Publications in International Journals (Publications of the new millennium)
S. Srivastava, N. K. Pandey, P. Padhan and R.C. Budhani, “Current switching effects induced by electric and magnetic fields in Sr-subsituted in PrCaMnO films”, Phys. Rev. B62, 13868 (2000).
Leena K Sahoo, K. J. Singh and R. C. Budhani, “Optical response in the mixed state of Tl-2212 superconducting films”, Physica C331, 157(2000).
R. C. Budhani, C. Roy, A. R. Moodenbaugh, L. H. Lewis and Q. Li, “Magnetic ordering and granularity effects in LaBaMnO”, J. Appl. Phys., 87, 2490 (2000).
Patnaik, R. C. Budhani and M. Konczykowski, “Effects of granularity and strong pinning on high frequency vortex dynamics in (BiPb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconducting platelets”Solid State Commun., 113, 109(2000).
S. Patnaik, R. C. Budhani, M. Konczykowski, Y. L. wang and M. Suenaga, “Radio frequency vortex dynamics in heavy ion irradiated (Bi-Pb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 superconducting platelets”, Physica C349, 155(2001).
S. Patnaik, R. C. Budhani, M. Konczykowski, Y. L. Wang and M. Suenaga, “Vortexphases and c- axis correlations in as grown and heavy ion irradiated (BiPb)2Sr2Ca2Cu3O10 tapes; a flux transformer experiment”, J. Supercond. Sci. Technol. 13, 337(2000).
Amlan Biswas, P. Fournier, V. N. Smolyaninova, R. C. Budhani, J. S. Higgins and R. L.Greene, “Gapped tunneling spectra in the normal state of Pr2-xCexCuO4”,Phys. Rev. B64, 104519(2001).
P. Padhan, N. K. Pandey, S. Srivastava, R. K. Rakshit, V. N. Kulkarni and R. C. Budhani, “Transition from double exchange ferromagnetic metal to hysteretic insulator Mimicking charge-ordering effects in ultra thin films of a perovskite manganite”, Solid State Commun. 117, 27(2001).
Leena K. Sahoo, S. Patnaik, R. C. Budhani, and W. L. Holstein, “Local Hall probe based susceptometry of Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 epitaxial flims: Critical state and flux dynamics in collinear ac and dc magnetic field”, Phys. Rev. B63, 214501(2001).
N. K. Pandey, P. Padhan and R. C. Budhani, “Percolative transport in the vicinity of charge order–ferromagnetic transition in a hole doped manganite”, Pramana 58, 1075(2002).
K. Senapati and R. C. Budhani, “Dynamics of superconducting mixed state inYBCO/PBCO Superlattices in radio frequency regime”, Pramana 58, 971(2002).
R. C. Budhani, M. C. Sullivan, C. J. Lobb and R. L. Greene, “Thermopower and Hall conductivity in the magnetic-field-driven normal state of Pr2-xCexCuO4 superconductors”, Phys. Rev. B(Rapid Commun.), 65, 100517(2002).
K. Senapati, Leena K. Sahoo and R. C. Budhani, “Irreversibility field and superconducting screening currents in EuBa2Cu3O7 films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 80, 619(2002).
R. C. Budhani, N. K. Pandey, P. Padhan, S. Srivastava and R. Lobo, “Electric and magnetic field driven non-linear charge transport and magnetic ordering in epitaxial thin films of PrCaSrMnO3”, Phys. Rev. B, 65, 14429( 2002).
V. N. Smolyaninova, S.E. Lofland, C. Hill, R. C. Budhani, Z. S. Gonen, B. W. Eichhorn and R. L. Greene, “Effects of A-site cation disorder on charge ordering and ferromagnetism of La0.5Ca0.5-yBayMnO3”, J. Mag. Mag. Mater. 248, 348(2002).
Leena K. Sahoo, R. C. Budhani, D. Kanjilal and G. K. Mehta, “AC response of vortices subjected to pinning by columnar defects in Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8 epitaxial films”, Physica C383, 8(2002).
R. C. Budhani, M. C. Sullivan, C. J. Lobb and R. L. Greene, “Anomalous magnetothermopower in the mixed state of the electron-doped high Tc superconductors”, Phys. Rev. B 66, 052506(2002).
N. K. Pandey, R. P. S. M. Lobo and R. C. Budhani, “Electric-field-tuned metallic fraction and dynamic percolation in a charged-ordered manganite”, Phys. Rev. B67, 054413(2003).
P. Padhan and R. C. Budhani, “Interfacial disorder driven metal-insulator transition and enhanced low temperature magnetoresistance in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/LaMnO3 superlattices”, Phys. Rev. B67, 024414(2003).
P. Padhan, R. C. Budhani and R. P. S. M. Lobo, “Overdamped interlayer exchange coupling and disorder dominated magnetoresistance in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/LaMnO3 superlattices”, Europhys. Lett. 63, 771(2003).
