The Mehta Family Centre for Engineering in Medicine

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur



Mr. Rafeeque Mavoor, SciDart studio

MFCEM organized an online workshop on Scientific Illustration conducted by Mr. Rafeeque Mavoor, SciDart studio, on the 25th of June, 2022. The workshop was organized acknowledging the need to communicate science in understandable and engaging way using visual mediums such as images, graphics, illustrations, animation, movies etc. The workshop was open to all at IIT Kanpur with the aim to introduce the various tools and skill sets required to create telling scientific illustration.

Mr. Rafeeque Mavoor of SciDart studio has to his credit numerous Cover Art, Web Art, Illustrations, Animations & Science Films. He has conducted workshops at IISER-Pune, IISER-Bhopal, IIT Gandhinagar, Vigyan Prasar among others. He received a BS-MS Dual Degree in Chemical Sciences, from IISER-TVM, and continues to serve as part of the creative team for Scientific Illustration & Animation, Science Media Centre-IISER-Pune and IISER-TVM.

In this workshop, Mr. Mavoor covered various aspects of Scientific Illustrations, such as the tools, practices and case studies. Mr Mavoor also discussed at length career possibilities in science illustration. In the second half of the workshop Mr. Mavoor demonstrate how to use Blender, a 3D illustration software, from the concept sketch to creating a publication ready illustration.