1. Ankit Tyagi, Raju Kumar Gupta, Carbon nanostructures from biomass waste for supercapacitor applications, Edited by by Sivashankar Krishnamoorthy, CRC Press, (ISBN:978-1315215648)
2. Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Dilip Kumar Behara, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Raj Ganesh S. Pala, Sri Sivakumar, Advanced Theranostic Materials, Edited by by Ashutosh Tiwari, Hirak K. Patra, Jeong-Woo Choi, Scrivener, (ISBN:978-1-118-99829-8)
3. Subrata Mondal, Animangsu Ghatak, Effect of Asymmetry on Adhesion and Locomotion of Soft-Bodied Objects, Edited by by Yogesh Joshi and Samir Khandekar, Springer, (ISBN:978-81-322-2289-7)
4. Behara Dilip, Upadhyay Arun Prakash, Sharma Gyan Prakash, Sai Krishna Kiran B. V., Sivakumar Sri, Pala Raj Ganesh S, Heterostructures Based on TiO2 and Silicon for Solar Hydrogen Generation, Edited by Ashutosh Tiwari, Lokman Uzun, Wiley, (ISBN:978-1118998977)
5. Upadhyay Arun Prakash, Behara Dilip, Sharma Gyan Prakash, Pala Raj Ganesh S., Sivakumar Sri, Self-Directed Assembly of Nanoparticles: A Review on Various Approaches, Edited by Ashutosh Tiwari, Hirak K. Patra, Jeong-Woo Choi, Wiley, (ISBN:978-1118998922)
6. Patra TK, Khan S, Srivastava R, JK Singh, Understanding wetting transitions using molecular simulatons in Nanoscale and Microscale Phenomena, Springer (ISBN: 978-81-322-2289-7)