Prof. Rahul Mangal | Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship for the year 2024-25

Rahul Mangal
Associate Professor
Chemical Engineering
Profile Link

The Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowships aim to provide Indian faculty, researchers, and professionals the opportunity to teach, conduct research, or carry out a combination of teaching and research at a U.S. institution. Depending on the U.S. host institution, it is likely that the grantee may contribute towards developing curriculum and conducting workshops and seminars. These fellowships are for four to nine months.

It is truly a remarkable achievement and a testament to Dr. Mangal’s dedication and expertise in the field. His key research areas include Polymer physics, Colloids, Complex fluids, Nanocomposites, Active matter, Liquid crystals, Soft Matter. His exceptional contributions to the study of soft matter have undoubtedly made a significant impact on the soft matter research community. As an Emerging Investigator, Dr. Mangal has displayed outstanding potential and promises in advancing our understanding of complex materials and their properties. His innovative research and unique perspective have undoubtedly shed new light on the fascinating world of soft matter.

Research Overview

Active Colloids and Emulsions
Active particles or emulsions are capable of harnessing energy from their surroundings and drive themselves out of thermodynamic equilibrium. Consequently, unlike Brownian particles, where equilibrium thermal fluctuations leads to random motion, artificial active colloids offer more control over the dynamics of particles and feature various novel transport and self-assembly behaviors. In our group, we are currently endeavoring into investigating several unexplored fundamental questions pertaining to their motion through Single Particle Tracking experiments.

Impact of Shock Waves on the Structure and Dynamics of Polymer Nano-composites (PNCs)
Addition of nano-particles (NPs) to polymer hosts is a well-practiced method for augmenting various properties of the host, including mechanical strength, thermal stability, barrier properties, and wear resistance. Hence, lately there has been an active interest in using PNCs as shock mitigater for protective equipments in case of a bomb explosion. In this work we are experimentally investigating the impact of shock waves on the fundamental physical properties of PNCs. Our long term goal is to design a nano-composite material offering best resistance to shock waves.


  • Fulbright-Nehru Academic and Professional Excellence Fellowship for the year 2024-25
  • Elected as Associate Fellow of Indian Science Academy (INSA) (2023)
  • Excellence in Teaching Award, IIT Kanpur (2023)
  • Featured as Emerging Young Researcher, Soft Matter (2023)
  • Batch of 1979 Young Faculty Fellowship, IIT Kanpur (2021)
  • INAE Young Engineer Award, (2020), Indian National Academy of Engineering
  • Early Career Research Award, (2019-2022), Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India
  • Ramanujan Fellowship, (2017-2022), Science and Engineering Research Board, Government of India
  • Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant, (2016), Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
  • McMullen Fellowship, (2012), Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Cornell University
  • Academic Excellence, (2009), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur
  • Academic Excellence, (2008), Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kanpur