Industries involved in in situ microscopy will provide talk cum demo during the symposium. The following industries have indicated their preference to participate and demo.

Dr. Tetsuo Oikawa
JEOL Asia Pte. Ltd.
Title: In-situ observation in aberration corrected TEM
Abstract | Talks & Demos

Dr. Jan Neuman
Title: Correlative Probe and Electron Microscopy technology using AFM in SEM
Abstract | Talks & Demos

Dr. Benjamin Miller
Imaging and InSitu, Gatan US
Title: Mapping Crystalline Regions During In-Situ Heating: Comparing TEM and 4D STEM
Abstract | Talks & Demos

Dr. Syed Asif
Industron Nanotechnology Pvt Ltd.
Title: Recent Advancements in In-Situ Nanomechanical Testing
Abstract | Talks & Demos

Dr. Hugo Pérez
CTO, DENSSolutions BV
Title: In-situ Transmission Electron Microscopy: a MEMS-based route to explore untapped research possibilities at the nanoscale
Abstract | Talks & Demos

Dr. Khim Karki
Hummingbird Scientific
Title: New Developments for In-Situ and Operando TEM Experimentation
Abstract | Talks & Demos

Dr. David Nackashi
Protochips, Inc.
Title: Increasing In Situ Success Through Artificial Intelligence
Abstract | Talks & Demos

Dr. Jennifer McConnell
Protochips, Inc.
Title: Using Machine Vision to Drive Nanoscale In Situ Discoveries That Solve Real-World Problems
Abstract | Talks & Demos