Preliminary Design Of Helicopter





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Date of approval: dd-mmm-yyyy


Course Contents

  1. Introduction to : Design process, Design goals, Types of rotor craft,

  2. Understanding mission requirements, use of Analytical Hierarchy Process in configuration selection,

  3. Concept selection methodology: collection of statistical data, Pugh's method, key performance indices, life cycle costs, 

  4. Generating design alternatives: preliminary sizing using Tischenko's Method, preliminary weight estimation, rotor propulsive efficiency, Lift/Drag ratio, engine performance, main rotor blade weight estimation, rotor hub and swash plate,

  5. Performance: power required for hover, climb, level flight, maximum level speed, speed for best endurance, best range, auto rotative performance,

  6. Main rotor configuration design: rotor structural and aerodynamic design (number of blades, rotor diameter, blade chord, rotor inertia, blade twist, blade taper, blade tip shape, sweep, root cutout, tip speed, hinge offset, air foils, frequency placement, material selection),

  7. Rotor component design: hub design, control power, helicopter stability considerations,

  8. Tail rotor/ anti-torque systems: diameter, tip speed, disk area, number of blades, pusher vs tractor,

  9. Fuselage and landing gear design,

  10. Vibration sources, vibration reduction,

  11. Life cycle cost estimation: environmental cost, purchase cost. Operating cost.



Number of sections:

Tutors for each section:

Schedule for Lectures:

Schedule for Tutorial:

Schedule for Labs: