The Department of Chemistry houses several state-of-the-art facilities which enhance the research quality of the department. The facilities are regularly updated through grants for the institute and various funding agencies. In addition to the department facilities, there are several equipments housed in different departments and centres at IIT Kanpur. Below are some of the major facilities of the department.
Determination of molecular structures of organic, organometallic and coordination
compounds are performed by single crystal X-ray diffraction measurement using two Bruker D8 Quest Single Crystal Microfocus X Ray Diffractometers, equipped with low temperature devices. Data is collected at liquid nitrogen temperature and solved with the help of proprietary software to solve atomic structural details.
D8 Quest Single Crystal Microfocus X Ray Diffractometers from Bruker Ltd (Years of purchase 2012 and 2017)
Contact Person:
Prof. J. K. Bera
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Dr. A.K. Medda
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The department operates four high field NMR (two 400 and two 400 MHz) spectrometers for recording high-resolution spectra from solutions. NMR spectrometers are run and maintained by dedicated operators who also train and assist students in recording simple 1D spectra as well as multidimensional heteronuclear experiments. These machines are regularly used for all 2D spectra, variable temperature experiments, and other special experiments.

ECS 400 MHZ (Year of purchase-1999)

ECX 400 MHz (Year of purchase-2013), JEOL Ltd

JNM-ECZ 400MHz (Year of purchase-2021)

