Sponsor Research


The Institute encourages investigation of basic and applied areas of science and technology in the form of sponsored projects. Research grants for such projects are given by Government agencies and industries (both national and international). These projects are usually of 2-5 years duration with periodic appraisals, while research objectives and goals may be refined along the way.


Pic: Vikram Gupta

Project proposal forms are available at http://web.iitk.ac.in/dord/forms/Project_Proposal.htm

Initiation of a project

Sponsored Research Project

Step I : Institutions of research and industry seek the help of Institute for development of products and technologies.

Step II : Research & Development Office on behalf of the Institute, co-ordinates the research project and ensures that the expectations of both the sponsoring agency and the Institute are met.

Consultancy Projects

Step I : Institutions of the industry approach the Institute and faculty to seek solution to specific problems.

Step II : The R&D Office, on behalf of the Institute, identifies the resource best suited to solve specific problems.

Step III : R&D Office acts as a mediator between the industry and the faculty to realize a project.

Step IV : On realization of the project the R&D Office helps the faculty in various aspects of project management.