In addition to the Computer Centre of the institute which caters to specialized computational needs of the academic community, the department has its own computing facilities for faculty, staff and students of the department. These include:
- Linux and Windows lab with high-end desktops with remote access facility;
- Advanced GPU and non-GPU workstations;
- Two clusters installed in centralized Data Centre; one with 4 nodes and the other with 18 nodes;
- Separate UPS' for network racks and switches;
- A MAPLE server with 30 users network license.
Computer Labs
- One Linux Lab with 48 desktop computers and one Windows Lab with 34 desktop computers. These labs are available from 8 AM to 2 AM.
- Ph D scholars of the department are facilitated with personal computers in their personal cubicles.
All PCs have advanced configurations (Core i7 processors and 8/16 GB RAM) with advanced and latest softwares.