Current-Voltage characteristics by keithly 2400 source meter, ferroelectric tester by Precision premiere II, Impedance(capacitance)measurement by Agilent 4294A impedance tester, and we have a low temperature set up in that we can do measurement from 50 K to 800 k (approx.).

 Keithly 2400 source meter is used for characterising semiconductor devices like transistors, ferroelectric tester can be used for measrement like polrisation, PUND, fatigue etc. 

Research Areas

  • semiconductor devices, ferroelectric memory devices, basically all theses machines are useful to characterize electronic devices like diode, solar cells, capacitors etc.




Equipment Name

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Equipment Name

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Equipment Name

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  Dr. Ashish Garg

Impedance, cole cole plot, current -voltage, polarisation.
 WL-105, IIT Kanpur 

 10a.m. to 5:00P.M


just ask first to our supervisor Dr.Ashish Garg and then as accordance and availability of the concerned user.
 Dr. Ashish Garg
Ext: 7263



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