mode Control of PV-Battery Assisted EV Charging Station", 2021 IEEE 8th Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2021, 2021-Nradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Elevembtar, 2021.
Gururaj M.V.;Prasad R.;Padhy N.P., "Real Time Simulation Study upon the Impact of DFIG Interconnected DC Microgrid on the Distribution System", 2021 IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies, GUCON 2021, 21, 2021.
Aishvarya Narain ., S. K. Srivastava ., S. N. Singh ., "Impact of wind power generation on ATC calculation with uncertain equal load", Electrical Engineering, 2, 2021.
Puneet Kumar Srivastava ., Amar Nath Tiwari ., Sri Niwas Singh ., "Phase-Lag Compensator based Approach for Realizing MPPT through PMSG based Wind Turbine Generator", International Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 6, 2021.
Aishvarya Narain ., S. K. Srivastava ., S. N. Singh ., "A novel sensitive based approach to ATC enhancement in wind power integrated transmission system", SN Applied Sciences, 3, 2021.
Vakacharla V.R.;Rathore A.K.;Singh R.;Mishra S., "Fixed-Frequency Current-fed LCL Series Resonant Soft-Switching Converter with Capacitive Doubler", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 2021.
Ankit Kumar Srivastava ., A.N. Tiwari ., S.N. Singh ., "Harmonic/interharmonic estimation using standard deviation assisted ESPRIT method", COMPEL - The International Journal for Computation and Mathematics in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 40, 2021.
Ankit Kumar Srivastava ., A. N. Tiwari ., Sri Niwas Singh ., "Harmonic/Inter-harmonic Estimation: Key Issues and Challenges", 2021 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Automation, ICCCA 2021, 21, 2021.
Acharya S.;Mallik A.;Mishra S.K., "PWM Control of a High Gain n-Phase Interleaved Current Fed Topology", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2021.
Dey S.;Mallik A.;Mishra S.K., "A Mathematical Design Approach to Volumetric Optimization of EMI Filter and Modeling of CM Noise Sources in a Three-Phase PFC", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 9, 2021.
Rana M.S.;Kumar H.;Mishra S.K., "A Modified Push-Pull Topology with Phase-shift Modulation", Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 12th International Symposium on Power Electronics for Distributed Generation Systems, PEDG 2021, 21, 2021.
Panigrahi R.;Mishra S.K.;Joshi A., "Inverse Problem of Converter Synthesis: Formulation, Complexities, and Solution", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 616, 2021.
Kumar H.;Channappanavar R.;Mishra S.K., "High Bandwidth Inductor Current Estimator for digitally controlled DC-DC Converters for Light Load Applications", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 2021-NmervtmbEmerging and, 2021.
Acharya S.;Mishra S.K., "PWM Control of n-Phase Interleaved Active Front- End Boost Stage-Based Impedance Source Inverter", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 9, 2021.
Acharya S.;Mishra S.;Tiwari A., "PWM Control of n-Phase Interleaved Current Fed Topology", 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2021 - Proceedings, 2021-Nonvrmb Conversion, 2021.
Rana M.S.;Mishra S.K.;Kumar H., "A Modified Soft-Switched Push-Pull Topology with Phase-shift Modulation", 2021 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2021 - Proceedings, 21, 2021.
Rana M.S.;Yogi D.;Gambhir A.;Mishra S.K., "Analysis and Design of a Zero-Current Switching Non-Isolated High Gain Inverter", IEEE Open Journal of Power Electronics, 2, 2021.
Pande, Piyush Warhad;Kumar, Bandi Ravi;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Srivastava, Suresh Chandra;Sarkar, Subrata;Sharma, Tarun, "Model order estimation methods for low frequency oscillations in power systems", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 115, 2020.
Anju Meghwani ., Ramakrishna Gokaraju ., Suresh Chandra Srivastava ., Saikat Chakrabarti ., "Local Measurements-Based Backup Protection for DC Microgrids Using Sequential Analyzing Technique", IEEE Systems Journal, 14, 2020.
Mohammed I.;Geetha S.J.;Shinde S.S.;Rajawat K.;Chakrabarti S., "Modified Re-Iterated Kalman Filter for Handling Delayed and Lost Measurements in Power System State Estimation", IEEE Sensors Journal, 20, 2020.
Alam M.N.;Chakrabarti S.;Liang X., "A Benchmark Test System for Networked Microgrids", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 16, 2020.
Alam M.N.;Gokaraju R.;Chakrabarti S., "Protection coordination for networked microgrids using single and dual setting overcurrent relays", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 14, 2020.
Alam M.N.;Chakrabarti S.;Tiwari V.K., "Protection coordination with high penetration of solar power to distribution networks", 2020 2nd International Conference on Smart Power and Internet Energy Systems, SPIES 2020, 4020, 2020.
Dutta R.;Som S.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A.;Srivastava A.K., "Event detection and localization in active distribution networks using µ PMUs", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2020-August, 2020.
Kapoor A.;Gangwar P.;Sharma A.;Mohapatra A., "Multi-objective framework for optimal scheduling of electric vehicles", 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2020, 2020.
Gopinath G.R.;Das S.P., "Alternative implementations of square-root cubature kalman filter for sensorless PMSM drives with improved dynamic performance", IET Conference Publications, 2020, 2020.
Varshney P.K.;Sharma A.;Akhtar M.J., "Exploration of adulteration in some food materials using high-sensitivity configuration of electric-LC resonator sensor", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 30, 2020.
Sharma A.;Saikia M.;Malik S.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A polarization-insensitive broadband rasorber with in-band transmission response", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 62, 2020.
Sarkar A.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Compact CRLH Leaky-Wave Antenna Using TE<inf>20</inf>-Mode Substrate-Integrated Waveguide for Broad Space Radiation Coverage", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 68, 2020.
Panigrahi R.;Verma Y.;Mishra S.K.;Sharma A.;Meghwani A., "A fiber optic communication module to interface RTDs with power amplifier for PHIL simulations", 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2020, 2020.
Tiwari N.K.;Singh S.P.;Jha A.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Simplified Approach for Broadband RF Testing of Low Loss Magneto-Dielectric Samples", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 69, 2020.
Rezkallah M.;Chandra A.;Saad M.;Tremblay M.;Singh B.;Singh S.;Ibrahim H., "Design and Implementation of Decentralized Control for Distributed generation based Off-grid System", 2020 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Smart Grid and Renewable Energy, PESGRE 2020, 2020-August, 2020.
Sachan S.;Deb S.;Singh S.N., "Different charging infrastructures along with smart charging strategies for electric vehicles", Sustainable Cities and Society, 60, 2020.
Venkataramana Naik N.;Singh S.P.;Panda A.K., "An Interval Type-2 Fuzzy-Based DTC of IMD Using Hybrid Duty Ratio Control", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 35, 2020.
Singh S.;Singh P.;Vasudevan K., "Uplink sum rate analysis of multi-user massive mimo-OFDM/oqam systems in ricean fading", IET Communications, 14, 2020.
Chauhan R.K.;Chauhan K.;Singh S.N., "Microgrids for rural areas: Research and case studies", Microgrids for Rural Areas, 0, 2020.
Chauhan R.K.;Chauhan K.;Singh S.N., "Overview of microgrids for rural areas and low-voltage applications", Microgrids for Rural Areas, 0O160, 2020.
Tiwari N.;Singh S.;Mondal D.;Akhtar M., "Flexible biomedical RF sensors to quantify the purity of medical grade glycerol and glucose concentrations", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 12, 2020.
Kumar S.;Rajpurohit B.S.;Singh S.N.;Marinova I.;Mateev V., "A new short-circuit protection scheme for boost converter", 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2020, 2020.
Kumar M.;Singh S.N., "Control technique for integration of smart dc microgrid to the utility grid", Microgrids for Rural Areas, 510, 2020.
Chauhan R.K.;Chauhan K.;Singh S.N., "Conclusions and future scopes", Microgrids for Rural Areas, 160, 2020.
Srivastava S., "BSBL-based Block-Sparse Channel Estimation for Affine Precoded OSTBC MIMO-OFDM Systems", 26th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2020, 2020.
Singh, S.K., "Synthesis of a lightweight nanocomposite based on polyaniline 3D hollow spheres integrated milled carbon fibers for efficient X-band microwave absorption", Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 59, 2020.
Anil Gambhir ., Santanu K. Mishra ., Avinash Joshi ., "Control Approach to Enhance the Performance of a Current-Fed Switched Inverter", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 8, 2020.
Aishvarya Narain ., S.K. Srivastava ., S.N. Singh ., "Congestion management approaches in restructured power system: Key issues and challenges", Electricity Journal, 33, 2020.
Shweta Singh ., A.N. Tiwari ., Sri N. Singh ., "Performance analysis of sensor-based and sensorless methods for pmsm drive", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, 2020.
Shweta Singh ., Amar N. Tiwari ., Sri N. Singh ., "Sensor-based and sensorless vector control of permanent magnet synchronous motor drives: A comparative study", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, 2020.
Puneet K. Srivastava ., Amar N. Tiwari ., Sri N. Singh ., "Performance analysis of PMSG based wind energy conversion system with different LVRT enhancement methods", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, 2020.
Puneet K. Srivastava ., Amar N. Tiwari ., Sri N. Singh ., "Impacts of wind energy integration to the utility grid and grid codes: A review", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, 2020.
Shweta Singh ., Amar N. Tiwari ., Sri N. Singh ., "Speed and position estimation for sensorless control of pmsm: A critical review", Recent Advances in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 13, 2020.
Shweta Singh ., Amar Nath Tiwari ., S.N. Singh ., "Performance evaluation of MRAS and SMO based sensorless PMSM drives", World Journal of Engineering, 17, 2020.
Ray O.;Rana M.S.;Mishra S.;Davies K.;Sepasi S., "Battery-swap technology for e-rickshaws: Challenges, opportunity and scope", 2020 21st National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2020, 2020.
Gangwar, Priyanka;Singh, Sri Niwas;Chakrabarti, Saikat, "Multi-objective planning model for multiphase distribution system under uncertainty considering reconfiguration", IET Renewable Power Generation, 13, 2019.
Priyanka Gangwar ., Sri Niwas Singh ., Saikat Chakrabarti ., "Network reconfiguration for the DG-integrated unbalanced distribution system", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, 2019.
Priyanka Gangwar ., S. N. Singh ., S. Chakrabarti ., "An Analytical Approach for Phase Balancing Considering Customer Load Profile", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019-Nnnovative Smavcmb019 IEEE, 2019.
Geetha S.;Chakrabarti S.;Rajawat K.;Terzija V., "An Asynchronous Decentralized Forecasting-Aided State Estimator for Power Systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34, 2019.
Dubey A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A.;Terzija V., "Optimal utilisation of PMU measurements in power system hybrid state estimators", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, 2019.
Syed Mohammad Ashraf ., Anamika Dubey ., Saikat Chakrabarti ., "Voltage stability control of power systems using reduced network based optimisation", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, 2019.
Arindam Mitra ., Abheejeet Mohapatra ., Saikat Chakrabarti ., "Parameter Estimation of a Synchronous Generator at Moderate Measurement Sampling Rate", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019-Nnnovative SmavGmb019 IEEE, 2019.
Geetha S.J.;Sharma A.;Chakrabarti S., "Unscented rauch-tung-streibel smoother-based power system forecasting-aided state estimator using hybrid measurements", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, 2019.
Jin, Zhaoyang;Wall, Peter;Chen, Yushou;Yu, James;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Terzija, Vladimir, "Analysis of Hybrid State Estimators: Accuracy and Convergence of Estimator Formulations", IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 34, 2019.
Anamika Dubey ., Saikat Chakrabarti ., Vladimir Terzija ., "SCADA and PMU Measurement Based Methods for Robust Hybrid State Estimation", Electric Power Components and Systems, 47, 2019.
Alam M.N.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A.;Srivastava S.C., "An Adaptive Protection Scheme for AC Microgrids Using μPMU Based Topology Processor", Proceedings - 2019 IEEE International Conference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Power Systems Europe, EEEIC/I and CPS Europe 2019, 2019-Nonference on Environment and Electrical Engineering and 2019 IEEE Industrial and Commercial Powevimb19 IEEE International, 2019.
Pande, Piyush Warhad;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Srivastava, S. C., "Online Tuning of Power System Stabilizer using Synchrophasor Data", 2019 IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia, GTD Asia 2019, 2019-NGvembD, 2019.
Pande, Piyush Warhad;Chakrabarti, S.;Srivastava, S. C., "Subspace based model order estimation of low frequency oscillations in power systems using synchrophasor data", 2019 International Conference on Smart Grid Synchronized Measurements and Analytics, SGSMA 2019, 9, 2019.
Alam M.N.;Chakrabarti S.;Ghosh A., "Networked Microgrids: State-of-the-Art and Future Perspectives", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 15, 2019.
Dubey A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A.;Panigrahy N., "Real-time Implementation of Synchrophasor Based Linear State Estimator in OPAL-RT HYPERSIM", Proceedings of the Conference on the Industrial and Commercial Use of Energy, ICUE, 2018-October, 2019.
Meghwani A.;Sreenath J.G.;Srivastava S.C.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "Robust Event Detection using Synchrophasor Assisted Forecasting-Aided State Estimation", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2019-August, 2019.
Khan A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A.;Alam M.N., "Parameter and Topology Estimation for Electrical Power Distribution System", 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems: Transition towards Sustainable, Smart and Flexible Grids, ICPS 2019, 419, 2019.
Aasim, ;Singh, S. N.;Mohapatra, Abheejeet, "Repeated wavelet transform based ARIMA model for very short-term wind speed forecasting", Renewable Energy, 136, 2019.
Gupta, Akhilesh Prakash;Mohapatra, A.;Singh, S. N., "Power System Network Equivalents: Key Issues and Challenges", IEEE Region 10 Annual International Conference, Proceedings/TENCON, 2018-October, 2019.
Gaurav Khare ., Abheejeet Mohapatra ., S. N. Singh ., "Linearized Attack Vector Formulation against AC State Estimator", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 4019, 2019.
Vineeth Vijayan ., Abheejeet Mohapatra ., S.N. Singh ., "Impact of Modes of Operation of Smart Inverters on Volt-VAR Optimization", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 4019, 2019.
Bhoir M.S.;Chauhan Y.S.;Mohapatra N.R., "Back-gate bias and substrate doping influenced substrate effect in UTBB FD-SOI mos transistors: Analysis and optimization guidelines", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Saurabh Kesherwani ., Suresh Chandra Srivastava ., Abheejeet Mohapatra ., "Synchrophasor measurement-based approach for online available transfer capability evaluation", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, 2019.
Panda, Rakesh Kumar;Mohapatra, Abheejeet;Srivastava, S. C., "Application of Indirect Adaptive Control Philosophy for Inertia Estimation", 2019 IEEE PES GTD Grand International Conference and Exposition Asia, GTD Asia 2019, 2019-NGvombD, 2019.
Homanga Bharadhwaj ., Avinash Kumar ., Abheejeet Mohapatra ., "A Synchro-phasor Assisted Optimal Features Based Scheme for Fault Detection and Classification", Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2019-July, 2019.
Pandey J.C.;Gupta N., "Study of treeing in epoxy-alumina nanocomposites using electroluminescence", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 26, 2019.
Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "Ripple-Free Input Current High Voltage Gain DC-DC Converters with Coupled Inductors", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34, 2019.
Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "Operating Modes based Review of Single-Stage Buck-Boost Inverters", IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 2019-October, 2019.
Kumar A.;Bathra K.;Sensarma P., "A cascaded buck-flyback structure for high voltage step down applications", IECON Proceedings (Industrial Electronics Conference), 2019-October, 2019.
Shalini;Samantaray S.;Sharma A., "Supervising zone-3 operation of the distance relay using synchronised phasor measurements", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 13, 2019.
Gumpu S.;Pamulaparthy B.;Sharma A., "Review of Congestion Management Methods from Conventional to Smart Grid Scenario", International Journal of Emerging Electric Power Systems, 20, 2019.
Sarkar A.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "EMSIW-Based compact high gain wide full space scanning LWA with improved broadside radiation profile", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, 2019.
Sarkar A.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Eighth-mode SIW based compact high gain leaky-wave antenna", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 29, 2019.
Sharma A.;Sarkar A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Differentially-Driven Dielectric Resonator Antenna using TE<inf>20</inf> Mode Substrate Integrated Waveguide", ISAP 2018 - 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 50, 2019.
Sarkar A.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "EMSICC Based CRLH Compact Leaky-wave Antenna with Enhanced Broadside Efficiency", ISAP 2018 - 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 50, 2019.
Adhikary M.;Sarkar A.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "TE<inf>20</inf> Mode Air Filled SIW based Balun Bandpass Filter", ISAP 2018 - 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 50, 2019.
Kapoor A.;Dutta R.;Sharma A., "Voltage Regulation in Distribution System using Demand Response", Proceedings of 2019 IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Europe, ISGT-Europe 2019, 2019-Nnnovative Smavtmb019 IEEE, 2019.
Geete A.;Dubey A.;Sharma A.;Dubey A., "Exergy Analyses of Fabricated Compound Parabolic Solar Collector with Evacuated Tubes at Different Operating Conditions: Indore (India)", Journal of The Institution of Engineers (India): Series C, 100, 2019.
Tiwari N.;Singh S.;Mondal D.;Akhtar M., "Design of frequency controlled 4G and 5G band dielectric sensors using cross-polarized metamaterial particle dedicated to communication industry", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 33, 2019.
Mathew A.;Deepak P.;Bhadra S.;Pindoriya N.;Kiprakis A.;Singh S.N., "Time Series Representation Learning Applications for Power Analytics", 2019 20th International Conference on Intelligent System Application to Power Systems, ISAP 2019, 2019-August, 2019.
Singh B.;Singh S.N.;Kumar R.;Tiwari P., "A Comprehensive Review on Enhancement of Voltage Stability by using Different FACTS Controllers Planning in Power Systems", Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2019, 4019, 2019.
Jena S.;Padhy N.P.;Srivastava S.C.;Schulz N.N., "A hybrid RC-droop control strategy for power sharing and voltage restoration in islanded DC microgrids", 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems: Transition towards Sustainable, Smart and Flexible Grids, ICPS 2019, 2019-Nonference on Power Systems: Transition towards Susv mbtional Conference, 2019.
Jisha, L. K.;Powly Thomas, A. A.;Srivastava, Suresh, "Speed control of vector controlled induction motor by sliding mode control with exponential reaching law", International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 8, 2019.
Tiwari, Sumit and Tiwari, Prabhakar and Singh, SN, "Study to improve the efficiency of c-Si material in photovoltaic power plant", Materials Today: Proceedings, 25, 2019.
Channappanavar, Rajat;Mishra, Santanu K.;Singh, R. K., "An Inductor Current Estimator for Digitally Controlled Synchronous Buck Converter", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34, 2019.
Mishra, Santanu K.;Nayak, Khirod Kumar;Rana, Mandeep Singh;Dharmarajan, Vimala, "Switched-boost action based multiport converter", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55, 2019.
Ramanuja Panigrahi ., Santanu K. Mishra ., Avinash Joshi ., "Synthesizing a family of converters for a specified conversion ratio using flux balance principle", 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2019, 9, 2019.
Gambhir, Anil;Mishra, Santanu K.;Joshi, Avinash, "Power Frequency Harmonic Reduction and its Redistribution for Improved Filter Design in Current-Fed Switched Inverter", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 66, 2019.
Gambhir, Anil;Mishra, Santanu K.;Joshi, Avinash, "A modified PWM scheme to improve performance of a single-phase active-front-end impedance source inverter", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 55, 2019.
Hitesh Kumar ., Santanu K. Mishra ., "An Active Power Sink to Emulate Residential Loads in Secondary Distribution System", 2019 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2019, 2019-Nndusvnmbry Applications, 2019.
Anil Gambhir ., Santanu Mishra ., "Gain Enhancement of Switched Boost Inverter Using a Novel PWM Scheme", 2019 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2019, 2019.
Acharya, Sonam;Mishra, Santanu K., "Design and analysis of interleaved current fed switched inverter", Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2019-March, 2019.
Rastogi, Sagar K.;Sankar, Arun;Manglik, Kushagra;Mishra, Santanu K.;Mohanty, Saraju P., "Toward the Vision of All-Electric Vehicles in a Decade [Energy and Security]", IEEE Consumer Electronics Magazine, 8, 2019.
Paul S.;Padhy N.P.;Mishra S.K.;Srivastava A.K., "UUCA: Utility-User Cooperative Algorithm for Flexible Load Scheduling in Distribution System", 2019 8th International Conference on Power Systems: Transition towards Sustainable, Smart and Flexible Grids, ICPS 2019, 2019-Nonference on Power Systems: Transition towards Susvhmbtional Conference, 2019.
Nag S.;Panigrahi R.;Mishra S.;Joshi A.;Ngo K.;Mandal S., "A theory to synthesize nonisolated DC-DC converters using flux balance principle", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 34, 2019.
Mallik S.K.;Chakrabarti S.;Singh S.N., "An Educational Software for Enhancing Research in Power System State Estimation", Electric Power Components and Systems, 46, 2018.
Dewangan, Chaman Lal;Singh, S. N.;Chakrabarti, S., "Solar irradiance forecasting using wavelet neural network", Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC, 2017-November, 2018.
Sreenath J.G.;Mangalwedekar S.;Meghwani A.;Chakrabarti S.;Rajawat K.;Srivastava S.C., "Impact of GPS Spoofing on Synchrophasor Assisted Load Shedding", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2018-August, 2018.
Geetha S.;Chakrabarti S.;Rajawat K., "Hierarchical parallel dynamic estimator of states for interconnected power system", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12, 2018.
Sreenath J.G.;Meghwani A.;Chakrabarti S.;Rajawat K.;Srivastava S.C., "A recursive state estimation approach to mitigate false data injection attacks in power systems", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2018-January, 2018.
Pande, Piyush Warhad;Chakrabarti, S.;Srivastava, S. C., "Online Updating of Synchronous Generator Linearised Model Parameters and PSS Tuning", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Inamdar S.S.;Singh S.K.;Sharma A.;Chakrabarti S., "Performance Evaluation of 5kWp grid connected polycrystalline Si-based Photovoltaic Plant", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Dutta R.;Dubey A.;Chakrabarti S.;Sharma A., "Comparative Performance Analysis of Optimization Based Distribution System State Estimator with Varying Measurement Uncertainties", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 9, 2018.
Meghwani, Anju;Srivastava, Suresh C.;Chakrabarti, Saikat, "Local measurement-based technique for estimating fault location in multi-source DC microgrids", IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution, 12, 2018.
Khan, Rizwan A.;Dewangan, C. L.;Srivastava, S. C.;Chakrabarti, S., "Short Term Load Forecasting using SVM Models", 8th IEEE Power India International Conference, PIICON 2018, 2018.
Meghwani, Anju;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Srivastava, S. C., "An on-line fault location technique for DC microgrid using transient measurements", 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems, ICPS 2017, 2018.
Meghwani, Anju;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Srivastava, S. C.;Anand, S., "Analysis of fault characteristics in DC microgrids for various converter topologies", 2017 IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies - Asia: Smart Grid for Smart Community, ISGT-Asia 2017, 2017-Nrid Technologies - Asia: SvCmbtive Smart, 2018.
Athiappan, Sathish;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Anand, Sandeep, "Estimation and utilization of aggregate harmonic load model", Asia-Pacific Power and Energy Engineering Conference, APPEEC, 2017-November, 2018.
Dubey, Anamika;Chakrabarti, Saikat;Terzija, Vladimir, "Testing and validation of a dynamic estimator of states in OPAL-RT real time simulator", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2018-January, 2018.
Krishnan V.V.G.;Srivastava S.C.;Chakrabarti S., "A robust decentralized wide area damping controller for wind generators and facts controllers considering load model uncertainties", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9, 2018.
Gupta, Akhilesh Prakash;Mohapatra, A.;Singh, S. N., "Apparent Power Loss Based Equivalent Model of Wind Farm Collector System", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Aasim, ;Singh, S. N.;Mohapatra, Abheejeet, "Active power regulation by MPC based flywheel energy storage system", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 508, 2018.