P. Padhan and R. C. Budhani, “Perpendicular-to-plane magnetoresistance in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/LaNiO3 superlattices: The effects of interfacial disorder and spin diffusion on charge transport”, Mod. Phys. Lett. B17, 1517(2003).
K. Senapati, S. Chakravarti, Leena K. Sahoo and R. C. Budhani, “A miniature Hall sensor based ac-susceptometer for measurements of vortex and superfluid dynamics in superconducting films”, Rev. Sci. Instr. 75, 141(2004).
P. Padhan, W. Prellier, Ch. Simon and R. C. Budhani, “Current induced metallic behavior in Pr0.5Ca0.5MnO3 films: Competition between Joule heating and non-linear conduction”, Phys. Rev. B 70, 134403(2004).
K. Senapati and R. C. Budhani, “Clean limit pair breaking and two dimensional vortex dynamics in ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures” Phys. Rev. B 70, 174506(2004).
R. C. Budhani, Prita Pant, R. K. Rakshit, K. Senapati, S. Mandal, N. K. Pandey and J. Kumar, “Magnetotransport in epitaxial films of the degenerate semiconductor Zn1-xCoxO”, J. Phys. Condens. Matter, 17, 75(2005). Listed as Top Papers 2005 Show Case
P. Padhan and R. C. Budhani, “Giant quenching and mobile carrier assisted recovery of
ordered moments in La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/Er0.7Sr0.3MnO3 and La0.7Ca0.3MnO3/LaNiO3 superlattices”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 144415(2005).
K. Senapati and R. C. Budhani, “Superconducting and normal state interlayer exchangecoupling in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3-YBa2Cu3O7- La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 epitaxial trilayers”,Phys. Rev. B 71, 224507(2005).
M. Golosovsky, M. Abu-Teir, D. Davidov, O. Arnache, P. Monod, N. Bontemps and R. C. Budhani, “Microwave studies of thin manganite films on SrTiO3 substrates”, J. Appl. Phys. 98, 084902(2005).
R. K. Rakshit and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetic relaxation and superparamagnetism in non-interacting, disordered CoPt nanoparticles” J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 39, 1743(2006).
P. Padhan, W. Prellier and R. C. Budhani, “Antiferromagnetic coupling and enhanced magnetization in all-ferromagnetic superlattices” Appl. Phys. Lett. 88, 192509(2006).
S. Chaudhuri and R. C. Budhani, “Studies of structural, magnetic, electrical and photoconducting properties of Bi1-xCaxMnO3 epitaxial films” Phys. Rev. B 74, 054420 (2006).
K. Senapati, N. K. Pandey, R. Nagar and R. C. Budhani, “Normal state transport and vortex dynamics in thin films of two structural polymorphs of superconducting NbN” Phys. Rev. B 74, 104514(2006).
S. Mandal, S. K. Bose, R. Sharma, R. C. Budhani, P. Padhan and W. Prellier, “Growth of [110] La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 – YBa2Cu3O7 heterostructures”Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 182508(2006).
R. K. Rakshit, S. K. Bose, R. Sharma and R. C. Budhani, “Giant coercivity nanodots and fractals in CoPt films grown on (001) SrTiO3 using pulsed laser deposition”Appl. Phys. Lett. 89,202511 (2006).
R. K. Rakshit, Sayantani Bhattacharya and R. C. Budhani, “Quenching of surface plasmon modes in colloidal silver nanoparticles on ozonization” Nano 1, 229(2006).
P. K. Muduli, S. K. Bose and R. C. Budhani, “Stress-induced competing ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic orders in epitaxial films of A-type antiferromagnet La0.45Sr0.55MnO3. J. Phys. C Condens. Matter 19, 226204(2007).
Pengcheng Li, Soumen Mandal, R.C. Budhani and R. L. Greene, “Correlation between incoherent phase fluctuations and disorder probed with Nernst Effect measurements on Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7”, Phys. Rev. B 75, 184509(2007).
K. Senapati and R. C. Budhani, “Appearance of inhomogeneous superconducting state in La0.67Sr0.33MnO3-YBa2Cu3O7- La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 trilayers” PRAMANA – J. of Phys. 69, 267(2007).
S. Chaudhuri, R. C. Budhani, Jiaquing He and Yimei Zhu, “Scaled frequency dependent transport in the mesoscopically phase – separated colossal magnetoresistive manganite La0.625-yPryCa0.375MnO3” Phys. Rev. B 76, 132402(2007).
V. V. Yurchenko, D. V. Shantsev, T. H. Johansen, M. R. Nevala, I. J. Maasilta, K. Senapati and R. C. Budhani, “Reentrant stability of superconducting films and vanishing dendritic flux instability” Phys. Rev. B 76, 0925041(2007).
M. Golosovsky, P. Monod, P. K. Muduli, R. C. Budhani, L. Mechin and P. Perna, “Nonlinear microwave absorption in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films and its relation to colossal magnetoresistance” Phys. Rev. B76, 184414(2007).
