- Mr. Debasish Ghorui (Roll No: 17100263, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik) published a set of drawings and paintings on the theme of COVID-19 in So’Ham, a cultural media platform under the banner of the National Gallery of Modern Art, Govt. Of India, on July 2020. PFA the images in the dropbox folder link given below.
- Ms. Gargi Ghosh (Roll No: 19200262, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik), under the guidance of Dr. R. Bhowmik, produced a series of three creative paintings on the theme of the human suffering of the COVID-19 pandemic. PFA the images in the dropbox folder link given below.
- Ms. Pronita Mondal (Roll No: 16200262, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik) created a set of creative drawings and paintings on the theme of COVID-19 and the pandemic. PFA the images in the dropbox folder link given below.
- Mr. Manash Pratim Sharma (Roll No: 20200263, Supervisor: Dr. R. Bhowmik), participants from India in the workshop 'Learning Paradigms Today,' organized by FICA (The Foundation for Indian Contemporary Art) and AAA (Asia Art Archive). It was a specially designed workshop on Art Education during the pandemic. He worked in a group to produce artworks and forms new teaching methodologies. PFA the Poster, and the Art-PDF here. Dropbox folder link to download files: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/qafkievcqwhiyqx/AACu3hEkDhvJ58nl2uoMyWW5a?dl=0