Jain, Akansha;Tewari, Tanmay;Das, Anubrata;Anand, Sandeep;Mohapatra, Abheejeet, "Coordinated Voltage Control in LV Distribution Systems using OLTC and BESS", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Panda, Rakesh Kumar;Mohapatra, Abheejeet;Srivastava, S. C., "An Effective Inertia Control Scheme for Solar PV Systems with Conventional dq Controller", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2018-August, 2018.
Panda, Rakesh Kumar;Mohapatra, Abheejeet;Srivastava, S. C., "Impact of VSG Parameters on Transient Performance of Solar PV based System", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Yasasvi, P. Naga;Chandra, Snehil;Mohapatra, A.;Srivastava, S. C., "An Exact SOCP Formulation for AC Optimal Power Flow", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Kesherwani, Saurabh;Srivastava, S. C.;Mohapatra, Abheejeet, "An energy function approach utilizing synchrophasor measurements for online transient stability assessment", 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems, ICPS 2017, 2018.
Pandey J.C.;Gupta N., "Charge behavior at interfaces involving nanocomposites", IEEE Transactions on Dielectrics and Electrical Insulation, 25, 2018.
Kundu, Utsab;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Accurate Estimation of Diode Reverse-Recovery Characteristics from Datasheet Specifications", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, 2018.
Gautam, Vasav;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Enhancing the Voltage Gain of a Flyback Converter Using Leakage Energy", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54, 2018.
Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "Inner Loop Stability of Peak Current Controlled Cuk and SEPIC Converters", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvomb018 IEEE, 2018.
Sasmal, Tuhin Subhra;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "A New Current Source based Resonant Tank for Switch Stress Reduction in DC-DC Converter", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvnmb018 IEEE, 2018.
Banerjee, Rajdeep;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Improved Analytical Method to Determine Flux-linkage Characteristics of a Switched Reluctance Machine", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvemb018 IEEE, 2018.
Kundu, Utsab;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "A Generalized Low-cost Solution for Resonant Frequency Tracking in LLC Converters", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvsmb018 IEEE, 2018.
Joshi, Sridhar;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Fixed frequency based sliding mode controlled audio amplifier", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018.
Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "Two High Voltage Gain Non-isolated Dc-dc Converters with Ripple Free Input Current", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 9, 2018.
Banerjee, Rajdeep;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Non-linear Magnetic Characteristics Modeling for Switched Reluctance Machines", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvdmb018 IEEE, 2018.
Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "Derivation of Single-Stage Single-Phase Fourth Order Buck-boost Inverters", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvemb018 IEEE, 2018.
Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "CCM-DCM Operation of a High Voltage Gain Boost-Flyback Derived Converter", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvimb018 IEEE, 2018.
Sasmal, Tuhin Subhra;Gupta, Tanvi;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Development of low cost electrical nerve stimulator based on a simple circuit topology", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvvmb018 IEEE, 2018.
Mahesh, Vasav Gautam;Illindala, S.;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "A Fault Tolerant Controller for PV Inverter in Microgrid Application", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvemb018 IEEE, 2018.
Gautam, Vasav;Tolani, Sanjay;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Design and Comparison of Enhanced Voltage Gain Active Clamped Flyback Converters", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvamb018 IEEE, 2018.
Tolani, Sanjay;Gautam, Vasav;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Improved Selective Frequency Active Damping for Voltage Source Inverter with Output LC Filter", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvmmb018 IEEE, 2018.
Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "New Switching Strategy for Single-Mode Operation of a Single-Stage Buck-Boost Inverter", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, 2018.
Jamatia A.;Gautam V.;Sensarma P., "Power decoupling for single-phase PV system using cuk derived microinverter", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54, 2018.
Kundu, Utsab;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "A generalized control scheme for automatic resonant frequency tracking", 2017 National Power Electronics Conference, NPEC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Pant, Bhavit;Kundu, Utsab;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Analysis of series and parallel tank for dual active bridge single phase inverter application", 2017 National Power Electronics Conference, NPEC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Tolani, Sanjay;Joshi, Sridhar;Sensarma, Parthasarathi, "Dual-Loop Digital Control of a Three-Phase Power Supply Unit with Reduced Sensor Count", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54, 2018.
Kundu U.;Pant B.;Sikder S.;Kumar A.;Sensarma P., "Frequency Domain Analysis and Optimal Design of Isolated Bidirectional Series Resonant Converter", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54, 2018.
Sarkar A.;Mukherjee S.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Jaleel Akhtar M., "SIW-Based quad-beam leaky-wave antenna with polarization diversity for four-quadrant scanning applications", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, 2018.
Shalini ;Samantaray S.R.;Sharma A., "Transmission Line Back-up Protection with Unreliable PMU Data", 2018 20th National Power Systems Conference, NPSC 2018, 2018.
Shalini ;Samantaray S.R.;Sharma A., "A power and voltage-angle based index for distinguishing symmetrical fault from stable power swing", 2017 7th International Conference on Power Systems, ICPS 2017, 9, 2018.
Sharma A.;Samantaray S., "Power System Tracking State Estimator for Smart Grid under Unreliable PMU Data Communication Network", IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, 2018.
Shalini;Samantaray S.;Sharma A., "Enhancing Performance of Wide-Area Back-Up Protection Scheme using PMU assisted Dynamic State Estimator", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, 9, 2018.
Sharma A.;Sarkar A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Equilateral triangular dielectric resonator based co-radiator MIMO antennas with dualpolarisation", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 12, 2018.
Sarkar A.;Adhikary M.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Electronically tunable high gain leaky-wave antenna using eighth-mode SIW", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018-Nntev-mbnational, 2018.
Sharma A.;Sarkar A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "A-shaped wideband dielectric resonator antenna for wireless communication systems and its MIMO implementation", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 28, 2018.
Sarkar A.;Adhikary M.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J.;Hu Z., "Composite right/left-handed based compact and high gain leaky-wave antenna using complementary spiral resonator on HMSIW for Ku band applications", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 12, 2018.
Sharma A.;Sarkar A.;Biswas A.;Jaleel Akhtar M., "Compact dual-band hybrid dielectric resonator antenna loaded with magnetic-LC resonator", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 32, 2018.
Sharma A.;Sarkar A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Dual-band multiple-input multiple-output antenna based on half split cylindrical dielectric resonator", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 32, 2018.
Sharma A.;Sarkar A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Substrate integrated waveguide fed dual-frequency dual-linearly-polarized dielectric resonator antenna", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 10, 2018.
Sarkar A.;Adhikary M.;Sharma A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "CRLH based leaky-wave antenna using modified Minkowski fractal on SIW with tunable frequency band", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Kapoor A.;Sharma A., "A Comparison of Short-Term Load Forecasting Techniques", International Conference on Innovative Smart Grid Technologies, ISGT Asia 2018, 2018-Non Innovvsmbnference on, 2018.
Srivastava P.K.;Tiwari A.N.;Singh S.N., "Performance Estimation of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Generator Based Wind Energy Conversion System", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 2018-Nradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Elevgmbtar, 2018.
Pindoriya N.;Kiprakis A.;Ajay C.K.;Singh S.N.;Garg D.;Padmanabhan D.;Thompson J., "Integrated Energy Management Framework for Environmentally Sustainable Energy Access", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 2018-August, 2018.
Singh S.;Tiwari A.;Singh S., "Sensorless Speed Estimation of PM Synchronous Motor Drive using MRAS", WIECON-ECE 2017 - IEEE International WIE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering 2017, 2017-N7vhmb- IEEE, 2018.
Tiwari N.;Jha A.;Singh S.;Akhter Z.;Varshney P.;Akhtar M., "Generalized Multimode SIW Cavity-Based Sensor for Retrieval of Complex Permittivity of Materials", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 66, 2018.
Tiwari N.;Singh S.;Mondal D.;Akhtar M., "Novel design of multi band compact planar RF sensor for liquid testing", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Sharma, Anmol;Singh, S. N.;Srivastava, S. C., "Optimal Selection of DC Microgrid Architecture", 8th IEEE Power India International Conference, PIICON 2018, 2018.
Kumar, Mahesh;Srivastava, S. C.;Singh, S. N.;Ramamoorty, M., "Development of a new control strategy based on two revolving field theory for single-phase VCVSI integrated to DC microgrid", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 98, 2018.
Panigrahi, Ramanuja;Mishra, Santanu K.;Srivastava, S. C., "Grid integration of small-scale photovoltaic systems-a review", 2018 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, IAS 2018, 2018-Nndusvombry Applications, 2018.
Yadav, Ankit;Singh, S. N.;Das, S. P., "Development of EMT Model for Circulating Current Control", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 2018-Nradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Elevnmbtar, 2018.
Jain, Vaibhav;Jain, Naveen;Singh, S. N., "Smart Home Load Manager Algorithm under Demand Response", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 2018-Nradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Elevrmbtar, 2018.
Singh, Bindeshwar;Tiwari, Prabhakar;Singh, S. N., "Enhancement of Power System Performances by Optimally Placed FACTS Controllers by using Different Optimization Techniques in Distribution Systems: A Taxonomical Review", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 9, 2018.
Singh, Sri Niwas, "Chairman, IEEE R10 (Asia-Pacific) Conference and Technical Seminar Committee 2018", Proceedings - 2018 3rd International Conference On Internet of Things: Smart Innovation and Usages, IoT-SIU 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference On Internet of Thinvemb18 3rd International, 2018.
Sharma, A.;Rajpurohit, B. S.;Singh, S. N., "A review on economics of power quality: Impact, assessment and mitigation", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 88, 2018.
Deepak Sharma, Desh;Singh, S. N.;Lin, Jeremy;Foruzan, Elham, "Agent-based distributed control scheme for distributed energy storages based on forecast uncertainties", IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2018-January, 2018.
Cui, Pengcheng;Xu, Bing;Wen, Fushuan;Fu, Zihao;Zhu, Bingquan;Ni, Qiulong;Singh, S. N., "Post-evaluation index system and comprehensive evaluation method for daily power system dispatching", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 508, 2018.
Acharya, Sonam;Chauhan, Nitin Singh;Mishra, Santanu K., "Replacing Si-IGBT by SiC Mosfet in high Gain Inverter: Challenges and Opportunities", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvhmb018 IEEE, 2018.
Gambhir, Anil;Mishra, Santanu, "Variable Duty Cycle Approach to Improve CCM Boundary Range of Current-Fed Switched Inverter with the Modified PWM Scheme", 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2018, 9, 2018.
Channappanavar, Rajat;Mishra, Santanu, "Impact of Non-Linear Commutation Delay on the Performance of Inductor Current Estimation Techniques", 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2018, 9, 2018.
Channappanavar, Rajat;Mishra, Santanu, "A Review of Compensator Design for Digital Controller Implementation for DC-DC Converters", 2018 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, ECCE 2018, 2018.
Channappanavar, Rajat;Mishra, Santanu, "Digital Current Hysteresis Controller Based on Wide Bandwidth Inductor Current Estimation", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power ElectvBmb018 IEEE, 2018.
Yogi, Divya;Gambhir, Anil;Mishra, Santanu, "Zero Current Switching of CFSI using Auxiliary Circuit", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018-Nnternational Conference on Power Electvumb018 IEEE, 2018.
Channappanavar, Rajat;Mishra, Santanu, "A novel bidirectional current estimator for digital controlled DC-DC converters", Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2018-March, 2018.
Gambhir, Anil;Mishra, Santanu, "Expanding the CCM boundary of a current-fed switched inverter", Conference Proceedings - IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition - APEC, 2018-March, 2018.
Panigrahi, Ramanuja;Mishra, Santanu K., "An Electrical Model of a Dielectric Elastomer Generator", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 33, 2018.
Mishra S.;Maji A.;Nag S.S., "Improving Grid Power Availability in Rural Telecom Exchanges", IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, 54, 2018.
RF and Microwaves Publications
Akhtar Z.;Bedi A.S.;Thomdapu S.T.;Rajawat K., "Projection-Free Stochastic Bi-level Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023.
Banerjee A.;Akhtar M.J., "Design of slot radiating RF planar sensor for homogeneity check of dielectric discontinuity", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2023.
Tahalyani J.;Akhtar M.J.;Kar K.K., "Flexible, Stretchable, and Thin Films Based on Functionalized Carbon Nanofiber/Graphene Nanostructures for Electromagnetic Interference Shielding", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2023.
Paul S.;Akhtar M.J., "A Novel Piecewise Riccati-Based SAR Microwave Imaging Technique for the Detection of Objects Inside the Layered Media", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 72, 2023.
Banerjee A.;Fatima F.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Flexible printed electrically small microwave resonator for automated displacement tracking", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2023.
Mishra R.;Sivada M.S.;Harish A.R., "Mutual coupling mitigation and bandwidth enhancement in 2×1 array using feed point modification and metamaterial superstrate", International Conference on Microwave, Antenna and Communication, MAC 2023, 2023.
Srivastava S.;Mishra R.;Gupta G.;Harish A.R., "Mathematical Analysis of Active Reflection Coefficient for the design of Phased Array Antennas", International Conference on Microwave, Antenna and Communication, MAC 2023, 2023.
Ameen M.;Chaudhary R.K., "ENG-TL inspired dual-polarized antenna using curved meander, two-arm Archimedean spirals and CSRR mushroom", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2023.
Ameen M.;Chaudhary R.K., "Isolation Enhancement of Metamaterial-Inspired Two-port MIMO Antenna using Hybrid Techniques", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023.
Ameen M.;Chaudhary R.K., "RCS Reduction of Eight-Port Multilayer MIMO Antenna Based on Linear-to-Circular Polarization Converter With Pattern Diversity Mechanism", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023.
Kumar Jaiswal R.;Kumar Dutta R.;Das G.;Kumar Ojha A.;Sim C.Y.D.;Vaibhav Srivastava K., "Circularly polarized three-element MIMO antenna with diversity and polarization reconfigurability techniques", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 162, 2023.
Jain P.;Jaiswal R.K.;Srivastava K.V.;Ghosh S., "An Improvised Four-Port Multifunctional MIMO Antenna for Integrated Cognitive Radio System", IEEE Access, 2023.
Yadav J.;Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramkumar J., "Three-Dimensional Rotation of FSS Unit Cell in Broadband Microwave Absorber for Large Oblique Incidence Response", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2023.
Devi J.;Akhtar M.J.;Datta P., "Cadmium Sulfide/Zinc Sulfide Core–Shell Nanocomposite-Based Microwave Notch Filter for Biomedical Imaging", Journal of Electronic Materials, 2022.
Bhadouria V.S.;Ray D.;Akhtar M.J.;Munshi P., "An approach towards enhancing the role of microwave heating in low-level radioactive waste management", Progress in Nuclear Energy, 147, 2022.
Banerjee A.;Paul S.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "An Improved RF Sensor to Determine Solute Concentration Level in Simulated Body Fluids", 2022 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave Biomedical Conference, IMBioC 2022, 2022.
Tahalyani J.;Akhtar M.J.;Kar K.K., "Graphene Nanoplatelets-Based Lightweight Flexible Nanocomposites for EMI Shielding Application", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 2022.
Sharma S.;Adhikary M.;Biswas A.;Jaleel Akhtar M., "SIW-based Concurrent Triple Frequency Active Integrated Antenna", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Jindal M.;Adhikary M.;Jaleel Akhtar M.;Biswas A., "Two Resonator based Approach to Extend the Tuning Range of Negative Resistance Oscillators in Active Integrated Antennas", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Fatima F.;Thakur A.;Chandravanshi S.;Akhtar M.J., "Design of Improved Gain Dual Band Rectenna for RF Energy Harvesting Applications", 2022 Wireless Power Week, WPW 2022 - Proceedings, 2022-January, 2022.
Tahalyani J.;Akhtar M.J.;Kar K.K., "Flexible, stretchable and lightweight polyurethane and graphene nanoplatelets nanocomposite for high performance EMI shielding application", Materials Today Communications, 33, 2022.
Banerjee A.;Azad P.;Akhtar M.J., "Detection of Sodium Ion Imbalance in Human Body Fluids Using an Improved RF Sensor", IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology, 2022.
Tahalyani J.;Akhtar M.J.;Kar K.K.;Chakradhary V.K., "Design and Development of Carbon Nanofiber based Lightweight Flexible Nanocomposite Structure for EMI Shielding Application", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Banerjee A.;Kumar A.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Design of Slotted Microwave Sensor for Evaluation of Water Quality", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Kumari A.;Azad P.;Akhtar M.J., "Stepped Coplanar Waveguide Loaded with SRR Array for Detection of Cracks in Plastic Pipes", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Chugh R.;Paul S.;Akhtar M.J., "Microwave Synthetic Aperture Radar based Imaging Technique for Crevasse Identification in Glacier Terrain", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Azad P.;Kumari A.;Akhtar M.J., "Quality Assessment of Apple Cider Vinegar and Acetic Acid Using IDC based RF Planar Sensor", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Fatima F.;Verma P.;Akhtar M.J., "Design of Triple Band RF Energy Harvesting System Using Monopole Antenna", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Nayak U.;Chongder P.;Biswas A., "Novel filtering and diplexing linear tapered slot antenna with high-selectivity", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 156, 2022.
Rangababu G.;Chongder P.;Biswas A., "Wideband Printed Dipole Antenna Array for Beam Steering", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Gupta G.;Harish A.R.;Gogineni S.P., "Wideband High Gain Hybrid LPDA-Yagi Antenna", 2022 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium, WAMS 2022, 2022.
Gupta G.;Harish A.R.;Chivukula R., "High Gain Dual-Polarized Meta-surface Antenna", 2022 IEEE Wireless Antenna and Microwave Symposium, WAMS 2022, 2022.
Bhope V.;Harish A.R., "Polarization Insensitive Miniaturized Multiband FSS using Matryoshka Elements", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Shukla S.;Saraswat K.;Harish A.R., "Performance Evaluation of an In-house Developed Characteristic Mode Analysis Tool", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Shukla S.;Saraswat K.;Harish A.R., "Knot as Antennas: A Brief Review", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Rana S.;Harish A.R., "Low Profile Triple Band Metasurface Based ME-Dipole Antenna", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Dhara D.;Mondal P.;Kuan Y.C.;Harish A.R., "A Low-Complexity Decoupling and Matching Technique Using a Third-Order LC Network", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Alam T.;Thummaluru S.R.;Chaudhary R.K., "Improved Multifunctional MIMO Cognitive Radio System for Integrated Interweave-Underlay Operations", IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 70, 2022.
Kalraiya S.;Chaudhary R.K.;Abdalla M.A., "Resistor loaded wideband conformal metamaterial absorber for curved surfaces application", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 143, 2022.
Mallick P.;Ameen M.;Chowdhury R.;Ray A.K.;Chaudhary R.K., "Wideband Circularly Polarized Cavity-Backed Dielectric Resonator Antenna With Low RCS for Aerial Vehicle Communications", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 21, 2022.
Kumari P.;Gangwar R.K.;Chaudhary R.K., "An Aperture-Coupled Stepped Dielectric Resonator UWB MIMO Antenna With AMC", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 21, 2022.
Sani M.M.;Chowdhury R.;Chaudhary R.K., "Design and analysis of multilayer multipermittivity circularly polarized DRA for ultra-wideband applications", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 64, 2022.
Kumari T.;Suman K.K.;Kumari P.;Gangwar R.K.;Chaudhary R.K., "DR Based Compact MIMO Antenna with Resistor-loaded DGS", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Kumari P.;Kumari T.;Suman K.K.;Gangwar R.K.;Chaudhary R.K., "A Circularly Polarized Sub-6 GHz MIMO Antenna for 5G Applications", 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, AP-S/URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Das G.;Bhattacharya S.;Jaiswal R.K.;Chaudhary R.K.;Srivastava K.V., "MIMO Dielectric Resonator Antenna with Multiple Diversity Techniques", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Pandey A.K.;Sahu N.K.;Gangwar R.K.;Chaudhary R.K., "A Triple-Band mm-Wave SIW Antenna for 5G Applications", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Richa ;Chaudhary R.K., "A Compact Rectangular Ring Antenna with Meander Line for UHF Band Communications", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Ameen M.;Chaudhary R.K.;Ghosh S., "Millimeter-wave High-Gain and Highly Isolated Diversity MIMO Array Antenna for 5G Wireless Applications", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Prakash T.;Chaudhary R.K.;Gangwar R.K., "Multibeam Pattern Reconfigurable Antenna Using SP3T Switching Network and RRS", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Chowdhury R.;Chaudhary R.K., "Analysis of Sectorization Technique in Conventional Dielectric Resonators for Circular Polarization", 2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science, USRI-RCRS 2022, 2022.
Kumari A.;Chaudhary R.K., "Design and Analysis of FSS based Quad-band Absorber using Multi-frequency Resonators", 2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science, USRI-RCRS 2022, 2022.
Kumari P.;Gangwar R.K.;Chaudhary R.K., "A Two Step Stair Shaped Dielectric Resonator Antenna with AMC for UWB Applications", 2022 URSI Regional Conference on Radio Science, USRI-RCRS 2022, 2022.
Bhardwaj A.;Singh G.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramkumar J.;Ramakrishna S.A., "Polarization-Insensitive Optically Transparent Microwave Metamaterial Absorber Using a Complementary Layer", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 21, 2022.
Kumari K.;Saikia M.;Jaiswal R.K.;Malik S.;Srivastava K.V., "A Compact, Low Profile Shorted TM<sub>1&#x002F;2,0</sub> Mode Planar Co-Polarized Microstrip Antenna for Full-Duplex Systems", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 2022.
Jaiswal R.K.;Ojha A.K.;Kumari K.;Srivastava K.V.;Sim C.Y.D., "Wideband Bidirectional Same Sense Endfire Circularly Polarized Antenna", IEEE Access, 10, 2022.
Chaudhary K.;Singh V.K.;Bisht M.S.;Ramkumar J.;Anantha Ramakrishna S.;Srivastava K.V., "Optically Transparent Adhesives for Microwave Metamaterial Absorber with PET-PDMS Interface", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2022.
Bhardwaj A.;Pratap D.;Vaibhav Srivastava K.;Anantha Ramakrishna S., "Analytical analysis of inhomogeneous and anisotropic metamaterial cylindrical waveguides using transformation matrix method", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2022.
Bhattacharya S.;Srivastava K.V., "Characterization and Reduction of Bistatic Radar Cross Section of Hollow Cylindrical Cavity", 2022 IEEE USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (Joint with AP-S Symposium), USNC-URSI 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Jaiswal R.K.;Ojha A.K.;Kumari K.;Sim C.Y.D.;Srivastava K.V., "Wideband low-profile endfire circularly polarized antenna using mode superposition technique", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022.
Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V., "A Time Modulated Polarization Rotating Frequency Selective Surface", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 2022.
Saxena A.K.;Srivastava K.V., "An Optimized Six-Step LOD-FDTD Method using the Artificial Anisotropy Parameters", 2022 52nd European Microwave Conference, EuMC 2022, 2022.
Rai A.K.;Jaiswal R.K.;Kumari K.;Srivastava K.V.;Sim C.Y.D., "Wideband Monopole Eight-Element MIMO Antenna for 5G Mobile Terminal", IEEE Access, 2022.
Malik S.;Singh G.;Ramkumar J.;Mishra P.K.;Srivastava K.V., "Design of an Optically Transparent Wideband Absorber with 15 dB Absorption Bandwidth for C, X and Ku Band", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Bhattacharya S.;Rajkumar ;Chaudhary K.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramkumar J., "Energy Optimization in Laser Micro-machining of Transparent Metamaterial Absorber", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Yadav J.;Vishwakarma R.;Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramkumar J., "Enhancement of Oblique Incidence Performance of a Microwave Absorber using Cylindrical Dielectric Resonator", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Chaudhary K.;Bhardwaj A.;Vishwakarma R.;Ramkumar J.;Ramakrishna S.A.;Srivastava K.V., "Analysis of Protective Coating for Optically Transparent Microwave Metamaterial Absorber", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V., "Time Modulation Using Switchable Frequency Selective Surface", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Vishwakarma R.;Yadav J.;Saikia M.;Verma A.K.;Srivastava K.V., "Low Cost Polarization Insensitive L band FSS Absorber Based on Screen Printing Technique", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Bandyopadhyay B.;Jaiswal R.K.;Srivastava K.V., "In-band RCS Reduction of Microstrip Patch Antenna using Artificial Magnetic Conductors at X-Band for Stealth Technology", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Dutta R.K.;Jaiswal R.K.;Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V., "Beam-Forming Antenna Based on Electrically Reconfigurable Frequency Selective Surface", 2022 IEEE Microwaves, Antennas, and Propagation Conference, MAPCON 2022, 2022.
