Workshop on High Energy Physics Phenomenology
4th -13th December, 2015 Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur, India

Local organizing committee:
Participants Related to IIT Kanpur:
- Tanmay Maji (Senior PhD Student)
- Rahul Kothari (Senior PhD Student)
- Tripurari Srivastava (Senior PhD Student)
- Chandan Mondal (Senior PhD Student)
- Alekha Nayak (Senior PhD Student)
- Paromita DasGupta (Senior PhD Student)
- Jishnu Goswami (Senior PhD Student)
- Sumeet Dagaonkar (Senior PhD Student)
- Sudhaker Upadhyay (Post Doc.)
- Bithika Jain (Self) (Alumnus) (Post. Doc. KIAS)
- Subhadip Mitra (Self) (Alumnus) (Asst. Prof. III T Hyderabad)