Anyone! Users are broadly divided into 3 categories
Category #1: Users from IIT Kanpur and its collaborating institutes/Research labs.
Category #2: Academic institutes or National Research labs.
Category #3: Users from industry or any place other than category #1 and category #2.
User are requested to contact Dr. Manish Madhukar Kulkarni or Dr. Prabhat Kumar Dwivedi to discuss any scietific issues related to the sample characterization techniques or sample preparation tools. Their contact details are displayed in contacts section. PLEASE DO NOT CONTACT COORDINATOR UNTIL ADVICED.
User has to sign-up by pressing USER LOGIN button available at top-right. On successful submission of form, duly filled registration form containing the fetched data is available for print-out on another window/tab; user has to take its print and submit that to Centre's office. Users may also send it through speed post or courier. Users are allowed to use BOOK A FACILITY feature only after activation of their userid; which is usually done with in two working days after the receipt of printed registration form. A notification mail is sent to the registered email on completion of userid activation.
A registered user may book a time slot online by using BOOK A FACILITY feature. User is requested to fill the booking form. Users are requested to verify the user fees payable by visiting SERVICES AND USER CHARGES option. Users are requested to deposit the printed booking form (accesseble from DOWNLOADS link available after log-in) to Centre's office. Users whose payment is not made by IIT Kanpur are requested to attach a bank draft drawn in favour of "The Registrar, I.I.T. KANPUR" of desired amount with booinkg form. Booking form completed in all respect must reach to us within 48 hours (for IIT Kanpur users) and within a week for other users; otherwise booking will be cancelled automatically.
Contact Address
Mr. Prashant Awasthi
(Sr. Project Associate)
Advanced Imaging Centre
(Opposite to Helicopter Building)
Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Kanpur 208016 (UP) INDIA
Ph: +91-512-259-6380
email: prashan@iitk.ac.in
This is mandatory for all user who wish to avail any services of Advanced Imaging Centre. User is requested to update his login information at regular interval of time to keep getting best services.
Yes, service tax is included in user fee charges for academic and industrial users outside IITK.
Yes, payment receipt will be given to the users from outside IIT Kanpur.
A mail is sent to user's email registered with us. For outside IIT Kanpur users, booking confirmation is done only after the receipt of payment. Usually a gap of two weeks is kept on booking date, so that a user gets sufficient time for sample preparation. A user may request booking for a particular date, but it should be later than 15 days.
User should bring a blank CD/DVD. The digital micrographs and analysis data can be collected any day but within 30 days of characterization. Centre reserves the right to delete/remove the data after 30 days. After login, a provision to download the analysis data is also available.