Akhtar J.;Rajawat K.;Gupta V.;Chaturvedi A.K., "Joint User and Antenna Selection in Massive-MIMO Systems with QoS-Constraints", IEEE Systems Journal, 15, 2021.
Jha A.K.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Accurate Microwave Cavity Sensing Technique for Dielectric Testing of Arbitrary Length Samples", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, 2021.
Varshney P.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Permittivity estimation of dielectric substrate materials via enhanced siw sensor", IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, 2021.
Paul S.;Akhtar M.J., "Near field microwave subsurface imaging using metasurface loaded planar antenna and synthetic aperture radar (SAR) technique", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021.
Bhadouria V.S.;Akhter Z.;Akhtar M.J.;Munshi P., "Automated microwave monitoring of hidden objects for strategic and security applications", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 35, 2021.
Akhtar Z.;Rajawat K., "Momentum based Projection Free Stochastic Optimization under Affine Constraints", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2021-May, 2021.
Akhtar Z.;Bedi A.S.;Rajawat K., "Conservative Stochastic Optimization: \mathcal{O}(T^{-1/2}) Optimality Gap with Zero Constraint Violation", Proceedings of the American Control Conference, 2021-May, 2021.
Idrees B.M.;Akhtar J.;Rajawat K., "Practical Precoding via Asynchronous Stochastic Successive Convex Approximation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 69, 2021.
Verma A.;Jain S.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Estimation of petroleum contents in bituminous soil using compact submersible radio frequency sensor based on artificial neural network", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2021.
Varshney P.K.;Kapoor A.;Akhtar M.J., "Highly sensitive elc resonator based differential sensor", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 70, 2021.
Jain S.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "CSIWC RF sensor for micro-fluidic non-contact quality assessment of milk", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2021.
Kar K.K.;Tahalyani J.;Akhtar M.J., "Heterolayered composite of carbon nanofibers sandwiched between poly(ethylene terephthalate) and polyurethane for flexible electromagnetic shielding application", ACS Applied Nano Materials, 2021.
Bhadouria V.S.;Paul S.;Munshi P.;Akhtar M.J., "Time-Domain Microwave NDT for Defects in Reinforced Concrete Structures in Nuclear Industry", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Paul S.;Banerjee A.;Bhadouria V.S.;Akhtar M.J., "Investigation of Corrosion in Steel Reinforced Concrete Structure using Directive ZIM based Yagi Antenna and SAR Technique", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Banerjee A.;Paul S.;Akhtar M.J., "Wireless CSRR based sensing system for Sensitivity Evaluation of Dielectric Materials in Nearfield ISM-Band", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Chakradhary V.K.;Ansari A.;Baskey H.B.;Akhtar M.J., "Ultrathin and Lightweight Functionalized CNF Mixed Barium Ferrite Nanocomposite for Stealth Applications", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Kumari A.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Stepped Coplanar line-based Phase Sensor for Defect Detection", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Chakradhary V.K.;Juneja S.;Roshan R.;Akhtar M.J., "Cross Polarization Minimization by Unit Cell Modification in the FSS Structure Integrated with Carbon Nanocomposite Absorber", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Chandravanshi S.;Buchanan N.;Akhtar M.J., "Implementation of Rectifier Circuits using Different Diodes for Wireless Power Transfer", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Azad P.;Singh A.K.;Tiwari N.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Study of Constitutive Properties Retrieval Technique using Planar Topology", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Mukherjee S.;Ghosh S.;Biswas A., "Design of Compact SIW Cavity Backed Self-triplexing Planar Slot Antenna for Triple Band Application", 15th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, EuCAP 2021, 2021.
Varaprasad A.M.;Shashimohan A.L.;Biswas A.B.;Chakrabarty D.K., "Dielectric and infrared spectral studies of the (Na<inf>1/2</inf>La<inf>1/2</inf>)<inf>x</inf>Ba<inf>1-x</inf>TiO<inf>8</inf> system", 45276, 44, 2021.
Mondal P.;Dhara D.;Harish A.R., "Enhancement of isolation between two closely spaced patch antennas using inter-digital capacitor and short-circuited stub-based band pass decoupling network", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2021.
Bhope V.;Harish A.R., "Reprogrammable Chipless Tags with Enhanced Bit Capacity Using Dynamic Range Rotational Structures", 2021 IEEE International Conference on RFID Technology and Applications, RFID-TA 2021, 2021.
Bhope V.;Harish A.R., "High Range Resonators for Rotation Sensing: Design and Demonstration", Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC, 2021-November, 2021.
Nagaraju K.T.V.;Srivastava S.;Gupta G.;Kumari K.;Chivukula R.;Harish A.R., "Dual Polarized Shared Aperture Cavity Backed Antenna for K/Ka band operation", 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2021, 2021.
Singh G.;Sharma B.;Bhardwaj A.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramkumar J.;Ramakrishna S.A., "Wrapping of Curved Surfaces with Conformal Broadband Metamaterial Microwave Absorber", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 20, 2021.
Singh M.P.;Jaiswal R.K.;Srivastava K.V.;Ghosh S., "A miniaturized triple-band circularly polarized antenna using meander geometry", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2021.
Jaiswal R.K.;Kumari K.;Ojha A.K.;Srivastava K.V., "Five-port MIMO antenna for n79-5G band with improved isolation by diversity and decoupling techniques", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 2021.
Kumari K.;Jaiswal R.K.;Srivastava K.V., "An in-band full-duplex antenna for dual-band application", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2021.
Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramakrishna S.A., "A polarization-insensitive time-modulated frequency-selective surface for broad frequency range", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 2021.
Singh M.P.;Jaiswal R.K.;Srivastava K.V.;Ghosh S., "A compact triband circularly polarized meander-loaded monopole antenna", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 2021.
Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V., "A Polarization Insensitive Time Modulated FSS for Generation of Sideband Frequencies", 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2021, 2021.
Kumar S.;Jaiswal R.K.;Kumari K.;Srivastava K.V., "Four Port Frequency Reconfigurable Antenna for Cognitive Radio Applications", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Sonmore V.;Jaiswal R.K.;Kumari K.;Ojha A.K.;Srivastava K.V., "Cavity Backed Dual-Polarized Base Station Antenna for 5G Applications", 2021 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2021, 2021.
Nilesh K. Tiwari ., Abhishek Sharma ., Surya P. Singh ., M. Jaleel Akhtar ., Animesh Biswas ., "Novel analysis of the size and orientation dependent resonance phenomenon of the microstrip line coupled complementary split-ring resonator", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 30, 2020.
Gopikrishnan ., Z. Akhter ., Vikesh S. Bhadouria ., M. J. Akhtar ., "Microwave imaging of hidden crevasse in glacier terrain using metamaterial loaded eight-slot Vivaldi antenna", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 34, 2020.
Kapoor A.;Varshney P.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Interdigital capacitor loaded electric-LC resonator for dielectric characterization", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 62, 2020.
Nadeem M.;Khan W.;Khan S.;Husain S.;Singh F.;Ansari A.;Shukla D.K.;Ahad A.;Chakradhary V.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Structural, optical and enhanced multiferroic properties of La/Cr co-substituted BiFeO<inf>3</inf> nanostructures", Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 31, 2020.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "A polarization reconfigurable discontinuous ring dipole antenna", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 62, 2020.
Awasthi, Abhishek K.;Yan, Jie Bang;Hale, Rick;Harish, Ayyangar Ranganath;Gogineni, Siva Prasad, "A modified feed U-slot patch antenna array for airborne very high frequency ice-penetrating radar", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 62, 2020.
Saraswat K.;Kumar T.;Harish A.R., "A corrugated G-shaped grounded ring slot antenna for wideband circular polarization", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 12, 2020.
Saraswat K.;Harish A.R., "A dual band circularly polarized 45° rotated rectangular slot antenna with parasitic patch", AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications, 123, 2020.
Saraswat K.;Harish A.R., "Dual-band polarisation reconfigurable grounded fractal slot antenna", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 14, 2020.
Saraswat K.;Harish A.R., "A HIS Backed Band-Reconfigurable Antenna", Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC, 2020-December, 2020.
Shukla S.;Saraswat K.;Harish A., "Characteristics Mode Analysis of H-Shaped Patch Antenna", 7th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2020, 2020.
Chaudhary K.;Singh G.;Ramkumar J.;Anantha Ramakrishna S.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramamurthy P.C., "Optically Transparent Protective Coating for ITO-Coated PET-Based Microwave Metamaterial Absorbers", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 10, 2020.
Tayde Y.;Chaudhary K.;Singh G.;Dhumal A.;Saikia M.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramkumar J.;Ramakrishna S.A., "An optically transparent and flexible microwave absorber for X and Ku bands application", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 62, 2020.
Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V., "A Dual-Band Tunable Frequency Selective Surface with Independent Wideband Tuning", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 19, 2020.
Katare, Kranti Kumar;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Near-field phase modulation using a semicircular radially gradient metasurface for beam steering of an RF antenna", Journal of Computational Electronics, 18, 2019.
Katare, Kranti Kumar;Chandravanshi, Sandhya;Biswas, Animesh;Jaleel Akhtar, Mohammad, "Beam-switching of Fabry-Perot cavity antenna using asymmetric reflection phase response of bianisotropic metasurface", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 13, 2019.
Katare, Kranti Kumar;Chandravanshi, Sandhya;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Realization of Split Beam Antenna Using Transmission-Type Coding Metasurface and Planar Lens", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, 2019.
Prasad C.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M., "Broadband eight-element dielectric rod antenna array using the simple micro-strip slot feeding", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 13, 2019.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Sharma, Abhishek;Singh, Surya Prakash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel;Biswas, Animesh, "Non-invasive dielectric characterization of chemical solvents using microstrip-fed dielectric resonator based sensor", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Katare, Kranti Kumar;Chandravanshi, Sandhya;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "A compact configuration of semicircular metasurface loaded slot antenna for beam steering application", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 29, 2019.
Singh, Sandeep Kumar;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Yadav, Amit Kumar;Akhtar, M. Jaleel;Kar, Kamal K., "Design of ZnO/N-Doped Graphene Nanohybrid Incorporated RF Complementary Split Ring Resonator Sensor for Ammonia Gas Detection", IEEE Sensors Journal, 19, 2019.
Singh, Sandeep Kumar;Akhtar, M. J.;Kar, Kamal K., "Impact of Al<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf>, TiO<inf>2</inf>, ZnO and BaTiO<inf>3</inf> on the microwave absorption properties of exfoliated graphite/epoxy composites at X-band frequencies", Composites Part B: Engineering, 167, 2019.
Javed Akhtar ., Ketan Rajawat ., "Quality-of-Service Constrained User and Antenna Selection in Downlink Massive-MIMO Systems", 2019 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference Workshop, WCNCW 2019, 2019.
Greeshmaja Govind ., M. Jaleel Akhtar ., "Metamaterial-inspired microwave microfluidic sensor for glucose monitoring in aqueous solutions", IEEE Sensors Journal, 19, 2019.
Varshney P.K.;Akhtar M.J., "A compact planar cylindrical resonant RF sensor for the characterization of dielectric samples", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 33, 2019.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Partially Filled Substrate Integrated Waveguide-Based Microwave Technique for Broadband Dielectric Characterization", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 68, 2019.
Govind, Greeshmaja;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Microwave subsurface imaging of dielectric structures using fractal geometries of complementary split ring resonators", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 29, 2019.
Akhtar, M. J.;Govind, Greeshmaja;Akhter, Zubair, "Microwave subsurface imaging: Methodologies and applications", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Singh, Surya Prakash;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Non-destructive testing of metal backed materials using reflection mode terahertz spectroscopy", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Singh, Surya Prakash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Metamaterial inspired contactless angular displacement sensor with wide dynamic range and bandwidth", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Singh, Surya Prakash;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Spoof surface plasmon based planar terahertz dielectric sensor", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Singh, Surya Prakash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Novel Improved sensitivity planar microwave probe for adulteration detection in edible oils", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 29, 2019.
Akhtar, M. Jaleel;Tiwari, Nilesh K.;Singh, Surya P., "Spoof Surface Plasmon based Planar THz Sensor System using Dumbbell Shaped Unit Cell", ISAP 2018 - 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2019.
Tiwari N.K.;Varshney P.K.;Mondal D.;Akhtar M.J., "RF Sensor for Adulteration Detection of Liquid Silicone Used in Medical Industry", Mediterranean Microwave Symposium, 2018-October, 2019.
Chakradhary, Vishal K.;Ansari, Azizurrahaman;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Design, synthesis, and testing of high coercivity cobalt doped nickel ferrite nanoparticles for magnetic applications", Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 469, 2019.
Varshney P.K.;Akhtar M.J., "Supercoupling effect in substrate integrated waveguide loaded with mu-near-zero material and its potential application", Asia-Pacific Microwave Conference Proceedings, APMC, 2019-December, 2019.
Varshney P.K.;Akhtar M.J., "A High Q Substrate Integrated Waveguide Resonator for Microwave Sensing of Low Loss Materials", Proceedings - 2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2019, 2019.
Sarkar A.;Mukherjee S.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Electronically beam switchable high gain leaky-wave antenna using TE<inf>20</inf> mode substrate integrated waveguide for large beam scanning", 2019 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2019, 2019.
Sarkar A.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M.J., "Latest developments of SIW based leaky-wave antennas for several modern wireless applications", 2019 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, APCAP 2019, 2019.
Akhtar M.J.;Tiwari N.K., "Microwave assisted heating of dielectric materials", Dielectric Materials and Applications, 2019.
Mukherjee S.;Biswas A., "Compact high gain half-mode substrate integrated waveguide cavity antenna using hybrid mode", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 29, 2019.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "A polarization and band reconfigurable cross-slot antenna for multiband application", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 11, 2019.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "Flexible dual-band dual-polarised CPW-fed monopole antenna with discrete-frequency reconfigurability", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 13, 2019.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "A coplanar waveguide fed tilted fractal inspired slot antenna for wideband circular polarization", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 61, 2019.
Awasthi, Abhishek Kumar;Harish, A. R., "Wideband tightly-coupled compact array of dipole antennas arranged in triangular lattice", International Journal of Microwave and Wireless Technologies, 11, 2019.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "A wideband polarization reconfigurable isosceles trapezoidal monopole antenna", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 29, 2019.
Pandit, Vivek Kumar;Harish, Ayengar R., "Compact wide band directional antenna using cross-slot artificial magnetic conductor (CSAMC)", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 29, 2019.
Naik, Harish;Awasthi, Abhishek K.;Harish, Ayyangar R., "Shared-aperture dual-band orthogonally polarised antenna array for L-band and S-band applications", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 13, 2019.
Naik, Harish;Awasthi, Abhishek K.;Harish, A. R., "Low-Profile Wide-Scan Closely Spaced Antenna Array of Electrically Small Antennas", IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India), 36, 2019.
Kumar, Trivesh;Harish, A. R., "Broadside Axial-Ratio Computation Using Surface Current Distribution for Planar Antennas", ISAP 2018 - 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2019.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "Single feed dual polarized crossed slot antenna for tri-band operation", ISAP 2018 - 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2019.
Kumar, Trivesh;Harish, A. R., "A modified bow-tie antenna for Universal UHF RFID application", ISAP 2018 - 2018 International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation, 2019.
Saraswat K.;Harish A.R., "Discontinuous annular ring monopole antenna for circular polarization", 2019 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2019, 2019.
Pandit V.K.;Harish A.R., "A Low Profile Wide-band Directional Antenna Loaded with Artificial Magnetic Conductor", 2019 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, APCAP 2019, 2019.
Gupta G.;Bhope V.;Singh J.;Harish A.R., "Device-free crowd count estimation using passive UHF RFID technology", IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification, 3, 2019.
Ghosh S.;Sheokand H.;Srivastava K.V., "A Polarization-Independent Tunable Microwave Absorber with Wide Tuning Range", 2018 24th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2018, 2019.
Varuna A.B.;Ghosh S.;Sheokand H.;Srivastava K.V., "A Polarization-Insensitive Miniaturized Element Frequency Selective Surface using Meander Lines", 2018 24th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2018, 2019.
Sheokand H.;Singh G.;Ghosh S.;Saikia M.;Srivastava K.;Ramkumar J.;Anantha Ramakrishna S., "An Optically Transparent Microwave Broadband Absorber using Resistive Sheet", 2018 24th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2018, 2019.
Singh G.;Sheokand H.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K.V.;Ramkumar J.;Ramakrishna S.A., "Excimer laser micromachining of indium tin oxide for fabrication of optically transparent metamaterial absorbers", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 125, 2019.
Malik S.;Saikia M.;Singh G.;Ramkumar J.;Ramakrishna S.A.;Srivastava K.V., "Design of broadband microwave absorber with 20 dB absorption bandwidth", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Sarkar D.;Mikki S.;Srivastava K.V.;Antar Y., "Far-field envelope correlation coefficient and near-field reactive energy of MIMO Antennas: An FDTD-IDM-CGF approach", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Sarkar D.;Mikki S.;Srivastava K.;Antar Y., "Dynamics of antenna reactive energy using time-domain IDM method", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 67, 2019.
Bhardwaj A.;Srivastava K.V.;Pratap D.;Anantha Ramakrishna S., "Inhomogeneous and Anisotropic Metamaterial clad Waveguide for Sensing Applications", 2019 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, APCAP 2019, 2019.
Pratik V.;Bisht M.S.;Srivastava K.V., "Improving Performance of Mantle Cloak for Electrically Large PEC Cylinders", 2019 8th Asia-Pacific Conference on Antennas and Propagation, APCAP 2019, 2019.
Bhardwaj, Abhinav;Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav;Anantha Ramakrishna, S., "Enhanced Coupling of Light from Subwavelength Sources into a Hyperbolic Metamaterial Fiber", Journal of Lightwave Technology, 37, 2019.
Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav, "Vice Chairman's Message", 2018 International Conference on Power Energy, Environment and Intelligent Control, PEEIC 2018, 2019.
Srivastava A.;Chaudhary R.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M., "Dual-band C-shaped circular slot SIW antenna", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications, iAIM 2017, 2018.
Moitreya Adhikary ., Animesh Biswas ., M. Jaleel Akhtar ., "Rotation and vital sign sensor using simple microwave transceiver", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
Kranti Kumar Katare ., Sandhya Chandravanshi ., Animesh Biswas ., M. Jaleel Akhtar ., "Beam steering architectures for next-generation cellular wireless applications", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
Katare, Kranti Kumar;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Wideband beam-steerable configuration of metasurface loaded slot antenna", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 28, 2018.
Katare, Kranti Kumar;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. J., "ESPAR-inspired mechanical beam steering antenna with high gain and wide bandwidth performance", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60, 2018.
Prasad C.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M., "Leaky wave antenna for wide range of beam scanning through broadside in dielectric image line environment", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60, 2018.
Prasad C.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M., "Dielectric image line based MIMO antenna", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Prasad C.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M., "SIW slot fed circular dielectric rod antenna", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Adhikary, Moitreya;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "IF frequency tunable self oscillating mixer using cylindrical dielectric resonator VCO", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Pandey, Om;Katare, Kranti Kumar;Biswas, Animesh;Akhtar, M. J., "Frequency switchable AMC loaded folded slot antenna for dual band operation", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Prasad C.S.;Biswas A.;Akhtar J.M., "Broadband conical beam antenna in planar environment", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 28, 2018.
Prasad C.;Biswas A.;Akhtar M., "A compact and broadband dielectric image line based antenna array in planar environment", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60, 2018.
Bhadouria V.;Akhter Z.;Akhtar M.;Munshi P., "Categorization of concealed radioactive waste for microwave treatment", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Akhtar, Javed;Rajawat, Ketan, "QOS-Based Antenna and User Selection in Large-Scale Fading for Massive-MIMO Systems", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2018-June, 2018.
Akhtar, Javed;Rajawat, Ketan, "Distributed Sequential Estimation in Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17, 2018.
Mondal D.;Tiwari N.;Akhtar M., "Microwave Assisted Non-Invasive Microfluidic Biosensor for Monitoring Glucose Concentration", Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2018-October, 2018.
Tiwari N.;Mondal D.;Jha A.;Akhtar M., "Planar SIW Cavity Based RF Sensor for Air Bubble Detection in Medical Industry", Proceedings of IEEE Sensors, 2018-October, 2018.
Singh, Surya Prakash;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Quasi-optimization approach for millimeter wave imaging of multilayered dielectric media", Journal of Electromagnetic Waves and Applications, 32, 2018.
Vishal Kumar Chakradhary ., Himangshu Bhusan Baskey ., M. Jaleel Akhtar ., "Novel X-band microwave absorber based on carbon nanofiber integrated with the FSS structure for RCS reduction of strategic targets", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
Sandhya Chandravanshi ., Kranti Kumar Katare ., M. Jaleel Akhtar ., "Design of dual band compact wireless energy harvesting circuit for GSM and WLAN Band", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
Greeshmaja Govind ., Aman Verma ., M. J. Akhtar ., "Experimental investigations on microwave radar imaging of buried objects", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
Vishal Kumar Chakradhary ., Jitendra Tahalyani ., M. Jaleel Akhtar ., "Design of lightweight exfoliated graphite based thin composites for EMI shielding", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
S P Singh ., N K Tiwari ., N Kasture ., M Jaleel Akhtar ., "High isolation spoof surface plasmonic transmission line with underlying ground at terahertz and microwave frequency", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
Tiwari N.K.;Kumar Varshney P.;Paul S.;Akhtar M.J., "CSRR loaded SIW structure based novel dielectric sensing methodology for mm-wave 5G communication band", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2018, 2018.
Ansari, Azizurrahaman;Akhtar, Mohammad Jaleel, "High porous carbon black based flexible nanocomposite as efficient absorber for X-band applications", Materials Research Express, 5, 2018.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Tiwari, Yash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Design of CSRR-Based Electronically Tunable Compact RF Sensor for Material Testing", IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, 2018.
Govind, Greeshmaja;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Agrawal, Kapil Kumar;Akhtar, Mohammad Jaleel, "Microwave Subsurface Imaging of Composite Structures Using Complementary Split Ring Resonators", IEEE Sensors Journal, 18, 2018.
Chandravanshi, Sandhya;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Design of efficient rectifier circuit in the gsm band for energy harvesting applications", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2017, 2018.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Singh, Surya Prakash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Quad band metamaterial inspired planar sensor for dispersive material testing", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2017, 2018.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Singh, Surya Prakash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Near field planar microwave probe sensor for nondestructive condition assessment of wood products", Journal of Applied Physics, 123, 2018.
Chandravanshi, Sandhya;Sarma, Sanchari Sen;Akhtar, Mohammad Jaleel, "Design of Triple Band Differential Rectenna for RF Energy Harvesting", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, 2018.
Verma, Aman;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Akhtar, M. J., "Soil moisture detection using CSRR based submersible RF sensor", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Govind, Greeshmaja;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Agrawal, Kapil Kumar;Akhtar, M. J., "Microwave imaging of subsurface defects in dielectric structures using complementary split ring resonator", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Singh, Surya Prakash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Novel Microstrip-Based Simplified Approach for Fast Determination of Substrate Permittivity", IEEE Transactions on Components, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 8, 2018.
