Schoool Uniform



K.G. & I: Pink & white checkered tunic, black Velcro shoes. Red band/ribbon, white socks, monogram attached to the tunic.

II, III, IV & V : Pink & white checkered shirt, grey pleated skirt, white socks, black Velcro shoes, red band/ribbon/clips, school belt, monogram should be attached to the front pocket of the shirt.


Pink & white checkered shirt, grey shorts, White socks, black Velcro shoes, melt, monogram should be attached to the front pocket of the shirt.




 K.G. & I: Pink & White checkered tunic, grey hooded jacket white socks, black Velcro shoes. Grey leggings, grey half sleeved v-neck sweater (optional).

II, III, IV & V : Pink & white checkered full sleeved shirts, grey pleated skirt, white socks, black Velcro shoes, grey hooded jacket , grey half sleeved v-neck sweater (optional)/grey laggings.


Pink & white checkered full sleeved shirt, grey trousers, white socks, black Velcro shoes, grey hooded jacket, grey half sleeved v-neck sweater.


House Dress –

Class K.G., I & II : To be worn on the day they have Mass P.T. & Friday.

Class III, IV & V : To be worn on the day they have Mass P.T. (Thursday & Saturday).


K.G. & I: House t-shirt, white shorts, white canvas shoes, white socks.

White leggings to be worn in winter (grey hooded jacket).

II, III, IV & V : House t-shirt, white pleated shirt, white shoes and socks,white ribbon, white leggings to be worn in winter and grey hooded jacket.


House t-shirt, white shorts, white canvas shoes, white socks.

Winter: House t-shirt & white trousers. Grey hooded jacket.