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Central Sector Scheme for MOOC Compliant E-Content Creation (NPTEL Phase IV)

PI: Prof. Satyaki Roy

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Over the past ten years, the National Programme on Technology Enabled Learning (NPTEL) has been successful in creating the largest online repository in the world of courses in engineering, basic sciences and selected humanities and social sciences subjects and maintaining the popular online web portal http://nptel.ac.in

Cognizant of the rapid advances and changes in the area of online , NPTEL Phase IV has proposed new activities which is in tune with the recently initiated scheme of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) called the Central Sector Scheme (CSS) for MOOC-compliant e-content creation. The goal of the scheme is to produce e-content that can be offered as Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) at different levels of education. The courses are aligned with the semester system with a predefined start and end date for the courses. The course consist of video lectures, lecture transcripts, s assignments, quizzes and active discussion forum. At the end of the course, enrolled students have the option of registering for a proctored examination. Students who register for the examination and meet the eligibility criteria receive an NPTEL certificate. CSS for MOOC compliant e-content creation NPTEL IV is administered through a national committee known as the Programme Implementation Committee. Dr.Andrew Thangaraj and Dr.Prathap Haridoss (IIT Madras), Dr.Kushal Sen (IIT Delhi) and Dr.Satyaki Roy (IIT Kanpur) are the national coordinators responsible for implementation of the project. Given its experience, expertise, and success of NPTEL, Central Sector Scheme for MOOC is uniquely placed to be an important player in the country's effort towards affordable, high-quality, online education in the area of higher education.




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