Chandravanshi, Sandhya;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Design of efficient rectifying circuit for RF energy harvesting applications", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Prasad, Harishankar;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Flexible substrate based CPW-fed antenna for WiMAX application", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Singh, Surya Prakash;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "Coplanar waveguide based planar RF sensor for the detection of adulteration in oils", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Singh, Surya Prakash;Tiwari, Nilesh Kumar;Akhtar, M. Jaleel, "A free space technique for dielectrics and building materials characterization for future 5G applications", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Govind, Greeshmaja;Akhtar, M. J., "Microwave Nondestructive Imaging of Buried Objects Using Improved Scattered-Field Calibration Technique", Radio Science, 53, 2018.
Mukherjee S.;Biswas A., "Design of Planar High-Gain Antenna Using SIW Cavity Hybrid Mode", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, 2018.
Shukla, Saurabh;Harish, A. R., "Solomon Knot Monopole Antenna", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Saraswat K.;Harish A.R., "Frequency and Band Reconfigurable Circularly Polarized Square Ring Slot Monopole Antenna", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Mondal, Payel;Dhara, Debapratim;Harish, A. R., "A Wideband Slotted D-Shaped Monopole MIMO Antenna with Triple Branch Neutralization Line", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Dhara, Debapratim;Gupta, Gaurangi;Harish, A. R., "A Wideband Polarization Diversity 3D MIMO Antenna", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Pandit, Vivek Kumar;Gupta, Gaurangi;Harish, A. R., "UHF Wideband Near-Field Coupled Antenna", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "Dual-band CP coplanar waveguide-fed splitring resonator-loaded G-shaped slot antenna with wide-frequency ratio", IET Microwaves, Antennas and Propagation, 12, 2018.
Pandit, Vivek Kumar;Harish, A. R., "A compact CPW-fed tapered monopole triple-band antenna for WLAN/WiMAX application", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60, 2018.
Li, Jilu;González, Jose A.Vélez;Leuschen, Carl;Harish, Ayyangar;Gogineni, Prasad;Montagnat, Maurine;Weikusat, Ilka;Rodriguez-Morales, Fernando;Paden, John, "Multi-channel and multi-polarization radar measurements around the NEEM site", Cryosphere, 12, 2018.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "A polarization reconfigurable CPW fed monopole antenna with L-shaped parasitic element", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 28, 2018.
Kumar S.V.;Harish A.R., "Circularly polarized 3D printed knot antenna with sequential-phase feed", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications, iAIM 2017, 2018.
Kumar, S. Vinoth;Harish, A. R., "Trefoil torus knot antenna with boresight radiation pattern", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications, iAIM 2017, 2018.
Gupta, Gaurangi;Harish, A. R., "Wideband antenna using cavity backed non-uniform double layered meta-surface", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications, iAIM 2017, 2018.
Lalkota, Manikanta;Gupta, Gaurangi;Harish, A. R., "UHF reader antenna for near and far field RFID operation", 12th Annual IEEE International Conference on RFID, RFID 2018, 2018.
Kumar, S. Vinoth;Harish, A. R., "Two-port 3D printed trefoil torus knot antenna with pattern diversity", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Awasthi A.;Saraswat K.;Harish A., "Analysis of infinite array of finite feed gap dipole antenna placed over a reflector", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Saraswat K.;Awasthi A.;Harish A., "A fishing hook shaped dipole antenna for broadband circular polarization", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Pandit, Vivek Kumar;Harish, A. R., "Gain enhancement of a dual-band monopole antenna loaded with dual-band AMC", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "An asymmetrically-scaled-rotated microstrip antenna for conical-beam radiation", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Saraswat K.;Harish A., "Analysis of wideband circularly polarized ring slot antenna using characteristics mode for bandwidth enhancement", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 28, 2018.
Ghosh S.;Srivastava K., "A Polarization-Independent Switchable Absorber with Independently Controllable Absorption Frequencies", 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, AT-RASC 2018, 2018.
Hakla N.;Ghosh S.;Srivastava K., "A broadband circuit analog absorber using resistively loaded square loops", IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMaRC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Ghosh S.;Srivastava K., "Broadband Polarization-Insensitive Tunable Frequency Selective Surface for Wideband Shielding", IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility, 60, 2018.
Singh Y.;Saurav K.;Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "A compact two element quad-band printed quasi-Yagi antenna array loaded with inter-digital capacitor and LC resonator", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications, iAIM 2017, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "Four Element Dual-band Sub-6 GHz 5G MIMO Antenna Using SRR-loaded Slot-Loops", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 2018.
Bansal M.;Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "Frequency Reconfigurable Compact Multi-Band Printed Monopole Antenna Using Capacitively Loaded Loops", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Srivastava K.V., "MIMO Antenna Characterization in Realistic Propagation Scenario: Use of Infinitesimal Dipole Models with Cross-correlation Green's Functions", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Aquil J.;Sarkar D.;Srivastava K.V., "Eight-Port MIMO Antenna for Integrated Narrowband / Ultra-wideband (UWB) Applications", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Sharma Y.;Sarkar D.;Saurav K.;Srivastava K.V., "Differential quasi self-complimentary (QSC) ultra-wideband (UWB) MIMO antenna", 2017 IEEE International Conference on Antenna Innovations and Modern Technologies for Ground, Aircraft and Satellite Applications, iAIM 2017, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "Modified Cross Correlation Green's Function with FDTD for Characterization of MIMO Antennas in Nonuniform Propagation Environment", IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, 66, 2018.
Dutta S.;Kumari K.;Sarkar D.;Srivastava K.V., "A compact triple-band multi-polarized slot antenna for WLAN/WiMAX application", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "A compact two-port MIMO antenna with enhanced isolation using SRR-loaded slot-loop", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Aquil J.;Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "A quasi self-complementary UWB MIMO antenna having WLAN-band notched characteristics", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Mikki S.;Alzahed A.;Srivastava K.;Antar Y., "New considerations on electromagnetic energy in antenna near-field by time-domain approach", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Brar R.;Saurav K.;Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "A quad-band dual-polarized monopole antenna for GNSS/UMTS/WLAN/WiMAX applications", Microwave and Optical Technology Letters, 60, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "Two Element Loop-Loaded Printed Dipole Array for Dual-band Operation with Pattern Diversity", 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Srivastava K., "Slot-loaded SIW-fed Wide-band Yagi Antenna having End-fire / Broadside Scanning Features", 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Mikki S.M.;Srivastava K.V.;Antar Y.M.M., "Analytical approximation of the time-dependent antenna cross-correlation green's function", IET Conference Publications, 2018, 2018.
Sarkar D.;Mikki S.;Srivastava K.;Antar Y., "Cross-Correlation Green Function for Interaction between Electric and Magnetic Current Sources", 2018 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting, APSURSI 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
Bisht, Mahesh Singh;Rajput, Archana;Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav, "Design and analysis of gradient index metamaterial-based cloak with wide bandwidth and physically realizable material parameters", Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing, 124, 2018.
Reddy, C. Nagadastagiri;Rajput, Archana;Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav, "Square shaped internal cloak having homogeneous and nonsingular material parameters", Applied Electromagnetics Conference, AEMC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Saikia, Mondeep;Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav, "Design of Thin Broadband Microwave Absorber using Combination of Capacitive and Circuit Analog Absorbers", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Tayde, Yakeen;Saikia, Mondeep;Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav, "Double-layer Polarization Independent Broadband Absorber using Resisitve Ink for C, X and Ku Bands application", 2018 IEEE Indian Conference on Antennas and Propagation, InCAP 2018, 2018.
Tayde, Yakeen;Saikia, Mondeep;Srivastava, Kumar Vaibhav;Ramakrishna, Subramanian Anantha, "Polarization-Insensitive Broadband Multilayered Absorber Using Screen Printed Patterns of Resistive Ink", IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 17, 2018.
Optoelectronics and Optical Communication Publications
Ramaiah J.;de Rubeis T.;Gannavarpu R.;Ambrosini D., "Quantitative flow visualization by hidden grid background oriented schlieren", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 160, 2023.
Satya Vithin A.V.;Ramaiah J.;Gannavarpu R., "Deep learning based single shot multiple phase derivative retrieval method in multi-wave digital holographic interferometry", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 162, 2023.
Vithin A.V.S.;Gannavarpu R., "Quantitative phase gradient metrology using diffraction phase microscopy and deep learning", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 40, 2023.
Pandey D.;Gannavarpu R., "Nanoscale surface profile measurement using state space approach in digital holographic microscopy", Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties, 11, 2023.
N. S.;Vithin A.V.S.;Ajithprasad S.;Gannavarpu R., "Surface profile measurement using nonlinear optimization approach in diffraction phase microscopy", Optics and Laser Technology, 167, 2023.
Ambrosini D.;Rubeis T.D.;Paoletti D.;Ramaiah J.;Gannavarpu R., "Hidden Grid Background Oriented Schlieren in studying convective flows", Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2509, 2023.
Narayan S.K.;Vithin A.V.S.;Gannavarpu R., "Deep learning assisted non-contact defect identification method using diffraction phase microscopy", Applied Optics, 62, 2023.
Sharma N.;Khare K.;Gupta S., "Determining the transfer function of a reconstructive spectrometer using measurements at two wavelengths", Optics letters, 48, 2023.
Sutradhar A.;Sam J.C.;Gupta S., "Optical gratings fabricated using the capillary-assisted self-assembly of nanoparticles on a flexible substrate", Applied Optics, 62, 2023.
Paul A.;Mishra T.;Krishnamurthy P.K., "Fiber-optic frequency comb generation using low-seed power FWM and Brillouin-assisted power equalization", Applied Optics, 62, 2023.
Vithin A.V.S.;Vishnoi A.;Gannavarpu R., "Phase derivative estimation in digital holographic interferometry using a deep learning approach", Applied Optics, 61, 2022.
Sharma S.;Kulkarni R.;Vishnoi A.;Gannavarpu R., "Wrapped phase denoising using adaptive Kalman smoother algorithm", Journal of Modern Optics, 2022.
Ghosh A.;Kulkarni R.;Gannavarpu R., "Phase unwrapping algorithm using breadth-first-search and multi-level segmentation of phase quality interval in digital holography", Journal of Modern Optics, 2022.
Pandey D.;Ramaiah J.;Ajithaprasad S.;Gannavarpu R., "Subspace analysis based machine learning method for automated defect detection from fringe patterns", Optik, 270, 2022.
Ramaiah J.;Gannavarpu R., "Multiple phase extraction using graphics processing unit assisted unitary transformation method in digital holographic interferometry", Applied Optics, 61, 2022.
Pandey D.;Gannavarpu R., "Fringe pattern defect identification using Kalman filter and machine learning", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2022.
Vithin A.V.S.;Ramaiah J.;Pandey D.;Gannavarpu R., "Displacement derivative analysis using deep learning in digital holographic interferometry", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2022.
Sharma N.;Gupta S., "Determining Transfer Function of Reconstructive Spectrometer using Two Laser Sources", 2022 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CLEO 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Kumar R.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K.S., "Quadratic smoothing based video stabilization using spatio-temporal regularity flow", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022.
Sutradhar A.;Sam J.C.;Gupta S., "Enhanced Diffraction Efficiency using Metal Nanoparticle based Grating on Flexible Substrate", 2022 IEEE Photonics Conference, IPC 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Sutradhar A.;Gupta S., "Functionalization of Optical Fiber Tips using Colloidal Nanoparticles", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2022.
Paul A.;Krishnamurthy P.K., "All-SBS fiber-based setup for optical frequency comb generation utilizing a pump recycling technique and comb line isolation by implementing Brillouin amplification", Applied Optics, 61, 2022.
Awasthi S.K.;Singh Y.N., "AbsoluteTrust: Algorithm for Aggregation of Trust in Peer-to-Peer Networks", IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19, 2022.
Gaurav K.;Bhattacharya S.;Singh Y.N.;Ghosh S., "To purchase or to pirate: Investigating the role of social influence on digital piracy contagion", Pramana - Journal of Physics, 96, 2022.
Tripathi R.N.;Kumar Gaurav ;Singh Y.N., "Configuration of the Communication Radius for Partial Coverage in WSN", Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, 929, 2022.
Chatterjee S.;Rangarajan N.;Patnaik S.;Rajasekharan D.;Sinanoglu O.;Chauhan Y.S., "FerroCoin: Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction-Based True Random Number Generator", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computing, 2022.
Ramaiah J.;Gannavarpu R., "Non-invasive deformation metrology using subspace analysis in digital holographic interferometry", Measurement Science and Technology, 32, 2021.
Pandey D.;Ramaiah J.;Gannavarpu R., "Fast measurement of phase and its derivatives in digital holographic interferometry using graphics processing unit assisted state space method", Optik, 248, 2021.
Ramaiah J.;Gannavarpu R., "Dynamic displacement measurement in digital holographic interferometry using eigenspace analysis", Applied Optics, 60, 2021.
Vithin A.V.S.;Gannavarpu R., "Robust method for fringe demodulation under rapid phase and amplitude fluctuations", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Ramaiah J.;Gannavarpu R., "Defect localization in noisy fringe patterns using subspace method and naive Bayes classifier", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Vithin A.V.S.;Gannavarpu R., "Estimation of phase derivative with sharp variations in digital holography using total variational regularization", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Vishnoi A.;Gannavarpu R., "Single shot quantitative phase gradient estimation using Wigner-Ville distribution in digital holographic microscopy", OSA Continuum, 4, 2021.
Sharma S.;Kulkarni R.;Ajithaprasad S.;Gannavarpu R., "Fringe pattern normalization algorithm using Kalman filter", Results in Optics, 5, 2021.
Sharma N.;Kumar G.;Garg V.;Mote R.G.;Gupta S., "Reconstructive spectrometer using a photonic crystal cavity", Optics Express, 29, 2021.
Sharma N.;Kumar G.;Gupta S., "Computational Spectrometer based on Photonic Crystal Cavity and Reconstruction Algorithm", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Sharma N.;Kumar G.;Gupta S., "Experimental Generation of Dispersion Curve of Photonic Crystal Cavity using two Laser Sources", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Vij N.K.;Khosla M.;Gupta S., "Mutli-variable Optimization of Cooling of Mechanical Mode assisted by Three-level System", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Paul A.;Pradeep Kumar K., "Generation of optical frequency comb using cascaded Brillouin scattering at low power utilizing pump recycling technique in a single mode fiber", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Kumar G.;Chandra N.;Krishnamurthy P.K., "Optical sideband interference using optical IQ and Mach-Zehnder modulators", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Sanyal W.;Sharma S.;Krishnamurthy P.K., "Multi-rate kalman filter for carrier phase recovery in 200 gbps PDM coherent optical receivers", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Gupta R.;Singh Y.N.;Goswami A., "Trust estimation in peer-to-peer network using BLUE", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 14, 2021.
Singha N.;Singh Y.N., "New incentive mechanism to enhance cooperation in wireless P2P networks", Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications, 14, 2021.
Kumar G.;Singh Y.N., "SimRouter: Message routing based on Similarity and Relative Probable Positions of nodes in DTNs", 10th IEEE International Conference on Communication, Networks and Satellite, Comnetsat 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
Dhuli S.;Kouachi S.;Chhabra A.;Singh Y.N., "Network Robustness Analysis for IoT Networks using Regular Graphs", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2021.
Tiwary N.;Naik N V.R.;Panda A.K.;Lenka R.K.;Narendra A., "Sliding mode and current observer-based direct power control of dual active bridge converter with constant power load", International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, 31, 2021.
Tiwary N.;Naik V.N.;Panda A.K.;Narendra A.;Lenka R.K., "Fuzzy Logic Based Direct Power Control of Dual Active Bridge Converter", ICPEE 2021 - 2021 1st International Conference on Power Electronics and Energy, 2021.
Gottam O.;Naik N.;Kumar Pandey P.;Gambhir S., "RBF level-set based fully-nonlinear fluorescence photoacoustic pharmacokinetic tomography", Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering, 2021.
Patil N.;Naik N., "δ-SP<inf>N</inf> approximation for numerical modeling of directional sources and scattering", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 38, 2021.
Patil N.;Naik N., "3D fluorescence optical tomography with directed sources using the δ-SP<inf>3</inf> approximation", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Gottam O.;Naik N.;Pandey P.K.;Gambhir S., "Gradient filter reconstruction approach to fluorescence photoacoustic based pharmacokinetic tomography", Optics InfoBase Conference Papers, 2021.
Rajasekharan D.;Rangarajan N.;Patnaik S.;Sinanoglu O.;Chauhan Y.S., "SCANet: Securing the Weights With Superparamagnetic-MTJ Crossbar Array Networks", IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, 2021.
Gottam O.;Naik N.;Pandey P.K.;Gambhir S., "Gradient filter reconstruction approach to fluorescence photoacoustic-based pharmacokinetic tomography", Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 11923, 2021.
Patil N.;Naik N., "3D fluorescence optical tomography with directed sources using the δ-SP<sup>3</sup>approximation", Progress in Biomedical Optics and Imaging - Proceedings of SPIE, 11920, 2021.
Jagadesh Ramaiah ., Sreeprasad Ajithaprasad ., Rajshekhar Gannavarpu ., Dario Ambrosini ., "Fast and robust method for flow analysis using GPU assisted diffractive optical element based background oriented schlieren (BOS)", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 126, 2020.
Kumar H.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K.S., "Simultaneous estimation of defocus and motion blurs from single image using equivalent gaussian representation", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 30, 2020.
Kumar H.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K.S., "A novel non-customary method of image compression based on image spectrum", Sadhana - Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences, 45, 2020.
Naresh Sharma, Govind Kumar, Vivek Garg, Rakesh G. Mote, R. Vijaya and Shilpi Gupta, "Translationally Invariant Generation of Annular Beams Using Thin Films", IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, 32, 2020.
Singha N.;Singh Y.N.;Gupta R., "Adaptive Capacity Partitioning in Cooperative Computing to Maximize Received Resources", IEEE Access, 8, 2020.
Ghosh S.;Gaurav K.;Bhattacharya S.;Singh Y.N., "Ensuring the spread of referral marketing campaigns: a quantitative treatment", Scientific Reports, 10, 2020.
Narendra A.;Venkataramana Naik N.;Panda A.K.;Tiwary N., "A Comprehensive Review of PV Driven Electrical Motors", Solar Energy, 195, 2020.
Singh, Arun Kant;Potluri, Ramprasad, "Can-based networked path-tracking control of a 4WS4WD electric vehicle: Selection of sampling period and hardware-in-the-loop simulation", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019.
Kumar H.;Yadav A.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K., "Depth Map Estimation Using Defocus and Motion Cues", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 29, 2019.
Kumar H.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K., "Resolving Focal Plane Ambiguity using Chromatic Aberration and Color Uniformity Principle", International Conference on Digital Signal Processing, DSP, 2018-November, 2019.
Mahajan M.;Kallatt S.;Dandu M.;Sharma N.;Gupta S.;Majumdar K., "Light emission from the layered metal 2H-TaSe<inf>2</inf> and its potential applications", Communications Physics, 2, 2019.
Kumar H.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K., "Realtime dehazing using colour uniformity principle", IET Image Processing, 13, 2019.
Kumar H.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K.S., "A novel blurring based method for video compression", GlobalSIP 2019 - 7th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, Proceedings, 2019.
Rao, Sravya;Shaw, Rahul;Rout, Dipak;Kumar, Govind;Vijaya, R.;Gupta, Shilpi, "Diffraction imaging of cracks in self-assembled photonic crystals", Optical Materials, 91, 2019.
Arpita Sinha Roy ., Pradeep Kumar Krishnamurthy ., "Brillouin-induced self-heterodyne method for low jitter measurement of laser linewidth", Journal of the Optical Society of America B: Optical Physics, 36, 2019.
Awasthi S.;Singh Y., "Simplified Biased Contribution Index (SBCI): A mechanism to make P2P network fair and efficient for resource sharing", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 124, 2019.
Pandey, Prabodh Kumar;Gottam, Omprakash;Naik, Naren;Pradhan, Asima, "Comparative study of one-step and two-step quantitative fluorescence photoacoustic tomography", Applied Optics, 58, 2019.
Patil, Nishigandha;Naik, Naren, "Second-order adjoint sensitivities for fluorescence optical tomography based on the SP<inf>N</inf> approximation", Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 36, 2019.
Gottam, Omprakash;Naik, Naren;Gambhir, Sanjay, "Parameterized level-set based pharmacokinetic fluorescence optical tomography using the regularized Gauss-Newton filter", Journal of Biomedical Optics, 24, 2019.
Narendra A.;Venkataramana Naik N.;Panda A.K.;Tiwary N., "Modelling and Analysis of Grid-tied Solar PV System", 2019 International Conference on Power Electronics, Control and Automation, ICPECA 2019 - Proceedings, 2019-November, 2019.
Naik N.V.R., "An Interval Type-2 Fuzzy Based DTC of IMD Using the Hybrid Duty Ratio Control", Proceedings of the International Conference on Power Electronics and Drive Systems, 2019-July, 2019.
Naik N.V.R., "A Real-time Enactment of Fuzzy Based Direct Torque Control of Induction Motor Drive with DS-1104", 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2019, 2019.
Narendra A.;Naik N.V.R.;Panda A.K.;Tiwary N., "A Real Time Implementation of PV Driven DC Motor along with Wireless Control", 2019 10th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies, ICCCNT 2019, 2019.
Lohani, Varsha;Sharma, Anjali;Singh, Yatindra Nath, "Routing, Modulation and Spectrum Assignment using an AI based Algorithm", 2019 11th International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks, COMSNETS 2019, 2019.
Ajithaprasad, Sreeprasad;Gannavarpu, Rajshekhar, "Non-invasive precision metrology using diffraction phase microscopy and space-frequency method", Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 109, 2018.
Singh, Arun Kant;Potluri, Ramprasad, "CAN-based networked path-tracking control of a 4WS4WD electric vehicle: Minimum sampling period", 2018 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Singh, Arun Kant;Potluri, Ramprasad, "CAN-based networked path-tracking control of a 4WS4WD electric vehicle: Maximum sampling period", 2018 Indian Control Conference, ICC 2018 - Proceedings, 2018-January, 2018.
Kumar H.;Gupta S.;Venkatesh K., "A Novel Method for Image Compression Using Spectrum", 2017 9th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition, ICAPR 2017, 2018.
Khosla, Meenakshi;Rao, Sravya;Gupta, Shilpi, "Polarons Explain Luminescence Behavior of Colloidal Quantum Dots at Low Temperature", Scientific Reports, 8, 2018.
Kumar, Govind;Mansoor, B.;Krishnamurthy, Pradeep Kumar, "Subcarrier modulation to improve detuning bandwidth of harmonic mode locked fiber lasers", 2018 3rd International Conference on Microwave and Photonics, ICMAP 2018, 2018-January, 2018.
Awasthi S.;Singh Y., "Biased contribution index: A new faster convergent index to maintain the fairness in peer-to-peer networks", Electronics Letters, 54, 2018.
Pandey P.K.;Naik N.;Munshi P.;Pradhan A., "Inherent error estimates for noisy-data discrimination and filter-specification in universal back-projection based photo-acoustic tomography", Biomedical Physics and Engineering Express, 4, 2018.
Patil, Nishigandha;Naik, Naren, "Adjoint based Hessian evaluation for SP<inf>N</inf> modeled optical tomography", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10711, 2018.
Gottam, Omprakash;Naik, Naren;Gambhir, Sanjay, "Shape based pharmacokinetic fluorescence optical tomography", Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, 10711, 2018.
Narendra A.;Venkataramana Naik N.;Tiwary N., "PV fed Separately Excited DC Motor with a Closed Loop Speed Control", 8th IEEE Power India International Conference, PIICON 2018, 2018.
Microelectronics and VLSI - Publications
Yash Agrahari and A.K. Dutta, An empirical model for bulk electron mobility in Si at cryogenic temperatures , Silicon, Vol. 15, No.1, pp. 563-570, 2023.
Chatterjee S.;Kumar S.;Gaidhane A.;Dabhi C.K.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Ferroelectric FDSOI FET modeling for memory and logic applications", Solid-State Electronics, 200, 2023.
Kar A.;Nandan K.;Chauhan Y.S., "A Physics-Based Compact Model for Silicon Cold-Source Transistors", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023.
Pandey N.;Chauhan Y.S., "Multidomain Interactions in Perpendicular Magnetic Tunnel Junction (p-MTJ): Enabling Multistate MRAM", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023.
