Course Contents
Thermodynamics of computing, Shannon Theory, elementary information theory (2)
Basics of computers, Church-Turing hypothesis, basics of computing complexity (4)
Basic of quantum mechanics, Feynman-Block Pseudopolarization Vector Model, Time Dependent Schrodinger equation, basics of approximate quantum approaches (8)
Two-level Systems, Coherence, Superposition Principle, Density Matrix, Entanglement, Relaxation Processes.(6)
Quantum gates and circuits, Theory of Quantum Information and Computation, Deutsch-Jozsa algorithm, Shor's algorithm for factoring, Grover's search algorithm and its applications.(8)
Quantum Complexity, Quantum Turing Machine. (6)
Physical implementations of Quantum Computation, Light polarization, NMR, Cavity QED, Ion-Traps, Laser-matter interaction, Coherent Control. (8)