Kamal K. Kar

PhD (IIT Kharagpur)

Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering


Research Interest



  • PhD, IIT Kharagpur, 1999
    Thesis Title: Medium and high strain hysteresis loss behavior of filled natural rubber and styrene butadiene rubber vulcanizates



As an Instructor: Structure and properties of materials, Materials selection for mechanical design, Composite materials, Plastic part manufacturing and tool design,High performance polymers and composites,Materials engineering, Engineering polymers, Mechanical properties of materials,As a Tutor: Introduction to manufacturing processes, Thermodynamics,Nature and properties of materials, Introduction to profession As an Instructor for Laboratory: Mechanical Engineering Lab-1, Mechanical Engineering Lab-2 

  • Title:"Carbon nanofiber/ carbon nanocoil coated substrate and nanocomposites" Inventers: KamalK. Karand Ariful Rahman References: PCT/IB2010/055080, November 9, 2010

  • Title:"Hydroxyapatite poly(etheretherketone) nanocomposites and method of manufacturing same"Inventers:Kamal K. Karand Sumit Pramanik References: PCT/IB2010/054234, September 20,2010

  • Title: "Synthesis and characterization of elastic and macroporous chitosan-gelatin cryogels for tissueengineering" Authors: N. Kathuria, A. Tripathi, K. K. Kar and A. Kumar Reference: Actabiomaterialia,ISSN:1878-7568, Vol. 5(1), pp. 406-418, Year: 2009, Publisher: Elsevier

  • Title: "Epoxy-montmorillonite clay nanocomposites: Synthesis and characterization" Authors: V.Nigam, D. K. Setua, G. N. Mathur, and K. K. Kar Reference: Journal of Applied Polymer Science,ISSN:0021-8995, Vol: 93, pp.: 2201-2210, Year: 2004, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

  • Title: "Kinetics of thermal degradation and estimation of lifetime for polypropylene particles:Effects of particle size" Authors: P. Paik and K. K. Kar Reference: Polymer Degradation andStability, ISSN:0141-3910, Vol.: 93(1), pp. 24-35, Year:2008, Publisher: Elsevier Ltd


  • Associate Editor: Materials Express, American Scientific publishers.

  • Member in Editorial board: International journal of plastic technology, Springer

  • Member in Editorial board: journal of Recent patents on Nanotechnology, Bentham Science.



ACMS-203 ,
IIT Kanpur,
Kanpur 208016

Office Phone: 0512-259-7687 (O)

Email: kamalkk[AT]iitk.ac.in