The FEI Titan G2 60-300 scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM/TEM) is an advanced analytical field emission scanning transmission electron microscope for the characterization and chemical analysis of wide range of materials and nanostructures, down to the atomic level. It is equipped with with a high-brightness Schottky-field emission electron source, a high-resolution Gatan Imaging Filter (GIF), and X-ray energy dispersive spectrometer (EDS) for elemental and chemical analysis of materials at high spatial resolution. The microscope system also includes a high angle annular dark field detector (HAADF) for scanning transmission electron microscopy (STEM) and for chemical analysis of very small volumes. A wide range of imaging can be exploited by employing analytical, heating, cooling, and tomography specimen holders.
The Tecnai is an efficient and easy operation microscope with excellent analytical capabilities. It uses LaB6 filament as electron source and could be exploited for the analysis of wide variety of samples ranging from materials to biological at room temperature as well as cryo-temperature.
The TechCut-4 is a compact, multipurpose precision low speed saw designed to cut wide variety of small or delicate samples which cannot sustain at elevated temperature generated due to friction caused by high speed sectioning. The pivoting cutting arm has adjustable weights to apply or counterbalance downward force to the sample during sectioning. Cutting fluid is drawn from the reservoir by the blade to cool the sample. Samples up to 2" thickness can be sectioned by using a 3" to 6" blade range.
The MetPrep-1 grinding/polishing machine is excellent for polishing delicate samples using handheld tools with lapping films. It features digital control of all operations including run/stop, platen speed, platen direction and coolant flow. It includes 8" or 10" platens with rotation speed ranges from 5-350 RPM, in either clockwise or counterclockwise direction, with smooth, consistent low-end torque.
PowerTome Ultramicrotome (including Cryo-ultramicrotome) is a computer controlled ultramicrotome used for the preparation of ultrathin/semi-thin sections as well as very flat surfaces of plastics, biological and biomedical objects for various microscopic investigations. This machine offers automatic sectioning range from 5nm to 15µm with cutting speed range from 0.1 – 100mm/sec and there is a digital section counter and feed totaliser.
The Ultrasonic Disk Cutter readily cuts transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimens from hard, brittle materials without mechanical or thermal damage. It produces disk specimens from materials as thin as 10 µm or cylindrical rods up to 10 mm long from bulk samples or rectangular wafers that are subsequently used in the preparation of cross-section TEM specimens. The cutting tool movement is governed by the excitation of lead zirconate titanate crystals oscillating at a frequency of 26 kHz. The cutting medium is abrasive slurry of either boron nitride or silicon carbide.
Dimpling Grinder is a state-of-the-art mechanical grinder required to prethins specimens for ion milling for preparing electron microscopy samples. Dimpling is a rapid technique that involves rotating both the grinding wheel and the specimen, produces a specimen with only its central area reduced to a thickness of a few microns. The dimpling grinder features grinding rate control, a precise indication of specimen thickness, and an easy-to-use interface. The specimen can be accurately positioned using an optical microscope with transmitted and/or reflected light. The final specimen thickness is readily programmed for accurate, unattended operation.
TEM Mill is a state-of-the-art ion milling and polishing system offering reliable, high performance specimen preparation. It is compact, precise, and consistently produces high-quality transmission electron microscopy (TEM) specimens with large electron transparent areas from a wide variety of materials. It is equipped with two independently adjustable TrueFocus ion sources working over a wide range of operating energies (100 eV to 10 keV) and adjustable milling angle range of -15 to +10°. These variables could be exploited for the rapid milling and slow specimen polishing of TEM specimens.
The Vitrobot is a semi automated device for vitrification (plunge freezing) of aqueous samples. Critical vitrification parameters, such as temperature, relative humidity, blotting pressure and time, can be precisely controlled. A simple touch-screen user interface and programmable process control allow for consistent and high-yield sample output.
Plasma Cleaner automatically and quickly removes organic contamination (hydrocarbon) from electron microscopy specimens and specimen holders. A low energy, reactive gas plasma cleans without changing the specimen’s elemental composition or structural characteristics. The Plasma Cleaner features easy-to-use front panel controls and an oil-free vacuum system for optimal processing.
Electrolytic thinning of conductive materials is an effective method of quickly producing specimens for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) without any induced artifacts. In Twin-Jet Electropolisher, twin jets simultaneously polish both sides of the sample, creating electron transparent specimens within a few minutes. The electropolisher features easily adjustable electrolyte flow, polishing voltage, termination detection sensitivity, and jet and specimen holder positions.