79. R Singh, S Arora, D Kunzru, S Sivakumar “Ultrasmall Ni-Promoted WS2 Nanocatalyst with Enhanced Number of Edge Atoms for Hydrodesulfurization ” Energy & Fuels 34 (1), 749-757 (2019) ([Link])
78. S Sasmal, R Pala, S Sivakumar, S Valiyaveettil “Selective adsorption induced systematic relaxation of dimensional confinement: New mechanistic insight in gas induced band gap tuning of methylammonium lead iodide film ” Abstracts Of Papers Of The American Chemical Society 258 (2019) ([Link])
77. CK Rastogi, S Saha, V Kusuma, RGS Pala, J Kumar, S Sivakumar “All Precursors Are Not Equal: Morphology Control via Distinct Precursors-Facet Interaction in Eu3+doped NaLa (WO4) 2 ” Crystal Growth & Design (2019) ([Link])
76. GP Sharma, RGS Pala, S Sivakumar “Ultrasmall NiMoO4 robust nanoclusters-active carbon composite for high performance extrinsic pseudocapacitor ” Electrochimica Acta (2019) ([Link])
75. A Gupta, S Shervani, F Amaladasse, S Sivakumar, K Balani “ Enhanced reversible hydrogen storage in nickel nano hollow spheres International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 44 (39), 22032-22038 (2019)” ([Link])
74. S Sasmal, SK Sharma, S Chatterjee, AJ Pal, SP Turaga, AA Bettiol “ Gas Induced Confinement-Deconfinement Interplay in Organic-Inorganic Hybrid Perovskite Thin Film Results in Systematic Band Modulation”ACS applied materials & interfaces (2019) ([Link])
73. K Rashmi, S Sivakumar, RGS Pala “Coherency and Lattice Misfit Strain Critically Constrains Electron-Hole Separation in Isomaterial and Heteromaterial Type-II Heterostructures” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2019)( https://pubs.acs.org/doi/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b08451)
72. A Gupta, S Shervani, P Rani, S Sivakumar, K Balani, A Subramaniam “Hybrid hollow structures for hydrogen storage” International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.(2019) (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0360319919313606)
71. Priyanka Srivastava, Madhu Verma, Sri Sivakumar, Ashis K Patra “A smart FRET probe exhibiting a molecular keypad lock device based on rapid detection of nitric oxide mediated by Cu2+ ion” Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. (2019) (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0925400519306161)
70. Payal Srivastava, Ramranjan Mishra, Madhu Verma, Sri Sivakumar, Ashis K Patra “Cytotoxic ruthenium (II) polypyridyl complexes with naproxen as NSAID: Synthesis, biological interactions and antioxidant activity” Polyhedron (2019) (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0277538719302566)

69. Srikanth Dasari, Swati Singh, Priyaranjan Kumar, Sri Sivakumar, Ashis K Patra “Near-infrared excited cooperative upconversion in luminescent Ytterbium (ΙΙΙ) bioprobes as light-responsive theranostic agents” European journal of medicinal chemistry 163, 546-559.(2019) (https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S022352341831047X)

68. Vishnu Prasad Shrivastava, Jitendra Kumar, Sri Sivakumar “Enhanced Green Upconversion Emission From α-NaYF4:Yb, Er Nanoparticles Embedded Silica Inverse Opal Heterostructure” ChemPhotoChem 2 (8), 734-742 (2018) (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cptc.201800079)
67. Sulay Saha, Raj Ganesh S Pala, Sri Sivakumar “Catalyzing Cubic-to-Hexagonal Phase Transition in NaYF4via Ligand Enhanced Surface Ordering” Crystal Growth & Design 18 (9), 5080-5088 (2018) (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.cgd.8b00535)

66. Sayantan Sasmal, Suresh Valiyaveettil, Arun P Upadhyay, Raj Ganesh S Pala, Sri Sivakumar, Dharmadoss Sornadurai, Chakram S Sundar “Alkyne-modified water-stable alkylammonium lead (II) iodide perovskite” MRS Communications 8 (2), 289-296 (2018) (https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/mrs-communications/article/alkynemodified-waterstable-alkylammonium-leadii-iodide-perovskite/770A4D10DF2AD0A49763735937C18FD9)

