English Proficiency Programme
IIT Kanpur
Test your English
- whether your English background is adequate for operational purposes, or perhaps much better,
- if not, then what is the extent of the inadequacy and what action on your part can remedy it, and
- in particular, to what extent Practical English course, as it is conducted at IITK, will be useful to you.
- Complete the     electronic form     and submit online.
- You will receive a Confidential Code No. through an email.
- Keep this Code number confidential for privacy of your ToEFL grade.
- The actual test is of 45 minutes. (In the online version of the test, we do not control the time strictly.)
- At least two hours before the submission-time (chosen by you) of your test, you will be given the question paper through email.
- Attempt the test and send your 'solution' (as a PDF file) as an attachment to your email addressed to "epp.iitkanpur@gmail.com" by your chosen 'submission time'.
- Within a week, your Code No. and ToEFL grade will appear at
ToEFL Result site among the results already declared. - Grades in the scale A/B/C/D/E/F are uploaded here against the 'secret' Code No. of participants, along with the meaning and implication of these grades.
- In our understanding, for a modern citizen of the world, an "A" grade is a matter of satisfaction, "B" grade a matter of necessity and "C" grade a matter of concern.
Do you know how good is your English?
We have found that most self-estimates of English proficiency
are overestimates. Many are gross overestimates.
There is a minority of modest people who underestimate.
It is important to know one's strengths and weaknesses correctly.
Are you sporting? Would you like to get your English tested - against
a standard benchmark?
You can take the
Test of English as a Functional Language (ToEFL)
carefully designed and benchmarked by EPP.
Now the process to take ToEFL online has become quite simple.
Any eligibility criteria?
Anybody (from 15 to 65 years old) can take it.
Result of this test will 'confidentially' tell you
(without divulging your result to others)
Steps to take the test:
Note: To keep the option of online ToEFL limited to only serious participants , we have kept the requirement of a modest contribution of Rs. 500/- (or USD 20), as you will find out from the form.
[The classroom ToEFL is free.]
Classroom Version of ToEFL and AdEPT
- Classroom ToEFL is conducted in Jan, Mar, Aug and Oct every year.
- Test of English as a Functional Language (ToEFL)
                            classroom version
is on 4 Aug 2018. - Results will be uploaded at
ToEFL Results site as usual, along with the earlier results. - Last time, Advanced English Proficiency Test (AdEPT), the certification test, was held on 7 Apr 2018.
- Eligible and interested participants of earlier 2016 and 2017 rounds of ToEFL also will be included for the AdEPT.
- Tentative dates for coming tests: (ToEFL) .. Oct, 2018 ; (AdEPT) .. Nov, 2018.
The EPP test for children : SLATE
(School Level Aptitude Test in English)
to be held regulary in Feb and Sep from 2019 onwards.