Low speed aerodynamics laboratory has several wind tunnels to carry out experimental research in the areas of aerodynamics. A brief description of these facilities are given below.
This is a open-return suction type tunnel powered by a 2.5 H.P. DC fan. The outlet from a 8:1 contraction has a rectangular cross section of 12" x 16" and exit velocities up to 25 m/sec. Downstream of the contraction there is a 48" long working section which could be extended if needed. The fan is equipped with a variable speed control.
This is another open-return sunction type tunnel powered by a 20 H.P. fan. This facility has a contraction ratio of 9:1, and has a 120" long working section with a 24" x 24" cross section. It has a variable speed range up to 20 m/sec.
This tunnel is a closed circuit type with two test sections: one is 3-D and the other is 2-D. This is powered by two 15 H.P. fans and has variable speed control. The 2-D side of the tunnel has a contraction ratio of 12:1 and a 60" long working section with a cross section of 12"x 48". Maximum speed in this side is about 40 m/sec. On the 3-D side, the tunnel has a contraction of 11:1 and a working section of 24" x 36". Maximum speed in this side is about 30 m/sec.
Faculty In-charge: Kamal Poddar, Professor kamal@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+91-512-2597293, 7843 (O)/ 8723 (R)
Abhinath Kumar Yadav, Sr. Technician Low Speed Lab abhinath@iitk.ac.inThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
+91-512-2597812 (O)