M. Golosovsky, P. Monod, P. K. Muduli, and R. C. Budhani, “Spin wave resonance in La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films: measurements of spin wave stiffness and anisotropy fields Phys. Rev. B 76, 184413(2007)
S. Chaudhuri and R. C. Budhani, “Complementarity of perturbations deriving metal-to-insulator transition in a charge ordered manganite” Europhys. Letts. 81, 17002(2008)
Udai R. Singh, S. Chaudhuri, S. K. Choudhary, R. C. Budhani and A. K. Gupta, “Tunneling studies of charge ordered gap on the surface of La0.35Pr0.275Ca0.375MnO3” Phys. Rev. B 77, 014404(2008).
R. K. Rakshit, S. K. Bose, R. Sharma, R. C. Budhani, T. Vijaykumar, S. J. Neena and G. U. Kulkarni, “Correlations between morphology, crystal structure and magnetization of epitaxial cobalt-platinum films grown with pulsed laser ablation” J. Appl. Phys.103, 023915(2008).
R. K. Rakshit, R. C. Budhani, T. Bhuvana, V. N. Kulkarni and G. U. Kulkarni, “Inhomogeneous vortex-state-driven enhancement of superconductivity in nanoengineered ferromagnet-superconductor heterostructures” Phys. Rev. B77, 052509(2008).
R. K. Rakshit, S. K. Bose, R. Sharma, N. K. Pandey and R. C. Budhani, “Lattice-mismatch-induced granularity in CoPt-NbN and NbN-CoPt superconductor-ferromagnet heterostructures: Effect of strain” Phys. Rev. B77, 094505(2008).
He, J. C. Zheng, Y. Zhu, S Cuahdhuri and R. C. Budhani, “Self organization of La0.35Pr0.25MnO3 nanorods on NdGaO3 substrates” J. Appl. Phys. 103, 06434 (2008).
Soumen Mandal and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetization depinning transition, anisotropic magnetoresistance, and inplane anisotropy in two polytypes of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 epitaxial films” J. Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 320, 3323(2008).
Soumen Mandal, R. C. Budhani, J. He and Y. Zhu, “Diverging giant magnetoresistance in the superconducting state of La2/3Sr1/3MnO3-Y1-xPrxBa2Cu3O7-La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 ferromagnet-superconductor-ferromagnet trilayers” Phys. Rev. B 78, 094502(2008).
S. K. Bose, R. Sharma and R. C. Budhani, “Percolative spin-dependent transport in mesoscopic epitaxial Fe plaquettes of tailored connectivity” Phys. Rev. B 78, 115403(2008).
S. K. Bose, K. Senapati and R. C. Budhani, “Design and fabrication of cryogenic probe for penetration depth measurements down to 1.8K” J. Phys. Conf. Sr. (LT25) 150, 012005(2009).
P. K. Muduli, R. C. Budhani, D. Topwal and D. D. Sarma, “Spin polarized electron tunneling in polycrystalline Sr2FeMoO6 thin films” J. Phys. Conf. Sr. (LT25) 150, 042132(2009).
P. K. Muduli and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetotransport in polycrystalline La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 films of controlled grain size” J. Appl. Phys. 105, 113910(2009).
P. K. Muduli and R. C. Budhani, “Tailoring exchange bias in half-metallic La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 for spin valves” Appl. Phys. Lett. 94, 202510(2009).
S. K. Bose and R. C. Budhani, “Robust coupling of SC order parameter in a mesoscale NbN-Fe-NbN epitaxial structure”, Appl. Phys. Letts.95, 042507(2009).
Anupam , P C Joshi , P K Rout, Z Hossain and R C Budhani, “Charge transport and magnetic ordering in laser ablated Co2FeSi thin films epitaxially grown on (1 0 0) SrTiO3”, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 43, 255002 (2010).
S. Chaudhuri, N. K. Pandey, Shrikant Saini, and R. C. Budhani, “Dynamics of a robust photo-induced insulator-metal transition driven by coherent and broad-band light in epitaxial films of La0.625-yPryCa0.375MnO3” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 22, 275502 (2010).
Udai Raj Singh, S. Chaudhuri, Anirban Dutta, R. C. Budhani, and Anjan K. Gupta “Evidenceof mobile carriers with charge-ordering gap in epitaxial Pr0.625Ca0.375MnO3 thin films”, Phys. Rev. B 81, 155120 (2010).
P. K. Rout and R. C. Budhani, “Interface superconductivity in La1.48Nd0.4Sr0.12CuO4/ La1.84Sr0.16CuO4 bilayers”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 024518 (2010).
