![]() Courses with significant overlap with this course: Semester of last offering: Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy |
Prerequisites: Course Contents Preview of Geotechnical Problems in Civil Engineering and Infrastructure Development, Description of soil, Engineering geology of soils and their formation, earthquakes and their effects, Stresses within a soil, effective stress principle, stress point and stress path, Soil water systems capillarity, flow, Darcy’s law, permeability, and tests for its determination, different heads, piping, quicksand condition, seepage, flow nets, flow through dams, filters, Compressibility and consolidation characteristics, maximum past stress, OCR, determination of coefficients of consolidation and secondary compression(creep), consolidation under construction loading, Strength and direct and tri axial shear tests, Mohr Coulomb strength criterion, drained, consolidated un drained and un drained tests, strength of loose and dense sands, NC and OC soils, dilation, pore pressures, Skemptons coefficients, etc. Compaction characteristics, water content dry unit weight relationships, OMC, max. Dry unit weight, field compaction control, etc. Introduction to Geo synthetics, classification, functions, properties physical, mechanical, hydraulic, environmental, etc. Stability of slopes, limit equilibrium methods, ordinary methods of slices and simplified Bishop method, factors of safety.