Business Process Management




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Course Contents

Introduction to Business Process Management (BPM); History; Importance of improving business processes; Drivers and triggers of BPM; Stakeholders; Importance of organizational strategy and process architecture; Selling BPM technology; Critical success factors in a BPM project. Critical implementation aspects for a BPM solution; Importance of a structured approach to implementing BPM; The BPM implementation framework: Organizational strategy phase, process architecture phase, Launch pad phase, Understand phase, Innovate phase, People phase, Develop phase, Implement phase, Realize phase, Sustainable performance phase; Project management; People change management; Leadership. BPM maturity; Embedding BPM within the organization; Methods, tools and techniques of business process modeling, analysis and design. BPM Process Patterns: Basic control patterns, Advanced branching and synchronization patterns, Structural patterns, Multiple instance patterns, State based patterns, cancellation patterns; Business Process Languages. Best practices in BPM; BPM in eBusiness, eCommerce and eGovernment; BPM case studies. 



Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs:



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