Onkar Dikshit
Ph.D. (Cambridge University)
onkar@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Office Phone: 0512-2597937
Professor, Department of Civil Engineering
Research Interest
Remote Sensing Applications, SAR, Photogrammetry, GIS, GPS and DIP for Engineering and Natural Resource Management Problems.
- Ph.D., Cambridge University
- Geoinformatics, Survey and Geology camp, Machine processing of Remotely Sensed data, Instrumentation, Laboratory and Field Practices in Geoinformatics, Global Positioning System, Geographical Information System, Geospatial Data Processing
- Liu, Hai-Ying; B, Alena; S, Martin; S, Mukesh; B, Sailesh N.; K, Kamlesh; D, Onkar (2013), Respiratory Disease in Relation to Outdoor Air Pollution in Kanpur, India, Archives of Env. & Occupational Health, Vol:68, PP:204-217
- Katiyar, S. K.; Dikshit, O (2011), GCP database development methodology for remote sensing and GIS, using GPS and SOI topographic maps, Journal of Geomatics, Vol:11, PP:54-63.
- Malik, Javed; Shishikura; Echigo; Ikeda; Satake, K; Kayanne, H; Sawai, Y; Murty, C.V.R; Dikshit, O (2011), Geologic evidence for two pre-2004 earthquakes during recent centuries near Port Blair, South Andaman Island, India, Geology, Vol:39, PP:559-562
- Behera, Sailesh N; Sharma, Mukesh; Dikshit, Onkar; Shukla, S. P(2011), GIS-Based Emission Inventory, Dispersion Modeling, and Assessment for Source Contributions of Particulate Matter in an Urban Environment,Water Air & Soil Pollution,Vol:218, PP: 423-436
- Pathak,Virendra and Dikshit, Onkar (2010), A new approach for finding an appropriate combination of texture parameters for classification, Geocarto International, Vol:25, PP:295-313
- Sumanta Pasari, Saurabh Srivastava, Anand Mehta, Brajesh Kumar, Divyesh Varade, Jagadish B, Naveen R
- Professor B. B. Lal Chair Professor
Room: 303A Western Laboratory Extension (WLE-303A)
Office Phone: 0512-2597937
onkar@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Satellite Image Processing, SAR, Hyperspectral Imagery, GPS