Amitabha Bandyopadhyay (Head)
Skeletal development and differentiation
Anusmita Sahoo
Protein Engineering, Vaccine design, Immunology, Antibody glycosylation
Appu K. Singh
Ion-channels, calcium signaling, Cryo-electron microscopy, X-ray crystallography, electrophysiology, fluorescence spectroscopy
Arjun Ramakrishnan
Systems neuroscience, decision making, mental health, electrophysiology, EEG, cognition
Arun Kumar Shukla
Structural biology; cellular signaling; combinatorial biology
Ashok Kumar
Downstream processing; affinity interactions and cell separations; nanotechnology; biomaterials; tissue engineering
Ashwani Kumar Thakur
Protein aggregation in diseases and therapeutic design; self assembly of proteins; biopharmaceuticals; neurodegenerative disorders
Bushra Ateeq
Molecular oncology and cancer therapeutics
Debanjan Dasgupta
Neurophysiology, Circuits and Systems Neuroscience, Behavioural assay, Electrophysiology
Debdeep Dutta
Genetics, cell signaling, mitochondria, neurological diseases
Dhirendra S. Katti (on deputation 2024-29)
Tissue engineering; controlled drug delivery system; biomaterials
Dibyendu K. Das
Single molecule imaging; optical tweezers; virology and immunology
Ganesh, S
Neurobiology of disorders, stress biology, and human genetics
Hamim Zafar (jointly with CSE)
Computational biology; probabilistic modeling; single-cell biology; evolution and cancer
Jayandharan G. Rao
Gene therapy: Neuro-ophthalmic disorders; Blood disorders; Cancer gene therapy; Human molecular genetics
Jonaki Sen
Vertebrate neuronal development
Nikunj Bhagat
Brain-machine interfaces, neural engineering, stroke rehabilitation
Nitin Gupta
Neuroscience, insect olfaction and behavior, digital interventions for human mental health
Nitin Mohan
Optical engineering; super-resolution microscopy; applications in neurodegenerative disorders, lysosomal storage disease & cancer
Rakesh Kumar Majhi
Ion channels, Immune cell engineering, Tissue restoration
Robert Sonowal
Microbiota, aging, metabolites, antimicrobial resistance
Sai Chaitanya Chiliveri
Host-pathogen interactions, NMR spectroscopy
Sai Prasad Pydi
Diabetes, Obesity, Immunometabolism, GPCRs, Cell Signaling
Sankararamakrishnan, R.
Modeling and simulation of biomolecules; bioinformatics
Santosh K. Misra
Biosensors, personalized medicine, bubble therapy, 3D-printed biomedical devices, carbon composites, drug delivery systems, nanocomposites.
Saravanan Matheshwaran
Chromatin dynamics and DNA repair; microbiology
Shanu Jain
Liver Metabolic Disorders, G Protein-Coupled Receptors, Cellular Signaling, Genetic Mutations, Small Molecule Drug Discovery
Suresh Kumar
Autophagy, colorectal and breast cancer