High-Performance Computing Facility
Starting from August 2024, we have implemented a pre-paid, usage-based computing model. Users need to recharge their accounts in advance based on anticipated CPU core hours and GPU card hours usage. Each CPU node consists of 48 cores, and each GPU node includes 2 GPU cards and 40 CPU cores. Users need to pay only as much as they use. Users may renew account on PARAM Sanganak either for regular access or/and high priority access. High-priority access is to enable shorter queuing time. Charges for high-priority and regular-access are different.
Regular Access
- All active PARAM Sanganak accounts will remain valid until October 31, 2025.
- For creating new account or renewing existing accounts, please visit www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars.
- Charges of regular access:New
1 CPU core hour: ₹0.015
1 GPU card hour: ₹0.50 - A Pool based allocationNew is now available. Students apply in a Pool, and PI allocates a common cpu-core/gpu-card hours for the entire group.
- If Pool allocation is selected by a user, he/she will not be able to do recharge only PI can recharge or Topup.
- You can add compute hours in multiples of 20,000 CPU core hours or 600 GPU card hours which is equivalent to ₹300.
- The top-up/recharge option is now available for adding more cpu-core/gpu-card hours to your PARAM Sanganak account.
- Users or PIs can request additional hours under the “Application Details” section on the portal (www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars).
- PIs have to recommend application requests of their group members from the “Group Members” section on the portal (www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars). The rates of top-up/recharge are same to those of regular applications.
- Once selected, the Status of Pool Allocation,for the Group Members who uses Pool, could not be changed during Topup
- Users can add compute hours in multiples of 20,000 CPU core hours or 600 GPU card hours which is equivalent to ₹300.
High-Priority Access
- From August 1, 2024, new high-priority access facility will be available in PARAM Sanganak for IIT Kanpur users.
- For creating new account or renewing existing accounts, please contact please visit www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars.
- Charges of high-priority access (at par with NSM's usage):
1 CPU core hour: ₹1.50
1 GPU card hour: ₹100 - It will be created only after financial transactions have been completed.
- The top-up/recharge option is now available for adding more cpu-core/gpu-card hours to your PARAM Sanganak account.
- Users or PIs can request additional hours under the “Application Details” section on the portal (www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars).
- PIs have to recommend application requests of their group members from the “Group Members” section on the portal (www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars). The rates are similar to those of regular applications.
- Recharge can be made with any amount.
- All users must pay for the account creation and renewal charges.
- IIT Kanpur specific policies are mentioned in policy document. The current policy and initial instructions can be seen here.New
- Detailed user's manual can be downloaded from here.
- NSM support will be provided by C-DAC to Param Sanganak users for a period of 2 years through the Ticketing tool at https://paramsanganak.iitk.ac.in/support/.
Application Process
- A demo of application process in HARS portal is shown in this document here
New Account
- Please login to the portal at www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars.
- At first time signin, please choose your Designation.
- Fill in the HPC Profile before applying.
Topup/Recharge of Account
- All active PARAM Sanganak accounts will remain valid until October 31, 2025
- Please login to the portal at www.hpc.iitk.ac.in/hars.
- Fill in the HPC Profile before applying.