Rastogi, A. K. Kushwaha, T. Shiyani, A. Gangwar, and R. C. Budhani, “ Electrically tunable optical switching of a Mott insulator-band insulator interface”, Advanced Materials 22, 4448 (2010)
Devendra Kumar, K. P. Rajeev, A. K. Kushwaha, and R. C. Budhani “Heterogeneous nucleation and metal-insulator transition in epitaxial films of NdNiO3”, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 063503 (2010).
S. K. Bose and R. C. Budhani “Flux-closure pattern in a two-dimensional NbN–Fe superconductor-ferromagnet nanocomposite: Anisotropy of the angular Magnetoresistance”, J. Appl. Phys. 108, 103916 (2010).
J. Biscaras, N. Bergeal, A. Kushwaha, T. Wolf, A. Rastogi, R.C. Budhani and J. Lesueur, “Two-dimensional superconductivity at a Mott insulator/band insulator interface LaTiO3/SrTiO3” Nature Communications 1, 89 (2010)
J. Q. He, V. V. Volkov, T. Asaka, S. Chaudhuri, R. C. Budhani, and Y. Zhu, “ Competing two-phase coexistence in doped manganites: Direct observations by in situ Lorentz electron microscopy”, Phys. Rev. B 82, 224404 (2010).
A.J. Qviller, V.V. Yurchenko, K. Eliassen, J.I. Vestgården, T.H. Johansen, M.R. Nevala, I.J. Maasilta, K. Senapati, and R.C. Budhani, “Irreversibility of the threshold field for dendritic flux avalanches in superconductors”, Physica C 470, 897 (2010).
Gyanendra Singh, P. C. Joshi and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetic inhomogenities and spin reorientation dependent magnetoresistance in HoNi5 thin films”, J. Appl. Phys. 109, 113915(2011).
J. J. Pulikkotil, S. Auluck, Pramod Kumar, Anjana Dogra, and R. C. Budhani, “Energetics and electronic structure of La/Sr disorder at the interface of SrTiO3/LaTiO3 heterostructure” Appl. Phys. Lett. 99, 081915 (2011).
A. Rastogi and R C Budhani, “Solar blind photoconductivity in three – terminal devices of LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures” Optics Letters 317, 37(2012).
Gyanendra Singh, P.C. Joshi, and R.C. Budhani, “Non-planar spin texture driven dissipation in a ferromagnet–superconductor bilayer” Physica C 472, 44 (2012).
Himansu Pandey, P. C. Joshi, R. P. Pant, R. Prasad, S. Auluck, and R. C. Budhani, “Evolution of ferromagnetic and spin wave resonances with crystalline order in thin films of full – Heusler alloy Co2MnSi” J. Appl. Phys. 111, 023912(2012).
M. Golosovsky, P. Monod, P. K. Muduli and R. C. Budhani, “Low field microwave absorption in epitaxial La0.7Sr0.3MnO3 films that results from the angle-tuned ferromagnetic resonance in the multidomain state” Phys. Rev. B 85, 184418(2012).
J. Biscaras, N. Bergeal, S. Hurand, C. Grossetete, A. Rastogi, R. C. Budhani, D. LeBoeuf, C. Proust and J. Lesueur, “Two-dimensional superconducting phase in LaTiO3/SrTiO3 Heterostructures Induced by High-mobility carrier doping” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 247004(2012).
Gyanendra Singh, P. K. Rout, Rajni Porwal, and R. C. Budhani, “Strain induced magnetic domain evolution and spin reorientation transition in epitaxial manganite films” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 022411(2012).
A. Rastogi, J. J. Pullikotil, S. Auluck, Z. Hossain and R. C. Budhani, “Photoconducting state and its perturbation by electrostatic fields in oxide-based two-dimensional electron gas” Phys. Rev. B 86, 075127(2012).
P. K. Rout, P. C. Joshi, Rajni Porwal and R. C. Budhani, “Electronic reconstruction and enhanced superconductivity at La1.6-xNd0.4SrxCuO4/La1.55Sr0.45CuO4 bilayer interface” Europhys.Lett. 98, 67007 (2012).
A. Bhardwaj, D. K. Misra, J. J. Pulikkotil, S. Auluck, A. Dhar, and R. C. Budhani, “Implications of nanostructuring on the thermoelectric properties in half-Heusler alloys” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 133103 (2012).
J. J. Pulikkotil, D. J. Singh, S. Auluck, M. Saravanan, D. K. Misra, A. Dhar, and R. C. Budhani, “Doping and temperature dependence of thermoelectric properties in Mg2(Si,Sn)” Phys. Rev. B 86, 155204 (2012).
Bhaskar Kanseri, Hem Chandra Kandpal, and R. C. Budhani, “Far field spectrum in Surface plasmon-assisted Young's double-slit interferometer” Opt. Commun. 285, 4811 (2012).
Sivaiah Bathula, M. Jayasimhadri, Nidhi Singh, A. K. Srivastava, Jiji Pulikkotil, Ajay Dhar, and R. C. Budhani, “Enhanced thermoelectric figure-of-merit in spark plasma sintered nanostructured n-type SiGe alloys” Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 213902 (2012).