Koshal Kishor, Alhad Parashtekar, Sulay Saha, Sri Sivakumar, Janakaraman Ramkumar, Raj Ganesh S Pala “Rational design strategy for optimization of clamping pressure to minimize contact resistance between electrode and current collector while preserving porosity of electrodes in water electrolyzers” The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering 96 (4), 881-885 (2018)(https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cjce.23036)
Debadrita Bhattacharya, Sulay Saha, Vishnu Prasad Shrivastava, Raj Ganesh S Pala, Sri Sivakumar “Designing Coupled Quantum Dots with ZnS–CdSe Hybrid Structures for Enhancing Exciton Lifetime” The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (16), 9198-9208 (2018) (https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b01210)

Sayantan Sasmal, Arup Sinha, Bruno Donnadieu, Raj Ganesh S Pala, Sri Sivakumar, Suresh Valiyaveettil “ Volatility and Chain Length Interplay of Primary Amines: Mechanistic Investigation on the Stability and Reversibility of Ammonia Responsive Hybrid Perovskites. ”
, ACS applied materials & interfaces . (2018) [Link]

Payal Srivastava, Khushbu Singh, Madhu Verma, Sri Sivakumar, Ashis K Patra “ Photoactive platinum (II) complexes of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen: Interaction with biological targets, antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity ”
, European journal of medicinal chemistry . 144 , 243-254 (2018) [Link]

Sunanda Sahanaa,Gargi Mishra,Sri Sivakumar,Parimal K.Bharadwaja “ 2-(2'-Hydroxyphenyl)-benzothiazole (HBT)-terpyridine conjugate: A highly specific ICT based fluorescent probe for Zn2+ ions and its application in confocal cell imaging ”
, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry (2018) [Link]

S Sahana, G Mishra, S Sivakumar, PK Bharadwaj “Rhodamine ‐Cyclohexane diamine based “turn-on” fluorescence chemosensor for Cr 3+: Photophysical & confocal cell imaging studies ”
, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 351, 42-49 (2018) . [Link]
Meenakshi Gupta, Himanshu Pandey, Sri Sivakumar “Intracellular Delivery of β‐Galactosidase Enzyme Using Arginase-Responsive Dextran Sulfate/Poly-l-arginine Capsule for Lysosomal Storage Disorder ”
, ACS Omega 2 (12), 9002-9012 (2017) . [Link]
Vishnu Prasad Shrivastava, Jitendra Kumar, and Sri Sivakumar “On the controlled isotropic shrinkage induced fine-tuning of photo-luminescence in terbium ions embedded silica inverse opal films ”
, AIP Advances 7, 125027 (2017) . [Link]
P Srivastava, K Singh, M Verma, S Sivakumar, AK Patra “ Photoactive platinum (II) complexes of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug naproxen: Interaction with biological targets, antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity ”
, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry (2017) . [Link]

S. Saha, M. Gyanprakash, R. Khan, S. Sivakumar, and R. G. S. Pala “Engineering Semiconductor Interfaces Via Non-Native Nanostructures to Facilitate Electron-Hole Separation ”
, ECS Transactions . 77 (6) 85-94 (2017) [Link]
Ganesh Iyer, Suboohi Shervani, Gargi Mishra, Deb De, Arun Kumar, Sri Sivakumar, Kantesh Balani, Raj Pala, and Anandh Subramaniam,“Poisson effect driven anomalous lattice expansion in metal nanoshells ”
, Applied Physics Letters . (2017) [Link]
Venkata Sudheendra Buddhiraju,Rudra Kumar,Dr. Ashutosh Sharma, and Dr. Sri Sivakumar “Structurally stable hollow mesoporous graphitized carbon nanofibers embedded with NiMoO4 nanoparticles for high performance asymmetric supercapacitors ”
, Electrochimica Acta . 238, 337-348.(2017) [Link]
Jaishree Jeyaraman, Anna Malecka, Poonam Billimoria, Akansha Shukla, Barsha Marandi, Poulam M. Patel, Andrew M. Jackson, Sri Sivakumar “ Immuno-silent polymer capsules encapsulating nanoparticles for bioimaging applications ”
, Journal of Materials Chemistry B: Materials for Biology and Medicine . (2017), 5(26), 5251-5258. [Link]

Pratibha, Swati Singh, Sri Sivakumar, Verma, Sandeep “ Purine-Based Fluorescent Sensors for Imaging Zinc Ions in HeLa Cells; (2017), 2017(36), 4202-4209 ”
, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry . 2017(36), 4202-4209 [Link]

