Special & General Relativity





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Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy



Course Contents

Special Relativity, Empirical evidence for the constancy of c, Frames of references; Lorentz transformations; relativity of simultaneity; twin and other paradoxes; Transformation laws for velocity, momentum, energy; Mass energy equivalence; force Equations; Kinematics of decays and collisions; Max wells equations in covariant form; Representations of the Lorenz Group and SL(2,C);Introduction to General Relativity; Principle of equivalence; Mach's principle; Riemannian geometry; Christoffer symbols, the curvature and stress Energy tensors; the gravitational field equations; Geodesics and particle trajectories; Schwarzchild solution; Experimental tests; Basic cosmology; FR Wmetric; Cosmological expansion; Cosmic Microwave background; Helium abundance; anisotropies in the CMB.



Instructor(s):Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs: