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Office Phone: 0512-2596330
Department of Physics
Guide: Dr. Tarun Kanti Ghosh
Research Topic
My research interests are in zitterbewegung, wave packet dynamics, transport and thermoelectric phenomena in various low dimensional fermionic systems including two dimensional electron and hole gas with spin-orbit interaction, quantum wire, graphene, monolayer MoS2 etc.
" Zitterbewegung of electrons in quantum wells and dots in presence of an in-plane magnetic field ", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 24, 185304 (2012).
" Acoustic phonon-limited resistivity in spin-orbit coupled 2DEG: Deformation potential and piezoelectric scattering ", Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 25, 035301 (2013).
" Wave packet dynamics and zitterbewegung of heavy holes in a quantizing magnetic field ", J. Appl. Phys. 115, 213701 (2014).