Category Theory





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Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy


Course Contents

Introduction: Basic definition and diagram; sources and sinks; monicity and epicity; isomorphisms of objects and morphisms; duality; Universal Structures: Initial terminal and zero; Category of sources and sinks; product; equalizer; regular epicity and monicity; pullback; completeness; kernel; Normal Categories: Normal hierarchy; extension of categories; factorization; chains and exactness; Morphism algebra: Bi-product; semi additive category; Additive category; Functors:Natural transformation; categories on natural transformation; property preserving and reflecting functors; Diagram isomorphism; Similar categories; generalization of limit and co limit; H reflection morphism and ad joint functor; Representable functors Category in context of another category; Application to Logic (Topoi); application to Programming Languages. 


Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs:



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