Joshi G.;Chauhan Y.S.;Verma A., "Investigation of growth dynamics of β-Ga<inf>2</inf>O<inf>3</inf> LPCVD by independently controlling Ga precursor and substrate temperature", Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, 62, 2023.
Kar A.;Parihar S.S.;Huang J.Z.;Zhang H.;Wang W.;Imura K.;Chauhan Y.S., "Characterization and Modeling of 14-/16-nm FinFET-Based LDMOS", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023.
Kumar S.;Chatterjee S.;Thomann S.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Cross-Layer Reliability Modeling of Dual-Port FeFET: Device-Algorithm Interaction", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023.
Kumar S.;Chatterjee S.;Dabhi C.K.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Non-Traditional Design of Dynamic Logics using FDSOI for Ultra-Efficient Computing", IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits, 2023.
Parihar S.S.;Pahwa G.;Huang J.Z.;Wang W.;Imura K.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y.S., "Cryogenic Characterization and Model Extraction of 5nm Technology Node FinFETs", 7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023, 2023.
Ansari M.H.;Dangi R.;Pampori A.;Kushwaha P.;Yadav E.;Sinha S.;Chauhan Y.S., "A Width-Scalable SPICE Model of GaN-HEMTs for X-band RF Applications", 7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023, 2023.
Mishra A.;Ashok P.;Chauhan Y.S.;Verma A., "Vanadium Dioxide Series and Shunt RF Switches Synthesized using Low Thermal Budget Process", 7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023, 2023.
Chauhan Y.S.;Kar A.;Parihar S.S.;Huang J.Z.;Zhang H.;Wang W.;Imura K., "High-Frequency Characterization and Modeling of Low and High Voltage FinFETs for RF SoCs", 7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023, 2023.
Nazir M.S.;Pampori A.;Zarkob Y.H.;Kar A.;Chauhan Y.S., "Characterization and Modeling of I-V, C-V and Trapping behavior of SiC Power MOSFETs", 7th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference: Strengthen the Global Semiconductor Research Collaboration After the Covid-19 Pandemic, EDTM 2023, 2023.
Parihar S.S.;van Santen V.M.;Thomann S.;Pahwa G.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Cryogenic CMOS for Quantum Processing: 5-nm FinFET-Based SRAM Arrays at 10 K", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2023.
Nazir M.S.;Pampori A.H.;Dangi R.;Ahsan S.A.;Chauhan Y.S., "Charge-based Flicker Noise Modeling of GaN HEMTs down to Cryogenic Temperatures", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2023.
Ashok P.;Chauhan Y.S.;Verma A., "Low temperature synthesis of VO<inf>2</inf> and hysteresis free VO<inf>x</inf> thin films with high temperature coefficient of resistance for bolometer applications", Thin Solid Films, 781, 2023.
Parihar S.S.;Pampori A.;Dwivedi P.;Huang J.;Wang W.;Imura K.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y.S., "A Comprehensive RF Characterization and Modeling Methodology for the 5nm Technology Node FinFETs", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 2023.
Genssler P.R.;Klemme F.;Parihar S.S.;Brandhofer S.;Pahwa G.;Polian I.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Cryogenic Embedded System to Support Quantum Computing: From 5nm FinFET to Full Processor", IEEE Transactions on Quantum Engineering, 2023.
Pahariya A.;Dutta A.K., "A Theoretical Study of Negative Capacitance Field-Effect Transistors Using Ferroelectrics Having First- and Second-Order Phase Transitions", Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science, 2023.
Firoz N.;Mazhari B., "Active Matrix Resistive Sensor Array With Reduced Dependence on TFT Channel Resistance", IEEE Sensors Letters, 2023.
Equbal M.S.;Ketkar T.;Sahay S., "Hybrid CMOS-RRAM True Random Number Generator Exploiting Coupled Entropy Sources", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2023.
Equbal M.S.;Sahay S., "Scaling the MOSFET: detrimental short channel effects and mitigation techniques", Nanoelectronics: Physics, Materials and Devices, 2023.
Kumar M.J.;Sahay S., "Junction-less field effect transistors: The first transistor to be conceptualized", 75th Anniversary of the Transistor, 2023.
Arya A.;Chanekar A.;Verma A.;Anand S., "Multiple Points Measurement-Based Junction Temperature Estimation of IGBT Module", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, 11, 2023.
Bandhu H.;Ashok P.;Khandapu D.P.;Verma A., "Lithography-free fabrication of Vanadium Dioxide and its devices using direct laser writing", Optics and Laser Technology, 167, 2023.
Kumar A.;Verma A.;Soni D.;Chaturvedi G., "Wind forecasting using ANN", 2023 1st International Conference on Intelligent Computing and Research Trends, ICRT 2023, 2023.
Pampori A.U.H.;Ahsan S.A.;Chauhan Y.S., "Modeling the Impact of Dynamic Fin-Width on the I- V,C- v and RF Characteristics of GaN Fin-HEMTs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69, 2022.
Chauhan Y.S.;Pampori A.;Dangi R.;Kushwaha P.;Yadav E.;Sinha S., "A Turnkey Large-Signal Model for Amplifier Design in 5G Spectra using AlGaN/GaN HEMTs", 6th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2022, 2022.
Jiang Z.;Xiao Y.;Chatterjee S.;Mulaosmanovic H.;Duenkel S.;Soss S.;Beyer S.;Joshi R.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H.;Narayanan V.;Ni K., "Asymmetric Double-Gate Ferroelectric FET to Decouple the Tradeoff Between Thickness Scaling and Memory Window", Digest of Technical Papers - Symposium on VLSI Technology, 2022-June, 2022.
Chatterjee S.;Thomann S.;Ni K.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Comprehensive Variability Analysis in Dual-Port FeFET for Reliable Multi-Level-Cell Storage", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
P A.;Chauhan Y.S.;Verma A., "Multi spectral switchable infra-red reflectance resonances in highly subwavelength partially oxidized vanadium thin films", Optical Materials, 132, 2022.
Gaidhane A.D.;Dangi R.;Sahay S.;Verma A.;Chauhan Y.S., "A Computationally Efficient Compact Model for Ferroelectric Switching with Asymmetric Non-Periodic Input Signals", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2022.
Parihar S.S.;Huang J.Z.;Wang W.;Imura K.;Chauhan Y.S., "Self-Heating characterization and modeling of 5nm technology node FinFETs", Device Research Conference - Conference Digest, DRC, 2022-June, 2022.
Dangi R.;Pampori A.;Kushwaha P.;Yadav E.;Sinha S.;Chauhan Y.S., "A width-scalable SPICE compact model for GaN HEMTs including self-heating effect", Device Research Conference - Conference Digest, DRC, 2022-June, 2022.
Kar A.;Sarker S.;Dasgupta A.;Chauhan Y.S., "Impact of Corner Rounding on Quantum Confinement in GAA Nanosheet FETs for Advanced Technology Nodes", Device Research Conference - Conference Digest, DRC, 2022-June, 2022.
Rafiq M.;Parihar S.S.;Chauhan Y.S.;Sahay S., "Efficient Implementation of Max-Pooling Algorithm Exploiting History-Effect in Ferroelectric-FinFETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
Bajpai N.;Chauhan Y.S., "A multi-variable double impedance matching network design algorithm with design example of a low noise amplifier", International Journal of RF and Microwave Computer-Aided Engineering, 2022.
Nazir M.S.;Kushwaha P.;Pampori A.;Ahsan S.A.;Chauhan Y.S., "Electrical Characterization and Modeling of GaN HEMTs at Cryogenic Temperatures", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 69, 2022.
Pandey N.;Chauhan Y.S., "Impact of Domain Wall Motion on the Memory Window in a Multi-Domain Ferroelectric FET", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 2022.
Manzoor W.;Dutta A.K.;Chauhan Y.S., "Analytical approximation of surface potential and analysis of C–V characteristics of bulk MOSFETs at cryogenic temperatures", Microelectronics Journal, 129, 2022.
Pandey N.;Chauhan Y.S., "Dynamics and Modeling of Multidomains in Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction&#x2014;Part I: Mathematical Framework", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
Mankali L.;Rangarajan N.;Chatterjee S.;Kumar S.;Chauhan Y.S.;Sinanoglu O.;Amrouch H., "Leveraging Ferroelectric Stochasticity and In-Memory Computing for DNN IP Obfuscation", IEEE Journal on Exploratory Solid-State Computational Devices and Circuits, 2022.
Pandey N.;Chauhan Y.S., "Dynamics and Modeling of Multidomains in Ferroelectric Tunnel Junction&#x2014;Part-II: Electrostatics and Transport", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
Bajpai N.;Chauhan Y.S., "A GaN Based Reverse Recovery Time Limiter Circuit Integrated with a Low Noise Amplifier", Communications in Computer and Information Science, 1687 CCIS, 2022.
Bajpai N.;Maity P.;Shah M.;Das A.;Chauhan Y.S., "An Ultra-Low Noise Figure and Multi-Band Re-Configurable Low Noise Amplifier", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2022.
Zaid M.;Pampori A.;Chauhan Y.S., "16 Watt S-Band GaN Based Power Amplifier Using Replicating Stages", 9th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2022, 2022.
Pandey N.;Phogat A.;Chauhan Y.S., "On the Memory Window Variability in a 3-D Multi-Granular Ferroelectric FET Including Grain Boundaries", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2022, 2022.
Bhukya V.N.;Dey R.;Chauhan Y.S., "Micromagnetic Simulations of Magnetization Dynamics Due to Position-dependent Spin-Orbit Torque From Topological Insulator", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2022, 2022.
Manzoor W.;Goel R.;Dutta A.K.;Chauhan Y.S., "Improved Surface Potential Based Compact Model for Bulk MOSFETs at Cryogenic Temperatures", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2022, 2022.
Ashok P.;Chauhan Y.S.;Verma A., "Experimental Demonstration of VO2 based Lateral/Vertical Devices and Relaxation Oscillator with an Ultra-low Thermal Budget Process", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2022, 2022.
Pahariya A.;Dutta A.K., "A New Surface Potential-Based Analytical Model for MFIS NCFETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
Yadav R.;Dutta A.K., "A New Charge-Based Analytical Model for the Gate Current in GaN HEMTs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
Agrahari Y.;Dutta A.K., "An Empirical Model for Bulk Electron Mobility in Si at Cryogenic Temperatures", Silicon, 2022.
Dinda S.G.;Sundar Kumar Iyer S., "Impact of Side-wall Spacer on The Performance of Double Gate Steep Switching Tunnel FET", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanophotonics, Nanomaterials, Nanobioscience and Nanotechnology, 5NANO 2022, 2022.
Kadole H.;Iyer S.S.K., "Effect of spatial trap distribution under different generation profiles on J- V characteristics of bulk heterojunction organic solar cell", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2022, 2022.
Rawat M.;Hendsbee A.;Iyer S.S.K., "Towards more eco-friendly organic solar cells with PPDT2FBT:PCBM active layer devices on paper substrates", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2022, 2022.
Anupam M.;Rathore H.;Mondal I., "Bandwidth-enhanced Feed-forward Amplifier with Shared Class-AB Gain and Compensation Paths", Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2022-May, 2022.
Pal S.;Sahay S.;Ki W.H.;Tsui C.Y., "A 10T Soft-Error-Immune SRAM with Multi-node Upset Recovery for Low-Power Space Applications", IEEE Transactions on Device and Materials Reliability, 2022.
Sen D.;Patel S.D.;Sahay S., "Dielectric Modulated Nanotube Tunnel Field-Effect Transistor as a Label Free Biosensor: Proposal and Investigation", IEEE Transactions on Nanobioscience, 2022.
Kumar A.;Kumar R.;Sahay S., "Analytical Modeling of 3D NAND Flash Cell with a Gaussian Doping Profile", IEEE Access, 2022.
Kumar A.;Singh H.;Sahay S.;Balasubramanian K.B., "Charge Injection Into Electrodeposited Cu<inline-formula> <tex-math notation="LaTeX">$_{\text{2}}$</tex-math> </inline-formula>O From Metallic Stacks and Graphene", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2022.
Kaur J.;Saurabh S.;Sahay S., "Muller C-Element Exploiting Programmable Metallization Cell for Bayesian Inference", IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 2022.
Kumar R.;Sarkar A.;Anand S.;Verma A.;Wu T.L., "H-Bridge Derived Topology for Dynamic on-resistance Evaluation in Power GaN HEMTs", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 2022.
Verma A.K.;Bopp F.;Finley J.J.;Jonas B.;Zrenner A.;Reuter D., "Low areal densities of InAs quantum dots on GaAs(1 0 0) prepared by molecular beam epitaxy", Journal of Crystal Growth, 592, 2022.
Prakash O.;Pahwa G.;Dabhi C.K.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Impact of Self-Heating on Negative-Capacitance FinFET: Device-Circuit Interaction", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68, 2021.
Pampori A.U.H.;Ahsan S.A.;Dangi R.;Goyal U.;Tomar S.K.;Mishra M.;Chauhan Y.S., "Modeling of Bias-Dependent Effective Velocity and Its Impact on Saturation Transconductance in AlGaN/GaN HEMTs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 68, 2021.
Bajpai G.;Gupta A.;Prakash O.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Soft Errors in Negative Capacitance FDSOI SRAMs", 2021 5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2021, 2021.
Prakash O.;Gupta A.;Pahwa G.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "On the Critical Role of Ferroelectric Thickness for Negative Capacitance Transistor Optimization", 2021 5th IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2021, 2021.
Prakash O.;Dabhi C.K.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Transistor self-heating: The rising challenge for semiconductor testing", Proceedings of the IEEE VLSI Test Symposium, 2021-April, 2021.
Goel R.;Gupta C.;Skalsky M.;Chauhan Y.S., "Analysis and modeling of anomalous flicker noise in long channel halo MOSFETs", Solid-State Electronics, 181-182, 2021.
Dabhi C.K.;Roy A.S.;Yang L.;Chauhan Y.S., "Anomalous GIDL Effect With Back Bias in FinFET: Physical Insights and Compact Modeling", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021.
Pandey N.;Qureshi K.;Chauhan Y.S., "Variability Analysis in a 3-D Multigranular Ferroelectric Capacitor", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021.
Gaidhane A.D.;Verma A.;Chauhan Y.S., "Study of multi-domain switching dynamics in negative capacitance FET using SPICE model", Microelectronics Journal, 115, 2021.
Rajasekharan D.;Gaidhane A.;Trivedi A.R.;Chauhan Y.S., "Ferroelectric FET-based Implementation of FitzHugh-Nagumo Neuron Model", IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems, 2021.
Salamin S.;Zervakis G.;Chauhan Y.S.;Henkel J.;Amrouch H., "PROTON: Post-Synthesis Ferroelectric Thickness Optimization for NCFET Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 2021.
Malik R.R.;Mir M.A.;Bhat Z.;Pampori A.;Chauhan Y.S.;Ahsan S.A., "Modeling and Analysis of Double Channel GaN HEMTs Using a Physics-Based Analytical Model", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 9, 2021.
Bajpai N.;Pampori A.;Maity P.;Shah M.;Das A.;Chauhan Y.S., "A Low Noise Power Amplifier MMIC to Mitigate Co-site Interference in 5G Front End Modules", IEEE Access, 2021.
Prakash O.;Gupta A.;Pahwa G.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "On the Critical Role of Ferroelectric Thickness for Negative Capacitance Device-Circuit Interaction", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 9, 2021.
Pandey N.;Pahwa G.;Chauhan Y.S., "Addressing source to drain tunneling in extremely scaled Si-transistors using negative capacitance", Solid-State Electronics, 186, 2021.
Bajpai N.;Chauhan Y.S., "A Broadband Power Amplifier MMIC to Compensate the Frequency Dependent Behaviour", 2021 IEEE MTT-S International Microwave and RF Conference, IMARC 2021, 2021.
Tyagi K.;Verma A.;Dutta A.K., "Modeling of the Gate Tunneling Current in MFIS NCFETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021.
Roma N.K.;Dutta A.;Subramanian V.K., "Modeling and Vision-based Set Point Control of Pneumatic-enabled Robotic Arm", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2021.
Firoz N.;Vitthal K.P.;Mazhari B., "Tuning of Threshold Voltage in Organic thin film transistors using buried silver nanoparticles distributed floating gated contacts", Proceedings of the 2021 IEEE 18th India Council International Conference, INDICON 2021, 2021.
Kazemi A.;Sahay S.;Saxena A.;Sharifi M.M.;Niemier M.;Hu X.S., "A Flash-Based Multi-Bit Content-Addressable Memory with Euclidean Squared Distance", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2021-July, 2021.
Nikam H.;Satyam S.;Sahay S., "Long Short-Term Memory Implementation Exploiting Passive RRAM Crossbar Array", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 2021.
Bavandpour M.;Sahay S.;Mahmoodi M.R.;Strukov D.B., "3D-aCortex: an ultra-compact energy-efficient neurocomputing platform based on commercial 3D-NAND flash memories", Neuromorphic Computing and Engineering, 1, 2021.
Arya A.;Chanekar A.;Deshmukh P.;Verma A.;Anand S., "Accurate Online Junction Temperature Estimation of IGBT Using Inflection Point Based Updated I-V Characteristics", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, 36, 2021.
Dasgupta A.;Parihar S.S.;Kushwaha P.;Agarwal H.;Kao M.Y.;Salahuddin S.;Chauhan Y.S.;Hu C., "BSIM compact model of quantum confinement in advanced nanosheet FETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 67, 2020.
Dasgupta A.;Parihar S.S.;Agarwal H.;Kushwaha P.;Chauhan Y.S.;Hu C., "Compact Model for Geometry Dependent Mobility in Nanosheet FETs", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 41, 2020.
Bajpai G.;Gupta A.;Prakash O.;Pahwa G.;Henkel J.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Impact of Radiation on Negative Capacitance FinFET", IEEE International Reliability Physics Symposium Proceedings, 2020-April, 2020.
Amrouch H.;Pahwa G.;Gaidhane A.D.;Dabhi C.K.;Klemme F.;Prakash O.;Chauhan Y.S., "Impact of Variability on Processor Performance in Negative Capacitance FinFET Technology", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 67, 2020.
Agarwal H.;Kushwaha P.;Dasgupta A.;Y-Kao M.;Morshed T.;Workman G.;Shanbhag K.;Li X.;Vinothkumar V.;Chauhan Y.S.;Salahuddin S.;Hu C., "BSIM-IMG: Advanced Model for FDSOI Transistors with Back Channel Inversion", 4th Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2020 - Proceedings, 2020.
Prakash O.;Gupta A.;Pahwa G.;Henkel J.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Impact of Interface Traps on Negative Capacitance Transistor: Device and Circuit Reliability", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 8, 2020.
Prakash O.;Gupta A.;Pahwa G.;Henkel J.;Chauhan Y.S.;Amrouch H., "Impact of Interface Traps Induced Degradation on Negative Capacitance FinFET", 4th Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2020 - Proceedings, 2020.
Dutta A.;Rajasekharan D.;Chauhan Y.S., "Compact Model Parameter Extraction Using Modular Q Learning for Nano-Scale Transistors", 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2020, 2020.
Rathi A.;Kumar M.;Verma J.K.;Jatana H.S.;Chauhan Y.S.;Dixit A., "Modeling of 0.18μm RF Bulk and SOI Planar MOSFETs using Industry Standard BSIM Models", 2020 5th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Electronics, ICEE 2020, 2020.
Kumar S.;Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L., "Formulating Divergence Framework for Multiclass Motor Imagery EEG Brain Computer Interface", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2020-May, 2020.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L., "HJB-Equation-Based Optimal Learning Scheme for Neural Networks with Applications in Brain-Computer Interface", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 4, 2020.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L.;Wang Y.K.;Lin C.T., "Fuzzy divergence based analysis for eeg drowsiness detection brain computer interfaces", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2020-July, 2020.
Singh M.K.;Dutta A.;Venkatesh K.S., "Multi-sensor data fusion for accurate surface modeling", Soft Computing, 24, 2020.
Bagui A.;Iyer S.S.K., "Improvement of hole mobility in PTB7 polymer film with a low temperature electric field treatment", Journal of Applied Physics, 128, 2020.
Mondal I., "Analysis and comparison of distortion of miller and feed-forward opamps in negative feedback", Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2020-October, 2020.
Sahay S., "A 2T-1R Cell Array with High Dynamic Range for Mismatch-Robust and Efficient Neurocomputing", 2020 IEEE International Memory Workshop, IMW 2020 - Proceedings, 2020.
Thirunavukkarasu A.;Amrouch H.;Joe J.;Goel N.;Parihar N.;Mishra S.;Dabhi C.;Chauhan Y.;Henkel J.;Mahapatra S., "Device to Circuit Framework for Activity-Dependent NBTI Aging in Digital Circuits", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Gupta C.;Agarwal H.;Goel R.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y., "Improved modeling of bulk charge effect for BSIM-BULK model", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Gupta C.;Goel R.;Agarwal H.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y., "BSIM-BULK: Accurate Compact Model for Analog and RF Circuit Design", Proceedings of the Custom Integrated Circuits Conference, 2019-April, 2019.
Gupta C.;Mohamed N.;Agarwal H.;Goel R.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y., "Accurate and Computationally Efficient Modeling of Nonquasi Static Effects in MOSFETs for Millimeter-Wave Applications", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Agarwal H.;Gupta C.;Goel R.;Kushwaha P.;Lin Y.K.;Kao M.Y.;Duarte J.P.;Chang H.L.;Chauhan Y.S.;Salahuddin S.;Hu C., "BSIM-HV: High-Voltage MOSFET Model including Quasi-Saturation and Self-Heating Effect", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Hu C.;Khandelwal S.;Chauhan Y.S.;McKay T.;Watts J.;Duarte J.P.;Kushwaha P.;Agarwal H., "Industry standard FDSOI compact model BSIM-IMG for IC design", Industry Standard FDSOI Compact Model BSIM-IMG for IC Design, 2019.
Dabhi C.K.;Kushwaha P.;Agarwal H.;Chauhan S.S.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y.S., "Physical Analysis of Non-monotonic DIBL Dependence on Back Gate Bias in Thick Front Gate Oxide FDSOI MOSFETs", 2019 IEEE SOI-3D-Subthreshold Microelectronics Technology Unified Conference, S3S 2019, 2019.
Mishra, Subrat;Amrouch, Hussam;Joe, Jerin;Dabhi, Chetan K.;Thakor, Karansingh;Chauhan, Yogesh S.;Henkel, Jorg;Mahapatra, Souvik, "A Simulation Study of NBTI Impact on 14-nm Node FinFET Technology for Logic Applications: Device Degradation to Circuit-Level Interaction", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Dabhi, Chetan Kumar;Roy, Ananda S.;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Compact Modeling of Temperature-Dependent Gate-Induced Drain Leakage Including Low-Field Effects", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Sami Salamin ., Martin Rapp ., Hussam Amrouch ., Girish Pahwa ., Yogesh Chauhan ., Jorg Henkel ., "NCFET-Aware Voltage Scaling", Proceedings of the International Symposium on Low Power Electronics and Design, 2019-July, 2019.
Amrouch, Hussam;Salamin, Sami;Pahwa, Girish;Gaidhane, Amol D.;Henkel, Jorg;Chauhan, Yogesh S., "Unveiling the impact of ir-drop on performance gain in ncfet-based processors", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Rapp, Martin;Salamin, Sami;Amrouch, Hussam;Pahwa, Girish;Chauhan, Yogesh;Henkel, Jörg, "Performance, power and cooling trade-offs with NCFET-based many-cores", Proceedings - Design Automation Conference, 2019.
Rajasekharan, Dinesh;Trivedi, Amit Ranjan;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Neuromorphic circuits on FDSOI technology for computer vision applications", Proceedings - 32nd International Conference on VLSI Design, VLSID 2019 - Held concurrently with 18th International Conference on Embedded Systems, ES 2019, 2019.
Gaidhane, Amol D.;Pahwa, Girish;Verma, Amit;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Modeling of Inner Fringing Charges and Short Channel Effects in Negative Capacitance MFIS Transistor", 2019 Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2019, 2019.