Gargi Mishra, Souryadeep Bhattacharyya, Vipul Bhatia, Bushra Ateeq, Ashutosh Sharma, and Sri Sivakumar “ Direct Intra-nuclear Anticancer Drug Delivery via Polydimethylsiloxane
Nanoparticles: In Vitro and In Vivo Xenograft Studies ”
, ACS: Applied Materials and Interfaces . (2017) 9(40), 34625-34633 [Link]

Venkata Sudheendra Buddhiraju,Dr. Ashutosh Sharma, and Dr. Sri Sivakumar “ Structurally stable mesoporous hierarchical NiMoO4 hollow nanofibers for asymmetric supercapacitors with enhanced capacity and improved cycling stability ”
, ChemELECTROChem . (2017) 4,1‐10. [Link]
Ganesh Iyer, Suboohi Shervani, Gargi Mishra, Deb De, Arun Kumar, Sri Sivakumar, Kantesh Balani, Raj Pala, Anandh Subramaniam, “Poisson effect driven anomalous lattice expansion in metal nanoshells ”
, Electrochimica Acta . (2017) 110(13), 131603/1-131603/4. [Link]
Suboohi Shervani, Puspal Mukherjee, Anshul Gupta, Gargi Mishra, Kavya Illath, T. G. Ajithkumar, Sri Sivakumar, Pratik Sen, Kantesh Balani, Anandh Subramaniam “ Multi-mode hydrogen storage in nano-containers”
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy (2017), 42(38), 24256-24262. . [Link]
Chandresh Kumar Rastogi, Shilendra Kumar Sharma, Akshay Patel, G. Parthasarathy, Raj Ganesh S. Pala, Jitendra Kumar, and Sri Sivakumar “ Dopant Induced Stabilization of Metastable Zircon-Type Tetragonal LaVO4 ”
, Journal of Physical Chemistry, ACS Publications . pp 16501‐16512 (2017) [Link]

Sunanda Sahana, Gargi Mishra, Sri Sivakumar, Parimal K. Bharadwaj
“ Highly sensitive and selective “ turn-on ” chemodosimeter based on Cu2+- promoted hydrolysis for nanomolar detection of Cu2+ and its application in confocal cell imaging ”
, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry . 47 ‐54 (2017) [Link]

Khushbu Singh Swati Singh Payal Srivastava Sri Sivakumar and Ashis K. Patra , “ Lanthanoplatins: emissive Eu(III) and Tb(III) complexes staining nucleoli targeted through Pt ‐ DNA crosslinking ”
, Chemical Communications . 6144-6147 (2017) [Link]

Srikanth Dasari, Swati Singh, Sri Sivakumar, Ashis K. Patra,
“A highly selective and sensitive Dual-Sensitized Luminescent Europium(III) and Terbium(III) Complexes as Bioimaging and Light-Responsive Therapeutic Agent”
, Chemistry An European Journal 22 (48). 17387 ‐17396 (2016) [Link]
Nabanita Chatterjee, Binapani Mahaling, Sri Sivakumar, Parimal K. Bharadwaj,
“A highly selective and sensitive “Turn-On” fluorescence chemosensor for the Cu2+ ion in aqueous ethanolic medium and its application in live cell imaging ”
, Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 330 . 110‐116 (2016) [Link]

Koshal Kishor, Sulay Saha, Sri Sivakumar, Raj Ganesh S Pala
“Enhanced water oxidation activity of Co3O4 electrocatalyst on earth abundant metal interlayered hybrid porous carbon support”
, ChemElectroChem 3 (11) . 1899 ‐1907 (2016) [Link]
Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Dilip Kumar Behara, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Maurya Gyanprakash, Raj Ganesh S Pala, Sri Sivakumar
“Fabricating Appropriate Band-Edge-Staggered Hetero-Semiconductors with Optically Activated Au Nanoparticles via Click Chemistry for Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting ”
, ACS Sustainable Chem. & Engg. 4 (9). 4511 ‐4520(2016) [Link]

Jaishree Jeyaraman, Akansha Shukla, Sri Sivakumar
“Targeted Stealth Polymer Capsules Encapsulating Ln3+-Doped LaVO4 Nanoparticles for Bioimaging Applications ”
, ACS Biomaterials Sci. & Engg.2 (6). 1330 ‐ 1340 (2016) [Link]