J. J. Pulikkotil, S. Auluck, P. K. Rout and R. C. Budhani, “Effect of pressure on itinerant magnetism and spin disorder in cubic FeGe” J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 24, 096003 (2012).
A. Bhardwaj, A. Rajput, A. K. Shukla, J. J. Pulikkotil, A. K. Srivastava, A. Dhar, Govind Gupta, S. Auluck, D. K. Misra, and R. C. Budhani, “Mg3Sb2-based Zintl compound: a non-toxic, inexpensive and abundant thermoelectric material for power generation” RSC Adv. 3, 8504 (2013).
Vijaykumar Toutam, Himanshu Pandey, Sandeep Singh, and R. C. Budhani, “Formation Of double ring patterns on Co2MnSi Heusler alloy thin film by anodic oxidation under scanning probe microscope” AIP Advances 3, 022124 (2013).
Dushyant Kumar, P. C. Joshi, Z. Hossain, and R. C. Budhani, “Spin polarized carrier injection from full Heusler alloy Co2MnSi into superconducting NbN” Appl. Phys. Lett. 102, 112409 (2013).
Himanshu Pandey and R. C. Budhani, “Structural ordering driven anisotropic magnetoresistance, anomalous Hall resistance, and its topological overtones in full-Heusler Co2MnSi thin films” J. Appl. Phys. 113, 203918 (2013).
J. Biscaras, N. Bergeal, S. Hurand, C. Feuillet-Palma, A. Rastogi, R. C. Budhani, M. Grilli, S.Caprara, and J. Lesueur, “Multiple quantum criticality in a two-dimensional superconductor” Nature Materials 12, 542 (2013).
S. Caprara, J. Biscaras, N. Bergeal, D. Bucheli, S. Hurand, C. Feuillet-Palma, A. Rastogi, R. C. Budhani, J. Lesueur, and M. Grilli, “Multiband superconductivity and nanoscale inhomogeneity at oxide interfaces” Phys. Rev. B 88, 020504 (Rapid Communication) (2013).
Saravanan Muthiah, Jiji Pulikkotil, A. K. Srivastava, Ashok Kumar, B. D. Pathak, Ajay Dhar and R. C. Budhani, “Conducting grain boundaries enhancing thermoelectric performance in doped Mg2Si” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 053901 (2013).
Gyanendra Singh, P. C. Joshi, Z. Hossain, and R. C. Budhani, “Reentrant superconductivity in HoNi5-NbN-HoNi5 nanostructures” Europhys. Lett. 103, 47013 (2013).
Anurag Gupta, Gyanendra Singh, Dushyant Kumar, Hari Kishan, and R. C. Budhani, “Giant coercivity enhancement and dimensional crossover of superconductivity in Co2FeSi-NbN nanoscale bilayers” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 182602 (2013).
P. K. Rout, Himansu Pandey, Lijun Wu, Anupam, P. C. Joshi, Z. Hossain, Yimei Zhu and R. C. Budhani, “Two-dimensional electron-gas-like charge transport at the interface between a magnetic Heusler alloy and SrTiO3” Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Communication) 89, 020401(2014).
Himansu Pandey, P. K. Rout, Anupam, P. C. Joshi, Z. Hossain and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetoelastic coupling and induced magnetic anisotropy in Co2(Fe/Mn)Si thin films” Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 022402(2014).
M. Kaur, S. Husale, D. Varadani, A. Gupta, T. D. Senguttuvn, B. R. Mehta and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetization reversal and dynamics in non-interacting NiFe mesoscopic ring arrays” J. Appl. Phys. 115, 163905(2014).
A. Rastogi, JiJi Pullikotil and R. C. Budhani, “Enhanced persistent photoconductivity in d-doped LaAlO3/SrTiO3 heterostructures, Phys. Rev. B 89, 12527(2014).
A. Rastogi, S. Tiwari, J. J. Pulikkotil, Z. Hossain, D. Kumar and R. C. Budhani,“Delta-doped LaAlO3-SrTiO3 interface: Electrical transport and characterization of the interface potential”, Europhys. Lett. 106, 57002(2014).
S. Das, A. Rastogi, Lijun Wu, J C Zheng, Z. Hossain, Yimei Zhu and R C Budhani “Enhanced spin – orbit interaction and Kondo scattering in delat-doped LaTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces” Phys. Rev. B Rapid Communication 90, 081107(2014).
S. Das, A. Rastogi, P. C. Joshi, Z. Hossain and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetothermopower of d-doped LaTiO3/SrTiO3 interfaces in the Kondo regime” Phys. Rev. B 90, 075133(2014).
J. Biscaras, S. Hurand, C. Feuillet-Palma, A. Rastogi, R. C. Budhani, N. Reyren, E. Lesne, J. Lesueur and N. Bergeal, “Limit of electrostatic doping in two-dimensional electron gases at LaXO3(X=Al, Ti)/SrTiO3” Scientific Reports 4, 6788(2014).