Chauhan, Yogesh S.;Yadav, Chandan;Dasgupta, Avirup;Rastogi, Priyank, "Atomistic simulation and compact modeling of atomically thin transistors", ICECE 2018 - 10th International Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering, 2019.
Vikash Kumar ., Chetan Kumar Dabhi ., Shivendra Singh Parihar ., Yogesh Singh Chauhan ., "Analysis and Compact Modeling of Drain-Extended FinFET", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Modeling of Systems Circuits and Devices, MOS-AK India 2019, 2019.
Jay Hind Kumar Verma ., Sudip Ghosh ., Ashutosh Yadav ., Yogesh Singh Chauhan ., "Simulation, Characterization and Parameter Extraction of Radiation Hardened MOSFET", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Modeling of Systems Circuits and Devices, MOS-AK India 2019, 2019.
Sheikh Aamir Ahsan ., Ahtisham Pampori ., Sudip Ghosh ., Sourabh Khandelwal ., Yogesh Singh Chauhan ., "Impact of Via-Inductance on Stability Behavior of Large Gate-Periphery Multi-finger RF Transistors", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Modeling of Systems Circuits and Devices, MOS-AK India 2019, 2019.
Dasgupta, Avirup;Verma, Amit;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Analysis and Compact Modeling of Insulator-Metal Transition Material-Based PhaseFET Including Hysteresis and Multidomain Switching", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Albahrani, Sayed Ali;Mahajan, Dhawal;Hodges, Jason;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh;Khandelwal, Sourabh, "ASM GaN: Industry Standard Model for GaN RF and Power Devices - Part-II: Modeling of Charge Trapping", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Khandelwal, Sourabh;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh;Fjeldly, Tor A.;Ghosh, Sudip;Pampori, Ahtisham;Mahajan, Dhawal;Dangi, Raghvendra;Ahsan, Sheikh Aamir, "ASM GaN: Industry Standard Model for GaN RF and Power Devices - Part 1: DC, CV, and RF Model", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Iniguez, Benjamin;Grabinski, Wladek;Mijalkovic, Slobodan;Xia, Kejun;Scholten, Andries J.;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh;Roy, Ananda S.;Yoshitomi, Sadayuki;Xu, Kaikai, "Foreword Special Issue on Compact Modeling for Circuit Design", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 66, 2019.
Choudhury, Saurav Roy;Das, Anubrata;Anand, Sandeep;Tungare, Sanjay;Sonawane, Yogesh, "Adaptive shunt filtering control of UPQC for increased nonlinear loads", IET Power Electronics, 12, 2019.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Behera L.;Wang Y.K.;Lin C.T., "Multiclass Fuzzy Time-Delay Common Spatio-Spectral Patterns with Fuzzy Information Theoretic Optimization for EEG-Based Regression Problems in Brain-Computer Interface (BCI)", IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 27, 2019.
Sharma R.S.;Shukla S.;Karki H.;Shukla A.;Behera L.;Venkatesh K.S., "DMP based trajectory tracking for a nonholonomic mobile robot with automatic goal adaptation and obstacle avoidance", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019-May, 2019.
Reddy T.K.;Arora V.;Kumar S.;Behera L.;Wang Y.K.;Lin C.T., "Electroencephalogram Based Reaction Time Prediction with Differential Phase Synchrony Representations Using Co-Operative Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks", IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence, 3, 2019.
Himani Jawa ., Aloke K Dutta ., "A new approach to RF small-signal modeling of MOSFETs", Semiconductor Science and Technology, 34, 2019.
Singh M.K.;Venkatesh K.S.;Dutta A., "Fusion of heterogeneous range sensors dataset for high fidelity surface generation", 2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology, CICT 2019, 2019.
Kim, Honggyun;Kumar, Sandeep;Kim, Og Jin;Iyer, S. Sundar Kumar;Kim, Deok kee, "Ag back electrode bonding process for inverted organic solar cells", Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 777, 2019.
Kumar, Sandeep;Iyer, S. Sundar Kumar, "A method to discern voltage dependent internal photoemission component from photoconductivity content in spectral response of metal-organic semiconductor-metal devices and evaluate the interface barriers", Organic Electronics, 65, 2019.
Oak, Chinmay N.;Iyer, S. Sundar Kumar, "Effect of pulsed electric field annealing on p3ht: Pcbm inverted solar cell structure", Springer Proceedings in Physics, 215, 2019.
Rawat, Madhu;Jayaraman, Eswaran;Balasubramanian, Sambathkumar;Iyer, S. Sundar Kumar, "Organic Solar Cells on Paper Substrates", Advanced Materials Technologies, 4, 2019.
Mondal, Imon, "Effect of circuit non-idealities on active on-chip delay lines", Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2019-May, 2019.
Verma A.;Bansal R.K., "Sequential Change Detection Based on Universal Compression for Markov Sources", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 2019-July, 2019.
Narale, Sagar B.;Kumar, P. Nandha;Ahmad, Md Waseem;Verma, Amit;Anand, Sandeep, "Reliability comparison of dc link capacitor bank for different configurations", Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology, 2019-February, 2019.
Singh R.;Aditya K.;Parihar S.;Chauhan Y.;Vega R.;Hook T.;Dixit A., "Evaluation of 10-nm Bulk FinFET RF Performance - Conventional Versus NC-FinFET", IEEE Electron Device Letters, 39, 2018.
Upadhyay A.;Kushwaha A.;Rastogi P.;Chauhan Y.;Vishvakarma S., "Explicit Model of Channel Charge, Backscattering, and Mobility for Graphene FET in Quasi-Ballistic Regime", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Das U.;Eneman G.;Velampati R.;Chauhan Y.;Jinesh K.;Bhattacharyya T., "Consideration of UFET Architecture for the 5 nm Node and beyond Logic Transistor", IEEE Journal of the Electron Devices Society, 6, 2018.
Kushwaha P.;Agarwal H.;Dabhi C.;Lin Y.;Duarte J.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y., "A Unified Flicker Noise Model for FDSOI MOSFETs Including Back-bias Effect", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, CONECCT 2018, 2018.
Gupta C.;Dey S.;Agarwal H.;Goel R.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y., "Analysis and Modeling of Temperature and Bias Dependence of Current Mismatch in Halo-Implanted MOSFETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Dabhi C.;Dasgupta A.;Kushwaha P.;Agarwal H.;Hu C.;Chauhan Y., "Modeling of Induced Gate Thermal Noise Including Back-Bias Effect in FDSOI MOSFET", IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters, 28, 2018.
Lin Y.;Kushwaha P.;Duarte J.;Chang H.;Agarwal H.;Khandelwal S.;Sachid A.;Harter M.;Watts J.;Chauhan Y.;Salahuddin S.;Hu C., "New Mobility Model for Accurate Modeling of Transconductance in FDSOI MOSFETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Kushwaha P.;Duarte J.;Lin Y.;Agarwal H.;Chang H.;Sachid A.;Chauhan Y.;Salahuddin S.;Hu C., "Unified compact model for gate all around fets-nanosheets, nanowires, multi bridge channel MOSFETs", TechConnect Briefs 2018 - Advanced Materials, 4, 2018.
Mishra, Subrat;Parihar, Narendra;Anandkrishnan, R.;Dabhi, Chetan K.;Chauhan, Yogesh S.;Mahapatra, Souvik, "NBTI-Related variability impact on 14-nm node FinFET SRAM performance and static power: Correlation to time zero fluctuations", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Goel, Ravi;Gupta, Chetan;Chauhan, Yogesh S., "An Empirical Model to Enhance the Flexibility of g <inf>m</inf> / I <inf>d</inf> Tuning in BSIM-BULK Model", 2018 5th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2018, 2018.
Khandelwal, Sourabh;Chauhan, Yogesh S.;Hodges, Jason;Albahrani, Sayed Ali, "Non-Linear RF Modeling of GaN HEMTs with Industry Standard ASM GaN Model (Invited)", 2018 IEEE BiCMOS and Compound Semiconductor Integrated Circuits and Technology Symposium, BCICTS 2018, 2018.
Rajasekharan, Dinesh;Kushwaha, Pragya;Chauhan, Sarvesh S.;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Non-Boolean Associative Processing Using FDSOI MOSFET-Based Inverter", IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology, 17, 2018.
Gupta, Chetan;Goel, Ravi;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Analysis and Modeling of Current Mismatch in Laterally Nonuniform MOSFETs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Yadav, Chandan;Rastogi, Priyank;Zimmer, Thomas;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Charge-Based Modeling of Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Transistors Including Ambipolar, Trapping, and Negative Capacitance Effects", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Amrouch, Hussam;Pahwa, Girish;Gaidhane, Amol D.;Henkel, Jorg;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Negative Capacitance Transistor to Address the Fundamental Limitations in Technology Scaling: Processor Performance", IEEE Access, 6, 2018.
Rajasekharan, Dinesh;Chauhan, Sarvesh S.;Trivedi, Amit Ranjan;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Energy and Area Efficient Tunnel FET-based Spiking Neural Networks", 2018 IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
Ul Haq Pampori, Ahtisham;Ahsan, Sheikh Aamir;Ghosh, Sudip;Khandelwal, Sourabh;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Physics-based Compact Modeling of MSM-2DEG GaN-based Varactors for THz Applications", 2018 IEEE Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing Conference, EDTM 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
Vankayalapati, Bhanu Teja;Sarkar, Arnab;Nune, Rajender;Anand, Sandeep;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Comparison of Si and GaN Power Devices Based SMPS for Satellite Application", Proceedings of 2018 IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems, PEDES 2018, 2018.
Gaidhane, Amol D.;Pahwa, Girish;Verma, Amit;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh, "Compact Modeling of Drain Current, Charges, and Capacitances in Long-Channel Gate-All-Around Negative Capacitance MFIS Transistor", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Datta, Deepanjan;Dixit, Hemant;Agarwal, Samarth;Dasgupta, Avirup;Tran, Michael;Houssameddine, Dimitri;Chauhan, Yogesh Singh;Shum, Danny;Benistant, Francis, "Quantitative model for switching asymmetry in perpendicular MTJ: A material-device-circuit co-design", Technical Digest - International Electron Devices Meeting, IEDM, 2018.
Garg M.M.;Hote Y.V.;Pathak M.K.;Behera L., "An Approach for Buck Converter PI Controller Design Using Stability Boundary Locus", Proceedings of the IEEE Power Engineering Society Transmission and Distribution Conference, 2018-April, 2018.
Garg M.M.;Pathak M.K.;Behera L., "Dynamic modeling of a non-ideal DC-DC positive output elementary super-lift Luo converter", Proceedings of 2017 IEEE International Conference on Technological Advancements in Power and Energy: Exploring Energy Solutions for an Intelligent Power Grid, TAP Energy 2017, 2018.
Arora V.;Behera L., "Observations: The building blocks of the world", Cosmos and History, 14, 2018.
Somashekar Swamy, N.;Dutta, Aloke K., "Analytical Models for the 2DEG Density, AlGaN Layer Carrier Density, and Drain Current for AlGaN/GaN HEMTs", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Rizvi, S. M.H.;Mazhari, B., "Investigation of traps in thin-film organic semiconductors using differential analysis of steady-state current-voltage characteristics", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Agarwal R.;Mazhari B., "Floating drain-based measurement of ON-State voltage of an OTFT for sensing applications", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Agarwal R.;Mazhari B., "An Organic Temperature Sensor Based on Asymmetric Metal Insulator Semiconductor Capacitor with Electrically Tunable Sensing Area", IEEE Sensors Letters, 2, 2018.
Mondal, Imon;Krishnapura, Nagendra, "Expansion and compression of analog pulses by bandwidth scaling of continuous-time filters", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, 65, 2018.
Mondal, Imon;Krishnapura, Nagendra, "Linearity- and Gain-Enhanced Wideband Transconductor Using Digitally Auto-Tuned Negative Conductance Load", Proceedings - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, 2018-May, 2018.
Ghosh, S.;Ahsan, S. A.;Khandelwal, S.;Pampori, A.;Dangi, R.;Chauhan, Y. S., "ASM-HEMT: Industry standard GaN HEMT model for power and RF applications (invited paper)", TechConnect Briefs 2018 - Advanced Materials, 4, 2018.
Encomendero, Jimy;Yan, Rusen;Verma, Amit;Islam, S. M.;Protasenko, Vladimir;Rouvimov, Sergei;Fay, Patrick;Jena, Debdeep;Xing, Huili Grace, "Room temperature microwave oscillations in GaN/AlN resonant tunneling diodes with peak current densities up to 220 kA/cm<sup>2</sup>", Applied Physics Letters, 112, 2018.
Verma, Amit;Song, Bo;Downey, Brian;Wheeler, Virginia D.;Meyer, David J.;Xing, Huili Grace;Jena, Debdeep, "Steep Sub-Boltzmann Switching in AlGaN/GaN Phase-FETs with ALD VO<inf>2</inf>", IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 65, 2018.
Signal Processing, Communications & Networks Publications
Saxena K.R.;Arora V., "Tutorial on understanding meta-learning for fast adaptation", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2023.
Bansal V.;Thishyan Raj T.;Ravi N.;Korde S.;Kalra J.;Murugesan S.;Ramkrishnan B.;Gore A.;Arora V., "Parturition Hindi Speech Dataset for Automatic Speech Recognition", 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, 2023.
Bansal S.;Bansal R.K.;Arora K., "Energy Conscious Scheduling for Fault-Tolerant Real-Time Distributed Computing Systems", EAI/Springer Innovations in Communication and Computing, 2023.
Benerjee K.G.;Banerjee A., "On Secondary Structure Avoiding DNA codes with Reversible and Reversible-Complement Constraints", 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, 2023.
Nath T.;Banerjee A., "On Effect of Adversaries in a Cooperative MCvD Network and Filtering Mechanism", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, 2023-March, 2023.
Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "Wireless Information and Power Transfer Enabled Massive MIMO Multi-Way Relaying", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023.
Rajoriya A.;Budhiraja R., "Joint AMP-SBL Algorithms For Device Activity Detection And Channel Estimation in Massive MIMO mMTC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023.
Kumar V.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "Analysis And Optimization of Hardware Impaired FD Rician-Faded mMIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023.
Tentu V.;Amudala D.N.;Chattopadhyay A.;Budhiraja R., "Hardware-Impaired Rician-Faded Cell-Free mMIMO Systems With LSFD And Channel Aging: SE Analysis And Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023.
Amudala D.N.;Kesarwani H.;Tentu V.;Budhiraja R., "Design And Optimization of Hardware Impaired Multi-Cell Rician-Faded mMIMO Systems With Pilot Decontamination Precoding", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023.
Amudala D.N.;Dey S.;Budhiraja R., "SE Analysis And GEE Optimization of Hardware-Impaired Multi-cell Massive MIMO Systems With Rician Fading And Phase Shifts", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2023.
Dey S.;Bharti T.;Budhiraja R., "RSMA in Massive MIMO Systems: Analysis And Optimization in Correlated Rician-Faded Channels With Phase Shifts And Aging", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023.
Sabu N.V.;Gupta A.K.;Varshney N.;Jindal A., "Channel Characterization and Performance of a 3-D Molecular Communication System With Multiple Fully-Absorbing Receivers", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 71, 2023.
Rangesh P.;Pandey K.;Gupta A.K., "On the Performance of Communication in a Vehicular Network with Platooned Traffic", 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, 2023.
Pandey K.;Perumalla K.R.;Gupta A.K.;Dhillon H.S., "Fundamentals of Vehicular Communication Networks with Vehicle Platoons", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2023.
Dwivedi P.;Routray G.;Hegde R.M., "Learning based method for near field acoustic range estimation in spherical harmonics domain using intensity vectors: Learning based method for near field acoustic range estimation", Pattern Recognition Letters, 165, 2023.
Kushwaha D.;Redhu S.;Brinton C.G.;Hegde R.M., "Optimal Device Selection in Federated Learning for Resource-Constrained Edge Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Hegde R.M., "An Optimal Reflective Elements Grouping Model for RIS-Assisted IoT Networks Using Q-Learning", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs, 2023.
Singh A.;Redhu S.;Beferull-Lozano B.;Hegde R.M., "Network-aware RF-energy harvesting for designing energy efficient IoT networks", Internet of Things (Netherlands), 22, 2023.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Hegde R.M., "Optimal Data Transfer Over RIS-Assisted Edge Networks Using Coordinated 3D Beamforming", 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, 2023.
Singh A.;Dixit Y.;Hegde R.M., "Information Loss Minimization in FANET-Aided Rechargeable IoT Networks Using Q-Learning", 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, 2023.
Dwivedi P.;Hazare S.B.;Routray G.;Hegde R.M., "Long-Term Temporal Audio Source Localization using SH-CRNN", 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, 2023.
Rakesh R.;Routray G.;Dwivedi P.;Hegde R.M., "Sniper Localization using Acoustic Signal Processing based on Time of Arrivals", 2023 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2023, 2023.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Hegde R.M., "Socially Aware Network Clustering for Throughput Maximization in Mobile Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2023.
Jafri M.;Srivastava S.;Venkategowda N.K.D.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Cooperative Hybrid Transmit Beamforming in Cell-free mmWave MIMO Networks", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2023.
Singh J.;Chatterjee I.;Srivastava S.;Agrahari A.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Hybrid Transceiver Design and Optimal Power Allocation for the Cognitive mmWave Multiuser MIMO Downlink Relying on Limited Feedback", IEEE Open Journal of Vehicular Technology, 2023.
Rajput K.P.;Srivastava S.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Robust Linear Decentralized Tracking of a Time-Varying Sparse Parameter Relying on Imperfect CSI", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
Maity P.;Rajput K.P.;Srivastava S.;Venkategowda N.K.D.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Robust Hybrid Transceiver Designs for Linear Decentralized Estimation in mmWave MIMO IoT Networks in the Face of Imperfect CSI", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
Mehrotra A.;Srivastava S.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Data-Aided CSI Estimation Using Affine-Precoded Superimposed Pilots in Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulated MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2023.
Maity P.;Srivastava S.;Rajput K.P.;Venkategowda N.K.D.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Hybrid Precoder and Combiner Designs for Decentralized Parameter Estimation in mmWave MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023.
Zuhra S.u.;Besser K.L.;Chaporkar P.;Karandikar A.;Poor H.V., "Optimal Resource Allocation for Loss-Tolerant Multicast Video Streaming", Entropy, 25, 2023.
Thomdapu S.T.;Harshvardhan ;Rajawat K., "Stochastic Compositional Gradient Descent under Compositional Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2023.
Pradhan P.P.;Sen A.;Kothari M.;Rajawat K., "Distributed Optimisation under a Weight-unbalanced Digraph", 2023 9th International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Applications, ICARA 2023, 2023.
Chandrakant J. Gaikwad ., Pradip Sircar ., "A Tristimulus Analysis-Based Approach for Tonic-Note Selection and Voice Range Determination for Music Singers", IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India), 2023.
Yadav K.;Arora V.;Kumar M.;Tripathi S.N.;Motghare V.M.;Rajput K.A., "Few-Shot Calibration of Low-Cost Air Pollution (PM$_{2.5}$) Sensors Using Meta Learning", IEEE Sensors Letters, 2022.
Gupta V.;Kendre T.P.;Reddy T.K.;Arora V., "Comparative Performance Analysis of Scalp EEG and Ear EEG based P300 Ambulatory Brain-Computer Interfaces using Riemannian Geometry and Convolutional Neural Networks", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022, 2022.
Nutalapati M.K.;Arora L.;Bose A.;Rajawat K.;Hegde R.M., "A generalized framework for autonomous calibration of wheeled mobile robots", Robotics and Autonomous Systems, 158, 2022.
Benerjee K.G.;Banerjee A., "On Homopolymers and Secondary Structures Avoiding, Reversible, Reversible-Complement and GC-balanced DNA Codes", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 2022-June, 2022.
Nath T.;Benerjee K.G.;Banerjee A., "On Effect of Different Sequence Distributions on ISI in an MCvD System", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Benerjee K.G.;Banerjee A., "Bounds on Reversible, Complement, Reversible-Complement, Constant Weight Sum Codes", 2022 58th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton 2022, 2022.
Mohan Bansal ., Pradip Sircar ., "Phoneme Classification Using Modulating Features", 2022 IEEE Region 10 Symposium, TENSYMP 2022, 2022.
Mishra H.B.;Singh P.;Prasad A.K.;Budhiraja R., "OTFS Channel Estimation and Data Detection Designs with Superimposed Pilots", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 21, 2022.
Tentu V.;Sharma E.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "UAV-Enabled Hardware-Impaired Spatially Correlated Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: Analysis And Energy Efficiency Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Rajoriya A.;Rukhsana S.;Budhiraja R., "Centralized And Decentralized Active User Detection And Channel Estimation in mMTC", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Singh P.;Gupta A.;Mishra H.B.;Budhiraja R., "Low-Complexity ZF/MMSE MIMO-OTFS Receivers for High-Speed Vehicular Communication", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 3, 2022.
Singh P.;Yadav K.;Mishra H.B.;Budhiraja R., "BER Analysis for OTFS Zero Forcing Receiver", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 70, 2022.
Datta S.;Amudala D.N.;Sharma E.;Budhiraja R.;Panwar S.S., "Full-Duplex Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems: Analysis and Decentralized Optimization", IEEE Open Journal of the Communications Society, 3, 2022.
Deshpande N.;Dey S.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "Spatially-Correlated IRS-Aided Multi-User FD mMIMO Systems: Analysis And Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Rajoriya A.;Budhiraja R.;Hanzo L., "Centralized and Decentralized Channel Estimation in FDD Multi-User Massive MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022.
Amudala D.N.;Kumar B.;Budhiraja R., "Spatially-Correlated Rician-Faded Multi-Relay Multi-Cell Massive MIMO NOMA Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Rajoriya A.;Rukhsana S.;Budhiraja R., "Joint Active User Detection And Channel Estimation in Massive Access Systems", IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022-May, 2022.
Kumar B.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "Spatially Correlated Rician-Faded Multi-Relay Massive MIMO NOMA Systems", IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2022-May, 2022.
Sheikh M.A.;Singh P.;Budhiraja R., "Low-Complexity MMSE Receiver Design For Massive MIMO OTFS Systems", IEEE Communications Letters, 2022.
Dey S.;Budhiraja R., "FD Cell-Free Massive MIMO Systems With Downlink Pilots: Analysis And Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Kumar A.;Tentu V.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "WSEE Optimization of Cell-Free mMIMO Uplink Using Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient", IEEE Communications Letters, 2022.
Singh P.;Tiwari S.;Budhiraja R., "Low-Complexity LMMSE Receiver Design For Practical-Pulse-Shaped MIMO-OTFS Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Munagala R.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "URLLC-Enabled Full-Duplex Hybrid mMIMO DF Relaying with Correlated Rician Channels", 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Kesarwani H.;Amudala D.N.;Tentu V.;Budhiraja R., "Hardware-Aware Pilot Decontamination Precoding for Multi-cell mMIMO Systems With Rician Fading", 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Amudala D.N.;Dey S.;Budhiraja R., "Analysis of Hardware-Impaired Multi-cell Massive MIMO with Rician Fading and Phase Shifts", 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Bharti T.;Dey S.;Budhiraja R., "RSMA in Correlated Rician-Faded mMIMO Systems: Investigation with Channel Aging and Phase Shifts", 2022 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Pisharody J.N.;Rajoriya A.;Budhiraja R., "Channel Estimation For Extra-Large Massive MIMO Systems With Non-Stationary Channels", 2022 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops, GC Wkshps 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Kumar V.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R., "Hardware-Impaired FD Multi-Cell Massive MIMO With Correlated Rician Channels", 2022 IEEE GLOBECOM Workshops, GC Wkshps 2022 - Proceedings, 2022.
Rastogi P.;Singh E.;Malik V.;Gupta A.;Vijh S., "Detection of Malicious Cyber Fraud using Machine Learning Techniques", Proceedings of the Confluence 2022 - 12th International Conference on Cloud Computing, Data Science and Engineering, 2022.
