
This school will be conducted online via Zoom

Registration for the Python and Qiskit-Based DS/ DA/ ML/ QC School (CLOSED)

Procedure for Anaconda, Spider, PYTHON installation for windows:

Please note participants are required to use Laptop with PYTHON, installed. Although participants can use any IDE, preferred installation is ANACONDA and Spyder for PYTHON. Detailed stepwise procedure to install ANACONDA Spyder for free on windows platform can be found in document below
Installation document

Once Spyder IDE is running, please run this TEST CODE to make sure your installation is working as expected.
The SCREEN SHOT of plot is here

Important Notes: The school is self-contained and includes research style lecture sessions with concepts, problem formulation, algorithms, followed by simulation and verification over practical datasets using PYTHON and various packages such as NUMPY, LINALG, MATPLOTLIB, PANDAS, SCIKIT-LEARN, SEABORN, QISKIT.

Registration fee covers the following

  • Participation in online DS/ DA/ ML/ QC program
  • Hands-on DS/ DA/ ML/ QC tutorials
  • Hands-on DS/ DA/ ML/ QC assisted projects with practical datasets
  • PYTHON project mentoring and coding assistance by IITK TAs
  • Detailed printed school material on DS/ DA/ ML/ QC (To be sent by post)
  • PYTHON Project Code (To be sent by post)
  • DS/ DA/ ML/ QC participation certificate from IIT Kanpur (Soft copy will be provided)

Important Notes:

  1. Only hard copy of lecture material will be posted. Due to IPR related concerns, soft copies will not be provided.
  2. Since material will be sent by post/ courier, organizers do NOT take responsibility for postal/ courier delays or non-receipt of material.
  3. Recording of lectures, uploading/ distribution of video or audio lectures or school notes is strictly NOT permitted
  4. Participants have to ensure connectivity for the duration of the school. Recorded video lectures will NOT be available. All participants should test their connections during the Zoom test sessions mentioned in Program
  5. All participants MUST keep their video feed ON during the school to monitor attendance and participation
  6. Minimum 80% attendance is required in school.

Registration for the IIT Kanpur Certificate Program on Python & QISKIT for Data Science, Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Quantum Computing (CLOSED)

Refund Policy:Refund/ Cancellation is not possible for any participants.

Act of God: In the rare event course cannot be held as per normal schedule because of acts of God beyond our control due to extreme events pertaining to weather, natural phenomenon or critical illness/ unavailability of the instructor, school will be shifted to a date of mutual convenience. If this still cannot be held after due consideration, fee will be refunded to participants after deduction of GST. Further, all school material such as notes, assignments, solutions and PYTHON code will be posted to all the participants.

Preparing for the school