Annual Report - 2017-18
Etymologically, the word “Education” is derived from the Latin word “Educatio” meaning “a breeding, a bringing up a rearing activity”. The word “Educatio” is related to the homonym “educo” which means “I lead forth, I take out, I rear up, I erect”. Real education has to draw out the best from the recipient.
We, at Campus School firmly believe that all children are naturally inclined to learn, are capable of learning, and learn in a variety of ways through experience, making and doing things, experimentation, reading, discussion, asking, listening, thinking, reflecting and expressing themselves in speech or writing, both individually and with others. Well planned syllabus with a balanced evaluation system and feedback mechanism helps in the all round development of the learner and enables him to apply what is learnt in a variety of environment, circumstances and situations. It also enables them to work independently, collaboratively and harmoniously.
Consolidating ourselves in terms of numbers, the overall strength of the school has risen to nearly 561 students due to mass transition from Kislaya to class I and reverse transition from Private/Public schools to Campus School. Campus School Governing Board decided to allow the wards of non IITK employees to be admitted in the school in the year 2014-15 and this academic session the strength of the wards of non IIT K employees has risen to 122 students. An additional section was started in class III this year with the plan of having four sections till Class V in the next two years. The total fee collected for the AY 2017-18 was Rs 61,87,700/- (Rupees Sixty One lacs Eighty Seven Thousand &Seven Hundred only).
The new session started on Thursday, 6thApril 2017 and a Parent Orientation Program was held in the school to welcome the new entrants and acquaint the parents to the evaluation and marking system. The idea of having our own set of compiled worksheets for all the subjects from classes KG to V and improving on them each year proved very helpful, this year Achievers Section was added in Mathematic work sheet, reference books along with NCERT books, introduction of EVS for classes I and II has made a marked difference. Regular use of Math Lab and EVS Lab has aroused interest in the students considerably.
A lot of extracurricular activities like music, arts, dance, craft, clay modeling, origami, personality grooming, quizzing, acquiring communicative skills and making paper jewellery was held in the activity periods throughout the session. The students of Campus School participated in various events held outside Campus School also and were appreciated by one and all.
Visit to different labs, air strip, nursery was arranged. The students of classes KG to II went to Air Strip and gained practical knowledge about the working of air craft. They were also made to sit in the gliders. Students of classes III, IV and V went to Red Chief Factory, Industrial Estate,Kanpur and learnt about the working of leather industry. The students of classes IV and V also went to see the Solar Energy Research Enclave at IIT Kanpur and learnt about the process of generating electricity with the use of Solar panels. In order to train the students to meet sudden natural emergencies Mock Drill for evacuating the school in least time was also conducted in the school.
Various celebrations were held in the school. Besides this Independence Day, Republic Day, Teachers Day, Childrens’ Day, Dusshera, Deepawali, Janmashtami, Eid, Christmas were celebrated with great enthusiasm.
Summer camp was arranged and thoroughly enjoyed by more than 100 students. Fun games, Badminton, football, narration of English and Hindi stories, book reading, music, art & craft, rain dance and ice cream party was enjoyed by one and all alike.
Annual Sports day-EKLAVAYA was held on 16th December, 2017 in the school ground with great pomp and show. Finals of the various heats were held along with various other presentations.
Open House was held on 3rd February, 2018 wherein all the activities done in the class in various subjects including art and craft were showcased. This year the event was organized in the front lawn wherein tents were put up for different grades. The major attraction was the food stall put up by the teachers and students for the visitors. The spontaneity and confidence with which the students explained their demonstrations was well observed and appreciated by the visitors.
Workshops for teachers were organized at Visitors Hostel, IIT Kanpur to train them in dealing with the psychological problems of the students and acquainting them with the new teaching pedagogies.
A total of 296 participations were registered in National Computer and Science Olympiad& International Mathematics and English Olympiad. Besides winning School Gold, silver and Bronze medals Gold medal of excellence has also been bagged by our students in English, Math & Science Olympiad. It gives me immense pleasure in sharing that average marks of all the classes is even better than the national/ international average marks.
Various steps were taken for proper maintenance of the school building. Wash rooms have been renovated, Western seats have been put up and a set of three new rooms with separate wash rooms for boys and girls has been constructed.
I would like to sum up by thanking the immense support & guidance rendered to us by our then Chairman Prof. Indranil Manna, Prof. Manindra Agarwal Deputy Director, Institute Nominee to Campus School Governing Board Prof. Shikha Dixit & Members of the Governing Board. I would also like to acknowledge the support received from Dean R&D.DORA & DOIP. I would also like to thank the team of IWD for undertaking the construction work. I also wish to extend my gratitude to all the stake holders for their immense support.
Comparative statement of strength and revenue generated in 2015-16, 2016-17 &2017-18
Strength of the School
Revenue Generated
456 Students
500 students
561 students
Rs 52,16,420/-
Achla Josan
Prof. Shikha Dixit
PI, Institute Nominee to CS Governing Board
Campus School
Campus School