P. Kumar, A. Dogra, P. P. S. Bhaduria, A Gupta, K. K. Maurya and R. C. Budhani, “Enhanced spin-orbit coupling and charge carrier density suppression in LaAl1-xCrxO3/SrTiO3 hetero-interfaces”, J Phys. Condens. Matter 27, 125007(2015).
Dushyant Kumar, Z. Hossain and R. C. Budhani “Dynamics of photo-generated non-equilibrium electronic states in Ar+ ion irradiated SrTiO3” Phys. Rev. B 91, 205117(2015).
M. Kaur, M. Raju, M. Varandani, A. Gupra, T. D. Senguttuvan, B. R. Mehta and R. C. Budhani “Reversal and thermal stability of ordered moments in nanorings of perpendicular anisotropy Co/Pd multilayers” J. Phys. D Appl. Phys. 48, 295005(2015).
P. P. S. Bhadauria, Anurag Gupta, Pramod Kumar, Anjana Dogra, and R. C. Budhani“Fiber optic transport probe for Hall measurements under light and magnetic field at low temperatures: Case study of a two dimensional electron gas” Rev. Sci. Instr 86, 056107(2015).
Dushyant Kumar and R. C. Budhani "Defect-induced photoluminescence of strontium titanate and its modulation by electrostatic gating" Phys. Rev. B 92, 235115 (2015).
Selected Publications in International Journals (before the year 2000)
C. Roy and R. C. Budhani, “Raman, infrared and x-ray diffraction study of phase stability in LaBaMnO”, J. Appl. Phys., 85, 3124(1999).
S. Patnaik, R. C. Budhani and D. W. Hazelton, “Anisotropy dominated radio frequency vortex dynamics in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 thick film on silver tape”, Physica C325, 210(1999).
S. Patnaik, Kanwaljeet Singh and R. C. Budhani, “Apparatus for vortex dynamics studies in high Tc samples using closed cycle refrigerator and rf oscillators”, Rev. Sci. Instr. 17, 1494 (1999).
S. Patnaik, R. C. Budhani, Y. L. Wang and M. Suenaga, “Radio frequency vortex dynamics studies in oriented platelets of Bi-2223 superconductor”, Physica C309, 221(1999).
Chaitali Roy and R. C. Budhani, “Infrared and Raman active phonons in hexagonal BaMnO3”, Phys. Rev. B58, 8174(1998).
R. C. Budhani, J. O. Willis, M. Suenaga, M. P. Maley, J. Y. Coulter, H. Safar, J. L. Ullman and P. Haldhar, “Studies of flux pinning by proton induced fission tracks in multifilamentary tape of (BiPb)2Sr2CaCu3O10 superconductors”, J. Appl. Phys. 82, 3014 (1997).
M. Suenaga, Y. Fukomoto, H. J. Weismann, P. Haldar and R. C. Budhani, “Effects of ac transport currents on ac losses by the magnetically induced current in a Ag sheathed Bi(2223) tape”, IEEE Trans. Appl. Supercon. 7, 1474(1997).
J. Zhang, L. E. DeLong, V. Majidi and R. C. Budhani, “Nonlinear dynamics of magnetic vortices in single-crystal and ion -damaged NbSe2”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 53, 8851(1996).
R. C. Budhani, “Bose glass behavior of the mixed state in high Tc films with correlated disorder”, Indian J. of Pure and Appl. Physics, 33, 485(1995).
Hongjie Dai, Seokown Yoon, Jie Liu, R. C. Budhani and C. M. Lieber. “Direct observation of columnar defects and magnetic flux lines in high temperature Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 Superconductors”, Science, 265, 1552(1994).
R. C. Budhani, B. D. Weaver and W. L. Holstein, “Disorder induced reduction of the anomalous Hall voltage in proton and Ag+21 ion irradiated Tl2Ba2Ca1Cu2O8 epitaxial films”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 50, 3499(1994).
M. Chung, Y. K. Kuo, Zhigang Xu, L. E. DeLong, J. W. Brill and R. C. Budhani, “Effects of transport current and columnar defects on the rf penetration depth of NbSe3”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.) 50, 1329(1994).
R. C. Budhani, W. L. Holstein and M. Suenaga’ “Columnar defect-indiced resistivity minima and Bose glass scaling of linear dissipation in Tl2Ba2Ca1Cu2O8 epitaxial films”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 72, 566(1994).
R. C. Budhani, S. H. Liou and Z. X. Cai, “Diminishing sign anomaly and scaling behavior of the mixed-state Hall resistivity in Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 films containing columnar defects”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 621(1993)
Yimei Zhu, Z. X. Cai, R. C. Budhani, D. O. Welch and M. Suenaga, “Studies of structures and properties of superconducting oxides irradiated with several-hundred MeV heavy ions”, Phys. Rev. B 48, 6436(1993).
