Featured Research Electrical Engineering

PI: Prof. Nandini Gupta

Experimental Characterization and Numerical Modeling of Charge Transport in Synthetic Polymers Used for Electrical Insulation under Low and High Applied Voltages

Pulsed Electro-Acoustic Technique for space charge measurement in polymers

Injection and accumulation of space charge into the volume of high voltage polymeric dielectrics plays a significant role in driving aging mechanisms. Space charge measurement is a relatively new and developing technique, and holds promise as a means to determining the lifetime of the insulation in service. The current project aims at characterization of space charge accumulation and dynamics in polymeric dielectric materials commonly used in high voltage insulation. To this end, Pulsed Electro-acoustic (PEA) measurement techniques, Electroluminescence measurements, and conduction current measurements will be used in conjunction. Additionally, theoretical studies will be undertaken to devise a methodology for prediction of ageing and breakdown in insulating materials, in terms of space charge dynamics.