English Proficiency Programme
IIT Kanpur
Join the course
To register for the EPP course
"Practical English: Learning and Teaching",
complete the    
electronic form
    and submit online.
- Participation certificates will be given to all participants who complete online tests and at least half the assignments.
- Grade certificates will be given to those participants who qualify through the final evaluation.
Any eligibility criteria?
Anybody (from 15 to 65 years old) can register.
Group registration:
Groups of students/teachers from the same college/school/university (institution)
- designated as a partner institution -
can take
advantage of group registration
through the Partner Institution Representative (PIR) authorised by the
Institution Head for this purpose.
Timeline of the PELT course:
- Registration: Anytime (applications submitted before 31st July will be included in this semester. Applications received afterwards, will be included in the next semester).
- Group registration closes: 10 Aug 2018
- Course starts: 15 Aug 2018
- Initial evaluation: 4th week of Aug 2018
- Registration closes: 31 Aug 2018
- Course ends: Nov 2018
   (at IIT Kanpur and partner institutions) - Issue of certificates: 2nd week of Dec 2018