R. C. Budhani, M. Suenaga and S. H. Liou, “Giant suppression of flux flow resistivity in heavy-ion irradiated Tl2Ba2Ca2Cu3O10 films, influence of linear defects on vortex transport”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3816(1992).
Yimei Zhu, R. C. Budhani, Z. X. Cai, D. O. Welch , M. Suenaga, R. Yoshizaki and H. Ikeda, “Structure of Au+24 ion irradiation induced defects in high Tc superconductors”, Phil. Mag. Lett. 67, 125(1993).
R. C. Budhani, Y Zhu and M. Suenaga, “The effects of heavy-ion-irradiation on superconductivity in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x epitaxial films”, IEEE Trans. on Superconcuctivity (1993).
R. C. Budhani and M. Suenaga, “Heavy ion irradiation and the vortex-glass description of the mixed state in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x epitaxial thin films”, Solid State Commun. 84, 831(1992)
R. C. Budhani, Y Zhu and M. Suenaga, “Effects of 300 MeV Au+24 ions on superconductivity in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x epitaxial films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 61, 985(1992).
M. Suenaga, D. O. Welch and R. C. Budhani, “Magnetically measured irreversibility temperatures in superconducting oxides and alloys”, Supercond. Sci. Technol. 5, S1(1992).
R. C. Budhani, M. Suenaga and D. O. Welch, “Pinning, creep and possible melting in the mixed state of NbZr thin films”, Solid State Commun. 81, 179(1992).
R. C. Budhani, L. Lysena, D. DeMarzio H. Wiesmann and G. P. Williams, “Electrodynamics of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x films deduced from submillimeter synchrotron-radiation transmittance measurements”, Phys. Rev. B44, 7087 (1991).
R. C. Budhani, D. O. Welch, M. Suenaga and R. L. Sabatini, “Field induced broadening of the resistive transition and two dimentional nature of flux pinning in Y2Ba4Cu8O16 films”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 64, 1666(1990).
R. C. Budhani, M. W. Ruckman, R. L. Sabatini, M. Suenaga and D. O. Welch, “Critical current density and upper critical field for epitaxial Y2Ba4Cu8O16 films”, Solid State Commun, 73, 337 (1990).
R. C. Budhani, M. Suenaga and D. O. Welch, “The origin of magnetic field dependent resistive losses in epitaxial films of Y2Ba4Cu8O16”, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 35, 205 (1990).
T. R. Yang, S. Perkowitz, G. L. Carr, R. C. Budhani, G. P. Williams and C. J. Hirschmugl, “Infrared properties of single crystal MgO, a substrate for high temperature superconducting films”, Appl. Optics 29, 332(1990).
G. P. Williams, R. C. Budhani, C. J. Hirschmugl, G. L. Carr, S. Perkowitz, B. Louand T.R.Yang, “Infrared synchrotron transmission measurements on YlBa2Cu3O7-x in the gap and supercurrent regions”, Phys. Rev., B41, 4752 (1990).
R. C. Budhani and M. W. Ruckman, “Modification of Y2Ba4Cu8O16 thin film surfaces by interaction with a radio frequency excited oxygen plasma”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 55, 2354(1989).
R. C. Budhani, Youwen Xu, H. Wiessmann, M. W. Ruckmann and R. L. Sabatini, “Structural reorientation effects in coevaporated thin films of high Tc Dy-Ba-Cu-O compounds”, J. Appl. Phys., 66, 4896(1989).
B. Nielson, K. G. Lynn and R. C. Budhani, “Thin film superconductor probed with variable energy positrons”, Bull. Am. Phys. Soc. 691, 34(1989).
T. Wong, W. T. Chou, T. Skotheim, R. C. Budhani, M. Suenaga and Y. Okamoto, “High Tc superconductors from metallorganic precursors”, Synthetic Metals, 29, F621(1989).
R. C. Budhani, Sing Mo H. Tzeng and R.F.Bunshah, “Metal insulator transition and superconductivity in Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x”, Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Commun.), 36, 8873(1987).
R. C. Budhani, S.H. Tzeng, H. J. Doerr and R. F. Bunshah, “Preparation of superconducting films of Y1Ba2Cu3O7-x by screen printing method”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 51, 1277(1987).
R. C. Budhani R. F. Bunshah and Paul Flinn, “Hydrogen out-diffusion and stress relaxation in plasma deposited silicon nitrogen alloys”, Appl. Phys. Lett., 52, 284(1988).
J. S. Lin, R. C. Budhani and R. F. Bunshah, “Effects of substrate bias on the resistivity of reactively sputtered Mo and MoxSi1-x films”, Thin Solid Films, 165, 243(1988).
Jagriti Singh and R. C. Budhani, “Nitrogen doping in hydrogenated amorphous silicon”, Solid State Commun. 64, 349(1987).