Dilip Kumar Behara, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Maurya Gyanprakash, Raj Ganesh S Pala, Sri Sivakumar
“Synchronization of charge carrier separation by tailoring the interface of Si-Au-TiO2 heterostructures via click chemistry for PEC water splitting ”
,Chemical Engg Science 154 . 150 ‐169 (2016) [Link]
C. R. Dhanya, Jaishree Jeyaraman, P. A. Janeesh, Akansha Shukla, Sri Sivakumar and Annie Abraham
“Bio-distribution and in vivo/in vitro toxicity profile of PEGylated polymer capsules encapsulating LaVO4:Tb3+ nanoparticles for bioimaging applications ”
, RSc Adv. , 6, 55125-55134. (2016) [Link]

37. Arun Prakash Upadhyay , Chandresh Kumar Rastogi, Raj Ganesh S Pala and Sri Sivakumar
“Desorption Retarded Optically Complemented Multiple Dye-Sensitized Photoelectrochemical Water Splitting System with Enhanced Performance ”
, International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 41 (25), 10727‐10736 (2016). [Link]

36. Rupesh Singh, Deepak Kunzru and Sri Sivakumar
“ Co-promoted MoO3 nanoclusters for hydrodesulfurization ”
, Catal. Sci & Technol. 6 5949-5960 (2016). [Link]

35. Dilip Kumar Behara, Ashok Kumar Ummireddi, Vidyasagar Aragonda, Prashant Kumar Gupta, Raj Ganesh S Pala and Sri Sivakumar
“ Coupled optical absorption, charge carrier separation, and surface electrochemistry in surface disordered/hydrogenated TiO2 for enhanced PEC water splitting reaction ”
, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 18 8364-8377 (2016) . [Link]

34. Shilpi Saxena, Rupesh Singh, Raj Ganesh S Pala and Sri Sivakumar
“ Sinter-resistant gold nanoparticles encapsulated by zeolite nanoshell for oxidation of cyclohexane ”
, RSC Adv. 6 (10), 8015-8020 (2016). [Link]

33. Rupesh Singh, Deepak Kunzru and Sri Sivakumar
“ Monodispersed Ultrasmall NiMo Metal oxide Nanoclusters as Hydrodesulfurization Catalyst ”
, Applied Catalysis B : Environmental, 185 , 163 ‐ 173 (2016). [Link]

32. Amritha Rammohan, Gargi Mishra, Binapani Mahaling, Lokesh Tayal, Ahana Mukhopadhyay, Sanjay Gambhir, Ashutosh Sharma, and Sri Sivakumar
“ PEGylated Carbon Nanocapsule: A Universal Reactor and Carrier for In Vivo Delivery of Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Nanoparticles ”
, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 8 (1), 350 ‐ 362. [Link]

31. Anirban Chandra, Khushbu Singh, Swati Singh, Sri Sivakumar and Ashis K. Patra
“ A luminescent europium(III) ‐ platinum(II) heterometallic complex as a theranostic agent: a proof-of-concept study ”
, Dalton Transaction, 45 , 494-497 (2016). [Link]

30. Sunanda Sahana, Gargi Mishra, Sri Sivakumar and Parimal K. Bharadwaj
“ 2-(2‐Hydroxyphenyl)-benzothiazole (HBT)-quinoline conjugate: Highly specific fluorescent probe for Hg2+ based on ESIPT and its application in bioimaging ”
, Dalton Transaction, 44 , 20139-20146 (2015). [Link]

29. Koshal Kishor, Sulay Saha, Manish Gupta, Anshumaan Bajpai, Moitrayee Chatterjee, Sri Sivakumar, and Raj Ganesh S. Pala
“ Roughened Zn-Doped Ru‐Ti Oxide Water Oxidation Electrocatalysts by Blending Active and Activated Passive Components ”
, ChemElectroChem, 2 (11) , 1839-1846 (2015). [Link]
28. Vishnu Prasad Shrivastava, Sri Sivakumar, and Jitendra Kumar
“ Green Colour Purification in Tb3+ Ions through Silica Inverse Opal Heterostructure ”
, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 7 (22), 11890-11899 (2015). [Link]

