Physical Education Section

Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur

Chairman SPEC

Dr. Indra Sekhar Sen,
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  +91- 512- 259-4701
  Earth Science

Office Staff

Ms. Seema Yadav, Senior Assistant
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  PE Section

Mr. Manoj Pal, Junior Assistant
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  PE Section

Mr. Pradeep Kumar, Junior Assistant
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  PE Section

Mr. Hemant Kumar Tiwari, Project Manager
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  PE Section

Institute Coaches

Mr. Vivek Rao Vadi, APEO GR-1
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  Swimming pool

Dr. Ram Narain, APEO GR-1
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  Main stadium

Mr. Amit Dohaery, Physical Training Instructor GR-1
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  Volleyball Courts (Old Sports Complex)

Mr. Sunil Kumar, Physical Training Instructor GR-1
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  Football Field

Mr. Kuldeep Sharma, Physical Training Instructor
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  Old Sports Complex

Mrs. Anjani Dubey, Physical Training Instructor
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  Main stadium

Mr. Pankaj Pandey, Physical Training Instructor
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  Main Stadium

Mr. Deepak Dhanowa, Physical Training Instructor
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  Main stadium/ Tennis Court

Mr. Pradeep Kumar Mishra, Physical Training Instructor
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  Main Stadium

Mr. Alok Kumar Yadav, Physical Training Instructor
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  New Sports Complex

Coaches on Project

Mr. Anmol Chandra,
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  Table Tennis
  TT Hall(New Sports Complex)

Ms. Deepali Wadhwani
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  Fitness Trainer, Skating & Aerobics
  Aerobics Hall (New Sports Complex)

Mr. Pushpender Singh
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  Wall Climbing
  Wall Climbing Arena(New Sports Complex)

Mr. Rajat Singh Tomar
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  New Sports Complex

Mr. Ansh Gupta
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  Squash Hall (New Sports Complex)

Dr. Sohan lal Yadav
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  Yoga Hall (New Sports Complex)

Mr. Nawaid Alameen
  Lawn Tennis
  Lawn Tennis Complex