

Welcome to the IITK Certificate Program on Python & QISKIT for Data Science (DS), Data Analytics (DA), Machine Learning (ML) and Quantum Computing (QC). Data Science provides some of the most promising career opportunities for students/ professionals and Data Analytics skills are highly sought-after by industry. Together with Machine learning (ML) to learn from data and and Quantum computing that harnesses the principles of Quantum Mechanics, these fields are set to revolutionize Business, Information Processing and Machine Intelligence. This cutting-edge school will introduce participants to the rigorous theory, algorithms and scientific methods to derive actionable insights from large datasets via cutting-edge algorithms for Data Analytics, Machine Learning and Quantum Computing. The school also includes extensive assisted PYTHON/ QISKIT programming projects where participants will gain hands-on experience in data analysis, exploration and visualization using practical datasets and the latest PYTHON packages such as NUMPY, LINALG, MATPLOTLIB, PANDAS, SEABORN, SCIKIT-LEARN and QISKIT. The school also includes problem solving sessions to prepare for tests/ job interviews in DS, DA, ML and QC.

All modules will be held on evenings and weekends for the convenience of participants. The extensive projects and PYTHON/ QISKIT programming for DATA SCIENCE (DS), DATA ANALYTICS (DA), Machine Learning (ML) and Quantum Computing (QC) is of significant value to participants of all backgrounds.

How does this program benefit YOU?

UG/ PG students: Learn the latest programming techniques in PYTHON and various packages such as NUMPY, LINALG, MATPLOTLIB, PANDAS, SCIKIT-LEARN, SEABORN, QISKIT, together with practical DS/ DA/ ML/ QC skills!

PhD Scholars/ Faculty members: Use PYTHON, and various packages such as NUMPY, LINALG, MATPLOTLIB, PANDAS, SCIKIT-LEARN, SEABORN, QISKIT, for research and also to establish virtual labs or for project guidance in DS/ DA/ ML/ QC Technologies with real world datasets!

Industry Professionals: Take your skills to the next level by learning PYTHON, and various packages such as NUMPY, LINALG, MATPLOTLIB, PANDAS, SCIKITLEARN, SEABORN, QISKIT, together with principles of Module Design and Analysis using Practical Data Sets for DS/ DA/ ML/ QC Technologies!

Programming and Packages Covered

This school will train the participants on several high impact PYTHON packages listed below


Learn the latest DS/ DA/ ML/ QC Algorithms, Packages and PYTHON Programming with real world datasets to further your career the IIT Kanpur way!

Experience our unique IIT Kanpur Project-based hands-on learning approach for leadership in DS/ DA/ ML/ QC Technologies!

Procedure for Anaconda, Spider, PYTHON installation for windows:

Please note participants are required to use Laptop with PYTHON, installed. Although participants can use any IDE, preferred installation is ANACONDA and Spyder for PYTHON. Detailed stepwise procedure to install ANACONDA Spyder for free on windows platform can be found in document below
Installation document

Please note that it is the responsibility of the participants to ensure that Anaconda, Spider, PYTHON are installed and running smoothly prior to start of the program.

Important Notes: The school is self-contained and includes lecture sessions covering theoretical concepts followed by intensive PYTHON projects for the latest DS/ DA/ ML/ QC Technologies.

Registration for the PYTHON-Based DS/ DA/ ML/ QC School (CLOSED)

Last date for Premium registration : 3rd March 2025

Target Audience

  • Ph.D. scholars pursuing research in DS/ DA technologies
  • M.Tech/ B.Tech students undertaking thesis/ projects in DS/ DA technologies
  • Faculty members of Engineering Institutions/ Universities
  • Engineers from Wireless Industry and R&D Organizations

The school flyer can be downloaded from here     [PDF]