27. Gagandeep Kaur, Akansha Shukla, Sri Sivakumar and Sandeep Verma
“Soft structure formation and cancer cell transport mechanisms of a folic acid‐dipeptide conjugate”
, Journal of Peptide Science, 21 (3), 248 ‐ 255 (2015). [Link]
26. Prasenjit Bag, Chandresh Kumar Rastogi,Sourav Biswas, Sivakumar Sri Valeriu Mereacre and Vadapalli Chandrasekhar
“Homodinuclear Lanthanide {Ln2} (Ln = Gd, Tb, Dy, Eu) Complexes Prepared from a o-Vanillin based Ligand: Luminescence and Single-Molecule Magnetism Behavior”
, Dalton Transactions, 44, 4328-4340 (2015). [Link]

25. Chandresh Kumar Rastogi, Sulay Saha, Sri Sivakumar, Raj Ganesh S Pala and Jitendra Kumar
“Kinetically stabilized aliovalent europium-doped magnesium oxide as a UV sensitized phosphor”
, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17, 4600-4608 (2015). [Link]

24. Anisha Thomas, Akansha Shukla,Sri Sivakumar and Sandeep Verma
“Assembly, postsynthetic modification and hepatocyte targeting by multiantennary, galactosylated soft structures”
, Chem. Comm., 50 ,15752-15755 (2014). [Link]

23. Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Prasenjit Sadhukhan, Sudeshna Roy, Raj Ganesh S Pala and Sri Sivakumar,
“Brownian Motion Retarded Polymer-Encapsulated Liquid Crystal Droplets Anchored over Patterned Substrate via Click Chemistry”
, RSC Adv., 4 ,27135-27139 (2014). [Link]

22. P.A Janeesh, Haider Sami, C.R Dhanya, Sri Sivakumar and Annie Abraham
“Immunocompatibility and Toxicity Studies of Poly-L-Lysine Nanocapsules in Sprague Dawely Rats for Drug Delivery Applications”
, Chemical Biology & Drug Design, 84 (3), 292-299 (2014). [Link]
21. P.A Janeesh, Haider Sami, C.R Dhanya, Sri Sivakumar and Annie Abraham,
“Biocompatibility and genotoxicity studies of polyallylamine hydrochloride nanocapsules in rats”
, RSC Adv., 4 ,24484-24497 (2014). [Link]

20. V Venkatesh, Akansha Shukla, Sri Sivakumar, and Sandeep Verma,
“Purine-Stabilized Green Fluorescent Gold Nanoclusters for Cell Nuclei Imaging Applications”
, ACS Applied Material & Interfaces, 6 (3),2185 ‐2191 (2014). [Link]

19. Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Dilip Kumar Behara, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Anshumaan Bajpai, Nicholas Sharac, Regina Ragan, Raj Ganesh S Pala, and Sri Sivakumar,
“Generic Process for Highly Stable Metallic Nanoparticle-Semiconductor Heterostructures via “Click” Chemistry for Electro/Photocatalytic Applications”
, ACS Applied Material & Interfaces, 5 (19), 9554 ‐9562 (2013). [Link]

18. P. Gangwar, M. Pandey, S. Sivakumar, Raj Ganesh S Pala and G. Parthasarathy,
“Increased Loading of Eu3+ Ions in Monazite LaVO4 Nanocrystals via Pressure-Driven Phase Transitions ”
, Crystal Growth and Design. 13 (6), 2344 ‐2349 (2013). [Link]

17. Amritha Rammohan, Lokesh Tayal, Ashok Kumar, Sri Sivakumar and Ashutosh Sharma,
“Fabrication of polymer-modified monodisperse mesoporous carbon particles by
template-based approach for drug delivery ”, RSC Adv., 3,
2008-2016, (2013).

