Schedule Detail
Download Schedule (Click Here)(Venue: PBCEC, VH, IITK)

CSU: Prof. C. S. Upadhyaya | PV: Prof. P. Venkitanarayanan | NPG: Prof. N. P. Gurao | ShS: Prof. Shashank Shekhar | SSS: Prof. Sudhanshu S. Singh | KB: Prof. Kantesh Balani | SM: Prof. Sushil Mishra (IITB) | RSK: R.S. Kottada (IITM) | JJ: Prof. Jayant Jain (IITD) | AS : Prof. Anandh Subramaniam
The lab session will focus on data collection and data analysis. Emphasis will be on correct procedures to carry out materials testing and understanding hardware software interface to obtain high quality data.