Mathematics & Statistics

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Template for five-year dual-degree program

BS-MS PG Part – Category A (from the same program)
Semester 9 Semester 10
MS Project (PGP-1, PGP-2) 18 MS Project (PGP-3, PGP-4) 18
DE PG - 1 09 DE PG - 3 09
DE PG - 2 09 DE PG - 4 09
OE PG – 1/DE PG-5 09 OE PG – 2/DE PG-6 09
Total 45   45

Minimum credits in MS part for graduation: 90

BS-MS PG Part – Category B (from other programs)
UG pre-requisites PG Requirements
Odd Semester Even Semester IX Semester   X Semester  
MTH201 (11) MTH204 (11) MS Project (PGP-1, PGP-2) 18 MS Project (PGP-3, PGP-4) 18
MTH302 (11) MTH301 (11) DE PG - 1 09 DE PG - 3 09
MTH305 (11) MTH308 (10) DE PG - 2 09 DE PG - 4 09
MTH403 (11) MTH421 (11) OE PG – 1/DE PG-5 09 OE PG – 2/DE PG-6 09
MTH424 (11) MTH430 (10)        
55 53   45   45