Pic: Vikram Gupta
Basic InformationThe Foreign Language Programme was started more than 30 years ago under the Dept.of HSS. It was later shifted to Dean of Students' Affairs. Since then it has grown and attracts students and faculty not just from within the campus, but also from the city. Eager and motivated students learn a language either purely out of interest or for professional reasons. Many students, who wish to pursue a higher degree or a job outside India, find the knowledge of a foreign language an additional benefit. The classes are conducted 5pm onwards from Mondays to Thursdays in the Lecture Hall Complex. The recently opened New Language Core Lab. provides an excellent opportunity for the students to learn a language using computer monitors fitted with headphones, which helps in increasing their listening, writing and reading skills. Four exams are conducted in a two-semester course and students are expected to clear both semesters separately.
Pic: Vikram Gupta
LanguagesFLP offers two-semester courses in French, German and Japanese. Level 1 and Level 2 courses are offered in all the three languages. Certificates are given by IITK to students who successfully complete the two-semester course at the end of the academic year.
History of French Language - le français is a Romance language that belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. French was the most important language of diplomacy and international relations from the 17th century to approximately the middle of the 20th century. courtesy: Wikipedia We have 2 Levels in French - Level 1 and Level 2. Books currently used by the instructor are / ECHO A1/ for Level-1 and / ECHO A2/ for Level-2.
History of German Language – Deutsch comes from the Germanic branch of Indo-European languages of family and most of the words are derived from Latin and Greek and some from French and English, too. It is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world. It is written using Latin alphabets. German is the official language of Germany, Austria and Liechtenstein and one of the official languages of Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg. courtesy: Wikipedia We have two Levels in German - Level 1 and Level 2.
History of Japanese Language - 日本語, Nihongo, is an East Asian Language, spoken by primarily in Japan. It is a member of the Japonic (or Japanese-Ryukyuan) language family. courtesy: Wikipedia Japanese basic course is called and advanced course as, Books currently being used by the Instructor are - for (basic course) and for (advanced course).
Pic: Vikram Gupta
InstructorsCourses are conducted by trained instructors who have had foreign language exposure in both institutional and naturalistic settings. Some of the Instructors have been teaching at FLP for more than 20 years now.
Pic: Vikram Gupta
A call for applications for registration in the Foreign Language Programme is sent out in July every year. In addition to being posted on IIT Kanpur notice boards, this call for applications is also advertised in newspapers. Those interested may download the applications form from the Dean of Student Affairs (DOSA) site on the IIT Kanpur homepage or collect it from the DOSA office. Completed applications need to be submitted to the DOSA office by the deadline. Admission is granted on a first-come, first-served basis in the order of receipt of applications. |
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