16. Saurabh Singh , Anurodh Tripathi , Chandresh Kumar Rastogi and Sri Sivakumar , “White light from dispersible lanthanide-doped LaVO4 core–shell nanoparticles”
RSC Adv., ,2, 12231-12236 (2012) . [Link]

15. Haider Sami, Auhin Maparu, Ashok Kumar and Sri Sivakumar, “Generic Delivery of Payload of Nanoparticles Intracellularly via Hybrid Polymer Capsules for Bioimaging Applications”
PLos one ,7, 1 , 1-12 (2012). [Link]
14. Debadrita Bhattacharyya, Chanchal Hazra, Pooja Gangwar, Venkataramanan Mahalingam and Sri Sivakumar,
“Microstructural, Optical and Cytotoxicity Studies of Eu3+-Doped
Y2O3 Nanoparticles Prepared by Simple Control of the Chain Length of Cross-Linkers via Pechini Method ”
Science of Adv. Mater., 4 (5-6) , 656-662, (2012). [Link]
Sri Sivakumar, Kim L. Wark, Jugal K. Gupta, Nicholas L. Abbott and Frank Caruso,
“Liquid Crystal Emulsions as the Basis of Biological Sensors for the Optical Detection of Bacteria and Viruses”
Adv. Func. Mater., 19 (14), 2260–2265, (2009). [Link]
Sri Sivakumar, Vipul Bansal,Christina Cortez,
Siow-Feng Chong, Alexander N. Zelikin,
Frank Caruso, “Degradable, Surfactant-Free, Monodisperse Polymer-Encapsulated Emulsions as Anticancer Drug Carriers”
Adv. Mater. , 21, (18), 1820–1824 (2009).[Link]

Sri Sivakumar, J.-C. Boyer, E. Bovero, and F.C.J.M. van Veggel,
"Up-conversion of 980 nm light into white light from sol-gel derived thin film made with new combinations of LaF3:Ln3+ nanoparticles",
J. Mater. Chem.,
19, 2392-2399,

10. J. K. Gupta, Sri Sivakumar, Frank Caruso and Nicholas L. Abbott,
“Size-Dependent Ordering of Liquid Crystals Observed in Polymeric Capsules with Micrometer and Smaller Diameters”,
Anqew. Chem. Int. Ed., 48, 1652-1655 (2009).[Link]

9. Sri Sivakumar, Jugal K. Gupta, Nicholas L. Abbott and Frank Caruso,
“Monodisperse Emulsions through Templating Polyelectrolyte Multilayer Capsules” ,
Chem. Mater., 20 (6), 2063–2065 (2008).[Link]
8. Sri Sivakumar, F.C.J.M. van Veggel, M. Raudsepp, "Sensitized emission from lanthanide-doped (Er3+, Nd3+, and Eu3+ nanoparticles embedded in a semiconductor sol-gel thin film”, ChemPhysChem
, 8(11),1677-1683 (2007).[Link]
7. Sri Sivakumar , Frank C. J. M van Veggel and P. Stanley May, “Near-Infrared (NIR) to Red and Green Up-Conversion Emission from Silica Sol−Gel Thin Films Made with La0.45Yb0.5Er0.05F3
Nanoparticles, Hetero-Looping-Enhanced Energy Transfer (Hetero-LEET): A New Up-Conversion Process”
J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 129 (3), 620-625 (2007).[Link](This paper has been featured in Biophotonics)

6. Sri Sivakumar, F.C.J.M van Veggel,
"Red, Green, and Blue Light Through Co-operative Up-conversion in Sol-gel Thin Films made with Yb0.8La0.15Tb0.05F3
and Yb0.8La0.15Eu0.05F3 Nanoparticles",J. Display Technology, 3, 176-183 (2007).[Link]
5. A.Y.H. Lo, V. Sudarsan, Sri Sivakumar, F. van Veggel, R.W. Schurko,
"Multinuclear Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy of Doped Lanthanum Fluoride Nanoparticles",
J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 129, 4687-4700 (2007).[Link]

4. M. Aloshyna, Sri Sivakumar, M. Venkataramanan, A.G. Brolo, F.C.J.M. van Veggel;
"Significant Suppression of Spontaneous Emission in SiO2 Photonic Crystals made with Tb3+-doped LaF3 Nanoparticles",
J. Phys. Chem. C , 111, 4047-4051 (2007)[Link].
3. Sri Sivakumar, P.R. Diamente, and F.C.J.M. van Veggel, “Silica-coated Ln3+-doped LaF3 nanoparticles as new robust down- and up-converting biolabels ”,
Chem. Eur. J. 12, 5878-5884 (2006).
2. Sri Sivakumar, F.C.J.M. van Veggel, M. Raudsepp,
“Bright white light through up-conversion of a single NIR source from sol-gel derived thin film made with Ln3+ doped LaF3 nanoparticles”
J. Am. Chem. Soc. , 127, 12464-12465 (2005)[Link]
( Featured in Photonics Spectra 2005, Oct issue, p121 and materials@nature.com-nanozone.)