Sabu N.V.;Gupta A.K.;Varshney N.;Jindal A., "Impact of Multiple Fully-Absorbing Receivers in Molecular Communications", 2022 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2022, 2022.
Gupta A.K.;Sabu N.V., "Diversity Combining in a Single-Input-Multiple-Output Molecular Communication System", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022, 2022.
Lone A.A.;Gupta A.K.;Dhillon H.S.;Sharma S., "Coverage and Rate in MIMO Cellular Networks with Location-Aware Transmission Rank Selection", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 2022.
Bhattacharya S.;Gupta A.K., "Deep Learning for THz Channel Estimation and Beamforming Prediction via Sub-6GHz Channel", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Sironja P.;Redhu S.;Hegde R.M.;Beferull-Lozano B., "Cluster-based 3D-Beam Power Management in Resource-Constrained Wireless Networks", 2022 14th International Conference on COMmunication Systems and NETworkS, COMSNETS 2022, 2022.
Yadav R.;Sardana A.;Namboodiri V.P.;Hegde R.M., "LEARNING TO PREDICT SPEECH IN SILENT VIDEOS VIA AUDIOVISUAL ANALOGY", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2022-May, 2022.
Singh A.;Redhu S.;Hegde R.M., "UAV Altitude Optimization for Efficient Energy Harvesting in IoT Networks", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022, 2022.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Cenkeramaddi L.R.;Hegde R.M., "Optimal Active Elements Selection in RIS-Assisted Edge Networks for Improved QoS", Proceedings of the IEEE Sensor Array and Multichannel Signal Processing Workshop, 2022-June, 2022.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Hegde R.M., "Joint Optimization of Network Lifetime and SNR in UAV-Assisted Edge Networks", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Singh A.;Redhu S.;Hegde R.M., "Energy-Efficient UAV Trajectory Planning in Rechargeable IoT Networks", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Routray G.;Sahu S.K.;Hegde R.M., "Upscaling HOA Signals using Order Recursive Matching Pursuit in Spherical Harmonics Domain", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Dwivedi P.;Routray G.;Hegde R.M., "DOA Estimation using Multiclass-SVM in Spherical Harmonics Domain", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Dwivedi P.;Gohil R.P.;Routray G.;Varanasiy V.;Hegde R.M., "Joint DOA Estimation in Spherical Harmonics Domain using Low Complexity CNN", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Cenkeramaddi L.R.;Hegde R.M., "A Socially-Aware Radio Map Framework for Improving QoS of UAV-Assisted MEC Networks", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2022.
Varshney M.;Yadav R.;Namboodiri V.P.;Hegde R.M., "Learning Speaker-specific Lip-to-Speech Generation", Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2022-August, 2022.
Vedvyasan K.;Nathwani K.;Hegde R.M., "Group Delay based Methods for Detection and Recognition of Whispered Speech", Proceedings - International Conference on Pattern Recognition, 2022-August, 2022.
Dwivedi P.;Routray G.;Hegde R.M., "Hybrid SH-CNN-MP Approach for Super Resolution DOA Estimation", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2022-October, 2022.
Singh A.;Rustagi R.;Redhu S.;Hegde R.M., "Mobile Energy Transmitter Scheduling in Energy Harvesting IoT Networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning", 2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2022, 2022.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Hegde R.M., "Low-latency Data Transfer over SNR Constrained IoT Networks Using Optimal Active RIS Elements: A Q-learning Framework", 2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2022, 2022.
Kushwaha D.;Redhu S.;Hegde R.M., "Low Latency Federated Learning over Wireless Edge Networks via Efficient Bandwidth Allocation", 2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2022, 2022.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Hegde R.M., "Energy-Efficient Data Transfer in Delay-Throughput Constrained Small-World LPWAN Using RISs", 2022 IEEE 8th World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2022, 2022.
Chawla A.;Kumar P.S.;Srivastava S.;Jagannatham A.K., "Centralized and Distributed Millimeter Wave Massive MIMO based Data Fusion with Perfect and Bayesian Learning (BL)-based Imperfect CSI", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Ahmed M.F.;Rajput K.P.;Venkategowda N.;Mishra K.V.;Jagannatham A.K., "Joint Transmit and Reflective Beamformer Design for Secure Estimation in IRS-Aided WSNs", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 2022.
Singh P.;Srivastava S.;Mishra A.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Sparse Bayesian Learning Aided Estimation of Doubly-Selective MIMO Channels for Filter Bank Multicarrier Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Agarwal A.;Jagannatham A.K., "SWIPT-enabled Cognitive Overlay-Based Non-Orthogonal Multi-User MIMO Cooperative Communication with Battery-Equipped Energy Harvesting Nodes", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022.
Srivastava S.;Singh R.K.;Jagannatham A.K.;Chockalingam A.;Hanzo L., "OTFS Transceiver Design and Sparse Doubly-Selective CSI Estimation in Analog and Hybrid Beamforming Aided mmWave MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022.
Singh J.;Chatterjee I.;Srivastava S.;Jagannatham A.K., "Hybrid Transceiver Design and Optimal Power Allocation in Downlink mmWave Hybrid MIMO Cognitive Radio Systems", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022, 2022.
Pavuluri M.K.;Singh P.;Jagannatham A.K.;Gadre V.M., "Semi-Blind Technique for Frequency Selective Channel Estimation in Millimeter-Wave MIMO Coded FBMC System", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Mehrotra A.;Singh R.K.;Srivastava S.;Jagannatham A.K., "Channel Estimation Techniques for CP-Aided OTFS Systems Relying on Practical Pulse Shapes", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Majumder M.;Mishra A.;Jagannatham A.K., "Optimal Training Design for Channel Estimation in MIMO Single/Multi Carrier Block Transmission Systems", SPCOM 2022 - IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2022.
Srivastava S.;Singh R.K.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Delay-Doppler and Angular Domain 4D-Sparse CSI Estimation in OTFS Aided MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2022.
Srivastava S.;Tripathi A.;Varshney N.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Hybrid Transceiver Design for Tera-Hertz MIMO Systems Relying on Bayesian Learning Aided Sparse Channel Estimation", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 2022.
Jafri M.;Anand A.;Srivastava S.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Robust Distributed Hybrid Beamforming in Coordinated Multi-user Multi-cell mmWave MIMO Systems Relying on Imperfect CSI", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2022.
Maity P.;Srivastava S.;Khatri S.;Jagannatham A.K., "Dictionary-Learning (DL)-Based Sparse CSI Estimation in Multiuser Terahertz (THz) Hybrid MIMO Systems Under Hardware Impairments and Beam-Squint Effect", IEEE Access, 2022.
Rajput K.P.;Maity P.;Srivastava S.;Sharma V.;Venkategowda N.K.D.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Robust Linear Hybrid Beamforming Designs Relying on Imperfect CSI in mmWave MIMO IoT Networks", IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2022.
Jafri M.;Srivastava S.;Anwer S.;Jagannatham A.K., "Sparse Parameter Estimation and Imaging in mmWave MIMO Radar Systems With Multiple Stationary and Mobile Targets", IEEE Access, 2022.
Roy A.;Borkar V.;Karandikar A.;Chaporkar P., "Online Reinforcement Learning of Optimal Threshold Policies for Markov Decision Processes", IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 67, 2022.
Kamran R.;Jha P.;Kiran S.;Karandikar A.;Chaporkar P.;Saha A.;Chakraborty A., "A Survey on Multicast Broadcast Services in 5G and Beyond", 2022 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2022, 2022.
Ranjan S.;Jha P.;Karandikar A.;Chaporkar P., "Two stage downlink scheduling for balancing QoS in multihop IAB networks", Computer Networks, 218, 2022.
Pradhan H.;Koppel A.;Rajawat K., "On Submodular Set Cover Problems for Near-Optimal Online Kernel Basis Selection", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2022-May, 2022.
Chakraborty A.;Rajawat K.;Koppel A., "Sparse Representations of Positive Functions via First and Second-Order Pseudo-Mirror Descent", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2022.
Pradhan H.;Rajawat K., "A Variance Reduced Nonconvex Stochastic Optimization Framework for Online Kernel Learning", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2022-October, 2022.
Elgabli A.;Issaid C.B.;Bedi A.S.;Rajawat K.;Bennis M.;Aggarwal V., "FedNew: A Communication-Efficient and Privacy-Preserving Newton-Type Method for Federated Learning", Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 162, 2022.
Jin Q.;Koppel A.;Rajawat K.;Mokhtari A., "Sharpened Quasi-Newton Methods: Faster Superlinear Rate and Larger Local Convergence Neighborhood", Proceedings of Machine Learning Research, 162, 2022.
Tiwari H.;Kurmi V.K.;Venkatesh K.S.;Chen Y.S., "Occlusion Resistant Network for 3D Face Reconstruction", Proceedings - 2022 IEEE/CVF Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision, WACV 2022, 2022.
Bharti D.;Kothari M.;Venkatesh K.S., "Neural Network Based Landing Assist Using Remote Sensing Data", Proceedings - 16th International Conference on Signal-Image Technology and Internet-Based Systems, SITIS 2022, 2022.
Krishnan G.;Sircar P., "A Novel Parametric Nonstationary Signal Model for EEG Signals and Its Application in Epileptic Seizure Detection", Biomedical Signals Based Computer-Aided Diagnosis for Neurological Disorders, 2022.
Singh J.;Scheurer M.S.;Arora V., "Conditional generative models for sampling and phase transition indication in spin systems", SciPost Physics, 11, 2021.
Mohan Bansal ., Pradip Sircar ., "AFM Signal Model for Digit Recognition", 2021 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Signal Processing and Networking, WiSPNET 2021, 2021.
Mishra H.B.;Singh P.;Prasad A.K.;Budhiraja R., "Iterative Channel Estimation and Data Detection in OTFS Using Superimposed Pilots", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
Singh P.;Mishra H.B.;Budhiraja R., "Low-Complexity Linear MIMO-OTFS Receivers", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
Tentu V.;Amudala D.N.;Sharma E.;Budhiraja R., "UAV-Enabled Hardware-Impaired Cell-free Massive MIMO with Spatially-Correlated Rician Fading", IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021.
Datta S.;Sharma E.;Amudala D.N.;Budhiraja R.;Panwar S.S., "FD Cell-Free mMIMO: Analysis and Optimization", IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021.
Gupta A.;Amudala D.N.;Sharma E.;Budhiraja R., "Max-Min Fairness for Wireless-Powered Spatially Correlated Massive MIMO Multi-way Relaying", IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021.
Yadav K.;Singh P.;Mishra H.B.;Budhiraja R., "Closed Form BER For ZF OTFS Receivers", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2021-September, 2021.
Deshpande N.;Dey S.;Amudala D.N.;Sharma E.;Budhiraja R., "Analysis of Statistical CSI-based Optimized Phase-Shift IRS-aided FD mMIMO System", 2021 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
Gupta A.K.;Sahu R.;Chaurasia K.K.;Tripathi S., "On the Analysis of a Cellular Network with Macro-diversity using Stochastic Geometry", IEEE Communications Letters, 2021.
Chaurasia K.K.;Sahu R.;Gupta A.K., "On the Coverage of Broadcast Networks with Multiple Transmitters and Heterogeneous Users", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
Sabu N.V.;Varshney N.;Gupta A.K., "On the Performance of the Primary and Secondary Links in a 3-D Underlay Cognitive Molecular Communication", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021.
Ghatak G.;Malik V.;Kalamkar S.S.;Gupta A.K., "Where to Deploy Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in the Presence of Blockages?", IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC, 2021-September, 2021.
Chaurasia K.K.;Sahu R.;Tripathi S.;Gupta A.K., "Coverage Analysis of Broadcast Networks with Users Having Heterogeneous Content/Advertisement Preferences", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021.
Tripathi S.;Gupta A.K.;Amuru S.D., "Coverage Analysis of Cognitive mmWave Networks with Directional Sensing", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2021-October, 2021.
Gupta V.;Gupta A.;Kaur M., "Performance Investigation of Centroid Based Localization Algorithm and Comparison of Improvement Achieved in Localization Error using Optimization Techniques in WSN", Proceedings - 2021 2nd International Conference on Computational Methods in Science and Technology, ICCMST 2021, 2021.
Redhu S.;Singh A.P.;Hegde R.M.;Beferull-Lozano B., "A cluster based sensor-selection scheme for energy-efficient agriculture sensor networks", 2021 IEEE 18th Annual Consumer Communications and Networking Conference, CCNC 2021, 2021.
Tripathi S.;Redhu S.;Hegde R.M., "Clustering-Assisted 3D Beamforming for Throughput Maximization in mmWave Networks", 2021 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2021 - Proceedings, 2021.
Yadav R.;Sardana A.;Namboodiri V.P.;Hegde R.M., "Speech prediction in silent videos using variational autoencoders", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2021-June, 2021.
Routray G.;Dwivedi P.;Hegde R.M., "Binaural reproduction of HOA signal using sparse multiple measurement vector projections", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Tripathi S.;Pandey O.J.;Hegde R.M., "Optimal Data Transfer in UAV-Assisted Edge-Networks Using 3D Beamforming", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Pandey O.J.;Chilamkurthy N.S.;Hegde R.M., "Optimal link scheduling for low latency data transfer over small world WSNs", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Gohil R.P.;Routray G.;Hegde R.M., "Learning based method for robust DOA estimation using co-prime circular conformal microphone array", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Singh A.;Redhu S.;Hegde R.M., "Context-Aware RF-Energy Harvesting for IoT Networks", 7th IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2021, 2021.
Bose T.;Suresh A.;Pandey O.J.;Cenkeramaddi L.R.;Hegde R.M., "Improving Quality-of-Service in Cluster-Based UAV-Assisted Edge Networks", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 2021.
Sivasankar M.;Rajagopal S.;Hegde R.M., "Fixed Subarray Beamforming for Sub-Nyquist Phased Array Radars", Proceedings of CONECCT 2021: 7th IEEE International Conference on Electronics, Computing and Communication Technologies, 2021.
Srivastava S.;Sharma P.;Dwivedi S.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Fast Block LMS Based Estimation of Angularly Sparse Channels for Single-Carrier Wideband Millimeter Wave Hybrid MIMO Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70, 2021.
Srivastava S.;Singh R.K.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Bayesian Learning Aided Sparse Channel Estimation for Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulated Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2021.
Srivastava S.;Nath J.;Jagannatham A., "Data Aided Quasistatic and Doubly-Selective CSI Estimation Using Affine-Precoded Superimposed Pilots in Millimeter Wave MIMO-OFDM Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 70, 2021.
Rajput K.P.;Ahmed M.F.;Venkategowda N.K.D.;Jagannatham A.K.;Sharma G.;Hanzo L., "Robust Decentralized and Distributed Estimation of a Correlated Parameter Vector in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Sensor Networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021.
Rajput K.P.;Kumar A.;Srivastava S.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Bayesian Learning-based Linear Decentralized Sparse Parameter Estimation in MIMO Wireless Sensor Networks Relying on Imperfect CSI", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021.
Majumder M.;Jagannatham A.K., "Optimal pilot design for data dependent superimposed training based channel estimation in single/multi carrier block transmission systems", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Ahmed M.F.;Rajput K.P.;Jagannatham A.K., "Robust linear transceiver design for parameter tracking in IoT networks", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Pavuluri M.K.;Seeram R.P.S.S.;Gadre V.M.;Jagannatham A.K., "Superimposed pilot based channel estimation for MIMO coded FBMC systems", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Srivastava S.;Singh R.K.;Jagannatham A.K.;Hanzo L., "Bayesian Learning Aided Simultaneous Row and Group Sparse Channel Estimation in Orthogonal Time Frequency Space Modulated MIMO systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 2021.
Roy A.;Chaporkar P.;Karandikar A.;Jha P., "Online Radio Access Technology Selection Algorithms in a 5G Multi-RAT Network", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 2021.
Khaturia M.;Jha P.;Karandikar A., "5G-Flow: A unified Multi-RAT RAN architecture for beyond 5G networks", Computer Networks, 198, 2021.
Ranjan S.;Chaporkar P.;Jha P.;Karandikar A., "Backhaul-aware cell selection policies in 5G IAB networks", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, 2021-March, 2021.
Yadav I.;Chaporkar P.;Jha P.;Karandikar A., "Spectrum Allocation in IAB Networks: A Hierarchical Auction-based Approach", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2021-September, 2021.
Charul Paliwal ., Uttkarsha Bhatt ., Pravesh Biyani ., Ketan Rajawat ., "Traffic Estimation and Prediction via Online Variational Bayesian Subspace Filtering", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021.
Pradhan H.;Bedi A.S.;Koppel A.;Rajawat K., "Adaptive Kernel Learning in Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 7, 2021.
Koppel A.;Pradhan H.;Rajawat K., "Consistent online Gaussian process regression without the sample complexity bottleneck", Statistics and Computing, 31, 2021.
Thomdapu S.T.;Rajawat K., "Optimizing QoS for Erasure-Coded Wireless Data Centers", IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2021.
Rajawat K.;Ghosh D., "Welcome message from the TPC Chairs", 2021 National Conference on Communications, NCC 2021, 2021.
Bedi A.s.;Rajawat K.;Aggarwal V.;Koppel A., "Escaping Saddle Points for Successive Convex Approximation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 2021.
Chakraborty A.;Rajawat K.;Koppel A., "Projected Pseudo-Mirror Descent in Reproducing Kernel Hilbert Space", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2021-October, 2021.
Garg N.;Rudraksh A.;Sharma G.;Ratnarajah T., "Improved Rate-Energy Trade-off For SWIPT Using Chordal Distance Decomposition In Interference Alignment Networks", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 2021.
Ahmad I.;Dildar H.;Khan W.U.R.;Shah S.A.A.;Ullah S.;Ullah S.;Umar S.M.;Albreem M.A.;Alsharif M.H.;Vasudevan K., "Design and Experimental Analysis of Multiband Compound Reconfigurable 5G Antenna for Sub-6 GHz Wireless Applications", Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 2021, 2021.
Phani Kumar Reddy A.;Vasudevan K., "Turbo coded single user massive MIMO without precoding", 2021 IEEE 3rd PhD Colloquium on Ethically Driven Innovation and Technology for Society, PhD EDITS 2021, 2021.
Reddy A.P.K.;Kumari M.S.;Dhanwani V.;Bachkaniwala A.K.;Kumar N.;Vasudevan K.;Selvaganapathy S.;Devar S.K.;Rathod P.;James V.B., "5G new radio key performance indicators evaluation for IMT-2020 radio interface technology", IEEE Access, 9, 2021.
Kurmi V.K.;Bajaj V.;Patro B.N.;Venkatesh K.S.;Namboodiri V.P.;Jyothi P., "Collaborative Learning to Generate Audio-Video Jointly", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2021-June, 2021.
Ray V.;Sircar P., "Modelling video frames for object extraction using spatial correlation", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 187, 2021.
Thota S.;Sircar P., "Two-dimensional angle of arrival estimation using l-shaped array", Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, 187, 2021.
Singh P.;Rani B.U.;Budhiraja R.;Vasudevan K., "Receivers for VBLAST FBMC-OQAM Systems", IEEE Communications Letters, 24, 2020.
Biswajit Dutta ., Rohit Budhiraja ., Nambi Seshadri ., Ravinder David Koilpillai ., "Large-System Analysis of AF Full-Duplex Massive MIMO Two-Way MRC/MRT Relaying", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68, 2020.
Surender Redhu ., Rajesh M. Hegde ., "Optimal relay node selection in time-varying IoT networks using apriori contact pattern information", Ad Hoc Networks, 98, 2020.
Om Jee Pandey ., Ved Gautam ., Ha H. Nguyen ., Mahendra K. Shukla ., Rajesh M. Hegde ., "Fault-Resilient Distributed Detection and Estimation over a SW-WSN Using LCMV Beamforming", IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, 17, 2020.
Om Jee Pandey ., Ved Gautam ., Saket Jha ., Mahendra K. Shukla ., Rajesh M. Hegde ., "Time Synchronized Node Localization Using Optimal H-Node Allocation in a Small World WSN", IEEE Communications Letters, 24, 2020.
Khan Y.;Khan P.;Kumar S.;Singh J.;Hegde R.M., "Detection and Spread Prediction of COVID-19 from Chest X-ray Images using Convolutional Neural Network-Gaussian Mixture Model", 2020 IEEE 17th India Council International Conference, INDICON 2020, 2020.
Singh P.;Mishra H.B.;Jagannatham A.K.;Vasudevan K.;Hanzo L., "Uplink Sum-Rate and Power Scaling Laws for Multi-User Massive MIMO-FBMC Systems", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 68, 2020.
Gadgil, Shubhada;Ranjan, Shashi;Karandikar, Abhay, "Performance and Energy Conservation of 3GPP IFOM Protocol for Dual Connectivity in Heterogeneous LTE–WLAN Network", IETE Journal of Research, 66, 2020.
Roy A.;Borkar V.;Chaporkar P.;Karandikar A., "Low complexity online radio access technology selection algorithm in LTE-WiFi HetNet", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 19, 2020.
Lakshmi J. Mohan ., Ketan Rajawat ., Udaya Parampalli ., Aaron Harwood ., "Optimal placement for repair-efficient erasure codes in geo-diverse storage centres", Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing, 135, 2020.
Lijanshu Sinha ., Ketan Rajawat ., Chirag Kumar ., "SVR-Primal Dual Method of Multipliers (PDMM) for Large-Scale Problems", 26th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2020, 2020.
Albreem M.A.M.;Vasudevan K., "Efficient Hybrid Linear Massive MIMO Detector Using Gauss–Seidel And Successive Over-Relaxation", International Journal of Wireless Information Networks, 27, 2020.
Ankit Kumar Srivastava ., A. N. Tiwari ., S. N. Singh ., Venkatesh Pampana ., Markus Duchon ., "Harmonic Frequency Estimation with MEMO-ESPRIT Technique using MATLAB and Python", 7th IEEE Uttar Pradesh Section International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Computer Engineering, UPCON 2020, 2020.
Sharma R.;Sircar P.;Pachori R.B., "Automated focal EEG signal detection based on third order cumulant function", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 58, 2020.
Sharma R.;Pachori R.B.;Sircar P., "Automated emotion recognition based on higher order statistics and deep learning algorithm", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 58, 2020.
Sharma R.;Pachori R.B.;Sircar P., "Seizures classification based on higher order statistics and deep neural network", Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, 59, 2020.
Sharma R.;Sircar P.;Pachori R.B., "Automated seizure classification using deep neural network based on autoencoder", Handbook of Research on Advancements of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare Engineering, 2020.
Arora, Vipul;Sun, Ming;Wang, Chao, "Deep Embeddings for Rare Audio Event Detection with Imbalanced Data", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2019-May, 2019.
Ghatak G.;Matthé M.;Banerjee A.;Fettweis G., "On preambles with low out of band radiation for channel estimation", Physical Communication, 32, 2019.
Kalpant Pathak ., Adrish Banerjee ., "Harvest-or-Transmit Policy for Cognitive Radio Networks: A Learning Theoretic Approach", IEEE Transactions on Green Communications and Networking, 3, 2019.
Sagnik Bhattacharya ., Adrish Banerjee ., "A method to find the volume of a sphere in the Lee metric, and its applications", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 2019-July, 2019.
Chittam D.K.;Bansal R.;Srivastava R., "Universal Compression of a Piecewise Stationary Source Through Sequential Change Detection", 2018 24th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2018, 2019.
Bansal M.;Sircar P., "A Novel AFM Signal Model for Parametric Representation of Speech Phonemes", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 38, 2019.
Mohan Bansal ., Pradip Sircar ., "Phoneme Based Model for Gender Identification and Adult-Child Classification", 2019, 13th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, ICSPCS 2019 - Proceedings, 2019.
Dutta, Biswajit;Budhiraja, Rohit;Koilpillai, Ravinder David;Hanzo, Lajos, "Analysis of Quantized MRC-MRT Precoder for FDD Massive MIMO Two-Way AF Relaying", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, 2019.
Shyam Gadhai ., Abhay Kumar Sah ., Rohit Budhiraja ., Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi ., "Generalized Block-Based Spatial Modulation and Space Shift Keying", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2019-July, 2019.