Jagriti Singh and R.C. Budhani, “Chemical structure of nitrogen in amorphous silicon matrix”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 51, 978(1987).
S. Prakash, R. C. Budhani and R. F. Bunshah, “Devolopment of thin film temperature sensors for high performance turbo jet engines”, Materials Res. Bulletin, 23, 187(1988).
R. C. Budhani, S. Prakash, H. J. Doerr and R. F. Bunshah, “Structural order in Si-N and Si-N-O alloys deposited by plasma assisted chemical vapour deposition process”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A5, 1644(1987).
R. C. Budhani, R. F. Bunshah, T. T. Bardin and J. G. Pronko, “Electrical and metallurgical characteristics of PtxSi1-x/nGaAs contacts”, J. Appl. Phys., 61, 1225(1987).
R. C. Budhani, S. Prakash, H. J. Doerr, C. V. Deshpandey and R. F. Bunshah, “Role of some pretreatments on the oxidation behavior of Ni-Co-Cr-Al-Y coatings”, Mat. Sci. Eng., 85, 165(1987).
R. C. Budhani, S. Prakash, H. J. Doerr and R. F. Bunshah, “Oxygen enhanced adhesion of platinum films deposited on thermally grown alumina surfaces”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A4, 3023(1986).
J. Lin, R. C. Budhani, G. Pollack, C. V. Deshpandey and R. F. Bunshah, “Metastable phase formation in reactively sputtered WxSi1-x films”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A4, 3117(1986).
T. T. Bardin, J. G. Pronko, R. C. Budhani and R. F. Bunshah, “Hydrogen induced changes in the metallurgical interactions at PtSi-Si interfaces”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A4, 3121(1986).
R. C. Budhani, S. Prakash and R. F. Bunshah, “Thin film temperature sensors for gas turbine engines: problems and prospects”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A6, 2609(1986).
H. Memarian, R. C. Budhani, H. J. Doerr, C. V. Deshpandey and R. F. Bunshah, “Wear characteristics of TiC-Al2O3 coatings”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A3 , 2434(1985).
S.Prakash, R. C. Budhani, H.J. Doerr, C. V. Deshpandey and R. F. Bunshah, “Pretreatment effects on the morphology and properties of aluminum oxide thermally grown on Ni- Co- Cr- Al- Y” , J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A3, 2434 (1985).
R. C. Budhani, B. P. O'Brien, H. J. Doerr, C.V. Deshpandey and R. F. Bunshah, “Structural and electrical characterization of reactively sputtered PtxSi1-x”, J. Vac. Sci. Technol., A3, 2283(1985).
R. C. Budhani, B. P. O'Brian, H. J. Doerr, C. V. Deshpandey and R. F. Bunshah, “Preparation of platinum silicides by reactive sputtering of Pt in SiH4 plasma”, J. Appl. Phys., 57, 5477(1985).
R. C. Budhani, H. Memerian, H. J. Doerr, C. V. Deshpandey and R. F. Bunshah, “Microstructure and mechanical properties of TiC-Al2O3 coatings”, Thin Solid Films, 118, 293(1984).
Jagriti Singh, R. C. Budhani and K. L. Chopra, “Electrical and optical properties of amorphous hydrogenated silicon prepared by reactive ion beam sputtering”, J. Appl. Phys., 56, 1097(1984).
P. Sen, D. D. Sharma, R. C. Budhani, K. L. Chopra and C. N. R. Rao, “An electron spectroscopic study of the surface oxidation of glassy and crystalline Cu-Zr alloys”, J. Phys. F, Metal Physics, 14, 565(1984).
R. C. Budhani, A. Banerjee, T. C. Goel and K. L. Chopra, “XPS study of glassy and crystalline Pd80Ge20 Alloys”, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 55, 93(1983).
R. C. Budhani, S. Rajagopalan, A. Banerjee, T. C. Goel and K. L. Chopra, “Electronic states in amorphous and crystalline Pd-Ge alloys”, Thin Solid Films, 89, 73(1982).
R. C. Budhani, T. C. Goel and K. L. Chopra, “Transformation behaviour of metastable phases in rapidly quenched Pd-Ge alloys”, J. Mat. Sci., 18, 571(1983).
R. C. Budhani,T. C. Goel and K. L. Chopra, “Electron transport properties of glassy and crystalline Pd-Ge alloys”, J. Phys. F, Metal Physics, 13, 129 (1983).
R. C. Budhani, T. C. Goel and K. L. Chopra, “Thermal stability of Cu-Zr metallic glasses”, Proc. Rapidly Quenched Mat. 65 (1982).
R. C. Budhani, D. Akhtar, T. C. Goel and K. L. Chopra, “Structural and electrical properties of splat-quenched Bismuth”, Vac. News 11, 11 (1981).
R. C. Budhani, T. C. Goel and K. L. Chopra, “Melt-spinning technique for the preparation of metallic glasses”, Bulletin of Mater. Sci., 4, 549(1982).