1. V. Sudarsan, Sri Sivakumar, F.C.J.M van Veggel, M. Raudsepp, "A general and convenient method for making highly luminescent sol-gel derived silica and alumina films by using LaF3 nanoparticles doped with lanthanide ions ( Er3+, Nd3+, and Ho3+)",Chem. Mater., 17, 4736-4742 (2005).[Link]

Book Chapters. |
3. Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Dilip Kumar Behara, Gyan Prakash Sharma, Raj Ganesh S. Pala and Sri Sivakumar,
"Self-Directed Assembly of Nanoparticles: A Review on Various Approaches " ,
Advanced Theranostic Materials, Wiley-Scrivener, 297-335 (2015).
2. Dilip K. Behara, Arun Prakash Upadhyay, Gyan P Sharma, B.V. Saikrishna Kiran, Sri Sivakumar and Raj Ganesh S. Pala,
"Heterostructures Based on TiO2 and Silicon for Solar Hydrogen Generation " ,
Advanced Functional Materials, Wiley-Scrivener, 219 (2015).
1.H. Sami, J. Jaishree, Ashok Kumar, S. Sivakumar, "Multifunctional Nano/Micro Polymer Capsules
as Potential Drug Delivery and Imaging Agents, Nanomedicine for Drug Delivery and Therapeutics" ,
edited by A. K. Mishra, Wiley-Scrivener, 229-283 (2012).
Patents. |
19. FCJM Van Veggel, S. Sivakumar, P. R.Diamente , "Functionalized lanthanide rich nanoparticles and use thereof
",US 20080176076 A1 20080724 (2008) Indian patent Filed . |
18. S. Sivakumar, A.Kumar, H. Sami
, "Nanoparticles loaded polymer capsules and process for synthesis and applications thereof
", IN 2011DE00409 A 20121130 (2012) Indian patent Filed
. |
17. R. Ragan, S. Sivakumar, R.G. S. Pala, A. P. Upadhyay
, "Surfaces having nanoparticulate layers and assembly and use thereof
", US 20150065688 A1 20150305 (2015) US patent Filed
. |
Sri Sivakumar, R. G. S. Pala, A. P. Upadhyay, P. Sadhukan
, "Process for immobilization of liquid crystal on solid surface
", IN 2014DE01128 A 20151030 (2015) Indian patent Filed
. |
S. Sivakumar, D. Kunzru, R. Singh, S. Pal
, "Process for synthesis of a catalyst for hydrodesulfurization
", IN 2014DE01590 A 20160831 (2016) Indian patent Filed
. |
S.Sivakumar, A. P. Upadhyay, R. G. S. Pala, R. Ragan
, "Process for production ofdirected assembly of tailored monolayer and multilayers of nanoparticles on a substrate
", IN 2013DE02169 A 20160831 (2016) Indian patent Filed
. |
S.Sivakumar, A. Sharma, G. Mishra, A. Rammohan, L. Tayal
, "Generic fabrication ofhydrophobic/hydrophilic nanoparticle encapsulated carbon capsules for theranosticapplications
", IN 2015DE00570 A 20160831 (2016) Indian patent Filed
. |
S. Sivakumar, S. Saxena, R. Singh, R. G. S. Pala
, "Core-shell sinter resistant nanosphere
", IN 2014DE01440 A 20160831 (2016)Indian patent Filed
. |
S. Sivakumar, D. Kunzru, S. Pal, R. Singh
, "Catalyst for hydrodesulfurization and process for its preparation
", IN 2015DE00394 A 20160831 (2016) Indian patent Filed
. |
S. Sivakumar, R. G. S. Pala, A. P. Upadhyay, D. K. Behara
, "A photoelectrochemical water splitting device
", IN 2015DE00109 A 20160819 (2016) Indian patent Filed
. |
S. Sivakumar, A. Sharma, G. Mishra, S. Bhattacharyya
, "Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) nanoparticles and process of synthesizing the same for ligand free intra-nuclear delivery of drugs
", IN 201711012363 A 20181012 (2018) Indian patent Filed
. |
S. Sivakumar, R. G. S. Pala, S. Valayaveetil, S. Sasmal
, "Self-assembling hydrophobic encapsulating layer for perovskites for enhancing water and for enhancing water and moisture stability
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