Indra Sekhar Sen, Associate Professor
PhD, Florida International University, USA, 2010
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FB 329, Faculty Building
- Application of isotope geochemistry in various geological environments to understand the earth system processes
- Atmospheric Chemistry
- Impact of climate change on high altitude glacier
** Post-doc, *PhD student supervision, ‡ MTech student supervision
- Shukla, T.,**, Sundriyal, S., Sen, I.S., Contemporary inorganic carbon fluxes from rapidly changing glacierized watersheds of the Himalaya, under revision, Journal of Hydrology, 2020
- Nizam, S.,*, Sen, I.S., Vinoj, V., Galy, V., Selby, D., Azam, M.F., Pandey, S.K., Creaser, R.A., Agarwal, A.K., Singh, A.P., Bizimis, M. Biomass derived local organic carbon key to western Himalayan glacier melt, under revision, Environmental Science & Technology, 2020
- Shukla, T.,**, Boral, S.,*Sundriyal, S., Singh, R., and Sen, I.S., Testing the conservative behavior and temperature compensation of electrical conductivity for hydrograph separation studies in a glacial catchment, under review, Journal of Glaciology, 2020
- Boral, S.,* Sen, I.S., Tracing ‘Third Pole’ ice meltwater contribution to the Himalayan rivers using isotopes, under revision, Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 2020
- Boral, S.,* Sen, I.S., Ghoshal, D., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Hemingway, J. Stable water isotope modeling reveals spatio-temporal variability of glacier meltwater contributions to Ganges River headwaters. Journal of Hydrology, 2019, 577, 123983
- Gupta, S., S. H. Karumanchi, S. K. Dash, S. Adla, S. Tripathi, R. Sinha, D. Paul, and I. S. Sen (2019), Monitoring ecosystem health in India's food basket, Eos, 100, Published on 20 March 2019.
- Wu, Fei., Owens, Jeremy D., Huang, Tianyi ., Sarafian, Adam., Huang, Kuo-Fang., Sen, I. S, Horner, Tristan J., Blusztajn, Jurek, Morton, Peter, and Nielsen, Sune G., Vanadium Isotope Composition of Seawater. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 2019, 244, 403-415
- (13)
- Hemingway, J. D,. Spencer, R. G. M., Podgorski, D. C., Zito, P., Sen, I. S., Galy,V. Glacier meltwater and monsoon precipitation drive Upper Ganges Basin dissolved organic matter composition. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2019, 244, 216-228
- Nizam, S. ‡ and Sen, I. S., Effect of Southwest Monsoon Withdrawal on Airborne Particles Over the Indo-Gangetic Basin: Aerosol Loading and Heavy Metal Concentrations. Atmospheric Environment, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry, 2018, 2 (4), 347-355
- Sen, I.S., Boral, S., * Ranjan, S., ‡ Tandon, S.K., Small But Important –The Role of Small Floodplain Tributaries to River Nutrient Budget, ACS Earth and Space Chemistry 2018, 2, 64-71
- Mitra, A.* and Sen, I. S., 2017. Earth’s Anthrobiogeochemical Platinum, Palladium and Rhodium Cycles: An Emerging Environmental Contamination. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2017, 417-432
- Sen, G, Hames, W.E., Paul, D.K., Biswas, S.K., Ray, A., Sen, I.S. Pre-Deccan and Deccan Magmatism in Kutch, India: Implications of New 40Ar/39Ar Ages of Intrusions. Journal of Geological Society of India, 2016, 6
- Sen, I. S., Mitra, A.,* Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B., Rothenberg, S., Tripathi, S.N.,. Bizimis, M., 2016. Emerging airborne contaminants in India: Platinum Group Elements from catalytic converters in motor vehicles. Applied Geochemistry, 2016, 75, 100-106
- Sen, I. S., Bizimis, M.Tripathi, S.N., Paul, D., 2016. Lead isotope fingerprinting of aerosols to characterize the sources of atmospheric lead in an industrial city of India. Atmospheric Environment 129, 27-33
- Sen, I. S. & Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. Rapid determination of osmium concentrations and 187Os/188Os of crude oils and source rocks by coupling high pressure, high temperature digestion with sparging OsO4 into a multi-collector ICPMS. Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86, 2982-2988
- Sen, I. S. Platinum Group Element Pollution is a Growing Concern in Countries with Developing Economy. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 13903-13904
- Sen, I. S., Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. & Geboy, N. Complex Anthropogenic Sources of Platinum Group Elements in Aerosols on Cape Cod, USA. Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47, 10188-10196
- Sen, I. S. & Peucker-Ehrenbrink, B. Anthropogenic Disturbance of Element Cycles at the Earth’s Surface. Environmental Science & Technology, 2012, 47, 10188-10196 [Cover Photo]
- Sen, I. S., Bizimis, M., Sen, G. & Huang, S. A radiogenic Os component in the oceanic lithosphere? Constraints from Hawaiian pyroxenite xenoliths. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2011, 75, 4899-4916
- Sen, I. S., Bizimis, M. & Sen, G. Geochemistry of sulfides in Hawaiian garnet pyroxenite xenoliths: Implications for highly siderophile elements in the oceanic mantle. Chemical Geology 2010, 273, 180-192
Projects (Ongoing):
- 2018-2021: Dust or soot? Tracing the primary drivers of increased glacial melt of the Himalayan glaciers, PI, DST, Govt. of India
- 2018-2021: Improved description of the water-cycle in the Upper-Ganga Catchment using isotopic, geochemical data and model simulations, PI, MoES, Govt. of India
- 2018-2022: Design and Development of Aquatic Autonomous Observatory (Niracara Svayamsasita VedhShala - NSVS) for In situ Monitoring, Real Time Data Transmission and Web based Visualization, co-PI, Indo-U.S. Science and Technology Forum (IUSSTF)
- 2016-2019: An organometallic fingerprinting proxy to locate shale oil pool. Co-PI, ONGC
- 2016-2019: Integration of air mass trajectory models and 187Os/188Os isotope data to trace the long-range transport of atmospheric dust in India. Co-PI, SERB, Government of India.
Projects (Completed):
- 2015-2018: Establishing a Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) in the Ganga Basin. Focus on water balance, water quality, and hydro-meteorological information system. co-PI , MoES, Government of India.
- 2014-2017: Effects of climate change on cryosphere-river linkages: Insights from seasonal and inter-annual variation of glacial melt discharge in the headwaters of the Ganges River, PI , National Academy of Sciences USA,
- 2014-16: Isotope technique to evaluate the seasonal and inter-annual variation of glacial melt and snowmelt discharge at Gomukh and Mana, PI, MoES Scoping Project
- 2014-16: Development of a low particulate metal free clean laboratory to support isotope analysis of water samples, PI, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur