Introduction To Aerospace Engineering





Courses with significant overlap with this course:

Semester of last offering:

Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy

Prerequisites: ESO201A ESO204A

Course Contents

Review of thermodynamics, Governing equations of compressible flow, Isentropic flow, Area Mach number relation, Speed of sound, Mach cone, Flow regimes in terms of Mach number, Stationary and moving normal shock, Rankin Huguenot relations, Oblique shock, Prandtl Meyer expansion, Reflection, intersection of shocks and expansion waves, Converging diverging nozzle, supersonic wind tunnel, 1D unsteady flow: Riemann problem, Method of characteristics, Small perturbations applied to, subsonic & supersonic airfoils, slender bodies. Similarity rules and area rule, Curved shock and Crocus Theorem, Shock Boundary layer interaction,  Transonic small perturbation (TSP) equations, Transonic full potential equations, Raleigh & Fanon flow, Experimental techniques, Introduction to hypersonic. 


Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs:



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