ECX 400MHz (Year of purchase-2007), JEOL Ltd
Contact Person:
Prof. D. Dethe
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Dr. A.K.Medda
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This facility allows for collection of routine and high- resolution mass spectra under a variety of ionization conditions from the state-of-the art Agilent Q-TOF mass spectrometers for organic, organometallic polar/non-polar volatile/non-volatile compounds. Department also supports a second GC-MS spectrometer.
LC-MS (ESI)-QToF (Agilent 6546) & GC-MS(APCI)-QToF (Agilent 6230) from Agilent Technologies (year of purchase 2021)
Contact Person:
Prof. P. Subramanian
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Dr. A. K. Medda
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GC-MS (Agilent 7890A) from Agilent Technologies (year of purchase 2012)
Contact Person:
Prof. B. Sundararaju
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Dr. A. K. Medda
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The department houses an Electron Paramagnetic Resonance spectrometer equipped with Klystron tube to generate monochromatic microwave radiation in the ~9.75 GHz region (X-Band) and controlled by EMX console, connected with a chiller. This facility is used to analyse the presence of unpaired electrons in the inorganic metal complexes, polymer sample, radical containing organic compounds, metal ion in protein, thin films etc. The spectrometer has automatic phase and amplitude calibration for standard EPR spectra at room temperature and low temperature (with liq N2 cryostat).
EMX EPR (X-Band) spectrometer form Bruker Biospin Ltd and its Console (year of purchase 2003-04)
Contact Person:
Prof. S.P.rath
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Dr. A.K.Medda
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The department has an FTIR spectrometer consisting of a standard optical system with KBr windows over a spectral range of 8,300 – 350 cm-1 and a maximum resolution of 0.5 cm-1 equipped with detector LaTiO3 (MIR zone). This spectrometer is regularly used for solid organic, organometallic, liquid and polymer samples. It has additional windows for NaCl, ZnSe (HATR mode) for special experiments and is also equipped with separate liquid cell for concentration based studies.
FT-IR spectrometer (Spectrum 2) from PerkinElmer Pvt. Ltd (Year of purchase -2012)
Contact Person:
Dr. A. K. Medda
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The Department houses a Mӧssbauer spectrometer using 57Co as a radioactive gamma ray source equipped with proportional counter detector for analysis of solid inorganic metal complexes at room temperature or low temperature.
Wissel 1200 Mossbauer spectrometer and the controller (Year of purchase -2010)
Contact Person:
Prof. S.P.Rath
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Dr. A. K. Medda
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Department houses an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) and a Scanning Tunneling Microscope (STM). These include X/Y motion controls, scanners, high-resolution probes/tips, and detectors having a control systems. This facility is used for general surface characterization of solids, polymers, and other samples and is housed in an environment free from acoustic and vibration noise.
AFM/STM Instrument (Agilent 5400) from Agilent Technologies (Year of Purchase-2010)
Contact Person:
Prof. T. Gopakumar
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Dr. A.K.M
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A tunable laser source (Argon ion) coupled to a high resolution Raman spectrometer enables us to record resonant Raman spectra of molecules and materials. This technique can be used to probe subtle changes in the structure of a complex molecular system.
Resonance Raman spectrometer from HORIBA Scientific (year of purchase 2012)
(Currently not functional)
Contact Person:
Prof. V.G.Rao
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Dr. A.K.Medda
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Early time structural and excited-state dynamics of molecules and materials in the condensed phase can be studied using this facility equipped with a regenerative amplifier pumped by a laser and seeded by a femtosecond oscillator having the probe of 400 nm light for pump and the white light continuum over a range of 450- 750 nm together focusing on a 1 mm cuvette containing the sample. The probe light is detected by a CCD detector.
Femtosecond transient absorption spectrometer (Femto-Frame-II, IB Photonics, Bulgaria), Year of purchase-
Contact Person:
Prof. P. Sen
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J-815 CD Spectrometer from JASCO, with a Peltier temperature controller having single cuvette holder and Spectra Manager 2 software facilitates data collection and analysis over a wave length range 163 nm to 700 nm equipped with a temperature controller over a range of 0 °C to 100 °C temperature (Peltier Temperature Control system) having quartz cells of different path length with a detector of Xe lamp measures only liquid sample. Time course CD signal measurement can be carried out.
CD spectrometer from JASCO Pvt. Ltd Japan. Model: J-815 (Year of purchase 2009)
Contact Person:
Prof. S.P.Rath
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Fluorescence spectrophotometer (FluoroMax-4) from HORIBA scientific having Xenon arc lamp (185-850 nm), R928P photon counting PMT detector and a reference photodiode for monitoring lamp output has automatic self-calibration of all wavelength drives and slits records and analyze the Excitation & Emission Spectra for the liquid sample. With its sophisticated optics that allows high spatial resolution and high sensitive measurement with high S/N ratio for water Raman signal.
Fluorescence spectrometer Fluoromax-4 from HORIBA Scientific (year of purchase- 2012)
Contact Person:
Prof. Nagma Parveen
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Dr. A.K.Medda
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This highly sensitive life time measuring fluorimeter (TCSPC) with the help of an laser energy pulse by single photon counting technique records data for liquid sample over a temperature ranges from 10° C to 90 °C. It is a time domain technique. Data is accumulated, presented and analyzed in a format showing signal intensity versus time, usually in picoseconds, nanoseconds, or microseconds. The presence of multi-exponential or more complex decay kinetics can be seen when viewed in a semi-logarithmic scale.
Life time measurement fluorimeter from Edinburg Instrument Ltd: LifeSpec II (Year of purchase 2009)
Contact Person:
Prof. Pratik Sen
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Dr.A.K. Medda
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EA is consisting of analyzer, autosampler (60 capsules) and the microbalance. With the extremely sensitive microbalance and extremely pure gases (He, O2, Ar) solid (organic, organometallic, soil) or liquid samples are recorded routinely with combustion furnace temperature 925 °C and reduction furnace temperature 637 °C with the help of recommended oxidizing and reducing agent.
2400 Series II CHNS/O Elemental analyzer from PerkinElmer Pvt Ltd, USA (Year of purchase -2013)
Contact Person:
Prof. S. Dharavath
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Dr. A. K.Medda
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Department facilitates a simultaneous TGA/DSC measurement facility from Mettler Toledo that measures both heat flow and weight loss in a material as a function of temperature of time in a controlled environment in an inert atmosphere. It collects data over a temperature range for solid or liquid or polymer samples in alumina/platinum crucible kept on a sensitive balance inside the instrument.
TGA/DSC instrument: TGA | DSC 1 STAR from Mettler Toledo (year of purchase-2009)
(Currently not functional)
Contact Person:
Prof. Srinivas Darabat
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Dr. A.K.Medda
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The UV-Vis-NIR double-beam spectrometer from JASCO measures with its single monochromator designed for different types of sample over a range of wavelength from 190 to 2700 nm having deuterium and halogen lamp as a light source equipped with a PMT detector and a Peltier-cooled PbS detector for the NIR region. It has a facility to acquire data at variable temperature condition.
UV-Vis-NIR Spectrometer: JASCO V-670 (Year of Purchase 2010) from JASCO Pvt Ltd, Japan
Contact Person:
Prof. R. Gautam
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Dr. A.K.Medda
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Department having a High pressure Parr reactor from Parr Instrument Company allows to carry reactions in less than 60 bar with an average stirring speed of 160 rpm controlled by 4848 motor controller equipped with a SS vessel at room temperature and high temperature. It has a facility to mix multiple gases in the reactor during reaction. Students routinely carry their reactions using this apparatus.
Parr reactor with fixed head mounting style and motor controller from Parr instrument company, USA (year of purchase 2013)
(Currently not functional at high temperature)
Contact Person:
Prof. B. Sundaraju
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Dr. A.K.Medda
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MCP-150, digital optical rotation measurement instrument, having 10 mm and 50 mm cell holder with Na-D light as the source equipped with a Peltier temperature controller routinely measure the optical rotation at an ambient temperature for non-coloured solid or liquid sample in the solution phase.
Polarimeter MCP150 (year of purchase 2019) from Anton Parr, GmbH, Germany
Contact Person:
Dr. A. K.Medda
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Department in-house Cell Culture facility is used regularly in research for in-vitro testing of model compounds that includes cell viability, Cell adhesion and cellular functionality using various cell lines and dyes equipped with tissue culture hood, freezer at -80 C, CO2 incubator, autoclave, basic fluorescence microscope, MTT assay is used to quantify the cell viability
Year of establishment 2020
Contact Person:
Prof. D. Allimuthu
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Dr. A. K. Medda
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The cluster, founded by IITK and Department of Chemistry, comes under Chemistry department HPC facility. It has 34 computing HP-Proliant-SL-230s-Gen8 nodes with 64 GB of RAM per node. The compute nodes are configured with Intel Xeon E5-2670V 2.5 GHz 2 CPU-IvyBridge (20-cores per node) chipset. The nodes are interconnected by an infiniband switch.
Year of establishment -
Contact Person:
Prof. A Ghosh
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