Singh P.;Budhiraja R.;Vasudevan K., "SER Analysis of MMSE Combining for MIMO FBMC-OQAM Systems with Imperfect CSI", IEEE Communications Letters, 23, 2019.
Dheeraj Naidu Amudala ., Ekant Sharma ., Rohit Budhiraja ., "Spectral Efficiency Optimization of Spatially-Correlated Multi-Pair Full-Duplex Massive MIMO Relaying", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, 2019.
Rahul Koduru ., Rohit Budhiraja ., "Algorithm Design for 3GPP NR Downlink Cell Search", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2019-July, 2019.
Vishal Kumar ., Shyam Gadhai ., Rohit Budhiraja ., "Multi-Antenna Non Orthogonal Multiple Access Using Block-Based Spatial Modulation", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2019-July, 2019.
Ekant Sharma ., Dheeraj Naidu Amudala ., Rohit Budhiraja ., "Energy Efficiency Optimization of Massive MIMO FD Relay Using Quadratic Programming", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2019-July, 2019.
Dey, Sauradeep;Sharma, Ekant;Budhiraja, Rohit, "Scaling analysis of hardware-impaired two-way full-duplex massive MIMO relay", IEEE Communications Letters, 23, 2019.
Neha Gupta ., Ekant Sharma ., Sauradeep Dey ., Rohit Budhiraja ., "Spectral Efficiency of Multi-pair Two-Way Massive MIMO Relay with Correlated Hardware Distortion", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2019-July, 2019.
Sharma, Ekant;Chauhan, Swadha Siddhi;Budhiraja, Rohit, "Weighted Sum Energy Efficiency Optimization for Massive MIMO Two-Way Half-Duplex AF Relaying", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 8, 2019.
Singh P.;Budhiraja R.;Vasudevan K., "Probability of error in MMSE detection for MIMO-FBMC-OQAM systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, 2019.
Gupta A., "Comments on 'Coverage Analysis of Multiuser Visible Light Communication Networks'", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 18, 2019.
Vishnuvardhan Varanasi ., Ayushya Agarwal ., Rajesh M. Hegde ., "Near-field acoustic source localization using spherical harmonic features", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio Speech and Language Processing, 27, 2019.
Pandey, Laxmi;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Keyword Spotting in Continuous Speech Using Spectral and Prosodic Information Fusion", Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing, 38, 2019.
Redhu, Surender;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Network lifetime improvement using landmark-assisted mobile sink scheduling for cyber-physical system applications", Ad Hoc Networks, 87, 2019.
Raikar, Aditya;Basu, Sourya;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Single channel joint speech dereverberation and denoising using deep priors", 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, GlobalSIP 2018 - Proceedings, 2019.
Redhu, Surender;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Low complexity landmark-node tracing in WSNs using multi-agent random walks", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019.
Ahuja C.;Nathwani K.;Hegde R.M., "A Complex Matrix Factorization Approach to Joint Modeling of Magnitude and Phase for Source Separation", 2019 IEEE 19th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology, ISSPIT 2019, 2019.
Srivastava, Suraj;Kumar Patro, Ch Suraj;Jagannatham, Aditya K.;Sharma, Govind, "Sparse Bayesian learning (SBL)-based frequency-selective channel estimation for millimeter wave hybrid MIMO systems", 25th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2019, 2019.
Manjeer Majumder ., Vipul Singhal ., Aditya K. Jagannatham ., "Affine Precoding Based A-Optimal Pilot Design for Channel Estimation in Single/Multicarrier (SC/MC) Block Transmission Systems", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2019-September, 2019.
Suraj Srivastava ., Aditya K. Jagannatham ., "Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based Kalman Filtering (SBL-KF) for Group-Sparse Channel Estimation in Doubly Selective mmWave Hybrid MIMO Systems", IEEE Workshop on Signal Processing Advances in Wireless Communications, SPAWC, 2019-July, 2019.
Chawla, Apoorva;Jagannatham, Aditya K., "Spectral efficiency of very large multiuser MIMO systems for time-selective fading", IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 2019-April, 2019.
Agarwal, Akash;Jagannatham, Aditya K., "Performance analysis for non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA)-based two-way relay communication", IET Communications, 13, 2019.
Srivastava, Suraj;Mishra, Amrita;Rajoriya, Anupama;Jagannatham, Aditya K.;Ascheid, Gerd, "Quasi-static and time-selective channel estimation for block-sparse millimeter wave hybrid MIMO systems: Sparse Bayesian learning (SBL) based approaches", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67, 2019.
Varshney, Neeraj;Jagannatham, Aditya K., "Hybrid Satellite-Terrestrial Cooperative Communication with Mobile Terrestrial Nodes", 2018 24th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2018, 2019.
Kudeshia, Ankit;Jagannatham, Aditya K.;Hanzo, Lajos, "Total Variation Based Joint Detection and State Estimation for Wireless Communication in Smart Grids", IEEE Access, 7, 2019.
Yadav, Indu;Chaporkar, Prasanna;Karandikar, Abhay, "Gospal: An efficient strategy-proof mechanism for constrained resource allocation", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019.
Roy A.;Karandikar A.;Borkar V.;Chaporkar P., "A structure-aware online learning algorithm for markov decision processes", ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, 2019.
Karandikar, Abhay, "Frugal 5G: Towards affordable rural wireless broadband", 2019 URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, AP-RASC 2019, 2019.
Khaturia, Meghna;Suman, Sweety;Karandikar, Abhay;Chaporkar, Prasanna, "Spectrum Sharing for LTE-A Network in TV White Space", 2018 24th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2018, 2019.
Sadaf ul Zuhra ., Prasanna Chaporkar ., Abhay Karandikar ., "Toward Optimal Grouping and Resource Allocation for Multicast Streaming in LTE", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, 2019.
Manjeshwar A.N.;Roy A.;Jha P.;Karandikar A., "Control and management of multiple RATs in wireless networks: An SDN approach", IEEE 5G World Forum, 5GWF 2019 - Conference Proceedings, 2019.
Indu Yadav ., Ankur A. Kulkarni ., Abhay Karandikar ., "Strategy-Proof Spectrum Allocation among Multiple Operators", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, 2019-April, 2019.
Sadaf ul Zuhra ., Prasanna Chaporkar ., Abhay Karandikar ., "Auction Based Resource Allocation and Pricing for Heterogeneous User Demands in eMBMS", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, 2019-April, 2019.
Pradnya Kiri Taksande ., Pranav Jha ., Abhay Karandikar ., "Dual Connectivity Support in 5G Networks: An SDN based approach", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, 2019-April, 2019.
Roy A.;Chaporkar P.;Karandikar A.;Jha P., "Optimal Radio Access Technology Selection in an SDN based LTE-WiFi Network", Proceedings - 17th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks, WiOpt 2019, 2019.
Charul, ;Bhatt, Uttkarsha;Biyani, Pravesh;Rajawat, Ketan, "Online Variational Bayesian Subspace Filtering", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2019-May, 2019.
Srujan Teja Thomdapu ., Ketan Rajawat ., "Optimal Design of Queuing Systems via Compositional Stochastic Programming", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 67, 2019.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Koppel, Alec;Rajawat, Ketan, "Asynchronous online learning in multi-Agent systems with proximity constraints", IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks, 5, 2019.
Thomdapuand, Srujan Teja;Rajawat, Ketan, "Decentralized Multi-Antenna Coded Caching with Cyclic Exchanges", IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2019-May, 2019.
Nutalapati, Mohan Krishna;Joshi, Shruti;Rajawat, Ketan, "Online utility-optimal trajectory design for time-varying ocean environments", Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 2019-May, 2019.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Koppel, Alec;Rajawat, Ketan, "Asynchronous Saddle Point Algorithm for Stochastic Optimization in Heterogeneous Networks", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67, 2019.
Dixit, Rishabh;Bedi, Amrit Singh;Tripathi, Ruchi;Rajawat, Ketan, "Online learning with inexact proximal online gradient descent algorithms", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 67, 2019.
Pradhan, Hrusikesha;Bedi, Amrit Singh;Koppel, Alec;Rajawat, Ketan, "Exact nonparametric decentralized online optimization", 2018 IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, GlobalSIP 2018 - Proceedings, 2019.
Dixit, Rishabh;Bedi, Amrit Singh;Tripathi, Ruchi;Rajawat, Ketan, "Time Varying optimization via Inexact Proximal Online Gradient Descent", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2018-October, 2019.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Koppel, Alec;Rajawat, Ketan, "Asynchronous Saddle Point Method: Interference Management Through Pricing", Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2018-December, 2019.
Kumar C.;Rajawat K., "Dictionary learning based fingerprinting for indoor localization", 2018 24th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2018, 2019.
Chirag Kumar ., Ketan Rajawat ., "Dictionary-Based Statistical Fingerprinting for Indoor Localization", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 68, 2019.
Chirag Kumar ., Ketan Rajawat ., "Network Dissensus via Distributed ADMM", Conference Record - Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, 2019-November, 2019.
Singh P.;Vasudevan K., "Training-based frequency synchronisation and highly frequency selective channel estimation for OFDM/OQAM systems", IET Communications, 13, 2019.
Singh P.;Vasudevan K., "Time Domain Channel Estimation for MIMO-FBMC/OQAM Systems", Wireless Personal Communications, 108, 2019.
Singh P.;Vasudevan K., "MIMO-FBMC channel estimation with limited, and imperfect knowledge of channel correlations", 25th National Conference on Communications, NCC 2019, 2019.
Ranjan, Raju;Gupta, Sumana;Venkatesh, K. S., "Image retrieval using dictionary similarity measure", Signal, Image and Video Processing, 13, 2019.
Pawar, Maneesh;Venkatesh, K. S., "Extended Super Resolution of Hyperspectral Images via Non-negative Sparse Coding", Sensing and Imaging, 20, 2019.
Jamal, Arshad;Namboodiri, Vinay P.;Deodhare, Dipti;Venkatesh, K. S., "U-DADA: Unsupervised Deep Action Domain Adaptation", Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), 11363 LNCS, 2019.
Gupta P.;Goswamy T.;Kumar H.;Venkatesh K.S., "A defocus based novel keyboard design", 2019 IEEE Conference on Information and Communication Technology, CICT 2019, 2019.
Sharma R.;Sircar P.;Pachori R.B., "A NEW TECHNIQUE for CLASSIFICATION of FOCAL and NONFOCAL EEG SIGNALS USING HIGHER-ORDER SPECTRA", Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 19, 2019.
Sharma R.;Sircar P.;Pachori R.B.;Bhandary S.V.;Acharya U.R., "AUTOMATED GLAUCOMA DETECTION USING CENTER SLICE of HIGHER ORDER STATISTICS", Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology, 19, 2019.
Gaikwad C.J.;Sircar P., "On Determination of Tonic Note for Singers of Indian Music", IETE Technical Review (Institution of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineers, India), 36, 2019.
Sharma R.;Sircar P.;Pachori R.B., "Computer-aided diagnosis of epilepsy using bispectrum of EEG signals", Application of Biomedical Engineering in Neuroscience, 2019.
Vipul Arora ., Aditi Lahiri ., Henning Reetz ., "Phonological feature-based speech recognition system for pronunciation training in non-native language learning", Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143, 2018.
Khaturia, Meghna;Banerjee Belur, Sarbani;Karandikar, Abhay, "TV White Space Technology for Affordable Internet Connectivity", TV White Space Communications and Networks, 2018.
Pathak, Kalpant;Kalamkar, Sanket S.;Banerjee, Adrish, "Optimal user scheduling in energy harvesting wireless networks", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 66, 2018.
Gupta, Abhishek;Banerjee, Adrish;Pathak, Kalpant;Srivastava, Shivanshu, "On Association and Bandwidth Allocation for Hybrid RF/VLC Systems", International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, ANTS, 2018-December, 2018.
Pathak, Kalpant;Banerjee, Adrish, "Optimal harvest-or-transmit strategy for energy harvesting underlay cognitive radio network", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Gupta, Abhishek K.;Banerjee, Adrish, "On the spatial performance of users in indoor VLC networks with multiple reflections", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Srivastava R.;Bansal R.K., "Sequential Change Detection Through Universal Compression - An Asymptotic Study", IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory - Proceedings, 2018-June, 2018.
Bansal M.;Sircar P., "Low bit-rate speech coding based on multicomponent AFM signal model", International Journal of Speech Technology, 21, 2018.
Bansal M.;Sircar P., "Parametric Representation of Voiced Speech Phoneme using Multicomponent AM Signal Model", Proceedings - 17th IEEE/ACIS International Conference on Computer and Information Science, ICIS 2018, 2018.
Dutta, Biswajit;Budhiraja, Rohit;Koilpillai, Ravinder D., "High-Diversity Joint Precoder Design for Non-Concurrent Two-Way AF MIMO Relaying", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 66, 2018.
Babu, Pandava Sudharshan;Budhiraja, Rohit;Chaturvedi, A. K., "Joint Power Allocation for OFDM-Based Non-Concurrent Two-Way AF Relaying", IEEE Communications Letters, 22, 2018.
Mann, Pushpender;Sah, Abhay Kumar;Budhiraja, Rohit;Chaturvedi, A. K., "Bit-Level Reduced Neighborhood Search for Low-Complexity Detection in Large MIMO Systems", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7, 2018.
Singh P.;Sharma E.;Vasudevan K.;Budhiraja R., "CFO and Channel Estimation for Frequency Selective MIMO-FBMC/OQAM Systems", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7, 2018.
Sharma E.;Budhiraja R.;Vasudevan K.;Hanzo L., "Full-Duplex Massive MIMO Multi-Pair Two-Way AF Relaying: Energy Efficiency Optimization", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 66, 2018.
Sharma E.;Budhiraja R.;Vasudevan K., "Multi-pair two way af full-duplex Massive MIMO Relaying with ZFR/ZFT Processing", IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC, 2017-October, 2018.
Sharma, Ekant;Shukla, Ashish Kant;Budhiraja, Rohit, "Spectral- and Energy-Efficiency of Massive MIMO Two-Way Half-Duplex Hybrid Processing AF Relay", IEEE Wireless Communications Letters, 7, 2018.
Sharma, Ekant;Budhiraja, Rohit, "QoS-constrained energy-efficient AF two-way full-duplex relaying with massive antennas", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Sharma, Ekant;Shukla, Ashish Kant;Budhiraja, Rohit, "Spectral-and energy-efficiency for massive MIMO two-way full-duplex hybrid processing AF relay", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Chauhan, Arpita Singh;Sharma, Ekant;Budhiraja, Rohit, "Hybrid block diagonalization for massive MIMO two-way half-duplex AF hybrid relay", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Gupta A., "Impact of correlation between link blockages on macro-diversity gains in mmWave Networks", 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communications Workshops, ICC Workshops 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
Gupta A., "Macrodiversity in Cellular Networks with Random Blockages", IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications, 17, 2018.
Routray, Gyanajyoti;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Sparsity based framework for spatial sound reproduction in spherical harmonic domain", European Signal Processing Conference, 2018-September, 2018.
Redhu, Surender;Maheshwari, Mukund;Yeotikar, Kshitij;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Poster: Joint data latency and packet loss optimization for relay-node selection in time-varying IoT networks", Proceedings of the Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, MOBICOM, 2018.
Varanasi, Vishnuvardhan;Hegde, Rajesh, "Stochastic Online Dictionary Learning for Speech Source Localization and Separation in Spherical Harmonic Domain", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2018-April, 2018.
Dagar, Ajay;Nitish, Satyavolu Sai;Hegde, Rajesh, "Joint Adaptive Impulse Response Estimation and Inverse Filtering for Enhancing In-Car Audio", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2018-April, 2018.
Redhu, Surender;Garg, Pratyush;Hegde, Rajesh, "Joint Mobile Sink Scheduling and Data Aggregation in Asynchronous Wireless Sensor Networks Using Q-Learning", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2018-April, 2018.
Pandey, Om Jee;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Cooperative localisation over small world WSN using optimal allocation of heterogeneous nodes", IET Wireless Sensor Systems, 8, 2018.
Pandey, Om Jee;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Low-Latency and Energy-Balanced Data Transmission over Cognitive Small World WSN", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 2018.
Varanasi, Vishnuvardhan;Agarwal, Ayushya;Hegde, Rajesh, "Radial filter design using kaiser window polynomials for speech source separation", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Pandey, Om Jee;Mahajan, Akshay;Hegde, Rajesh Mahanand, "Joint Localization and Data Gathering over a Small-World WSN with Optimal Data MULE Allocation", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 2018.
Redhu, Surender;Mahavar, Rahul;Hegde, Rajesh M., "Energy-efficient wake-up radio protocol using optimal sensor-selection for IoT", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, 2018-April, 2018.
Mishra H.;Venkategowda N.;Jagannatham A., "Affine precoding-based superimposed training for semi-blind channel estimation in OSTBC MIMO-OFDM systems", Conference Record of 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, ACSSC 2017, 2017-October, 2018.
Varshney, Neeraj;Jagannatham, Aditya K.;Hanzo, Lajos, "Asymptotic ser Analysis and Optimal Power Sharing for Dual-Phase and Multi-Phase Multiple-Relay Cooperative Systems", IEEE Access, 6, 2018.
Varshney, Neeraj;Jagannatham, Aditya K.;Varshney, Pramod K., "On diffusive molecular communication with mobile nanomachines", 2018 52nd Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems, CISS 2018, 2018.
Mishra, Amrita;Yashaswini, N. S.;Jagannatham, Aditya K., "SBL-Based Joint Sparse Channel Estimation and Maximum Likelihood Symbol Detection in OSTBC MIMO-OFDM Systems", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 2018.
Dwivedi, Saumya;Aggarwal, Poonam;Jagannatham, Aditya K., "Fast Block LMS and RLS-Based Parameter Estimation and Two-Dimensional Imaging in Monostatic MIMO RADAR Systems with Multiple Mobile Targets", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66, 2018.
Agrahari, Abhishek;Varshney, Pulkit;Jagannatham, Aditya K., "Precoding and Downlink Beamforming in Multiuser MIMO-OFDM Cognitive Radio Systems with Spatial Interference Constraints", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 2018.
Somashekar, Sagar;Venkategowda, Naveen K.D.;Jagannatham, Aditya K., "Bandwidth efficient optimal superimposed pilot design for channel estimation in OSTBC based MIMO–OFDM systems", Physical Communication, 26, 2018.
Mishra, Amrita;Gupta, Vini;Dwivedi, Saumya;Jagannatham, Aditya K.;Varshney, Pramod K., "Sparse Bayesian Learning-Based Target Imaging and Parameter Estimation for Monostatic MIMO Radar Systems", IEEE Access, 6, 2018.
Akshatha, Nayak M.;Jha, Pranav;Karandikar, Abhay, "A Centralized SDN Architecture for the 5G Cellular Network", IEEE 5G World Forum, 5GWF 2018 - Conference Proceedings, 2018.
Roy A.;Chaporkar P.;Karandikar A., "Optimal Radio Access Technology Selection Algorithm for LTE-WiFi Network", IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 67, 2018.
Taksande P.K.;Roy A.;Karandikar A., "Optimal traffic splitting policy in LTE-based heterogeneous network", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, WCNC, 2018-April, 2018.
Jabhera Matogoro ., Nerey H. Mvungi ., Anatory Justinian ., Abhay Karandikar ., Jaspreet Singh ., "Towards affordable broadband communication: A quantitative assessment of TV white space in Tanzania", Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, 244, 2018.
Bedi, Amrit S.;Aditya P., P. V.;Waseem Ahmad, Md;Swapnil, S.;Rajawat, Ketan;Anand, Sandeep, "Online algorithms for storage utilization under real-time pricing in smart grid", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, 101, 2018.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Sarma, Paban;Rajawat, Ketan, "Adversarial Multi-Agent Target Tracking with Inexact Online Gradient Descent", ICASSP, IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing - Proceedings, 2018-April, 2018.
Chopra, Anant;Kalhan, Deepak S.;Bedi, Amrit S.;Gupta, Abhishek K.;Rajawat, Ketan, "On Socially Optimal Traffic Flow in the Presence of Random Users", International Symposium on Advanced Networks and Telecommunication Systems, ANTS, 2018-December, 2018.
Tripathi, Ruchi;Rajawat, Ketan, "Dynamic network latency prediction with adaptive matrix completion", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Pradhan, Hrusikesha;Rajawat, Ketan, "Decentralized asynchronous stochastic gradient descent: Convergence rate analysis", SPCOM 2018 - 12th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communications, 2018.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Rajawat, Ketan, "Asynchronous Incremental Stochastic Dual Descent Algorithm for Network Resource Allocation", IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 66, 2018.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Rajawat, Ketan, "Network Resource Allocation via Stochastic Subgradient Descent: Convergence Rate", IEEE Transactions on Communications, 66, 2018.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Koppel, Alec;Rajawat, Ketan, "Beyond consensus and synchrony in decentralized online optimization using saddle point method", Conference Record of 51st Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems and Computers, ACSSC 2017, 2017-October, 2018.
Bedi, Amrit Singh;Sarma, Paban;Rajawat, Ketan, "Tracking Moving Agents via Inexact Online Gradient Descent Algorithm", IEEE Journal on Selected Topics in Signal Processing, 12, 2018.
Singh P.;Rani B.;Mishra H.;Vasudevan K., "Neighbourhood Detection-based ZF-V-BLAST Architecture for MIMO-FBMC-OQAM Systems", 2018 IEEE Global Communications Conference, GLOBECOM 2018 - Proceedings, 2018.
Bhowmick S.;Vasudevan K., "Analysis of Correlation Based Coarse Timing Estimation of OFDM System", 2018 5th International Conference on Signal Processing and Integrated Networks, SPIN 2018, 2018.
Singh P.;Vasudevan K., "CFO and channel estimation for SIMO-FBMC/OQAM systems", 2017 23rd Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications: Bridging the Metropolitan and the Remote, APCC 2017, 2018-January, 2018.
Sharma E.;Rane S.;Vasudevan K., "BER Efficient Interleaved OFDM System", Wireless Personal Communications, 98, 2018.
Bhattacharya, Saumik;Venkatesh, K. Subramanian;Gupta, Sumana, "Visual Saliency Detection Using Spatiotemporal Decomposition", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 27, 2018.
Bhattacharya, Saumik;Venkatesh, K. S.;Gupta, Sumana, "Video summarization using novel video decomposition algorithm", Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 704, 2018.
Jain, Garima;Venkatesh, Ks, "Spatially Localized Implementation of SSR and DSR for Image Denoising", Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2018, 2018.
Deshpande, S.;Jain, G.;Venkatesh, Ks, "Vision Based Interactive Devices", Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Communication and Signal Processing, ICCSP 2018, 2018.
Jamal, Arshad;Deodhare, Dipti;Namboodiri, Vinay;Venkatesh, K. S., "Eclectic domain mixing for effective adaptation in action spaces", Multimedia Tools and Applications, 77, 2018.
Kumar H.;Ramkumar J.;Venkatesh K.S., "Surface texture evaluation using 3D reconstruction from images by parametric anisotropic BRDF", Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 125, 2018.
Singh, M. K.;Venkatesh, K. S.;Dutta, A., "View planning method for complete 3D digitisation of the scene", Electronics Letters, 54, 2018.
Nawhal, Megha;Bhattacharya, Saumik;Venkatesh, K. S., "Improved scene capture in unfavorable lighting conditions", Proceedings - International Conference on Image Processing, ICIP, 2017-September, 2018.
Rani, Prachi;Jangid, Arpit;Namboodiri, Vinay P.;Venkatesh, K. S., "Visual odometry based omni-directional hyperlapse", Communications in Computer and Information Science, 841, 2018.
Bhattacharyya A.;Sharma M.;Pachori R.;Sircar P.;Acharya U., "A novel approach for automated detection of focal EEG signals using empirical wavelet transform", Neural Computing and Applications, 29, 2018.
Gaikwad C.J.;Sircar P., "Bispectrum-based technique to remove cross-terms in quadratic systems and Wigner–Ville distribution", Signal, Image and Video Processing, 12, 2018.