Environmental Quality & Pollution




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Semester of last offering:

Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy


Course Contents

Introduction and Scope General concept of Environmental Enginee1ing Ecology and Impact of pollution on the environment Environment Environmental Quality Various pollutants 111 different media, Parameters introduction to Environmental Standards, Brief mention of development of environmental standardsgl1atic Cl1111ist1}' . Acid base chemistry, alkalinity, metal 5. Mass Transfer Intermediate transfer of pollutants e.g. gas liquid, solid liquid transfers Particles in Environment Foundation, settling deposition, flocculation; attachment Pollutant Transmit Mechanisms of Pollutant Transport Air Pollution Pollutant sources, effects, meteorology as applied to air pollution, air pollution control; Environmental Modeling Pollutant trail Sport equations; Development of analytical/ predictive environmental models for various environmental media Solid and Hazardous Definition; Control measures; Disposal Waste Management of Wastes, Management Environmental Impact Concept and importance; Various steps Assessment in a ETA study; assessment of impacts; mitigation of adverse impacts; Environmental management plan. 



Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs:



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